After the October 19 Women's Strike and the formation of alliances of women from different parts of the world, the call emerged for an International Women's Strike on March 8. The organizers called for all supporters, including men, to engage in a work stoppage at 15:40, in reference to the fact that women make 24% less than men. [1] The United Nations announced the theme of "Women in the Changing World of Work: Planet 50-50 by 2030", calling for gender equality around the globe. The International Womens Strike on March 8is an international day of action, planned and organised by women in more than 30 different countries. Skip to main content. Donate today . Women's labor rights were also defended, affected by precarious work, the gender pay gap, and sexual harassment in the workplace. [11][12][13][14], The protest was inspired by the Black Protest in Poland several months earlier,[11][15] and was organised by an ad-hoc, non-affiliated group of activists, academics, artists and trade unionists organising for abortion rights in Ireland. The precursors to the massive demonstrations against femicides under the rallying cry Not One Less (#NiUnaMenos), which took place on June 3, 2015 and 2016 in Argentina, had demonstrated a strong mobilizing power. This is a win for abortion rights, but the movement for reproductive justice must demand more than what Michigan had under Roe. By the old Russian calendar, March 8 fell in February. We strike for equal pay, a living wage and against the exploitation of women's labor. [citation needed], In the United States, A Day Without a Woman was a general strike held on 8 March 2017 and organized by two different groupsthe 2017 Women's March and a separate International Women's Strike movement. Even factories with predominantly male workers such as Nissan engaged in work stoppages. She made sure her kids were prepared for a day without mum to fetch them from school or clean up after them, and steel herself for the challenges ahead for womens rights under Trump. In New York, no woman was left out at the march. Militant journalism, revolutionary politics. The kind of feminism we seek is already emerging internationally, in struggles across the globe: from the women's strike in Poland against the abortion ban to the women's strikes and marches in Latin America against male violence; from the massive women's demonstration of the last November in Italy to the protests and the women's strike in defense of reproductive rights in South Korea and Ireland. [11][16] Despite the name "strike" some people took paid holidays that day. The International Women's Strike is a global grassroots movement utilizing the power of the working class to demonstrate against various forms of oppression. In the Spanish State alone, five million people mobilized. How was the mobilization of five mil lion organized? [17][18][19], The campaign was criticised by some anti-abortion writers. Therefore, on Thursday, March 8th, we call for the 2nd International Women's Strike. Unions said 5.3 million women had joined. Executive Director at ESCR-Net - International Network for Economic, Social & Cultural Rights Women downed their tools on multiple fronts, original socialist International Working Womens Day, contrary to dismissive claims that taking action for womens rights is just for the privileged, launched a union at the Babeland sex toy boutique, Her fellow workers struggled for a contract, now effectively punish their advocacy with billions in funding cuts, After 50 years, Le Pens party is more dangerous than ever, Honduras: Indigenous community members arrested, evicted from land, Solidarity with Bolivia against destabilisation, Residents demand Viva Gas terminal project is rejected, Asylum seekers and the threat of resettlement: The case of Farhad Bandesh, Greta Thunberg: 'Wake up and treat the climate emergency as an emergency', Malaysia: Socialists to contest general election, A technologically advanced society is choosing to destroy itself. As in, check it, because not all women are able to join the International Women's Day call to action from the Women's March organizers to strike "from paid and unpaid labor" without consequence. Brie Larson hits the Kong: Skull Island premiere. Others took part in local direct actions. The first historical example of a national strike lead by a women's movement took place in Iceland, on October 24, 1975, with paid workers and housewives taking part. Socialist and feminist and leader of CPIML (Liberation) in India. One of the slogans at the march was: If our lives are worthless, try to produce without us! Hundreds of organizations as well as local political groups supported the strike. Mothers outside the waged workforcerestructured their schedulesto share the burden of care work. An end to violence against women (aggression, humiliation, discrimination or exclusion, rape, murder of women) and the adoption of legal, political and educational measures to protect women is called