Fever. But it looks like now Russia has finally decided to bomb Ukraine properly, so this conflict could finish soon. share YOUR expressed ideologyanti immigrant, anti feminism, anti globohomoyet you want them murdered. Otherwise the number of people fleeing Ukraine would be at least 14 million. Registers whether the user is logged in. The Israelis however I believe did not ignore the lessons of the drubbing they took from Hezbollah in 2006. Anyone who serves America should be killed, and every Ukrainian nationalist who dies as a tool of the American empire deserved nothing less. John: (Pardon me for using someone elses comment). All the signs point to a significant escalation in the fighting that will leave much of Ukraine in ruins while pushing Washington and Moscow closer to a direct confrontation.. So get the H$$l out of my face with your moronic insinuations. one with the capacity to mobilize at least a million of its population to fight in this war, has become so dependent on foreign military stuff and mercenaries and why Kiev is even calling under arms men up to 60 year olds, something that, if memory serves me well, the last time it was done was in Berlin in April 1045? The same people who will be asking, puzzled, when some other historical names are mentioned: George who? Those who frequent websites like UR are the exception. The more that you are virulent in your irrational conclusions, the more we all bear witness to your depravity as a Fascist. * Mark Sleboda Gauleiters are a sad, immoral, and pathetically incompetent lot. Its in your DNA to defend this myth to your last breath. The 80% I get from memory. But the man has good polls numbers only 1/4 of Russians will admit to being against his idiotic war. The position along the front line of the defense has been fully restored. Going forward, Russia is not supporting a foreign ally. I agree with every word of your statement. Given your knowledge of the Soviet system, Im curious what you think of the official Russian KIA figures. My comments describe a condition, they dont create any. You assign to Russia the dishonorable US/NATO armys techniques of destroying whole countries, like this was demonstrated in Iraq and Libya. I love the smell of napalm in the morning [lol] That doesnt make any sense. Interesting times, never in history was the quarrel for Mother Earths finite resources so preposterous and obvious, so intensive and global as today. Sooner or later NATO will decide he is worth more dead than alive and they will kill him themselves (although the RF will get the credit). And all the tom foolery and pretense to dance happy dances be positive foolish. Again the great Putin mimics the (((West))). talk about a land bridge. Maybe the US Govt should hire him as a fire alarm. Simultaneously, the Johnson handle honours the first Jewish President, none other than Lyndon Baines Johnson who was a faithful servant of Zion and was instrumental in murdering JFK, RFK , sailors on the USS Liberty etc, and supplying weapons grade plutonium and nuclear technology that enabled the Apartheid Israel state to obtain nukes. OCTOBER DIARY: [9 ITEMS] the End of Fukuyama: Leafblowers: Another Moving Story, Etc. This has grown to a significant and indeed magnificent moral aspect, especially in contrast to the Pussy Riot judeo mason satanic West. However Russia is only geared for total war and is still finding her feet with regards to minor misunderstandings. Collects data on visitor behaviour from multiple websites, in order to present more relevant advertisement - This also allows the website to limit the number of times that they are shown the same advertisement. And again what happens in other countries regarding their social policies to their populations is none of Russias business as s the case for the rest of your complaint. Cant happen quick enough. Good stuff. And in fact a sight less oppressive. Ukraine has been rubbing Putins face Weak, bankrupt, pathetic. It was presented in this way universally in the Western press. Used to determine what type of devices (smartphones, tablets, computers, TVs etc.) The Capital One Arena seating chart is easy to navigate and understand.There are three seating levels; the 100 level (lower level), the 200 level (also called the Kettler Loft level), and the 400 Germany sends their ONLY and newest air defense system to Kiev, and YOU allow that to get all the way to Kiev?? I hope this is clear. I can keep things in context and accept that posting a youtube video isnt evidence of some Jewish plot. In the administration of the settlements of the Bereznegovatsky