So, the very primordial Manifestation of Ahuramazda through a relatable idea is the Spenta-Mainyu. All that is good derives from, and is supported by, Ahura Mazda's emanations: Spenta Mainyu (the "Holy Spirit" or "Incremental Spirit . Since the Bundahishn presents Ahura Mazda and Angra Mainyu as direct opposites, the question of their origins has been raised. The angry God - translates as foul spirit. In these texts, even, The conclusion that the Fiendish Spirit, too, was an emanation of Ahura Mazdah's is unavoidable. Zoroastrianism. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Even though it is speculated that Ahura Mazda was a spirit in the Indo-Iranian religion, he had not yet been given the title of uncreated spirit. For instance, during the Achaemenid period, the rulers of Persia worshipped Ahura Mazda, though it is possible that they were not Zoroastrians. During the Afrinigan liturgy, various offerings are presented to Ahura Mazda, including trays covered with fruits, eggs, water, milk, as well as three cups of wine, and eight flowers. He is the positive counterpart of Angra Mainyu, "Harmful Spirit", according to Avestan religion. Spenta Mainyu roughly means "Beneficent Spirit" in Avestan language. Zoroastrians believe people are free to choose between good and bad. So Angremainyu is the idea: the antitheses of Spenta-Mainyu. Spenta-Mainyu is not Holy as we understand it. [Online]Available at: By studying the Gathas, we can conclude that in the teachings of Zarathushtra the person of Devil such as Satan does not exist, , it even does not appear in the Achamenid's inscriptions. 30.4)."[2]. This is why good and bad are subjective only; and repose in the senses; and this is why it is said that good and bad are the two sides of the same coin. The Gathas provide us with an entirely different picture: Here the context shows that " spenta " means "incremental, increasing, expanding, progressing, and progressive." " Mainyu " means "means of thinking, faculty of thinking, mind, and mentality." Zoroastrianism, the dominant pre-Islamic religious tradition of the Iranian peoples, was founded by the prophetic reformer Zoroaster in the 6th or 7th century BCE (if not earlier). . See more. Hes a family man who in his free time likes nothing better than to fly model airplanes with his daughter and eat dhun-daar-patiyo with the rest of his family. Painted clay and alabaster head of a Zoroastrian priest wearing a distinctive Bactrian-style headdress, 3rd2nd century BC. The Middle Persian equivalent is Ahriman. Ahriman slays the primal bull, but the moon rescues the seed of the dying creature, and from it springs all animal creation. Because Zoroastrians believed in a completely dualistic form of religion, Ahriman is thought to be . Athena was the goddess of reason, wisdom, and war. Thus, both Angra Mainyu and Spenta Mainyu were created by Ahura Mazda, and should be regarded as his respective 'creative' and 'destructive' emanations. "[2] In chapter 100 of Book of the Arda Viraf, which is titled 'Ahriman', the narrator sees the "Evil spirit, whose religion is evil [and] who ever ridiculed and mocked the wicked in hell. On this great moment of choice, one should adhere to Spenta Mainyu or Benevolent Spirit because by turning away from it, the other Mainyu (as in later Avesta called, Angra Mainyu) shall prevail which is not progressive and even regressive. As long as the simple Zoroastrian believed in God, Hormazd, and his adversary the evil one, Ahriman, things went without spenta mainyu. Therefore, the motto of the religion is Good Thoughts, Good Words, Good Deeds. [12][19][20], Rudolf Steiner, who founded the esoteric spiritual movement anthroposophy, used the concept of Ahriman to name one of two extreme forces which pull humanity away from the centering influence of God. This includes ones own physical and mental well-being, since taking care of ones physical and mental health is a way to honor creation, and therefore the creator himself, Ahura Mazda. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. There is no. "[2], In the Book of Arda Viraf 5.10, the narrator the 'righteous Viraf' is taken by Sarosh and Adar to see "the reality of God and the archangels, and the non-reality of Ahriman and the demons" as described by the German philologist and orientalist Martin Haug, whose radical interpretation was to change the faith in the 19th century (see "In present-day Zoroastrianism" below). Personal salvation is attained through making the right choice. Ahura Mazda has been depicted in art over the ages, though not consistently. Very beautifully written. To us, it means nothing; this is a concept that we cannot relate with. There are several different accounts of how Ahura Mazda and Angra Mainyu are related to one another. (62.2), Book of Jamaspi 2.3 notes that "Ahriman, like a worm, is so much associated with darkness and old age, that he perishes in the end. Tra il VI secolo a.C. e il X secolo d.C. fu la religione principale pi diffusa nelle regioni iraniche e . All we can relate to is the Consciousness Vohumana; surrender to it; and then , My Zoroastrian brothers and sisters who read this may conclude that I have utilised Hinduism to explain the, To us seekers, then, it becomes doubly pertinent to realise, that to know the Path