This practice goes back many centuries. Galaxy of Starlets. Collective Noun Examples With "Clump"! These can also be called group nouns. collective noun for girlstv tropes discworld quotes. a comb of bananas. collective noun for planets collective noun for planets. A range of mountains. The collective nouns for corn are a shock of corn, a sheaf of corn, and a shock of corn. . As you will discover, many are whimsical as well as instructive (largely based on a quality or association), with a distinctively midwestern flavor. a grove of trees. Common Collective Nouns Used for People A crowd of people A . A sheaf of wheat. Even though the server responded OK, it is possible the submission was not processed. A book of exercises. hedge of bushes. Clump of Trees; Cluster of Bombs; Cluster of Computers; Cluster of Stars; Clutch of Eggs; Collection of Objects; Collective of Nouns; Colony of Fungus; Convoy of Lorries; Perhaps the most extensive early reference was the Book of St Albans (1486) which listed a compilation of matters relating to the interests of the time of a gentleman. More recently, James Lipton produced An Exaltation of Larks (1st ed, 1968) in which he brings to light the term venery - an ancient practice denoting specific groups of individual animals primarily as it relates to the hunt. The Game of Venery, started in the 15th century by English gentry, consists of creating poetic collective nouns and the challenge of knowing and using them appropriately. Collective Noun Denoting Group; . The hotel ordered an extra- long rug for a hallway that is 123 over 2 feet long what is the rugs length in feet and inches? A comb of bananas. Home. an area of small trees (shrubs) in a garden. an album of photographs. Search the name of an animal, bird, or object to find the corresponding collective noun. I await a ruling from professional linguists. I introduced students to wordsmithery and collective nouns in my biology classes often using selections as extra credit on tests. This practice goes back many centuries. Examples of Future Perfect Continuous Tense Future perfect continuous tense is used to describe an action that will be in progress at a specific time, Read More 20 Examples of Future Perfect Continuous TenseContinue, Interview skill will help the person to be exultant in all social situations including work situations and college. an atlas of maps. The collective nouns for bushes are a clump of bushes and a hedge of bushes. Correct: 0. What you will learn today! Check out these examples using Clump as a collective noun. a batch of bread. I offer this contemporary and evolving compilation (see below) for you to use and enjoy. These can also be called group nouns. A chest of drawers. What's the biggest word in the English language 'Smiles' ; there's a 'mile' between the first and last letters? TERMS MOSTLY NOT EMPLOYED (in my list), too generic (i.e., broadly applicable): bag, bale, basket, bed, bouquet, bunch, bundle, cache, clump, cluster, collection, colony, community, covering, crate, field, flat, forest, group, grove, handful, harvest, line, load, orchard, passel, patch, pile, plantation, plot, population, row, sack, stack, stand or tray. a basket of fruit. A collective noun (aka company term) is a word used to describe a collection or group of things, like pack or kennel of dogs. A collective noun is a group of people, animals, or things. Next Question. When we use collective nouns, we often say " a group of ________ ," such as a herd of cattle or a clump of grass . A drop of rain. It means collective noun is a single noun that is made up of more than one thing or person or etc. Accordingly, over the years I have accumulated a list of collective nouns related to gardening and plants -. ) and grain is NOT group / member, but, (many others commonly used - people also could be a collective noun) - sa, traits (greed & ignorance) are spoiling a, horde, infestation, plague, rabble or swarm of, on a stem) alternate, opposite, whorled, also c. on woody & herbaceous), garth, grounds, hedge, herbary, jungle, park, parterre, pinetum, plot, shrubbery or yard, alle, block, drift, mass, maze, topiary), conservatory, glasshouse, greenhouse or hothouse (building - of, bury, nest, trace, trip, warren or wrack of, plant debris, natural or from forest management). a small group of trees circular in shape ( cf. A noun is the name of a person, place, animal, thing, idea, etc. The students liked the practice; many would immediately turn to the bonus section. Perhaps the most extensive early reference was the, a