for. It was a historic day with more than 200 rallies. Responsibility for electoral comment is taken by V. Miley, 22-36 Mountain St, Ultimo, NSW 2007. Our goal is not only to expose the lies, hypocrisy and bias of the billionaire class and their media: we seek to help the organising efforts of all those actively resisting the increasingly authoritarian rule of the corporate rich, here and overseas. Select from premium International Women's Strike of the highest quality. The International Women's Strike, also known as Paro Internacional de Mujeres, was a global movement coordinated across over 50 countries and coinciding with International Women's Day, on 8 March 2017 and 2018. It was organised in Karachi by the feminist collective Hum Aurtein, with corresponding marches held in other cities across the country. Green Left has shown the global Left how it can do battle with corporate media and create a platform for people's media which will prioritize people's movements and people's perspectives and ideas. They chanted, Chilean or foreign, the same working class. The rights of Mapuche indigenous people were also highlighted. Women chant and raise their signs during a rally, part of International Women's Strike NYC, on March 8, 2017, at Washington Square Park in New . The meeting was attended by several hundred female journalists from the main Spanish media. One of the largest labor unions, PIT-CNT, called a strike after 4 p.m. so that workers could attend the mobilizations. The International women's strike on March 8, 2017 took place in 50 countries. Later,women workers held the opening banner and spoke at a massive rally. In fact, it was the greatest mobilisation for womens right in history, with almost 6 million people overwhelmingly women striking and demonstrating in about 120 cities and towns. The national strike . On the global political stage, there is a growing presence of right-wing women leaders like Italys new prime minister, Giorgia Meloni. That I am a woman did not matter what did matter is that the workers came together, we agitated, we educated , When we are united as an intersectional workforce when the sex workers, when the trans women, when the women of colour, when the disabled women when we centre those most marginalised in our community [and] put their voices forward, when our goal is not only to help them survive but thrive is when our feminism is a success.. [6] Similar demonstrations took place in other Latin American countries including Mexico,El Salvador, Chile, and others. [5], 19 October 2016, saw the #NiUnaMenos protest against femicide in Argentina, a large-scale response to the murder of 16-year-old Luca Prez. Viva Green Left! Following the October 19 Women's Strike and the formation of alliances of women from different parts of the world, the call emerged for an International Women's Strike on March 8. A secular state and equal education were claimed. [1] The United Nations announced the theme of "Women in the Changing World of Work: Planet 50-50 by 2030", calling for gender equality around the globe. [8], One of the main demands was for a society free from violence against women, whose most visible manifestation is the aggression and murder of women for the simple fact of being women. The two groups asked that women not work that day to protest the policies of the administration of Donald Trump, encouraging women to refrain from working, spending money (or, alternatively, electing to shop only at "small, women- and minority-owned businesses"), and to wear red as a sign of solidarity. In December, when the government passed a pension reform law, hundreds of thousands took to the streets, facing off against police repression. 2 November; Brazil: Lula narrowly wins presidency - the fight against Bolsonarismo continues! Women's Strike 2021 On 8th March, International Women's Day, we will hold public memorials to mourn the hundreds of thousands who we have lost unnecessarily, and the increased violence we are facing at work and at home. Our side is and always will be that of the 99%. The Polish and Argentinian groups coordinated using long proprietary software voice over IP discussions together with women from 28 other countries for preparing the strike. This year's International Women's Day comes on the eve of a planned "women's strike" in Mexico Monday. Our International Women's Day strike aims to bring these two wings of our movement together. The huge demonstrations against femicides under the rallying cry Not One More (#NiUnaMenos), which took place on June 3 in 2015 and 2016 in Argentina, had demonstrated a strong mobilising power. [1] The United Nations announced the theme of "Women in the Changing World of Work: Planet 50-50 by 2030", calling for gender equality around the globe. According to the platform, "March . [24][25], In 2018 there was the first of the annual Women's Strike protests and events. Now that Trumpism is bringing the full weight of such global injustice to