- Fixed civil war Feathisia not being able to form the Griffonian Empire. - Equestria AI is now able to take UWC earlier. - Skeleton content for unification of the Great Lakes. - Fixed Zarantia not having a random path game rule. - Fixed Maregypt not starting with support equipment technology. - Standardized how demilitarized puppets are created. - Fixed missing war warnings in Hippogriffia focuses. - Fixed Posada's thermonuclear weapons increasing population rather than reducing it. - All Twinkle Sprinkle guides now have scrollbars. - Removed popups for Posada's unique technologies. - Baragzen in Tobuck now attacks Coltva as well. - Reduced suppression values for special forces so the AI doesn't use them. - Adjusted various VP values. - Miscellaneous bugfixes and improvements. You need to sign in or create an account to do that. - Miscellaneous bugfixes and improvements. - Added a flavour event for Zarantia. Like, Rumarean corsairs going to raid Aquileian convoys, before daringly escaping through the tunnel back into Rumare basin Renamed the capital of Nimbusia. Made Starlight Glimmer romanceable. Reversed decision to romance Starlight. There are 6 impostors among us Humanized some GFX. Removed Herobrine. - AI now gets a cheaper mech variant on research. This has been reflected in the immense amount of fanworks undertaken since 2012, ranging from the music and fanart category, to spin-offs/non-canon side stories, and concluding with the production of a video game developed by The Overmare Studios, titled Ashes of Equestria (having previously been considered a mod, but eventually becoming a stand-alone project, which is still in production. - The generic Zebrica focus tree can now remove Primitive Economy law. - Fixed missing advisor portraits for some Tobuck advisors. This is a MTTH event and so will vary from playthrough to playthrough. - Fixed Sombra remaining as general after government change. - Removed duplicate naval OOB for Zarishat in Coltva. Shores of Zebrica Additions: - Added missing content for Asterion about Macawia. - Fixed bug where Hippogriffia defending Warzena was counted as offensive war - Improved and clarified triggers for The Mountain Awakes. - Equestrian militia divisions are disbanded after the Great War. - Added events for Crack Lightning in Hippogriffia. - Slightly buffed Zebrican auxiliaries national spirit for Hippogriffia. - Fixed issues with Asterion allying other countries. - Fixed figurehead Novo national spirit not being removed when it should be. - Added a new outcome for Low Corruption ending in Trotkat. - Equestrian AI is now better at defence, research and production. - Fixed missing loc for Tobuck decision about invading Chiropterra. - Slightly adjusted deer racial technologies to take Zebrica into account. - Added pirate raids modifier for some naval regions. - Added border conflict decision for Posada in Hippogriffia to take Kar-Alpaka. - Fix check about Winggarden in Hippogriffia's focus to join a faction. - Improved AI tank research and templates. - Fixed Les Meridiennes not losing their cosmetic tag after becoming independent. - Hippogriffia now loses most of their national spirits if they become a subject. - Fixed issues with race traits of Barrad generals. - Made AI more likely to research anti-tank technologies. - Swapped icons of Full Spectrum Operations and Strategic Warfare starting doctrines. - Fixed Hippogriffia getting more than three active political advisors. - Added a placeholder communist leader for Macawia. - Fixed bypass for Hippogriffia focus "The Storm Breaks". , , ! 1010 . , . - Fixed Skldsvrd still being around in Vedina even if she was no longer the country leader. - Fixed Zarantia's pegasi divisions not working properly. - Fixed Pumpkin Swirl using the wrong advisor icon. - Accounted for Warzena's role in North Zebrican War. - Miscellaneous bugfixes and improvements. I solve the puzzles for Brodfeld's secret mason path in the Equestria at War mod for Hearts of Iron IV. Changes and fixes: - Increased world tension decay. Equestria will be unable to intervene to stop Sombra for a substantial period, although eventually a wargoal against Sombra will become available should Cadance last long enough. - Star Father justification speed icon will no longer show up when viewing countries that they are currently at war with. , , 100 1020 . - Fixed issues with some spy agency names. - Removed Prince Fallen from Equestria. Coming out somewhere underneath Aquileia. - Tobuck can now sell guns to Colthaginian civil war factions. Shores of Zebrica 2.0 New continent of Zebrica, including: - 84 new countries. - Added some generic advisor icons for griffons. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Littlepip finally devises a plan to kill The Goddess, planting a Megaspell under her lair and stalling her with her own memories removed of the plan to keep The Goddess from learning it psychically. [4] Fallout: Equestria places the magical ponies of the Friendship Is Magic franchise within the post-apocalyptic setting of the Fallout games. - Fixed Sinister's national focus AI plan in Stalliongrad. - Fixed Colthage Scientifid military missions not cancelling after a coup. - Occupation laws are more expensive than before but remain cheaper than vanilla. - Removed Katherine Fertz from Wittenland. - Ksa Free State now has a positive opinion modifier with Macawia. - Fixed Alwani's region description in the welcomescreen. The protagonist, Littlepip, lives in Stable 2, alongside Velvet Remedy, a popular singer. Littlepip eventually learns of the two greatest threats the Wasteland faces, being Red Eye, a charismatic cyborg earth pony who intends to rebuild civilization through slavery, and the Goddess, a unicorn formerly known as Trixie, now a monstrous failed experiment of Twilight Sparkle who continues to create the race of Alicorns and hopes to assimilate the entire Wasteland into her psychic hivemind. - Made the AI use correct suppression templates. - Fixed missing Feathisia advisor icons. - Fixed wrong focus check for Lunar Hail in Tobuck. - Placeholder Horse racial technology. Shores of Zebrica Additions: - Zarcid Colthage can now get an event to betray Chiropterra after winning the North Zebrican War. - AI Hippogriffia will now be more willing to beg for peace. If you believe your item has been removed by mistake, please contact, This item is incompatible with Hearts of Iron IV. Fixed an issue with a malformed Russian localisation file. - Fixed constitutionalist Colthage's election events talking about Orzagid even after he is dead. To get close to Red Eye, Littlepip allows herself to be enslaved, and is taken to the slaver city of Fillydelphia where she meets a zebra slave named Xenith. - Decreased industrial penalties of primitive economy law to -40%. - Made the effects of accepting an alliance offer from Chiropterra clearer for Colthage. - Canterlot now has a level 5 bunker at start. - Fixed bug prevcenting Carrot Stick from starting his tree after being released by Hippogriffia. - Posada can now only use thermonuclear weapons on supremacist nations. - Improved some national spirit and focus icons for Posada. - Stalliongrad now starts with a BT-7 tank template. With a custom made map, 60+ countries with 30+ unique focus trees, racial tech trees and units, a huge variety of complex interweaving events, and more custom icons and portraits than the entire base game, it shouldn't exist, but it somehow does. - Haymirites, Karkadannistan and Yemane now have slave economy. The Cavalry: After the North Zebrican War, she can have the country along with any allies and puppets it has merge with the United Ponies Alliance to aid Equestria against the Changelings. Released in July 2017, Equestria at War has grown to be one of the most comprehensive mods for HOI4. - Added more supply hubs around the map. - Added many new event pictures. - Fixed a duplicate event image. - Fixed various missing localization. - Fixed Fancy Pants leading ELF when he shouldn't. . - Another attempt at fixing disappearing Leopold in Barrad by disabling AI killing characters. - Improved AI agency prioritization. - Fixed a focus bypass in Hippogriffia. - Stalliongrad can now demilitarize the Changelings as well. - Added generic Zebrica focus tree. - Fixed Luna not being a general in New Mareland government in exile path. - Renamed New Tzinacatlia region to Hazrumenia. Equestria at War . - Multiple fixes to Tobuck focuses, events and decisions. - Fixed Tobuck not being able to negotiate peace with Warzena if Hippogriffia had guaranteed them. - AI Stalliongrad no longer occupies Equestrian territory while helping them. - Fixed missing war warnings in Chital's focuses and added puppet checks. . - Reworked some Posada focus icons. - Decreased industrial penalties of tribal society development to -60%. Now idk about you, but I think this will create some cool gameplay dynamics. - Fixed a focus in Winggarden having an outdated doctrine technology bonus. - Umalez now leads Zarantia when it becomes Chiropterra's puppet. - Added generals in Trotkat and Ice Dragon Tribe. - Fixed Antifa Skystar appointing new cabinet. - Fixed the wrong warlord couping Zaryes in Colthage's militarist path. The scenario focuses on global confrontation between Changelings and Equestria. - AI can now launch raids even if they don't have divisions on the border. - Macawia now starts with engineer technology. , 350 . - Another attempt to fix wrong warlord couping militarist Colthage. Celestia Evil >32 - above this number Celestia has a chance of triggering the Daybreaker event - with this event Celestia can ascend to Daybreaker even if Fascist support is insufficient. - Removed ability to switch to non-aligned government from generic Zebrica focus tree. - Vanilla DLC songs are now available in the music player. There is also a focus tree for a technocratic Griffonian empire and there are 3 fascist paths: one you get through challenging Griffenheim, Project auferstehung sees the return of Grover the second and project weihe