B. Ethnographic research is difficult to administer, whereas focus group studies are easy to administer. This is an example of ________ advertising. In this scenario, the ad illustrates the application of. An advertising campaign is a marketing ad or a set of advertisements targeted at particular audience segments. Help advertisers prepare communications for new media such as the Internet, podcasting, interactive kiosks, CDs, and interactive television. Evaluate the campaign- Reaching advertising objectives and effectiveness of the advertising message. d. Rework parts a, b, and c assuming they are annuities due.. What can be used to help determine how paid advertising is implemented over a specific period of time? When they finally find a spot and park the car, they discover that they can't open the doors to get out. \text{Interest} & \text{40}\\ Developing a Marketing Campaign and Budget Learning Objectives Identify key elements of an integrated marketing communications plan, including promotional mix, tactics, timing, ownership, measurement, resources and budget requirements Explain how to create a budget for an integrated marketing communications plan Which of the following advertising execution styles has been illustrated in this scenario? A mascot, or a common running theme formultiple advertisements within the same campaign helps the audience bringtogether the commonality of your business and also adds to your brandrecognition. Marketing Essentials: The Deca Connection, Carl A. Woloszyk, Grady Kimbrell, Lois Schneider Farese, Daniel F Viele, David H Marshall, Wayne W McManus. These activities are part of the ________ step of the creative process outlined by Graham Wallas. Defined by the AMA as all marketing activities other than personal selling, advertising, and public relations that are used to stimulate purchasing and sales is what. In an ad for Pluto's superior sun protection moisturizer, a dermatologist's report states, "A year of incidental sun equals baking for a week at the beach!" The process of designing a brand so it can occupy a distinct and valued place in the target consumer's mind relative to other brands and then communicating this distinctiveness through advertising. When BMW communicates that its car is "the ultimate driving machine," which transcends and helps differentiate its entire product line, it is using the concept of ________ as a basis for advertising strategy. When an advertiser cites technical information, such as the results of laboratory studies, in an advertisement, a(n) ________ style of execution is being used. They offer a value because they are durable, shaped by many and permeate different contexts. No calculations are required, although if you prefer, you can use calculations to illustrate the effects. B. an uplifting social force, as a way to inspire and entertain. The design, content, and writing style of this ad format mirrors the nonpaid content around it, giving the user the impression that it really belongs. An ad for a medication that helps people undergoing chemotherapy feel more energetic shows a grandfather sorrowfully wishing he could participate in his grandson's birthday party. A firm wants to show its products in three dimensions to illustrate specific product features. The ads were attempting to build curiosity without showing the product. This is an example of a(n), Underneath the headline, "Fully Loaded," in an ad for Brett shotguns was written: "Our most comprehensive line of autoloading shotguns ever." Identify target audience, set advertising objectives, determine the advertising budget, convey the message, evaluate and select media, create advertisements, assess impact. The real risk-free rate, $r^{*}$, is 1.7%. advertising creativity the ability to generate fresh,unique, and appropiate or relevant idea that can be used as solutions to communication problems divergence refers to the extent to which an ad contains elements that are novel, different, or unusual. B. provide creative personnel with a better understanding of general consumer trends. The ________ step of Young's creative process model deals with taking the information, working it over, and wrestling with it in the mind. An 11-year corporate bond has a yield of 8.7%, which includes a liquidity premium of 0.3%. Product marketing campaign Manage an organization's relationships with the media, the local community, competitors, industry associations, and government organizations. More than 50 million students study for free with the Quizlet app each month. TaylorMade is using a ________ appeal. identifying product benefits, developing and evaluating advertising appeals, executing the message, and evaluating the effectiveness of the campaign, Donald E. Kieso, Jerry J. Weygandt, Terry D. Warfield, Marketing Essentials: The Deca Connection, Carl A. Woloszyk, Grady Kimbrell, Lois Schneider Farese. The companys stock currently trades at$67 a share. $ Calculate the projects expected NPV, standard deviation, and coefficient of variation. Meanwhile, she is also assigned another project. Both are qualitative research techniques. Design and then operate contests, sweepstakes, special displays, or coupon campaigns for advertisers. Steps in planning and executing an ad campaign. The thing to remember, however, is that simple ideas can yield fantastic results, so the theme doesn't need to be overworked. Which of the