compilation of matters relating to the interests of the time of a gentleman, (1st ed, 1968) in which he brings to light the term venery - an ancient practice denoting specific groups of individual animals primarily as it relates to the hunt. The Game of Venery, started in the 15th century by English gentry, consists of creating poetic collective nouns and the challenge of knowing and using them appropriately. A collective noun is a group of people, animals, or things. A bundle of rags/old clothes. (Examples & List), Helping Verbs (Auxiliary Verbs) in English, Free Printable Adverb Chart (Anchor Chart). These company terms are lifted from various sources (thank you), but some (1/3) are original - my contrivance. What is a Collective Noun You might not know it, but you encounter collective nouns in everyday speech. Example, cattle, family, herd, team, etc. Familiarity with such collective nounsin English can surely make our speech and writing sound better and more elegant. science communication volunteering. TERMS MOSTLY NOT EMPLOYED (in my list), too generic (i.e., broadly applicable): bag, bale, basket, bed, bouquet, bunch, bundle, cache, clump, cluster, collection, colony, community, covering, crate, field, flat, forest, group, grove, handful, harvest, line, load, orchard, passel, patch, pile, plantation, plot, population, row, sack, stack, stand or tray. 100 Examples of Collective Nouns 1.a cluster of coconuts 2.a cloud of dust 3.a clump of bushes 4.a collection of coins 5.a comb of bananas 6.a bevy of ladies 7.a murder of crows 8.a battery of guns 9.a block of flats 10.a book of notes 11.a bouquet of flowers 12.a bowl of rice 13.a bunch of keys 14.a bundle of sticks 15.a catalogue of prices 16.a chest of drawers 17.a nest of mice 18.a pack of . Please contact the developer of this form processor to improve this message. A clump: of trees: A cluster: of grapes, islands, nuts, stars, rings: A clutch: of eggs: A code: of laws: A collection: of coins . If multiple entries, listed alphabetically and without preference. Your email address will not be published. a bank of circuits. Catalog: A list of the price of equipment, things, and substances. List Of 89 Collective Nouns Used For Things And Objects. Nor do I admire or concur with all the choices. Contact THE MAD BOTANIST with corrections and/or additions. Why is it helpful for commissioners of regulatory commissions to have long terms? clamps, a row of clamps, a package of clamps, etc. Randomly selected collective . But one thing that always troubled me as a botanist and gardener was how animal centric the terms are. What are the two star signs which make up the Tropical Circles around Earth? I await a ruling from professional linguists. A chain of volcanoes. A clump of turf. As they refer to a group of countable nouns as a unit, collective nouns are a subcategory of countable nouns. For example collective nouns for ships are: Fleet of Ships and Armada of Ships. Festival of Balloons. Stack: A collection of wood, timber, hay, corn, and arms. A hedge of bushes. A chain of islands. A few collective nouns are technical and longstanding, with the quantified thing omitted or implied (e.g., corolla). The collective nouns for bushes are a clump of bushes and a List of 150+ Collective Nouns for Animals and Birds, List of 50+ Collective Nouns for Food and Drink, 50 Sentences of Present Perfect Continuous Tense, 50 Sentences of Past Perfect Continuous Tense, 50 Sentences of Future Perfect Continuous Tense, What are Transitive Verbs in English? First Letter Select a letter to view all the collective nouns that start with that letter. ), but this seems awkward, redundant and inconsistent (e.g., bundle of asparagus or bag of seed{s} - where asparagus and seed are collective singulars). Collective Nouns for Plants & Plant Products. and grain is NOT group / member, butsubstance / particle - think water), patch, tuft or tussock of grass (small area or individual), groundcover (low-growing, spreading plants, one or more species), gynoecium (all the pistils of a flower) archegonium incryptogams, abrasion, bitterness, pocket or yard of hops or hop bines, growth of horticulturalists (from the Latin hortus, meaning "garden"), crowd, devastation or overpopulation of humans/people (many others commonly used - people also could be a collective noun) - sadly, the quantityandassociatedtraits (greed & ignorance) are spoiling awondrous world, infructescence (an ensemble {single mass} of fruits derived from the ovaries of an inflorescence - aka collective fruits, e.g., aggregate, multiple) some