district, representatives of the State Emergency Service delivered memos about first aid in case of the defeat of the AHS. And lauding some of the policies of Nazis, like say their ban on animal experiments, doesnt make one a Nazi. It is important to mention that the most common vaccines received by patients were Pfizer, Moderna, and AstraZeneca vaccines [7,8]. I have not cone across such plans endlessly promoted or promoted at all Only some lipsmacking hopes and dreams, fantasies most likely, by some commentators and amateurs with no official status. For this reason I think that less attention was paid by both sides to all the mind numbing and cheap high tech whizz-bangs that are available especially with various co-ordinations and combinations, most notably satellites and drones. the victory parade in Red Square? As a Israeli agent (citizen) and American Citizen who would you defend first. The girls parents are turds for suing Caterpillar. WWII happened and a lot happened as part of it. https://www.rt.com/russia/563213-ukraine-donbass-military-losses/. or not. But Russian side (including Donbass volunteers) readily withdraw if the line cannot be defended. Even stealing resources I dont have under the color of law, requires my restraint. Putin said there are neoNazis in Ukraine and hes justified in taking them out. to not even dream about it. 100K dead is in the ballpark of what some analysts assert. Tolstoys War and Peace covers the history of the pursuit its ugly stuff. it was never written down and for the same reasons the Usual Suspects Meaning how you get supplies to the front. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXSNuMQCrY2JsGvPaYUc3xA/videos. For instance, Zelensky proclaimed Stepan Bandera a Hero. There is a huge monument to Bandera in Lvov, Ukraine. Theyre also probably extracting funds from internet idiots using the same ploy. False. Thats a start. I have no idea what the Itzig is smoking but it sure be some potent shit. Meanwhile, the Jewish community worldwide has received a plea (in Hebrew, no less) from the Jewish Fuehrer Zelensky to help him fight Nazis. And how will Ivan be moving exactly? The US military cannot be funded, which in turn means that they have no money to sail their aircraft carriers to Saudi Arabia and force them to return to the Petrodollar scheme. The Great Schism of 1054 officially declared the Orthodox Church as schismatic and heretic and prepared the Crusades which after the 4th Crusade re-orient towards Russia. If they were slight, total Russian dead will be less than 10,000. When others can see a better future without America, only then the world will change. Best keep it behind a sturdy fence as it dies. They chose your present handle to honour the Zio controlled Big Pharma Johnson & Johnson and their contribution to mortality and injury of the goyim during he Covid Psyop. Are we supposed to believe that the conscripts will stick around once the rockets start hitting? I hope you are well paid for your work, what with rising prices and all that. I am not saying they are right on the numbers, I am just saying perhaps we should factor in also the lethality of the new weapons the Russians are using in the battlefield, in military targets in general. They didnt push out the communists. Western Elites are now resembling the Arab elites (created along with. Putin isnt even making sure the supplies are available before the conscripts are shipped off. Or maybe that is the reason why Ivan is showing so inept and slow during these operations, maybe he is simply having his own Great Marianas Turkey Shoot but in Ukraine. Registers a unique ID that is used to generate statistical data on how the visitor uses the website. IMO, the war was bait designed to entice Russia <=it worked. The November 8th midterm American elections coinciding with a Russian tank offensive and a possible nuke going off over the Black Sea as the United States Intel has claimed Putin might resort to (just like we try to blame him for the Nordstream and Crimean bridge explosions which were of course done by the West). In reality, the NeoNazis are fighting for their homeland against an invading force. Would Putin Make a Better President Than Obama? That video of Mearsheimer was made on March 6, right after the invasion started. 1. {Mr Unz has been raising membership fees since 2018.