sees you becoming a god or something. - Fixed republican Wittenland not switching ideology properly when puppeted. - Reworked portraits for Winggarden futurist generals, Zeshmunazash in Coltva and Lobu in Ksa Free State. Changes and fixes: - Improved performance. - Fixed Bhushan's Hindia being called Confederacy instead of Raj. - Fixed issues with Zarantia unique technologies. - When Tobuck secedes from Zarantia in civil war, it now gets a generic focus tree. - Fixed bug where Hippogriffia could load victory tree while still at war with Chiropterra. If you have a related Youtube channel, enter the URL. Despite the popularity of Fallout: Equestria, the novel's author has remained anonymous, choosing not to reveal their real name or gender. - Fixed Gerza losing his description after the civil war. - Reduced changeling tech AI weights. - Fixed instance of Hippogriffia attacking Equestria when it shouldn't. - Fix bypass for Hippogriffia's "Shelter Dissidents" focus. - Miscellaneous localisation fixes. - Fixed Raft Wood demanding payment from Tobuck while dead; Harmonist Wallnut will now simply demand Zumidia from communist or fascist Hippogriffia without negotiations. - New main theme and 3 other songs. Fallout: Equestria places the magical ponies of the Friendship Is Magic franchise within the post-apocalyptic setting of the Fallout games. - Rebalanced the Six Promises and New Model Army in Hippogriffia. - Re-added Equestria's Finest song. - Event that triggers Zarishat's collapse civil war will now automatically play the "Children of the Godhead" song. , . - Fixed Wittenland concern icon. - Fixed some issues with characters' non-LaR/LaR versions. - Added missing flag for Libertalia in Winggarden. - Fixed broken advisors in Alesia's Tobuck. Focuses that gave level 1 railways now give level 2 railways. - Fixed Moonfeather getting Crack Lightning's focus tree in Hippogriffia. - Added two new victory points in Gyzwindids. Shores of Zebrica Additions: - Added a flavour event for peace treaty between Hippogriffia and Wingbardy. - Eriviar in Sunstriker Clan now gets the appropriate subideology when going Maarite. - North Zebrican cityfall and nuke events. , 978 . - Facelifted the Chiropterran bush war GUI so that it is now easier to read. + Pleasant My Little Pony fantasy setting - Can no longer form Aquileia after forming the Griffonian Empire. - Hippogriff AI can now handle Aris First and divided society better. - Fixed issues with New Mareland AI. - Fixed constitutionalist Colthage not being able to remove political instability. [3], The series is a transformative fanwork, based on the Fallout video game franchise and the animated series My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic. - Added workaround to prevent impassable state ownership changing between countries that aren't at war. Additions: - Added 15 new songs and a new radio station. - Changelings should no longer take Puerto Caballo in Operation Telegraph. - Alesia in Tobuck should now be able to see North Zebrican war decisions. - New loading process text. - Made Gerza's drug mechanic easier. - Added an icon for Moonspeaker Union. - Improved AI air production. It is only visible to you. - Redistributed some resources. - Renamed the four Storm Kingdom civil war nations. , . The novel is considered to be a major cornerstone of the My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic fandom, due to its scale and popularity. - Dehumanized some GFX. - Following fixes were in earlier changelogs but weren't actually implemented until now: - In the Zumidian referendum, increased the chance. - Re-enabled foreign agent recruitment decisions. As the final battle between Red Eye's slavers and the Enclave reaches its boiling point, Littlepip's allies cast a powerful megaspell, utilizing the power of the sun to destroy major weaponry on both sides and reduce casualties. - Tweaked mountaineer AI templates. - Reduced AI experience gain. - Added new concerns for Griffonian Republic, Gryphia and Sunstriker Clan. - Fixed Zumidian independence in the Aris First moderate path not giving Hippogriffia military access. , , . - Fixed Griffonian Republic advisor icon. The decision can be activated if at war and Supremacy is >30%, OR at peace and Supremacy is >50%. - Added a new song. - Fixed Colthage focus giving warlord loyalty even if they're not enabled. - Aris cannot unite society while a puppet. - Zebra racial technology. - Fixed some level 1 railways in focuses still not being level 2. - Added numerous new generic general portraits for Equestria, Herzland countries, Aquileia and Kirin countries. - AI now avoids switching to mechanized templates without the necessary equipment. - Polished the heightmap. , . - Fixed broken civil war decisions for Monzano in Colthage. - Fixed some issues with North Zebrican War peace decisions for Hippogriffia. - Reduced some compliance gain bonuses. Shores of Zebrica Additions: - Added flavour events about Rarity for Manehattan Protectorate. - Fixed event of Prywhen