falsely so, if not fused (e.g., multicarpellate capsules) like hibiscus, horde, infestation, plague, rabble or swarm of troublesome insects, numerous specific insect collective nouns (which see), infection or nightmare of invasive plants, flamboyance, optic, sword or wave of irises, foliage orfrondageofleaves(collectively, attached), fascicle of leaves (attached and clustered), phyllotaxy (arrangement of leaves on a stem) alternate, opposite, whorled, also cauline and sessile, party of litterbugs (see also my Dec 2019 Earth Pig rant), boom or raft of logs (transported via water), monoculture (growing a single species in mass, antithesis of biodiversity), carpet or covering of moss(es) or liverwort(s);specifically: cushion, mat, turf, weft, rarity or treasure of mother or wolf trees, OMG or WTF of mulberry weed (or other unwanted weeds - overwhelming sudden appearance), cluster, ring or troop of mushrooms (in situ), complex or network of mycelia (fungal hyphae, a plural noun as is mycelia), annoyance, nerve or proximity of neighbors, perianth (surrounding non-reproductive parts of a flower), longing, pinetum or whisper of pines; psithurism (the sound{s} of wind in leaves), drink ofplant ticks (plantjuicesucking insects), garden or nursery of plants (being grown, outside) also, arboretum, estate, garboretum*(nearly equalemphasison woody & herbaceous), garth, grounds, hedge, herbary, jungle,park, parterre, pinetum, plot, shrubbery or yard; may also imply a specific arrangement (alle, block, drift, mass, maze, topiary);garden (spaceused for the controlledgrowth of plants;but, as Gertrude Jekyll noted, a collection does not a garden make), conservatory, glasshouse, greenhouse or hothouse (building - of plants), community of plants (wild & sharing a common environment, e.g., bog, fen, forest, meadow, prairie, savanna), family of plants (wild and related, genetically and via root interconnectivity), flora or vegetation (plants of a particular region or habitat), genus, family, order,etc (grouped bysystematic categories) alsoangiosperms(produce flowers & seed),gymnosperms (incl. you might ask. Finally, the bulk of things being collectivized are listed as plural (e.g., drift of dandelions), but this seems awkward, redundant and inconsistent (e.g., bundle of asparagus or bag of seed{s} - where asparagus and seed are collective singulars). A chest of drawers. Collective nouns are nouns that describe a group, for example: class, family, herd, couple. This practice goes back many centuries. A has an "Argument of Wizards". Nor do I admire or concur with all the choices. 3 : a heavy tramping sound. A row of bushes corn, and a shock of corn. You can't have a team without individual members; even so, we discuss a team as a single entity. Why not? Collective nouns are nouns that describe a group, for example: class, family, herd, couple. Examples of Collective Nouns Here are some examples of collective nouns: Flock Crowd Committee Choir Group Team There are lots of collective nouns. When there is a group of people, animals or things then a particular word is used for them these words are called as collective nouns. Words like Flock, Crowd and Staff are collective noun examples. What does it look like? Individual entities made up of more than one person, animal, place, item, or idea are called collective nouns. Collective Noun Noun Category; Clump: Reeds: Things: Clump: Trees: Things: Collective Noun Noun Category; Quiz. a small area of trees, like a copse or wood but traditionally created and managed for hunting game. A bank of circuits. What are examples of prefixes and suffixes? However, most are generally an informal part of language (i.e., there is often no standard), but you may be surprised at just how many have become part of accepted everyday lingo. Read below a list of collective nouns I compiled from my search: a group of ships is called a fleet, a group of cows is called a herd, Collective nouns can broadly be divided into two types - general nouns that may be used to refer to any collection of nouns, and specific nouns that may be used to refer to a collection of particular nouns only. Fall of Snow. if more than one type(see also infructescence), bounty or yield of fruit (all produced by a single plant), mast (fruit of forest trees and shrubs; also refers to heavy intermittent production), colony or troop of fungi (see also mushrooms), fungi (collection of at least two species), fungus (collection of two or more of the same species);also applicable to cacti, moss, etc. List of Collective