following is true of reminder advertising? A(n) ____ is a series of drawings used to present the visual plan or layout of a commercial along with a description of the audio for each scene. Which of the following is one of the five major factors identified by Robert Smith that refers to ads that contain unexpected details or finish and extend basic ideas so they become more intricate, complicated, or sophisticated? Now suppose that $\mathrm{r}_\mathrm{RF}$ (1) increases to 5% or (2) decreases to 3%. Calculate each stocks coefficient of variation. This is an example of a(n) ________ headline. The use of an actor's voice for reading poetry in a series of automobile commercials is an example of a. (measures creativity) account planning is used to facilitate the creative process. According to the work of sociologist Graham Wallas, the four-step approach to the creative process includes: According to the creative process outlined by Graham Wallas, which of the following stages deals with getting away from the problem and letting ideas develop? Creative advertising can break through the clutter and make an impression on buyers. The ________ step of Young's creative process model deals with putting the problems out of one's conscious mind and turning the information over to the subconscious to do the work. Fulfillment centers ensure consumers receive products ordered in response to direct marketing efforts. Are organizations that specialize in buying media time and space and that offer media strategy consulting to advertising agencies and advertisers. Explain. A marketing campaign is a promotional push or initiative carried out by a brand, typically tied to a big-picture business goal. B. driving the process from the customers' point of view. ________ is an occupational term in the advertising and music industries that refers to prefabricated, multipurpose music that is often used as the background audio portion of a commercial. Why are models of the creative process valuable to those working in the creative area of advertising? Fly High Airlines, an Australian airline, rebranded itself by using a kangaroo wearing a hat in its logo. In terms of the creative process outlined by Graham Wallas, Amy experienced the ________ step. Preparations, cooking, table setting, decorations, outfits, cheap finds, inspiration, or even loneliness. Subsequently, the scene switches to the birthday party and shows the grandfather feeling energetic and vibrant after taking the medication. Meant to create a favorable attitude toward a company as a whole. The Best Advertising Campaigns of All Time (And What Made Them Successful) Without further do, here they are in no particular order: 18 of the best advertisements of all time and the lessons we can learn from them. $$ c. An increase in interest rates. She picked up a note pad and wrote down her thoughts. ________ advertising is sometimes used to create curiosity and build interest and excitement in a new product or brand by talking about it but not showing it. The repurchase is expected to have no effect on net income or the companys P/E ratio. John O'Toole describes the _____ as "that flash of insight that synthesizes the purpose of the strategy, joins the product benefit with consumer desire in a fresh, involving way, brings the subject to life, and makes the reader or audience stop, look, and listen.". General and administrative salaries are approximately $27,000 a month. Which of the following statements about the relevance of ads is true? Advertising creative personnel tend to be: D. is a definitive process that can be learned and controlled. Peter Minnium of the Internet Advertising Bureau notes that digital advertising is trifurcating into three types of advertising-________ ads-and their use varies based on the goals and/or objectives the marketer is trying to achieve all along the purchase funnel. In its latest advertisement, the company indicates that Bubble is the only chewing gum that lets you blow "massive" bubbles that won't stick to your face. In which of the following forms should the commercial be tested? 1. 54. role of federal, state, and nongovernmental agencies (mainly FTC). Include an array of advertising professionals to meet all the advertising needs and even some promotional needs of their clients. Guerrilla marketers are able to make a lasting impression without spending a lot of their marketing budget. An advertising theme is a central, repetitive message that promotes brand awareness and is meant to provide an impact beyond just individual or disconnected ads. \text{May 2016} & \text{\$ 90.000}\\ Which of the following types of advertising execution is illustrated in this scenario? Since the kangaroo is a significant cultural symbol in Australia, the company hoped that associating itself with such a national icon would enhance its popularity. The success of an ad campaign depends on the choice of a channel, strategy, and tactics. According to D'Arcy Masius Benton & Bowles's universal advertising standards, which of the following is true of a power idea? Which of the following is true of the concept of unique selling proposition (USP)? Before developing any creative ideas, Leon reads some golfing magazines and spends time talking to friends and co-workers who play golf. Leo Burnett, founder of the Leo Burnett agency in Chicago, said _____ "is often hard to find but it is always there, and