They like to hide out in the grass. You are using an out of date browser. The company of other yoyo loaches in a community tank environment tends to lessen hostility levels in this species towards other fish, though they can get aggressive with each other on occasion. By entering this site you declare YoYo loaches are not generally aggressive towards other species, but may fight amongst themselves. And it is not unheard of for the odd loach to become unusually aggressive and if this one is harassing all the fish, I'd return it, exchange it for another specimen, and give some thought to returning the DG too, it's really not suited to this group of tankmates. Your culprit is either your yoyo loach or your betta. Slow-moving, long-finned species such as ornamental bettas, guppies and many cichlids should also be avoided as trailing fins can be nipped. After confirming the water condition, the next is to see the pH level. Because they are omnivores, they have the teeth to bite meat as well as grass. Having a group of multiple Yoyo Loach will help distribute dominant behavior and limit the potential problem of one fish experiencing most of the aggression. These loaches can become highly aggressive towards one another and should remain loners; however, some hobbyists have kept these fish in small bands without any problems. If your bettas tail is fine and it's just the guppies, your betta is most likely the aggressor. They can be semi-aggressive with in-group members. The best way to get them up to size, quickly (IME) is with mini blood worms. They will actually exhibit signs of socialization with other non-aggressive fish. Theyre greedy, voracious eaters and will compete for food in a frenzy of activity. a lot of fishes will be very aggressive torwards food when they are starving; however you have a bigger problem. While its highly unlikely for them to bully other fish in a community tank environment, they can get nippy, especially around feeding time. Yoyo loach looses color when eating snails? I want to get 1 or 2 I know they are better in shoals but I have a pond snail problem starting cause my. 1.5 The Lohachata Botia Loach (Botia lohachata) is also known to tropical fish keeping enthusiasts as the Yoyo Loach, Almorha Loach, Pakistani Loach, Reticulated Loach, and Y-Loach.. Because only a single juvenile specimen was used to originally describe Botia lohachata, the validity of the species has never been fully resolved. Ill also outline ways to reduce yoyo loach aggression to keep your freshwater aquarium safe and healthy. This site is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Will Yoyo loach eat guppies? Steroids and hormones are used in asian farms with success but there is a higher mortality rate among the babies this way (raising cost) along with their slow growth, figure and inch a year whereas other loach species are double that. I have a bunch of. But a 55g is a pretty small tank, so I would not put in the loaches with them. The Yoyo Loach fish is also known as Pakistani Loach or Almora Loach. just now Did you figure out what killed your pleco? The Yo-Yo Loach (Botia almorhae), also known as the Pakistani Loach (even though it is not from Pakistan), is native to the Ganges River system in Northern India.Named for its juvenile color pattern that appears to spell "Yo Yo," this species is a very active, inquisitive fish that . Since loaches are bottom dwellers that prefer to swim along the substrate, filling your freshwater tank with fish that like to swim in the middle or near the surface will help keep aggression levels at bay. Fish Lore's aquarium fish forum - aquarium hobbyists helping hobbyists since 2005! This species exhibits complex schooling behavior and will often become withdrawn or aggressive when kept by solitary or in smaller groups. If they are kept with an overly aggressive species fish, they . They do well in a community aquarium with other less aggressive species, but they can hold their own with mildly aggressive tank mates. Yoyos are not aggressive they're just hyperactive. If the tank is large with plenty of space, fin nipping shouldnt be a problem. It is a hardy fish that can survive in slightly acidic to slightly alkaline water. Unlike other Loach species, Yoyo Loaches are not nocturnal, meaning they will be active during the day. Like with . The Yoyo Loach is a freshwater fish that is commonly kept in aquariums. As omnivores, theyll also gorge on meaty foods such as brine shrimp and blood worms. House in an aquarium with plenty of hiding spaces and plants to explore. All the advice I had been given prior said they were Good community fish and wouldnt cause me any problems. Yoyo loaches proudly sport their name on their sides. Its best to keep yoyo loaches in groups of 3 or more. #5. As a result, theyre not the best species to keep with fish that have long fins like gouramis or male guppies. It may not display this or other websites correctly. It may not be advisable to keep yoyo loaches in uncovered tanks as . Its scientific name is Botia almorhae. Ill be returning the aggressive Loach today. You must log in or register to reply here. However, once a pecking order is achieved, this behavior usually works itself out. Now we have just checked on them before going to bed and the same Loach is going crazy chasing every fish in its sight, even the mollys and other loaches which werent a problem before. Yoyo loaches will eat snails and shrimp in a community tank environment. Do I rehome the Loach that is being aggressive? They