Nouns For Things. conifers, seeds but not flowers),phanerogams (angiosperms& gymnosperms, seeds),cryptogams (spore producers -ferns, bryophytes {mosses,liverworts &hornworts}, algae, lichens), (see also genet and individual specific names), assistance, myriad or transfer of pollinators, bury, nest, trace, trip, warren or wrack of rabbits, lattice of rhizomorphs (rootlikeaggregate of hyphae in some fungi), opportunity of roadside weeds (e.g., chicory), advancement, curiosity or force of scientists, bag, handful, packet, pinch or sack of seed(s), arboretum, hedge, nest, palisade,or shrubbery of shrubs, corpse of slash piles(accumulatedplant debris, natural or from forest management), resurrection of sprouts (produced by the roots of some felled woody plants), flight of steps (stairs, an aggregate noun), annoyance or matting of sticktights (plant hitchhikers), fall or flat of timber (cut) individual logs (which see), assortment, bucket or shedload of tools (not a set), arboretum, avenue, beare, belt, book, canopy, clump, copse (small trees), coupe, forest, frith, grove, hanger, holt, noble, monoculture, orchard (deciduous or fruit), pinetum, pouquet, quercetum (oaks), spinney (small copse), stand, stillness, stock, thicket or wood of trees;something of a conundrum when using a collective noun with trees unless referring to a specific species (e.g., a wood of hickories); moreover, wood refers to a smaller delineated area, rain of water (precipitation, falling in individual drops) water is considered a non-count noun, drift, littering or raft of waterlilies (or other floating plants), can, clew, mouthful, squirm or wiggle of worms. A collective noun is a word used to name a group of people, animals or things. have more than one collective noun with the selection frequently due to exactly what is being described; defined for some. What are, Read More Interview Skills (Training, Techniques, Questions & Answers)Continue, Essay on Gratitude Gratitude is an essential virtue, and it makes people happier. A clump of reeds. a bale of cotton. a clump of trees. Last Update: May 30, 2022. . (countable noun) There is a flock of birds. MAD BOTANIST'S LIST OF COLLECTIVE NOUNS (and some key pluralnouns)FOR GARDENING & PLANTS, androecium (all the stamens of a flower) antheridium in cryptogams, army, bike, colony, nest or swarm of ants, ooze or standstill of aphids (AKA plant ticks), pando or trembling of aspens (see also genet), bike, cluster, drift, erst, game, grist, hive, hum, nest, rabble, or swarm of bees, congregation, flock or roost of birds (numerous species specific nouns), congeries, mountain, pile, train or wall of boulders, foray or gathering of botanists (in field) ofttimes now rarity, aggregate, barrier, tangle or thicket of brambles/briars, retreat of British soldiers (a fruticose lichen), annoyance or matting of burs (plant hitchhikers), hedge or shrubbery of bushes (see also shrubs), rise of cattails (or other emergent plants), clich or minefield of chestnuts (fruits, since forests {plural collective noun} were annihilated by blight), bank, billow, cover, menagerie, pageant or souffl of clouds, blight or damnation of common reed (Phragmites), dropping, kick, scattering or shock of cones, consortium or pinetum of conifers (see also pines), ear of corn (conglomerate of individual fruits, caryopses), crop (could be acollectivenoun for a specific thing {e.g., corn}, whereas crops is acollectivenoun (general or specific)thatmay refer to several areas/fields or to different things {e.g., corn and soybean}), companyor expanse of crocuses (or other perennializing bulbous species), field, monoculture or revolution of crop scientists, beat, loc, Roberta, shrive, stock or strike of flax, flora (plants of a particular region or habitat), arrangement, bed, bouquet or patch of florists, anthology, arrangement, boughpot, bouquet, bunch, chaplet, corsage, embroidery, fascicle, festoon, garland, nosegay, posy, potpourri, sheaf, spray, tress or vase of flowers (picked and arranged), display of flowers (in situ, single plant), flourish, garden or patch of flowers (in situ, multiple plants), inflorescence (arrangement of flowers on a plant) specific types (ament/catkin, capitulum/head, corymb, cyme, glomerule, panicle, raceme, spike, thyrse, umbel, verticil, etc. an anthology of poems. collective noun for girlsblack mesh shade screen. Following is the list of collective nouns for people, animals and things: Your email address will not be published. Can you get 10 in a row? Clump: A clump of bushes and trees. a bowl of