of Zarathushtra, we must go back to the Teachings at Source and these repose in hoary, ancient, fantastic antiquity beyond the reach of both religion or scholarship as they are at present established. Ahura Mazda is: Omniscient (knows everything). Lo zoroastrismo (definito anche zoroastrianesimo o mazdeismo, in avestico mazdayasna, cio " adorazione di (Ahura) Mazda " o " culto di Mazda ") la religione basata sugli insegnamenti del profeta Zarathustra (o Zoroastro). [citation needed]" A few chapters later, the Ulema notes that "it is clear that Ahriman is a non-entity" but "at the resurrection Ahriman will be destroyed and thereafter all will be good; and [change?] The ceremony, which has its roots in ancient Indo-Iranian cultic practices, was used as a form of maintenance of the cosmic integrity of the good creation of Ahura Mazda. The central aspect of the Yasna ceremony is the preparation and consumption of haoma, i.e., the sacred drink of immortality. "Nowhere is Angra Mainyu said to be the creator of the daevas or their father."[2]. But Ahriman, "being devoid of anything good, does not issue from that which is owing to truth." ZOROASTRIAN PRAYERS IN PERSIAN LANGUAGE A BLISSFUL EXPERIENCE, TALENT UNLEASHED PARSI CRICKETER SHINES. Amesha Spenta (Ama Spnta) is an Avestan language term for a class of divinity/divine concepts in Zoroastrianism, and literally means "Bounteous Immortal" (in reverse word order) Later middle Persian variations of the term include Ameshspand and the specifically Zoroastrian Mahrspand and Amahrspand. The depth of ancient Zoroastrian wisdom in English language surprises me. Spenta Mainyu is the self-revealing activity of Ahura Mazda. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. The former is the supreme deity of this religion, whereas the latter is the evil, destructive spirit. This creative energy is called Spenta Mainyu. For the ease of understanding here, Benevolent Spirit will be used, as translated by Insler. "He" and his works are evident to humanity through the six primary Amesha Spentas and the host of . These good spirits could be supported in a number of ways, including the avoidance of lies, giving aid to the poor, the performance of certain sacrifices, and the cult of fire. Thus, in Zoroastrianism, Ahura Mazda and Angra Mainyu are opposed to each other, either directly, or indirectly. Mazdaism is the religion which recognises Ahura Mazda's supreme authority as the one God. So it is the best to choose good. The two opposing spirits that operate in the material world are Spenta Mainyu and Angre Mainyu. Steel Man of India Dr Jamshed J Irani: An ardent l third of five brothers born to their mother, Dughdhova, and their father, Pourushaspa, who belonged to the Spitama (Spitaman) family. But our wisdom reminds us that he has been doing this repeatedly, he may be an addict and that any financial aid to him will go up in smoke. repost from @thefezana Attend our Welcome Functio Enter Spenta Mainyu: As long as the simple Zoroastrian believed in God, Hormazd, and his adversary the evil one, Ahriman, things went without spenta mainyu. Though Ahura Mazda has no equal contesting force, Angra Mainyu (destructive spirit/mentality) is considered the main adversarial force of the religion standing against Spenta Mainyu (creative spirit/mentality), whose forces are born from Aka Manah (evil thought). d. Spenta Mainyu e. Ahura Mazda f. Maidhynimaonha g. Vishtaspa h. Dakhmas i. Parsis 1. an Aryan prince who was a Zoroastrian convert 2. the Zoroastrian name for a holy spirit 3. the "Immortal Holy Ones," or the Sacred Seven 4. the sacred text of Zoroastrianism 5. The Bundahishn, a Zoroastrian account of creation completed in the 12th century has much to say about Ahriman and his role in the cosmogony. The entire universe is finally divided between the Ohrmuzd and the yazads on one side and Ahriman with his devs on the other. This keeps Zoroastrianism in its monotheistic category. Zoroastrianism or Mazdayasna is one of the world's oldest continuously-practiced religions, based on the teachings of the Iranian-speaking prophet Zoroaster (also known as Zarautra in Avestan or as Zartosht in Modern Persian). As a result, Zoroastrians have been characterized as people who believe in dualism. Despite these textual references to Ahura Mazda, the Achaemenids seem to have rarely depicted the deity. This is the Eternal Mind that reposes beyond every physical, intellectual, emotional, and etheric definitions of, Ahuramazda is the Eternal Consciousness. In Zoroastrianism, as reflected in the Avesta, Ahura Mazd is identified with Spenta Mainyu and is directly opposed to Angra Mainyu. Angra Mainyu is the god of evil, chaos, and darkness. Other texts see the world created by Ohrmuzd as a trap for Ahriman, who is then distracted by creation and expends his force in a battle he cannot win. This presents a problem if one were to reject the version in which Angra Mainyu is not the direct enemy of Ahura Mazda. [6]:419428 Eznik of Kolb also summarizes a myth in which Ahriman is said to have demonstrated an ability to create life by creating the peacock. The goal of this ceremony is to offer direct praise to Ahura Mazda for the goodness that he has bestowed upon the world. This is considered to be the most sacred Zoroastrian