}. In the second, an attempt at mass destruction would be incredibly expensive. Everyone gets called a Jew sooner or later on the UR. They might if (IF) Americans finally wake up to the exorbitant expense and amoral foundations of Wolfiwitz Doctirme of full-spectrum (Jewish) dominance . Ukrainian nationalists claim to be opposed to immigration, Jews, feminism, and globohomo. Here is another example of Putin throwing red meat to Christian conservatives across the world: The winter will favor the Ukrainians, not a bunch of conscripts that are expected to buy their own thermal underwear. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/progressives-urge-biden-shift-on-ukraine-before-backpedaling/ar-AA13kF8V?ocid=msedgntp&cvid=d8fdc15e1c6a42fcad4c0a769ce11198, Heres the letter with signatures of the 30 progressive democrats who called for talks, then folded hours later. After that Ukraine can tell the west to take its debt and perversions and stick them where the sun doesnt shine and look toward a future of normalcy with the rest of the world while western society collapses in a heap. But new research shows that these problems with memory and thinking ability keep getting worse for years afterward - and happen faster than normal brain aging. And ALL of us unanimously have established that youre a Zionist troll ALL OF US.. It's easy to use, no lengthy sign-ups, and 100% free! Putins soaring public approval ratings underscore the fact that most Russians think the threat is real and that the battle must be joined. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9419896/. Why? For example, going slow is painful militarily, but clearly the way to crush the west economically. Rothschilds, Kolomoisky, etc., some inferior allies Rockefellers, Duponts. But that tells only half the story, maybe less. But do you truly care what happens to Muslims there and other places of the world? https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/world/2014/11/21/vladimir-putin-karate/19337835/ Its reverse FUD for malcontents in enemy countries. His act of looking bored and not reacting to events is the exact opposite of what is called for in a war time leader. ( If you want to follow Rebeccas journey to recovery, scroll down and click Subscribe For information on fundraising and other activities, join our private Facebook group, Rally for Rebecca.) maybe you can see the kind of quandary the moronic western leaders find themselves in, my guess is ukraine falls off the radar as soon as another even worse pandemic is unleashed. Once Ukraine wins, Russia will be paying much of their oil revenue to rebuild Ukraine. Sets a unique ID for the visitor, that allows third party advertisers to target the visitor with relevant advertisement. The donation packages that are going to Ukraine are very much [focused on] the winter. The official, like others quoted for this article, asked for anonymity to give candid assessments of the war. at some predetermined point the mockingbird media will all shout squirrel in unison, the focus will shift and with 24-7 media fear porn coverage, ukraine will be dropped into the memory hole. the Russians are going to do Fallujahs theyre going to do Mosuls theyre going to do Groznys. So the are doing the wise thing, flocking to Russias side. The whole Ukrainian federal government has a massive target on their back. Its just a guess on your part. You feel unclean, you need to shake it off, or at least to sound alarm, because you feel scared and very insecure (1). Jews just lie about the prevalence of anti-Semitism. If Putin really wanted to stop the corruption and depravement of Christian youth, he would go straight to the source and name it: Jewish Power. They and their minions have shown no interest in honesty or justice. Ukrainians are generational Nazis, they were Nazis, they are Nazis, and they will be Nazis, unless ? The world is not with you. There are strong implications in Bulgaria, Romania, Greece, Serbia and for Christians everywhere. Strange but true. The Jewish community worldwide was silent. It appears that Zelenskyy will need to pull a rabbit from his top hat. https://www.timesofisrael.com/trial-starts-for-franco-israeli-man-accused-in-carbon-credits-scam/#:~:text=The%20trial%20of%20a%20French,a%20request%20by%20French%20authorities. I mean, WE ALL KNOW WITH ABSOLUTE CERTAINTY that you are. Las Fajas Salome The tales of resistance by Eastern and Western Europeans are overblown. Russia in other words. You should be merely providing a link and perhaps a sentence or two if youd like. The LPR/DPR militias were actually refused treatment: Its clear now that France could have just turned Paris into a warzone and engulfed the Wehrmacht in some hard fought Paris siege. The Fifth column in Russia was exposed. Like Alexander Mercouris often mentions in his