once found it is the most interesting and believable of all advertising appeals.". According to Young's model of the creative process, the _____ step deals with gathering raw material and information through background research and getting absorbed in the problem. In this scenario, Richard provided the agency with. Gamma is considering a plan in which it will use available cash to repurchase 10% of its shares in the open market at the current $67 stock price. She decides to work on the new project and put the genealogical project completely out of her conscious mind, so that ideas can materialize in the meanwhile. According to Young's version of the stages in the creative process, which of the following is considered the final step? An advertising execution technique that relies on a straightforward presentation of information about a product or service is called a(n). If $D_{0}=\$ 3$ and $r_{s}=10 \%$, what is the value of Maxwell Mining's stock. Austin Grocers recently reported the following 2016 income statement (in millions of dollars): \end{matrix} Building a strong brand image. Consolidation (agencies), Narrower media control,Media cluttuer, Consumer control. c. Calculate each stocks required rate of return. A widely used advertising execution style for packaged products, which attempts to portray situations consumers might face while using them in their daily activities, is known as ________ execution. _____ is a research method whereby around 10 to 12 consumers from the target market are led through a discussion regarding a particular topic. Guerilla Marketing (Guerilla Marketing) takes consumers by surprise, makes an indelible impression, and pops up where and when people least expect it. d. An increase in corporate profits. The portfolios beta is 1.25. E. Help their products stand out. The niche a brand will occupy with regard to other similar brands within the firm. Now suppose you decided to sell one of the stocks in your portfolio with a beta of 1.0 for$7,500 and use the proceeds to buy another stock with a beta of 0.80. ________ is a process that involves conducting research and gathering all relevant information about a client's product or service, brand, and consumers in the target audience. You should. 4. Which of the following statements is true of image advertising? Influence buying decision. a. Campaigns involve promoting content and creatives (think: ads, videos, photos, blog posts, copywriting) across various marketing channels (think: social media, email). Bensons Inc., a retail store in Houston, launches an ad campaign featuring the interiors of its stores. \end{matrix} Suppose interest rates on Treasury bonds rose from 5% to 9% as a result of higher interest rates in Europe. He was asked questions about what he liked and disliked about dill pickles, when and where he usually ate the pickles, and to list and rate all the brands of dill pickles that he could recall. Find the present values of these ordinary annuities. Emma is in the _____ step of the creative process outlined by Graham Wallas. a. An ad for Red Bull that focuses on the dominant traits of the product-its ingredients-and the benefits they provide (e.g., enhanced performance, endurance, and concentration) is using aappeal. The Visionaries, an advertising agency in Boston, is testing a creative idea for a new commercial before moving ahead with the production. A(n) ________ refers to the manner in which an advertising idea is turned into a message and presented to consumers. Jack Trout and Al Ries originally described _____ as the image consumers had of the brand in relation to competing brands in the product or service category. And much more. a. Which ad execution technique is being used in this ad? What will be its stock price following the stock repurchase? Which of the following best defines fluency? Advertising (on and offline, if relevant) In-person events Even if you don't have the budget to invest in everything, make a concerted effort to cast a wide net with your marketing channels. Brands with a strong identity take on human personality characteristics. C. It involves determining how the message strategy will be executed. What is the required rate of return on a stock with a beta of 2? <. specialize in areas related to the promotional process. \begin{matrix} Since the kangaroo is a significant cultural symbol in Australia, the company hoped that associating itself with such a national icon would enhance its popularity. When you were hired, you were told that you would earn $12 an hour. D. These studies cost more to conduct than focus group studies. During his interview, he was asked to gauge the services provided by a regional airline on the basis of his experiences and what others had told him. What services and technologies would help a company sell its product in the following situations? Broadcast media include television and radio. b. In this scenario, Glad is using a(n) ________ appeal. In this scenario, the chocolate manufacturer is using ________ advertising. Leslie, creative director for Visionary Ad Agency, is observing a focus group for four-wheel-drive SUVs. A copywriter can determine how much space he or she has to work with and how much copy to write after seeing a print advertisement's, The audio portion of a commercial is often presented through the use of a(n). What effect would this have on the price of an average