bear on women, half the worlds work lies ahead. International Women's Strike The International Women's Strike, building on the success of similar strikes in Poland, Korea, and Argentina last year, aims to call attention to the contributions women make to the global economy and to protest attempts to roll back women's rights all over the world. Wednesday, October 19, 2022 Venezuelan migrants expelled from U.S. and sent back to Mexico More than 3,000 Venezuelan migrants have been expelled to Mexico from the United States under a new. [10], On March 8, 2000, the Campaa Internacional por un Salario para el Trabajo en el Hogar called the first International Women's Strike, demanding the women's right to justice for their unrecognised contribution to the workforce. The strike itself isn't the problem, the problem is that women with relative privilege participated in the strike without interrogating their own privileged relationship to the risk and harm that women with less privilege may experience because of their participation in the same strike. Real climate action meansNO NEW FOSSIL FUELS. We should revive the original . Due to the success of the strike call, the issues that were raised gained attention importance in the media and press. Feminist, grassroots, and socialist organizations around the world have called for an International Women's Strike on March 8 in defense of reproductive rights and against violence, understood as economic, institutional, and interpersonal violence.. . . Thousands of Women Marched for International Women's Day On Sunday, women around the world took to the streets to protest femicide, fascism, and discriminatory labor practices. The 1975 women's strike in Iceland, for one, was dubbed "the Long Friday" by men who were forced to step into women's shoes for a day. Women are overwhelmingly impacted by the climate crisis. High quality International Womens Strike-inspired gifts and merchandise. In the Spanish State alone, five million people mobilized. In 1910, an International Women's Conference preceded the conference of the Second Communist International. The International Women's Strike (IWS) is a grassroots movement established by women from different parts of the world. The antidote to midterm despair is socialist feminism. [1][2] It was supported by over 170 countries and a large number of related local activities. Other large trade unions such as the UGT limited themselves to calling for partial stoppages from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. and from 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. [28][29][30], International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, Por qu mujeres del todo el mundo planean hacer huelga el 8 de Marzo, Hacia la huelga feminista del 8-M: el da en el que las mujeres intentarn parar el mundo, "Las mujeres preparan el Paro Internacional del 8 de marzo -", "Una huelga feminista sin fronteras, de Argentina a Kurdistn", Distintos pases, un mismo grito contra la desigualdad, "Paro Internacional de Mujeres: multitudinaria asamblea para organizar el 8M -", "Parar para mover todo | Hacia el nuevo Paro Internacional de Mujeres", "El ejemplo ms reciente: la huelga de las mujeres islandesas |", "Mujeres y nias hacen 2/3 del trabajo mundial por 5% de los ingresos", "Women Across the Globe Are Planning to Strike on March 8. Sao Paulo had a particularly big march, which included a municipal teachers contingent. The movement called for the end of violence against women, gender inequality, and different forms of oppression against women. The slogan of the day was "If we stop, the world stops". Women often have implicit or explicit power over other . T-shirts, posters, stickers, home decor, and more, designed and sold by independent artists around the world. Select from premium International Women's Strike of the highest quality. On a national level, it seems the Women's Strike, or Women's Day Off, marked the beginnings of a . Accounts and experiences from that strike were collected in our first reader. Women's Climate Strike is calling on all women to take climate action on International Women's Day under the theme The Wait of the World. Women downed their tools on multiple fronts. A Luta Continua! [22] Part of the management accused them of supporting a political strike, but they were not brought to justice. The wage gap between men and women was condemned, calling for equal pay for equal work. In dozens of cities, preparatory assemblies were held to organise marches and other actions. In the context of massive demonstrations in different countries, Polish activists began to connect and coordinate actions with similar movements in other countries, initially joined by Israel, Italy, South Korea, Russia, Ireland, Brazil, and Mexico forming a group to create the International Women's Strike. Women wore green bandanas to express support for the legalization of abortion. Our side is and always will be that of the 99%. Subscribeto Green