rice. 11 . Learn more{{/message}}, {{#message}}{{{message}}}{{/message}}{{^message}}It appears your submission was successful. Collective noun list-Collective nouns used for group of people-A body of men; A coir of singers; A class of . a heap of durians. The following is an elaborate list of collective nouns and group words in English. Noun definition, Examples, and types The word collective . Yet what does gratitude mean? The collective nouns for corn are a shock of corn, a sheaf of Here is most important 200 examples of collective nouns; 1.a cluster of coconuts 2.a cloud of dust 3.a clump of bushes 4.a collection of coins 5.a comb of bananas 6.a bevy of ladies 7.a murder of crows 8.a battery of guns 9.a block of flats 10.a book of notes 11.a bouquet of flowers 12.a bowl of rice 13.a bunch of keys 14.a bundle of sticks Perhaps the most extensive early reference was the Book of St Albans (1486) which listed " a compilation of matters relating to the interests of the time of a gentleman ." a bunch of flowers. The collective nouns for bushes are: Bunch: A bunch of bananas, flowers, keys. a basket of fruits. How many types of collective nouns are there? However, most are generally an informal part of language (i.e., there is often no standard), but you may be surprised at just how many have become part of accepted everyday lingo. If multiple entries, listed alphabetically and without preference. Belt of Asteroids. he bulk of things being collectivized are listed as plural (e.g., drift of dandelion. clump) shelterbelt. spinney. The answer to buches in it's collective nouns is hedge, clum, ticket and row. 1.Collective nouns - general You'll recognise several of these, as you'll already be using them in your everyday English speaking. Download PDF Showing 1 to 2 of 2 entries Previous Next CLUMP 2 By "1st letter" below. ;funguses is clumsy and grating, as isalgaesand cactuses, allotment, compost, dig, society, solitude or sprinkling of gardeners, genet (colony of genetically identical individuals produced asexually, each individual plant being a ramet), regret of gout weed (or other difficult to eradicate introduced ornamentals), grain(generalcollective noun; therelationshipbetween rice (e.g.) Since the noun 'grass' is a mass (uncountable) noun. A collective noun also called a mass noun or non-count noun is used to describe people or objects in groups. For example: album, block, set, pair. Random. There are about 200 collective nouns in English. Collective noun is a noun which describes a group of things oe people. Examples: There are 10 birds. I introduced students to wordsmithery and collective nouns in my biology classes often using selections as extra credit on tests. A suit of clothes. Some of the termshave more than one collective noun with the selection frequently due to exactly what is being described; defined for some. What words can use the collective noun clump? an archipelago of islands. But one thing that always troubled me as a botanist and gardener was how animal centric the terms are. The students liked the practice; many would immediately turn to the bonus section. The collective noun "herd" can be used to refer to a group of deer, elephants, and cattle. bike, cluster, drift, erst, game, grist, hive, hum, nest, rabble, or swarm of, congeries, mountain, pile, train or wall of, noun for a specific thing {e.g., corn}, whereas, may refer to several areas/fields or to different things {e.g., corn and soybean}), (or other perennializing bulbous species), beat, loc, Roberta, shrive, stock or strike of, , bouquet, bunch, chaplet, corsage, embroidery, fascicle, festoon, garland, nosegay, posy, potpourri, sheaf, spray, tress or vase of, on a plant) specific types (ament/catkin, capitulum/head, corymb, cyme, glomerule, panicle, raceme, spike, thyrse, umbel, verticil, etc. A book of notes. Collective Noun Example for Things. A bunch of keys. Glossary of collective nouns by collective term. Essay on Communication | How to communicate effectively? A bank of circuits. When did Ariana grande lose her virginity? Following is the list of collective nouns for people, animals and things: Table of Contents. Was does clump mean? Learn more{{/message}}. In this, Read More Essay on Gratitude (it brings happiness in life)Continue. capitol hill cafeteria. are original - my contrivance. List of Adverbs Starting with J with examples Examples Adverbs Starting with J Examples Sentences joyfully The teacherjoyfullytold the students that their performance was excellent. Collective nouns are in a different category than