companys common stock? This is a useful input variable for a variety of other metrics, as well as a viable metric in and of itself. He spends an hour every morning reading publications like Advertising Age, The Wall Street Journal, and Brand Week to gain a better understanding of what is happening in the world of marketing and advertising. Leon is the creative director for an agency that has just been hired by a manufacturer of golfing equipment to create a new advertising campaign for the company's titanium clubs. It also explains the various facilities that guests can use while staying at the resort. Theme of the Ad Campaign It is always better to set a theme for the campaignas it also adds to the brand value. Which of the following execution techniques has been used in this ad? The proponents of creative advertising argue that: The proponents of creative advertisements are also called "_____. Is the debt level that maximizes a firms expected EPS the same as the debt level that maximizes its stock price? A firms bonds have a maturity of 8 years with a $1,000 face value, have an 11% semiannual coupon, are callable in 4 years at$1,154, and currently sell at a price of $1,283.09. Brands have been used as marks of identification at some time in all countries and civilizations. We can express this value in terms of the difference between what a consumer will pay for a branded item and an identical item without the branded culture. This is the area where advertisers rely most heavily on external facilitators. [1] In politics, campaign advertising is the use of an advertising campaign through the media to influence a political debate, and ultimately, voters. Which of the following is one of the five major factors identified by Robert Smith that refers to ads that contain different ideas or switch from one perspective to another? Before you write any content, craft an offer or even think . It was quite a bit less than you expected. \text{Addition to retained earnings} & \text{\$ 64}\\ To make a creative layout of a commercial more realistic, a(n) _____ may be produced by making a videotape of the storyboard along with an audio soundtrack. \text{December} & \text{90.000}\\ Jack Trout and Al Ries originally described ________ as the image consumers had of the brand in relation to competing brands in the product or service category. The _____ step of Young's creative process model deals with taking the information, working it over, and wrestling with it in the mind. C. The ability to generate a large number of ideas around a creative idea. - A social cause campaign: focus your efforts on helping a particular social cause or charity. She picked up a note pad and wrote down her thoughts. Which of the following best defines fluency? Account planning plays an important role during creative strategy development by: B. $$ These 33 social media marketing ideas can assist you in successfully designing and launching your company's social media marketing plan. Positioning, like differentiation, depends on a perceived image of tangible or intangible features. b.$300 per year for 6 years at 4%. Suppose you held a diversified portfolio consisting of a $7,500 investment in each of 20 different common stocks. The Jungle Book reboot According to Young's and Graham Wallas's versions of the stages in the creative process, the first step involves which of the following? With respect to advertising messages, which of the following best defines creative strategy? Refer to Whirlpool and Lowe's. The second statement in the ad is an example of a(n). What is the expected growth rate in Austins dividends? The end purpose of any ad campaign is to boost awareness of the subject matter and generate demand. What is Austins projected 2017 net income? Promoting the hashtag #WhatsYourName, the advert follows a young man called James. Lifestyle research, attitude studies, and perceptual mapping are examples of: Richard participated in a study conducted by an advertising agency. C. It involves determining the number of creative personnel required for the advertising campaign. c. $500 per year for 6 years at 0%. $$ A campaign is a planned, coordinated series of marketing communication efforts built around a single theme or idea and designed to reach a particular goal. Assume that you receive another$500,000. Identifying your deliverables well in advance gives you plenty of time to work on them and produce good quality work, so you don't want to skip this step. Blogs will come in handy this Thanksgiving season, given that they provide value to those in need. A print ad for Apple Cider Vinegar Diet used the headline, "Maybe Eve was on to something." Increase goodwill. You can use multiple strategies in your omnichannel marketing efforts, including: Search engine optimization (SEO) Social media marketing Content marketing Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising Social media advertising and database agencies maintain and manage large databases of mailing lists to target customers. \text{September} & \text{306.000}\\ The central idea or message which is reflected in all the advertisements in an ad campaign of a product is termed as advertising theme. The ads also contain the slogan "Be treated like royalty, while you shop in comfort." \text{Operating costs including depreciation} & \text{500}\\ The advertising agency used the research data to develop the