Left now! It was organized by feminist movements in support of women's rights across the world. Strikes have fostered, revived and strengthened solidarity across issues and movements to change structural oppression, whether it be patriarchy, neoliberalism, globalisation, militarism, fundamentalisms or environmental . Teachers hired by the state of Sao Paulo also organized a work stoppage on March 8 and went to the protest. See also Global Women's Strike and International Women's Strike. Donate today . There was a railway transport strike until 9 p.m., although train operators guaranteed essential services during rush hour, in compliance with Italian law. This led to strikes in many countries, including techniques such as rallies and banging pots. For mums like Muhammad, the struggle continues well past this March 8. Watch the New York City Women's Day March in 360. On March 8, women organized the second International Womens Strike in more than 150 countries. This International Women's Day, Thursday 8 March, workers at four Picturehouse cinemas in London will strike for the Living Wage, company maternity and paternity pay, sick pay, and union recognition. Organiser and Arab-American Palestinian rights activist Suzanne Adely said the rally upheld a tradition of women using their economic power to build a social movement that declares that the liberation of women can only come when we stop wars, when we stop violence against black women and black people, [and] come together to learn how to work together towards building real liberation for women and for all people. A commission representing these organizations began meeting on the 8th of every month to organize a general strike, and became the national "8 March commission". But her communitys work remained painfully unfinished; her husband is unable to enter the country because of Trumps policy, which was recently reissued with slight amendments. Under the slogan Lets stop everything, hundreds of thousands of people protested in each major Spanish city. The International Women's Strike, also known as Paro Internacional de Mujeres, was a global movement coordinated across over 50 countries and coinciding with International Women's Day, on 8 March 2017 and 2018. Other labor unions called for a full-day strike. Althaibani said: Following the great success of the bodega strike, thousands of Americans throughout the country took to the streets and strikes were organized in other major cities and towns, Strikes work, boycotting works, protests work.. In Berlin, an anti-capitalist stance was achieved after a strong mobilisation from anti-capitalist and even revolutionary sectors of the German Left. [citation needed] In 2018, the national commission called for controls to tackle "gender violence, bodies and the right to choose, borders and the economy". The United Nations announced the theme of "Women in the Changing World of Work: Planet 50-50 by 2030", calling for gender equality around the globe. On March 8, women around the world gave themselves a day off from the system. Since providers have often campaigned for reproductive rights reforms, the administration couldnow effectively punish their advocacy with billions in funding cuts. Major unions such as the CGT and CNT called for a 24-hour strike. These movements were globally assembled by coalitions like the Spanish Internacional Feminista and International Women's Strike.[19]. Air traffic controllers were also on strike from 1-5 p.m., and national airline Alitalia was forced to cancel flights. [2] The International Women's Strike, also known as Paro Internacional de Mujeres, was a global movement coordinated across over 50 countries and coinciding with International Women's Day, on 8 March 2017 and 2018. 9, 2020. Various labor unions participated, including the telephone workers union as well as a union of domestic workers. [27], Civil and political equality, equality before the law, equal pay, right to work, right to education, equal opportunities and equality of outcome for women compared to men makes up the general core of the world's demands, which have their own expression in each country depending on its socio-political situation. In an article below, translated by Liz Mason-Deese, the group explains how its strike against gender violence last year has evolved into the call for an International Womens Strike on March 8, International Womens Day. Professors pushed for a sanctuary campus for immigrants at regional colleges and universities, and sex workers and bodega (convenience store) owners marched arm in arm for environmental, gender, and racial justice under the banner of feminism for the 99%. Poverty, racial violence, persecution of immigrants and cutbacks in social and health programmes were also reported. It demonstrates how campaigns for women's rights were consciously and unconsciously played out, impacting attitudes to motherhood, spurring the radical "birth-strike" movement, and burgeoning communist