podcasts, those KIA soldiers are somebodys son, brother, father,, Filthy UkroZioNazi Zelensky and his anti-Christian, anti-Human GloboReptilian handlers are licking their chops at the prospect of 10s of 1,000s of more Orthodox Christians being killed while their kin and friends are safely watching the bloodbath from Israel*, US, Canada,. Post-concussion headaches can vary and may feel like tension-type headaches or migraines. They refused to comply They have no leg to stand on the question. The Owners of the collective west behave according to their rule-based order, which is pure gangsterism with a strong odor of fascism. Now I get Russias concerns regarding their naval base in Crimea or in Ukraine according to international law. All these ardent supporters of the Banderites are from holobiz survivors families. . Behind them are the Zionist pirates of Wall Street and the City of London. Furthermore, I should like to point out that your constant frenzied and hysterical badgering. For those that are still not convinced, lets see what the conditions in those death camps were really like (start watching around the 3 min mark of the video below) : For those of you that are not into videos, you need only read Chapter 8 (The Alleged Genocide of European Jewry) of John Wears brilliant book Germanys War), available right here in the Unz Review : https://www.unz.com/book/john_wear__germanys-war/. But .I later verified that the actual losses were much lower that what the West claimed at the time. Obviously, Russian claims would have to be taken with a grain of salt, and given the heavy Ukrainian casualties and the disorganized state of their forces during much of the period, its not clear whether the Ukrainians would really know their precise losses. I have been thinking about that for some time, since Ron started his webzine. In order to divert the attention of the world media from the possible destruction of the Kakhovskaya hydroelectric dam by the Ukrainian Nazis, British experts from MI-6 recommended Zelensky to conduct a diversionary diversion on the Tolyatti Odessa ammonia pipeline in the Mykolaiv region. Bottom line: Russia has now laid the groundwork for a broader and more violent conflict. Your friend Rasssssss-Putin has soe tricks in his sleeves. In essence, the SMO was a police operation aimed at locating and eliminating the Ukrainian forces that had been bombarding and killing ethnic Russians living in east Ukraine. Now explain how only idiots would oppose this war and the expansion of Russia into Ukraine. They might if (IF) Americans finally wake up to the exorbitant expense and amoral foundations of Wolfiwitz Doctirme of full-spectrum (Jewish) dominance. I remember there was a DONATE button around then for a while, but then it disappeared. AhahahahahaRuSSian negative offensive would be true indeed. Identifies if the cookie data needs to be updated in the visitor's browser. for B.L., are obvious. The reality is that 99% of Americans are just pure trash. Too many of the black-pillers fail to recognize this morale aspect of warfare centered on legitimacy. The mobilization is basically done. The human material is several standard deviations less in toughness and resiliency than ever before. Its a 100% mobilisation: day one of Russias drive to build its army. Why is World War T winning in U.S. but starting to lose in U.K.? But Putin didnt want to bomb Ukraine senseless for various reasons, and so the Ukraine front lines got resupplied and could overwhelm the few Russian soldiers opposing them. On the face of it, thats an anomalous statistic. .. Russia is massing for a winter escalation and offensive, and is currently engaged in a calculated trade wherein they give up space in exchange for time and Ukrainian casualties. You have to be thicker than a brick to believe that all NATO countries + the USA are not currently running their weapon/ammunition factories on 3 shifts 24 x7. Here's why. Your tea-leaves reading is all wrong, except that I am a female. russia should move nuclear iskandars and nuclear capable air assets in the 4 new oblasts including crimea; it can then extend the front line past nikolayev and odessa all the way to transnistria; the nukes can guarantee the security of the new russian areas, allowing troops to take even more territory to the west this winter. The words can also sound like What are the real English words for Duolingo English test? The $68.7 billion Activision Blizzard acquisition is key to Microsofts mobile gaming plans. The notion that the noenazis, if they exist are a threat to Russia is feather thin. laugh. Boy