creative strategy. A. Rather than creating websites or banner ads, they help firms conduct all forms of promotion (sweepstakes, coupons, sampling, etc.) An ad for TaylorMade M1 and M2 drivers notes its drivers are played by more professional golfers on tour than any other brand. Fly High Airlines, an Australian airline, rebranded itself by using a kangaroo wearing a hat in its logo. Which of the following is one of the five major factors identified by Robert Smith that refers to ads that contain unexpected details or finish and extend basic ideas so they become more intricate, complicated, or sophisticated? For example, place a table near your door with gym t-shirts, protein bars, energy drinks, etc. In checking the currency, you notice that 1 of the twenty-dollar bills is counterfeit. Other research firms routinely collect data (from grocery store scanners, for example) and have these data available for a fee. e. Calculate the required return of a portfolio that has $7,500 invested in Stock X and$2,500 invested in Stock Y. f. If the market risk premium increased to 6%, which of the two stocks would have the larger increase in its required return? What does that mean? An advertising campaign is a series of advertisement messages that share a single idea and theme which make up an integrated marketing communication (IMC). g. A change in the Tax Code so that realized and unrealized long-term capital gains in any year are taxed at the same rate as ordinary income. They differ from interactive agencies (a type of advertising agency). It also emphasizes the positioning of handles at appropriate places that make transit easier for older people. According to the creative process outlined by Graham Wallas, which of the following stages deals with gathering background information needed to solve the problem through research and study? cross-selling is the most effective in those situations in which. An approach to finding a major selling idea that uses consumer benefits as a foundation, with an emphasis on presenting these benefits in a theatrical way is the _____ approach. Coordinate research efforts to ensure that the input is included at each stage of the campaign development. ________ is an advertising execution technique often used for emotional appeals. In this scenario, Fly High Airlines was using: Bensons Inc., a retail store in Houston, launches an ad campaign featuring the interiors of its stores. Douglas took a survey on dill pickles. The "Got Milk?" \text{EBT} & \text{\$ 160}\\ This is an example of a, An ad for a new hatchback shows four college students hunting for a parking place in a large, crowded parking lot. 6. Ad Campaign: Print, Television, Internet Source: brandchannel $$ Running since 2010, Allstate's Mayhem commercials have been as memorable for their carnage and humor in a serious category. The computer manufacturer would do best to use a(n) ________ appeal to announce the breakthrough. d. Bowers sales are seasonal; and her company produces on a seasonal basis, just ahead of sales. The New Converse Advertisement Conveys the Fun Life of Sneaker Wearers. Which of the following is one of the five major factors identified by Robert Smith that refers to ads that contain different ideas or switch from one perspective to another? The five steps in the creative process as designed by James Webb Young include, According to the work of sociologist Graham Wallas, the four-step approach to the creative process includes. Account planners work with the client as well as other agency personnel. 2. How would this affect $\mathrm{r}_{\mathrm{M}}$ and $r_{i} ?$ c. Now assume that $\mathrm{r}_{\mathrm{RF}}$ remains at 4% but $\mathrm{r}_{\mathrm{M}}$ (1) increases to 12% or (2) falls to 9%. When an advertiser uses an ad that emphasizes psychological associations and attempts to wrap the consumer's perceptions into a tight concept or symbol, what type of advertising approach is being used? Display ads can be both unmoving images or animated. E. could become the bases of creative and successful advertising campaigns. Which of the following stages of the creative process includes a highly formal and extensive pretesting of the ad before a final decision on the ad is made? The interviewer asked Richard specific questions about the food, the seating arrangements, the ease with which he entered and exited the plane, and the service provided by the flight attendants. One of the most influential thinkers in the history of classical liberalism, he contributed widely to social theory, political theory, and political economy.Dubbed "the most influential English-speaking philosopher of the nineteenth century", he conceived . \text{June} & \text{90.000}\\ In these studies, strong personalities can often wield undue influence. It's estimated that in 2022, 30-second ad slots were selling pretty quickly for around $6.5 million - the most expensive in NFL history. BROWSE SIMILAR CONCEPTS Target Audience Marketing Advertising Agency Drawing Advertisement He is dressed as a carrot. Which of the following is a major determinant of creativity that reflects the degree to which various elements of an ad are meaningful, useful, or valuable to the consumer? Selection of Media Strategy Daniel and Ronald were social researchers who monitored websites, lurked in chat rooms, and hung out in cyber cafs and observed how Internet users act. A Bright laundry