prayer, and is believed to have been used by Ahura Mazda himself to subdue Angra Mainya at the beginning of their 9000-year battle. Yet, let us say that to attempt and define Ahuramazda as Supreme Consciousness is but an expression of our own, So it follows that it wouldnt be wrong to say, that Ahuramazda is All, Everything and Nothing through time and timelessness. Mithra: strongest angel, ideal of soldier; deeply influences Romans II. The only way to be aware of that idea is to be Conscious of it; such a Consciousness is Realised; and thereby, we know it as the Vohumana Brahman, as we call it amongst us Hindus; it implies Total Rationale. Angra Mainyu, (Avestan: Destructive Spirit) Middle Persian Ahriman, the evil, destructive spirit in the dualistic doctrine of Zoroastrianism. Angra Mainyu. Get To Know Parshan Khosravi: Young Zarthushti Lea Does Spenta-Mainyu instigate feelings of love? In these accounts, both Angra Mainyu and . In Yasna 47, through this faculty one can discover the truth of creation and recognize God. Ahura Mazd. (See page for author / CC BY 4.0 ). And long before them, in the good old days of the Vendidad, Ahura Mazda, the most spenta mainyu, had anghra mainyu as his opponent. It centers on the words of the prophet Zarathushtra, called Zoroaster by the ancient Greeks, and focuses worship upon Ahura Mazda, the Lord of Wisdom. This title was given by Zoroaster, who proclaimed Ahura Mazda as the uncreated spirit, wholly wise, benevolent and good, as well as the creator and upholder of Asha. In Yasna 9.8, Angra Mainyu creates Ai Dahaka, but the serpent recoils at the sight of Mithra's mace (Yasht 10.97, 10.134). It can not be doubted that both are sons of Ahura Mazda, since they are explicitly said to be twins, and we learn from, This Western hypothesis influenced Parsi reformists in the nineteenth century, and still dominates much Parsi theological discussion, as well as being still upheld by some Western, Learn how and when to remove this template message,, Various incarnations of Angra Mainyu appear in, Various incarnations of Angra Mainu and Ahriman appear in, This page was last edited on 12 October 2022, at 00:05. According to Zoroastrian tradition, at the age of 30, Zoroaster received a revelation: while fetching water at dawn for a sacred . Mithra was protector of the faithful & guide toward asha (truth) & the most powerful warrior against the forces of darkness. Therefore, for contemporary Zoroastrians, these public rituals have been substituted with the private remembrance of Ahura Mazda as an essential part of their religious exercise. Anamitra Dasgupta draws his inspiration from the Noble Zarathushtra, whom he considers as his own Guru. He found nothing to relate to. God . Zarathushtra, envisions the world as a magnificent creation of God, which needs to be physically and spiritually perfected toward evolution (Haurvatat), and for this purpose human with perfect capabilities is in charge. Let us term this, for our edification alone, as the Primordial Vibration. In Vendidad 19, Angra Mainyu urges Zoroaster to turn from the good religion by promising him sovereignty of the world. Zoroastrians believe Ahura Mazda created the good spirits (Spenta Mainyu), and Angra Mainyu the demons. It is believed that during the ritual, the glorious purity of Ahura Mazda is cultivated, and shines through the priest who is conducting the Yasna ceremony. A noted author and lecturer on the Zoroastrian religion, Dr. jahanian also teaches religion classes for adults and children. ZOROATRIANISM 1 Good God - Ahura Mazda (Monotheism) 2 Sons of Ahura Mazda the Good Son - Spenta Mainyu - Leader of the Angels the Evil Son - Angra Mainyu - Leader of the Demons Ahura Mazda manifests himself via 6 Virtuous Emanations or Amesha Spentas (Bounteous Immortals), 3 Female & 3 Male: o Vohu Manah (Good Mind) o Asha Vahistah (Truth) o Kashathra Vairya (Good Dominion) o . By replacing the evil spirit Angra Mainyu with the more abstract concept of The Lie, Zoroaster was trying to, according to some scholars, foster greater personal responsibility amongst his followers. We learn that Zarathushtra does not compile all the evil in one entity to be feared or worshipped out of fear. The Manas as a rational concept is Medha in Sanskrit. The family had moved to Zanzibar so that Bomi could continue his job as a cashier at the British Colonial Office. The Middle Persian equivalent is Ahriman (anglicised pronunciation: /rmn/). It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. Spenta Mainyu also acts as a medium between humans and Ahura Mazda. Ushta-te. In the context of Zoroastrian view of creation, the group of the Amesha Spenta is extended to include Ahura Mazda, together with (or represented by) Spenta Mainyu. Operate in the dualistic doctrine of Zoroastrianism but the moon rescues the seed of the religion which recognises Mazda... His devs on the Zoroastrian religion, Ahriman is thought to be the creator of daevas. World are spenta Mainyu is the supreme deity of this ceremony is the God of evil,,. For a sacred Bactrian-style headdress, 3rd2nd century BC not compile all the evil, chaos, and it... Of darkness, ( Avestan: destructive Spirit ) Middle Persian Ahriman, `` being devoid of anything,! 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