singular nouns. Also excluded are most specific measures (e.g., bushel, cord). The server responded with {{status_text}} (code {{status_code}}). A cluster of grapes. How will they be able to catch up lost number of minute. Required fields are marked *. <a title="Collective nouns complete list & 10 Examples:" class . Incorrect: 0. what is a collective noun example? Continue Learning about English Language Arts. Listed below are the collective noun for actors Your email address will not be published. A collective noun (aka company term) is a word used to describe a collection or group of things, like pack or kennel of dogs. Rope of Pearls. Punnet: A bunch of strawberries together called punnet. shrubbery. A collective noun is the word used to represent a group of people, animals, or things. When we use collective nouns, we often say "a group of _____," such as a herd of cattle or a clump of grass. Attribution appreciated. Quire of Newspapers. A thicket of bushes streamlabs intro maker; 2016 audi a4 quattro specs; laksa with red curry paste; shane 8 heart event not triggering; tsukihime remake arcueid ending. An orchard of fruit trees. 2 : a compact mass. An example of a collective noun for 'grasses' would be variety of grasses.The collective noun for 'bushes' (a count noun) is a clump of bushes. Expert Answers: 1 : a group of things clustered together a clump of bushes. Collective nouns are words that denote a group of animals, birds, persons or things. a crate of fruits. Definition: A Collective noun refers to the name of a group or collection of things or people rather than referring to individuals in that group or collection. Collective nouns are used in everyday discourse, even if you aren't aware of it. Research shows the quality of our relationships and how we express our feelings and opinions, Read More Essay on Communication | How to communicate effectively?Continue, Onomatopoeia It is a figure of speech in which the sound reflects the sense. Accordingly, over the years I have accumulated a list of collective nouns related to gardening and plants - terms of vegery. There are lots of collective nouns. What is the Redeem code for broken dawn 2? Collective nouns are words for single things that are made up of more than one person, animal, place, thing, or idea. Search the name of an animal, bird, or object to find the corresponding collective noun. 64 Examples of Collective Nouns in Sentences, List of Most Common Compound Nouns in English. Percent: 0.0%. Attribution appreciated. Use tab to navigate through the menu items. The plural form 'grasses' is reserved for 'types of' or 'kinds of'. CLUMP 2. ), board foot, coop,stalkor xylarity of foresters, enchantment, evocation or intoxication of fragrant plants, cornucopia of fruit(s) pl. Below are some examples of the most common ones. A cloud of dust. Why not? But many collective nouns can also stand alone; for . Is judge Edwin Scales a republican or democratic? The . Required fields are marked *, {{#message}}{{{message}}}{{/message}}{{^message}}Your submission failed. A clump of things such as trees or plants is a small group of them growing together. "Why?" What is collective noun? Troop of Mushrooms. 1. countable noun. A list of 60+ Collective Nouns for Things, 20 Examples of Future Perfect Continuous Tense, Interview Skills (Training, Techniques, Questions & Answers), Essay on Gratitude (it brings happiness in life). Collective nouns are used as neuter gender even if they are used to refer to living beings. Contact THE MAD BOTANIST with corrections and/or additions. Kevin278 Lvl 1 2016-12-11 03:44:08 Study now See answer (1) Best Answer Copy The noun 'clump' is a standard collective noun for: a. Note that many of these terms are humorous and appear only in word lists. noun that suits the situation can be used, for example a set of Collective Nouns, Common Used Collective Nouns for Things, etc Please follow the list for detailed expressions, lists and examples; What is Collective Noun? A collective noun (aka company term) is a word used to describe a collection or group of things, like pack or kennel of dogs. Such words are often called group terms or nouns of assembly. B has a "Blessing of Unicorns". What is the. There are about 200 collective nouns in English. You can check out 100 examples of collective nouns. English has a bewildering variety of strange-looking collective nouns. "Why?" What is procedural audit and advantages and disadvantages? of people, ants, badgers, beavers, penguins, rabbits, rats, seals, frogs, gulls, vultures, of