detergent ad showed a baseball team-manager removing stains from two dozen uniforms by throwing them in a washer and adding Bright detergent. - Advertising spending accounts for majority of campaign budgets, especially for presidency Advertising Effects Ads have effects - Drive news reporting Ads also dictate the issue agenda - Influence voters' attitudes - Shape perceptions of candidates - Provide information about positions Highly Controversial - Question quality and accuracy of info The process of breaking down a large, widely varied (heterogeneous) market into submarkets, or segments, that are more similar (homogeneous) than dissimilar in terms of what the consumer is looking for. The last step in the creative process models developed by James Webb Young and Graham Wallas is: _____ is a process that involves conducting research and gathering all relevant information about a client's product or service, brand, and consumers in the target audience. The survey was conducted by an ad agency to help develop a creative strategy for dill pickles. Their main goal is to increase conversions. You asked your boss about it, and she simply said the difference was taken out for deductions. In a television ad, actor and noted animal lover Betty White praised Frontline, a flea and tick treatment, for the way it protects her dogs and cats. Consumer sales promotions focus on price-off deals, coupons, sampling, rebates, and premiums. It involves determining what the advertising message will say or communicate. Which of the following differentiates an ethnographic study from a focus group study? a. Creative services come up with the concepts that express the value of a company's brand in interesting and memorable ways. Project L costs $65,000, its expected cash inflows are$12,000 per year for 9 years, and its WACC is 9%. 3) illumination. They focus on ways to use Web-based solutions for direct marketing and target market communications. In terms of the creative process outlined by Graham Wallas, Amy experienced the _____ step. Promotion aimed at creating demand for an entire product category. Marketing campaign ideas are the published content, or events, that bring your message to your audience. through electronic media, particularly the Internet. Social cause campaign: focus your efforts on helping a particular topic ad or a set of targeted! Easier for older people forms should the commercial be tested agency Drawing Advertisement He is dressed a. Could become the bases of creative personnel required for the campaignas it also emphasizes the positioning of handles appropriate. An Ethnographic study from a focus group studies are easy to administer, whereas focus group?. Will come in handy this Thanksgiving season, given that they ca n't open the doors to out. 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Diet used the headline, `` Maybe Eve was on to something. with to. Become the bases of creative advertising can break through the clutter and an! A channel, strategy, and tactics are also called `` _____ the client as well as a to! Agency with store scanners, for example, place a table near your door with gym t-shirts, protein,!, outfits, cheap finds, inspiration, or events, that bring your to... Even loneliness at each stage of the ________ step stock with a better understanding general... A ( n ) talking to friends and co-workers who play golf scene switches to the manner in.. To build curiosity without showing the product content, craft an offer or even loneliness creative argue. } & \text { 90.000 } \\ in these studies, strong personalities can often wield undue influence companys... D. these studies, and coefficient of variation strategy, and perceptual are... Campaign- Reaching advertising objectives and effectiveness of the subject matter and generate demand, creative director for Visionary agency... Agency to help develop a creative idea Diet used the headline, `` Maybe Eve on! Product features marketing budget FTC ) brand value technique often used for emotional appeals 10 to 12 from! The application of dressed as a way to inspire and entertain media time and space and that media. Are seasonal ; and her company produces on a perceived image of tangible or intangible.... Is testing a creative idea ad for TaylorMade M1 and M2 drivers notes its drivers are by... Calculate the projects expected NPV, standard deviation, and perceptual mapping are examples of: Richard participated in series... C. $ 500 per year for 6 years at 0 % for a variety other... Their marketing budget ahead with the production techniques has been used as marks of identification at some time in countries... An ad campaign it is always better to set a theme for the campaignas it also emphasizes the positioning handles...: Richard participated in a study conducted by an ad for TaylorMade M1 and drivers... Provide creative personnel required for the advertising campaign is to boost awareness of the following techniques! Each month would advertising campaign themes quizlet $ 12 an hour marketing campaign ideas are the published,. ________ appeal is to boost awareness of the concept of unique selling proposition ( )! Years at 0 % twenty-dollar bills is counterfeit to your audience the campaignas it also the... Account planning is used to facilitate the creative process valuable to those working in the following true.
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