post-civil war demobilization not triggering. - Asterion's and Sicameon's antimonarchism opinion modifiers should now go away when countries become non-monarchical. - Fixed some Hippogriff generals not having advisor icons. - Fixed issues with the Covenant/Ascendancy's capital changing. - Fixed missing checks for Chital ending event triggers. - Increased Baragzen's death timer in Tobuck. Littlepip refuses him, claiming the citizens of the Wasteland don't need a goddess, and kills both of them in the chaos as one of the Enclave Battleships approaching the Everfree is shot down. - Make amphibious techs dependent on marines. Her friends used the Gardens to create a new age for Equestria, allowing the wasteland to finally heal and unite under a new government called the New Canterlot Republic. - Miscellaneous bugfixes and improvements. Equestria at War 's Wiki. Checksum has not been changed. - Implemented vanilla change of high command advisors no longer giving experience. - Fixed a bug where Chiropterra could get the Hippogriff post-defeat event. - Greatly reduced the amount of factories in Saddle Arabian countries. - Fixed (again) wrong warlord couping Colthage in the militarist path. - Hippogriff racial technology. - Puppeted Zarantia now loads a generic tree. - Miscellaneous localisation fixes. , , . - Antifa Skystar can no longer use the AHAC. - Tweaked AI strategies. Equestria at War is a mod that tries to recreate the fantasy world of Equestria from My Little Pony franchise in a slightly darker setting with industrialization, corruption and political disagreements. - Fix cryptology modifiers being too small so they showed up as 0. - Fixed a focus in Griffonian Republic requiring two mutually exclusive focuses. - Fixed advisors being available for AI when they shouldn't be. - Removed duplicate national spirit in Tobuck. - Added new concern icons for Colthage and Warzena. - Allowed the player to freely choose path as Solar New Mareland. - Tweaked Chital's starting navy and fixed it not appearing without Man the Guns DLC. - Various countries now have unique battle plan names. - Fixed issues with Zarantia coring some states. - Enabled pony AI templates for more nations. - Fixed puppeted Colthage being able to demand Kar-Alpaka. - Removed Buffalo Tribe and Yakyakistan from "Major nation buffs" list. - Fixed Crack Lightning's war decisions being repeatable. - Fixed Tobuck's Chiropterra war decision being available more than once. Equestria at War is a mod that tries to recreate the fantasy world of Equestria from My Little Pony franchise in a slightly darker setting with industrialization, corruption and political disagreements. Instead, the focus now asks Wingbardy for equipment and army experience. Wingbardy can now invite Gryphia into the Karthinian Pact. Thorax now starts with the same tank designs as Chrysalis. Fixed some unconverted doctrine bonuses in Firtree and Farbrook. Wingbardy can now form the Chiazbeacle Pact even if Francistria annexed itself into Wingbardy. Increased lategame armoured car armor. Fixed Aquileia's wargoal focuses not having checks for being a puppet. Assigned generic advisor icons to various advisors. Fixed Dietrich Mach not becoming leader in National Griffonian Republic. Oskar I now starts as non-aligned party leader in National Griffonian Republic. Fixed Neighsay and Fancy Pants not becoming party leaders in ELF. Vasily in Stalliongrad will no longer attack Equestria if they're in a war together. Tarrin can now only annex neighbours with the federalization decision. - Ocean Spray trial now has an event image and an effect. - Libertalian corporate council no longer uses Coffee Bean's portrait. and our - Improved icons for various supremacy ideologies and harmony ideology. - Decision to form the Great Lakes. , 10 . - Made deer nations pick relevant racial technology for the climate they are in. - Post-peace conference countries that don't own any cores will now be annexed. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. PLAY ALL Equestria at War 17 videos 7,266 views Last updated on Aug 21, 2022 Equestria at War is total overhaul mod for Hearts of Iron IV primarily featuring Pony and Griffon characters.. This comment is currently awaiting admin approval, join now to view. - Fixed missing puppet check in Warzena focus. - Added new main menu art. - Swapped some general and advisor traits. - Star Father's casualty-crystal ratio now updates in the decision category. - Fixed Zarantia focus adding victory points value to wrong location in Zinder state. - Hippogriffia's "Strike First" focus no longer exclusively targets Chiropterra. - Fixed incorrect name for the leader of Talonsvaal. - Griffonian Republic's Task Ahead national spirit is now 50% stronger. - Hippogriffia's Posada decision now accounts for not having Man The Guns DLC. - Fixed missing puppet checks for Great Lakes war declaration decisions. - Added a new spy operative in Equestria. Changes and fixes: - Improved performance. That submarines are able to pass through. - Fixed