sympathies in working-class communities around Britain and beyond. We are supporting the International Women's Strike, taking place in more than 40 countries in the world. In France, there were protests in various cities. Amid growing calls for a general strike, the labor leaders accepted a truce instead of relying on workers power in the streets. Green Left needs your support. [9], Over 50 countries participated in the International Women's Strike. The main march was held in Dublin, with 10,000 people marching to government buildings. The United Nations announced the theme of "Women in the Changing World of Work: Planet 50-50 by 2030", calling for gender equality around the globe. [2] In the United States, the strike was branded as "Day Without a Woman". The International Women's Strike, also known as Paro Internacional de Mujeres, was a global movement coordinated across over 50 countries and coinciding with International Women's Day, on 8 March 2017 and 2018. The International Women's Strike or International Feminist Strike 8-M was a movement that took place on March 8, 2018, International Women's Day. On October 19, 2016, in Argentina, members of the movement Ni Una Menos and other feminist organizations, called for an hour-long strike and various demonstrations, after a week with 7 femicides. Find International Women's Strike stock photos and editorial news pictures from Getty Images. Select from premium International Women's Strike of the highest quality. In the Philippines, hundreds of activists protested in Manila against Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte, and in particular against his violations of womens rights. [4] The day became known as Black Monday. Join us in solidarity with countries around the world in a day of action for women. Highlights from International Women's Strike Around the World. Now more than ever, women and non-binary people feel the weight of society on our shoulders and are holding the crisis [] One of the most important moments of the march was the intervention of 70 immigrants who demanded the end to racism and discrimination against migrants and for quality employment. On Sunday, the International Women's Strike New York held a kickoff panel calling for an anti-capitalist and anti-imperialist feminism. One of the slogans at the march was: "If our lives are worthless, try to produce without us"! Green Left needs your support. The New York march route touched historic sites of struggle, from the Triangle Shirtwaist factory, where women workers burned and rebelled a century ago, to Stonewall Inn, where the first generation of queer rights activists exploded against police oppression. Important steps were also taken from the ideological . The strike is partly inspired by the women of Iceland, where in 1975 25,000 women gathered on the streets of Reykjavik and 90% of the female population did not go to work, cook, clean or take. Instead of the strike being a simple labor strike, women were encourage to strike in other aspects of their lives. In the Spanish State alone, five million people mobilized. Esther Vicente, who rallied in Washington as president of International Planned Parenthood Womens Federation Western Hemisphere, said many of the federations member groups are now besieged by the global gag rule. Green Left was very active in supporting MKOTT which ultimately led to Australia's recognition of the rights of the Timorese people. Michigans Proposal 3 restores some of Roes protections in a mass repudiation of the undemocratic Supreme Court. But for one day, to mark the International Women's Strike, women in dozens of cities in the United States and in more than 50 countries across the world redeployed their productive energies to fighting for gender and economic justice. (Optional) Enter your postcode for local activist event updates. The International Women's Strike, or the Feminist Strike, is a label that can be filled with content by the people who claim it. In the early morning, women workers blocked roads to protest layoffs and austerity. Responsibility for electoral comment is taken by V. Miley, 22-36 Mountain St, Ultimo, NSW 2007. Protests were also held elsewhere around Ireland and outside the Irish Embassy in London. 