you better take it easy here, some of the most dedicated Putin defenders are motivated by a belief that Putin is Christian and is going after the Jews. kommissars and having to die for the midterms (i.e. most wars are fought on multiple planes. you know absolutely nothing about me, yet you continue to speak your gibberish or is it yiddish? Some days I think this is all show! Cossacks were proud warriors and didnt buy into Lenins bullst. https://floridanationalists.com/2022/09/16/video-150k-jews-gather-in-chicago-for-child-sacrifice-ritual-first-president-of-israel-in-attendance/July 3, 1933. It didnt involve Kiev! From his curriculum vitae, we learn that Donnelly is a long-time soldier in the British Army Intelligence Corps where he established and led the Soviet Studies Research Centre at RMA Sandhurst. Relatives purchase armour and clothing for soldiers on frontline due to theft, corruption and poor logistics The old liberalism is libertarian. Sure, I entirely agree with that framework, and have said the same sort of thing myself. The Ukraine rejected these offerings of neutral Ukrainian nationalism because their goal all along has been to integrate with the west and offer up their people as cannon fodder for America to agitate against Russia, not to become nationalist. You dont need a red one, The Ukrainian attacks on Russian civilian targets have been extremely convenient for Putin, enraging the Russian public at small cost to RussiaIts almost like Putins got agents in the West coordinating the Jokers idiotic strategy. rootless cosmopolitans (unpatriotic will do)*. from Fantasyland through the usual channels to spread it deep and wide, so I wont waste my time with you. Why dont you show where I went on an emotional tantrum and started calling people names out of frustration.like this comment: I cant believe it, John Johnson (aka J& J/aka F*ckFace Johnson/aka FFJ), has shown yet another video of Ukrainians (likely in far western Khazaria, near the Polish border and therefore hundreds of km from the front). You owe your fellow white nationalists in Ukraine everything. Russian aircraft threaten British ship acting accordance with the law. Entsprechend haben wir bei cafe-freshmaker.de schon vor langer Zeitabstand beschlossen, unsere Tabellen auf das Entscheidende zu eingrenzen und schlicht auf der Basis All unserer Erkenntnisse eine Oakley tinfoil carbon Geprge als umfassende Bewertungseinheit nicht einheimisch. Im talking about the neoNazis in Ukraine, not the Nazis of Germany. weaponised and used liberally The words can also sound like What are the real English words for Duolingo English test? The new Russian field army will push across open land to Moldova to cut off Ukraine from the sea and seize the huge South Ukraine nuclear power plant, then push south to Odessa. Why? Anyone who challenges your position, you label them a Jew or Zionist. they deserve each other). My list of complaints about some/many in all those groups are too long to post in a comment and anyway the UR does a good job of repeatedly publishing such complaints by many OPs and commenters, or you havent been paying attention. Another dear child killed by the Beast. We shouldnt rejoice in either development. Every dead Russian and Ukrainian in this war, every family anywhere in the world that suffers the consequences of this war, every business that shuts down because of the economic damage this war is causing and the increased risk of nuclear annihilation, its all US Govt made. Twitter @KimDotcom. Tell us what happens to these Ukrainian/NATO troops after the crossing. Your cover has been blown. If there is a real danger of Zelenskys violent death, it is from his Nazi buddies (and protectors) in the Ukrainian National Guard that has incorporated the openly Nazi Azov battalion. If Russias reported specifications are true, then the FOAB, which has a payload equivalent to forty-four tons of TNT and blast radius of roughly three hundred meters, would be the most powerful non-nuclear bomb in the world, with destructive potential close to that of a tactical nuke. I found the rationale for war disturbing and the threats of nuclear war over the top and alarming. From: https://aftershock.news/?q=node/1168751. But the man has good polls numbers only 1/4 of Russians will admit to being against his idiotic war of... War time leader minor misunderstandings Jews, feminism, anti feminism, anti globohomoyet you want them murdered wide so! Hire him as a fire alarm the position along the front line of the war was bait to... 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