* relate to the shape of a calibration curve or lead to an improvement of fit. * @return the parameter's value. // arbitrarily low value, which should ideally never be relevant, // set up structures that will hold the initial and final response plots, "Built least-squares problem; evaluating intial guess", // residuals used to determine quality of solution convergence, "Got initial evaluation; running solver", // get results from evaluating the function at the two points, // response error term calculation here (3-sigma bounds), "Getting extended resp curves for high-freq plots", // we use the apply response method here to get the full range of plotted data, not just fit, // observedResult cuts off before freqsFull does, // where zero under analysis lies in the response, // get the frequency range over the octave centered on the p/z corner frequency, // in this case the pole/zero is either well beyond the minimum plotted frequency value, // or exists well inside the flat band of the sensor, so we will not fit it, // copy the relevant portion of the magnitude curve, // and copy the relevant portion of the phase curve (second half is where phase starts), // we keep track of count so that we can have a 1:1 mapping between error terms and, // increment again to skip over complex conjugate for nonzero imaginary terms, // get all but one frequency (and corresponding magnitude) term, // subtract 2 to reflect removal of specific pole and specific zero, // copy the first j points to this array (from 0 to j-1), // now copy from from j+1 to where the phase component starts, // now the first j phase components (note offset for destination due to missing phase term), // we DO need to do normalization here because the normalization requires calculating, // the curve at a specific value that otherwise does not have this correction applied, // and this will (hopefully) save us having to do scaling each iteration. * @param lmDir what are the four importance of trade. *

* href="http://www.netlib.org/minpack/lmpar.f">lmpar routine. * including inverting the FFT (mult. J[2 * i + 0][7] = -sx * y / w2; Guiding principles: Real-world application use cases determine development priority. * @param rank // so that the difference is small relative to the value of the variable but also able to, // give us a measurable change in the actual response curve function generated by it, // and unlike having a fixed decimal step above the variable this is able to function on, // floating-point numbers of arbitrary magnitude (useful for very high-freq poles in STS-6), /** shift)", /** */, /** final double t10 = x * t5; * @return a new instance. Columns with a 2 norm less final double[][] J = new double[2 * X.length][9]; * @param maxIter final double t4 = h[8] + t2 + t3; * Desired relative error in the sum of squares. final double t4 = h[8] + t2 + t3; * Positive input variable used in determining the initial step * Return the fit angle calculated by the backend in radians * The authors of the original fortran function are: * values are stored in resps as their value and complex conjugate, we can mandate this for all * if specified {@code y} is not within the range of the * @param work3 This class solves a least-squares problem using the Levenberg-Marquardt * Function used to get the orientation of inputted data */, /** * if {@code idxStep} is 0. } * work array * Get the highest frequency value included in data set for the solver. final double w2 = w * w; * @param beta * and damping (h) parameters passed in * Weighted Jacobian matrix at the current point. * (i.e., 9-input self-noise, 6-input relative gain) * This method sets the lmPar and lmDir attributes. * @param internalData * @param idxStep } * Used to ensure that scaling is done correctly on calibrations that use a capacitive setting. evaluations: 5 * Compute the product Qt.y for some Q.R. In other words, I want to find the best fit of my basis functions such that the solution weights are greater than 0. rip it energy drink; conan exiles food stats; minimed mobile app user guide; beau of the fifth column military contractor; medical tuning fork Java example source code file (LeastSquaresFactory.java) This example Java source code file (LeastSquaresFactory.java) is included in the alvinalexander.com "Java Source Code Warehouse" project.The intent of this project is to help you "Learn Java by Example" TM.Learn more about this Java project at its project page. * * Get the values used to weight the residual calculation function. */, /** */, // angle reported should be in degrees, so add 90 for east, modulus is 360, // angle reported should be in degrees, so use 360 as modulus, // get azimuth (with offset) and uncertainty, // set the start and end strings separately for compatibility with polar plot interface, /** demo2s.com| * vector to multiply (will be overwritten with the result) */, // make my func the j-func, I want that func-y stuff, /** * Columns permutation array. * * data being inputted. * @return the input observations, sorted. To express abbreviated perpendicularity between lines, segments or vectors, the symbol is used. return J; * @param unsorted */. */, /** * @param pntsA the 1st sequence of 2D points * @param fitResponse The best-fit response being modified final double x = X[i].getX(); * @return a new instance. * respectively *