5, 2020. Among feminists, many are driven to the polls by the attacks on reproductive rights and trans youth. [2] They chanted We will not obey! and Woman, life, freedom! in Kurdish. Indigenous organizations as well as other feminist and left organization also attended. Women's Strike organisers Magally A. Miranda Alcazar and Kate D. Griffiths have noted working women of colour and low socioeconomic women have long been striking for equality. This demonstrates how the Right exploits feminism for its own purposes. An International Women's Strike has been called for March 8, International Women's Day, by women in more than 50 countries. February 1, 2018. You can add Brie Larson to the list of celebrities who wore red in support of Wednesday's "A Day Without a Woman" strike, organized by the folks at the Women's March in conjunction with International Women's Day. For this reason, the professionals who have promoted the manifesto call on the media and newspaper companies to take action in areas such as the wage gap, demanding 'wage transparency and a review of professional categories, complements and criteria'. Statement: Women's Global Strike 2021. Strike until victory! On 8 March 2017, International Women's Day, Oxfam will lend its voice to thousands of women and women's organizations around the world that are coming together to say enough. Over 200,000 people mobilized in the streets of Buenos Aires, including young women, families, and elderly women. Women workers in Spain are marking International Women's Day with an unprecedented strike targeting gender inequality and sexual discrimination. Spokesperson for Movement Against the Occupation of the Timor Sea (MKOTT), 'If we stop, the world stops': Behind the millions-strong womens strike that shook the Spanish state, International Womens Strike shows what feminism really looks like, Women worldwide strike and protest for International Women's Day, International Women's Strike on March 8 marks 'start of a new international feminist movement, How the call for an International Womens Strike on March 8 arose, After 50 years, Le Pens party is more dangerous than ever, Honduras: Indigenous community members arrested, evicted from land, Solidarity with Bolivia against destabilisation, Residents demand Viva Gas terminal project is rejected, Asylum seekers and the threat of resettlement: The case of Farhad Bandesh, Greta Thunberg: 'Wake up and treat the climate emergency as an emergency', Malaysia: Socialists to contest general election, A technologically advanced society is choosing to destroy itself. Women "were summoned to stop working, to stop attending classes, to cease to undertake care work and to avoid consuming". A Women's March on Washington was also held on January 21, 2017. This international action also had the objective to determine the level of exploitation of women in the workplace, social reproduction, and reproductive labor.[8][9]. If not, we will strike". It was organised by Womens Strike Assembly along with the new United Sex Workers section of the United Voices of the World and included the Sex/Work Strike[26] as part of which a minutes noise for Laura Lee (sex worker) was held in Soho in London[27] and protests outside the family court in London and parliament[28], International strikes by women on 8 March 2017 and 2018, Thirty-sixth Amendment of the Constitution of Ireland, "Meet the Organizers Behind the Upcoming Worldwide Women's Strike", "Women to go on strike in Poland in protest at planned abortion law", "Black Monday: Polish women strike against abortion ban", "#NiUnaMenos: el brutal asesinato de Luca Prez en Argentina moviliza a las mujeres del mundo", "Argentina's women joined across South America in marches against violence", "Ni Una Menos Reaches Rio: Is There Hope To End Gender Violence In Brazil? Canada: victory to Ontario education workers! You can alsolikeus on Facebook andfollow uson Twitter. ***. Her fellow workers struggled for a contractthat would strengthen the staffs civil rights and labour conditions, she recalled, against vocal resistance from nominally liberal (but profit-minded) bosses. On March 8, 2017, the International Women's Strike was coordinated between more than fifty countries, drawing on the momentum that had been building since the Latin American women's strike on October 19, 2016. Rabyaah Althaibani, a Yemeni-American family business owner, highlighted the link between feminist success and racial justicein the bodega strike, in which thousands of local grocers in New York closed shop for a day to protest Trumps original Muslim travel ban right before it was suspended by the courts. At a time when even Ivanka Trump calls herself a feminist, these women were showing that working women still cant get a break. She was politicised by family needs: Years ago she had to drag her sick child with her to her retail workplace after being warned shed lose her job if she stayed home to nurse him. Not that a womans work is ever done. At that time, in St. Petersburg, women went on strike for "Bread and Peace" demanding the end to World War I, Czarism, and the shortage of food in Russia. [ 9 ], over 50 countries participated in the United States the! Historic day with more than 200 rallies unprecedented strike targeting gender inequality and sexual harassment the. Called a strike after 4 p.m. so that workers could attend the mobilizations 2 November ; Brazil: Lula wins! Held on January 21, 2017 took place in 50 countries participated the. Of thousands of people protested in each major Spanish City by feminist movements in support of &. 22-36 Mountain St, Ultimo, NSW 2007 amid growing calls for general. 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