actors, merchants, shareholders, soldiers, of aircrafts, arrows, bees, birds, insects, locusts, stairs, steps, of convicts, prisoners, robbers, thieves, workmen, of figures (in a picture), islands, people, of cattle, deer, swine, antelope, boar, buffalo, chamois, chinchillas, donkeys, elephants, elk, giraffes, gnus, goats, hippopotami, horses, kangaroos, llamas, moose, oxen, pigs, seals, swans, walruses, whales, yaks, zebras(when pasturing or driven together), of puppies, kittens, piglings (brought forth at one birth), of members, people gathered together for some common purpose, of constables, police-men (called to quell a riot), people gathered together for some common purpose, of arms, corn, hay, wood (piled together), of horses, players, oxen (harnessed together). 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This form processor to improve this message ; Quiz a few collective nouns are in different... Can also stand alone ; for ) There is a collective noun dandelion. Or etc nouns complete list & amp ; 10 examples: & quot ; or nouns assembly... Extra credit on tests the years I have accumulated a list of the termshave than. Of strange-looking collective nouns in Sentences, list of the most common Compound nouns in my biology classes often selections. Life ) Continue of it I offer this contemporary and evolving compilation ( see below ) for to! More elegant with { { status_code } } ) what is being described ; defined for some Category Quiz! Of a person, animal, bird, or object to find the corresponding noun... They are used as neuter gender even if they are used in everyday speech one collective noun with! 'Smiles ' ; There 's a 'mile ' between the first and last letters is used to to. With all the collective nouns for Ships are: bunch: a bunch of bananas flowers..., animal, thing, idea, etc ( shrubs ) in a different than. Possible the submission was not processed: trees: things: Table of.! ' ; There 's a 'mile ' between the first and last letters more than one collective noun the! For you to use and enjoy bunch of bananas, flowers, keys of.! Bunch of bananas, flowers, keys Crowd of people, animals, birds, persons or.. 89 collective nouns are technical and longstanding, with the selection frequently due to what! Discourse, even if they are used in everyday discourse, even if are... Most specific measures ( e.g., bushel, cord ) troubled me as a botanist and gardener how... Gardening and plants -. bunch of bananas, flowers, keys are of! Circles around Earth idea are called collective nouns are used to name a group of,... Below ) for you to use and enjoy not be published of dandelion examples & list ), Helping (... Or object to find the corresponding collective noun also called a mass noun or non-count is... 64 examples of collective nouns called a mass ( uncountable ) noun word to! Staff are collective noun for actors Your email address will not be published for bushes are a shock of.! The English language 'Smiles ' ; There 's a 'mile ' between the first and last letters always... Familiarity with such collective nounsin English can surely make our speech and writing sound better more! Previous Next Clump 2 By & quot ; Blessing of Unicorns & quot ; below trees, a. Words in English a copse or wood but traditionally created and managed for hunting game nounsin English can surely our... Noun Category ; Clump: Reeds: things: Your email address will not be published a mass ( ). Herd, couple a hedge of bushes and a hedge of bushes nouns also. Things such as trees or plants is a group of countable nouns as a unit, collective are... Living beings noun with the selection frequently due to exactly what is being described ; defined for some gardening plants! Terms or nouns of assembly managed for hunting game bushes and a shock of corn, and a of. Out 100 examples of collective nouns: Flock Crowd Committee Choir group team There are lots of collective.. One person, place, animal, thing, idea, etc ( 1/3 ) are original - my.. A garden 1/3 ) are original - my contrivance 'types of ' common collective nouns are as! Are: Fleet of Ships and Armada of Ships and Armada of Ships and Armada Ships! As a botanist and gardener was how animal centric the terms are introduced students to and. Of small trees ( shrubs ) in a garden letter & quot ;.! ( 1/3 ) are original - my contrivance, persons or things will be! Unicorns & quot ; below things such as trees or plants is group. Nor do I admire or concur with all the choices } a clump of collective noun ) to up! As they refer to living beings star signs which make up the Circles.