Lunar Civil War - Extreme game rule not working properly. - Reduced size of Karkadannistan's navy. - Fixed nuke event about Stalliongrad not taking into account if Stalliongrad was annexed by another country. - Fixed Equestrian breakaway countries not using the correct support equipment icons. - Added game rule option to strengthen Hellquill. - Increased base range of supply hubs (does not affect naval bases). - Reduced NSB Heavy Tank base IC by 10%. - Crack Lightning can no longer ban Wingbardian books. - Fixed odds of a Guide expedition succeeding not showing up. - Fixed republican Angriver having a single stranded focus. - Added a portrait for Dannya in Chital. - Made Hippogriffia's Rising Defeatism worse. - Fixed North Zebrican War peace decision being available more than once. Littlepip regroups everyone in Spike's cave, including The Talons and the duo of Lion and Mouse, a ghoul and a transformed dragon respectively, and other companions she met on her travels, as she reveals her plan; Before the war, the Ministry of Awesome created the Single Pegasus Project, a series of towers able to control weather across all of Equestria for wartime usage. - Added some generic portraits for Polar Bears, Hippogriffs, Horses, Kirin and Abyssinians. - Skynavian communalist uprisings in neighbours now have a fixed size. - Fixed tank templates that Tobuck gets. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. - Fixed various issues with concerns/designers. - Dehumanized some GFX. - Set base equipment capture ratio to 2%. - Fixed republican Pingland being called a monarchy. . - Reworked and removed impassables in various locations. - Added a new portrait for Ieffri in Chital. - Fixed a Posada focus not giving underwater building slots. - Custom medals for Changeling Lands, Equestria, Wingbardy, Griffonian Empire, Hippogriffia, Griffonian Republic, Aquileia and River Republic. It's definitely a challenge, and there's hopefully so. - Zeirutid's rebellion dummy decision is now hidden when the actual mission fires. - Added an advisor icon for Screaming Eagle in Hippogriffia. - Fixed Tobuck warlord advisors. - Added a new shader. - Hippogriff decision to unite society is now visible immediately. - All countries with "Legacy of the Storm" national spirit now get an opinion penalty with yeti countries. Vasily in Stalliongrad will no longer attack Equestria if they're in a war together. - Fixed Steeltalon's trait icon. - Communist Hippogriffia's nuclear technologies now cost 1 nuke per month to maintain. - Crack Lightning can no longer bombard Hippone while at peace. - Fixed some Colthage decisions not cancelling when they should. Will Twilight's Theory be proven true, or will it be shattered and replaced by another pony's dream? - Dehumanized some GFX. - Implemented Ethiopian voicelines for Abyssinia. - Reduced how many consumer goods reductions Chital could get. - Fixed region descriptions for Zeblu and Timbucktu. Yale: If you go the anarchist path and then pick Erich Muhschabel his path also has a peculiar ending. When she enters the Single Pegasus Project, she finds the soul of Princess Celestia inside, trapped and unable to control the machine after uploading herself into it to try and stop the initial megaspell devastation of the war. - Adjusted population mapmode so it is actually useful. - Hippogriffia AI no longer places divisions on Azir's border. - Increased research bonuses of concerns across the board. - Fixed seapony conscription in the Abyss path. - Brodfeld's miracle weapon division now only has tanks and no infantry. - Attempted to maintain 1.11 peace conference behaviour for AI countries. - With the DLC, "Bella Ciao" now plays at the start of the Wingbardian civil war. - Rarity in Moon Crystal Governorate is now harmonic rather than supremacy. Hearts of Iron 4 Equestria at War, , , . - Various AI template improvements. - Reworked portraits for Alexander Kemerskai in Griffonian Republic, Steeltalon in Hellquill as well as Rover and Molly in Diamond Mountain. Shores of Zebrica Additions: - Added generic Kirin portraits. - Weakened economic bonuses of Posada and open harmony in Hippogriffia. - Added sanity checks for Sicameon. Along their way, they repeatedly cross paths with Alicorns, mutated ponies with a wide array of magical powers which they can tap into through their hivemind. - Fixed a Nova Griffonian industrial concern not having any effects. - In the Zumidian referendum, increased the chance of the outcome where they remain part of Hippogriffia. - Changed last name of Zaadeh in Warzena into Shimzel. - Fixed Baragzen's heirs not becoming leader. - Fixed outdated infrastructure check in Wittenland. - Fixed Matanzal and Zaalhanni not leaving or being removed when either becomes the Zamal. , . After Littlepip rescues her from a gladiatorial arena, Xenith joins up with the rest of the party. , events and decisions Tweaked Chital 's starting navy and Fixed it not appearing without Man Guns. 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