have completely settled down and it is only at feeding time do they "bully" everything else. They are native to Southeast Asia and are often mistaken for the Clown Loach, which is also a popular aquarium fish. The temperature should be 75 to 85 degrees Fahrenheit. Loaches are semi-aggressive fish when housed in the aquarium individually, so it is important to maintain each species in groups of six or more to minimize aggression. Yes, yoyo loaches can become aggressive, especially with members of their own species. This fish has small scales and is sometimes incorrectly identified as being a scaleless fish. Kuhli Loach Care Guide, Tank Setup & More. My yoyos didn't start eating snails until they were 2.5" long. Even within their own species, fighting can occur. Watch our video on the rules of this forum. The Clown Loach is a tropical freshwater fish species of the family . The name of the Yoyo Loach originates with the photographer Ken Childs. I have guppies and platies in a 40g with two bettas and 3 sand loaches. Guppies are a fairly docile, sociable fish but can get nippy with other guppies if there are only a few together in the tank. Like other loaches, they prefer to be kept in schools and can be shy until they become comfortable with their habitat. They will sift through the gravel, sucking any snail they find right out of its shell. Yoyo Loach is very comfortable within own group and they mostly never bully each other if kept in even numbers. It can be from poor water quality or parasites or even as a sign of aggression. 4. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Their aggression will be seen only if they come across other aggressive or semi-aggressive fish. There are two very different versions of why he dubbed this fish the "yo-yo." Yes a snail trap is perfectly safe with cory cats. approx. Flicking or flashing is from irritation. I'm curious to see what everyone's answers are. The Yo-Yo Loach is a popular aquarium species that displays fascinating group behavior and beautiful coloration! The Yoyo Loach is an interestingly colored fish that brings energy and activity to your tank. Just had a prowler outside my window terrified me. Their teeth are located down their throats and create an audible clicking sound when they eat blood worms or brine shrimp. Yoyo Loach Tropical Fish Learn all about the Yoyo Loach's feeding habits and food types, its behaviour, its origins, its natural habitats, is it male or female, . I would consider your tank at full stock. The yoyo is semi-aggressive, although it lives well with its own species. It loves hanging around its own kind. @AndEEssok thanks, I was thinking of trying some bloodworms! What size of tank? It is a fresh water fish and belongs to the Loach family Botiidae. If you keep a single yoyo loach, there's a good chance it will team up with other fish in the tank. We had yoyo loach for 2 weeks and they decimated nearly half of our stock. Yo-Yo Loaches need a tank of at least 30 gallons with a sandy or extremely fine substrate, some plants, smooth river rocks, and driftwood for them to hide among, and plenty of swimming space. If your yoyo loaches are ever chasing away your guppies or bettas, then it's probably them. StockEwe49, November 10, 2021 in General Discussion. Then we noticed the largest of the 3 loaches was constantly chasing the gourami and wouldn't leave it alone, it was getting rather aggressive and we even noticed some red coloured stuff around it's mouth. Despite their peaceful demeanor, Yoyo Loaches aren't shy. Water too hot or cold can also make the fish develop stress and react to circumstances. JavaScript is disabled. Hi all, I have very recently added a small yoyo loach to a planted 55 gal with guppies. Though not typical, yoyo loaches may attack and kill tiny neon tetras for the purpose of eating them! With Yo-yo loaches and similar fish, I always make sure to serve a buffet, so the tank-mates can focus on floating food, while they scour the substrate for sinking food. Many sources claim the "yoyo" word in these fish's name originates from their distinctive body pattern, which is hard to disagree with. Contests including the Tank of the Month, Ill explain whether or not yoyo loaches bite, if they have the potential to kill other fish, and what species make the best tankmates for these bottom dwellers. Loaches are active bottom dwelling scavengers ideally suited for the community aquarium. I had some yo yo once and they would not touch any snail. . These fish are generally quite peaceful and though the The Yoyo Loach may tussle with members of their own species, they don't really harm one another. I am compensated for referring traffic and business to Amazon and other companies linked to on this site. Their body is flat on the bottom, making it easy for them to rest on the . Others may have different opinions but I have found one can push stocking a bit if you have plenty of plants and filtration and are diligent about checking your water parameters to know when a water change is due. I read a post on here saying they were not aggressive but I had a totally different experience. Why is my Yoyo Loach Very aggressive suddenly? As mentioned above, yoyo loaches can get nippy around feeding time when theyre competing for every last morsal! Also, while these freshwater tropical fish are generally peaceful towards their tank mates, they can be aggressive to each other. The Yoyo Loach (Botia almorhae) is a very active and friendly fish that makes a good addition to any community aquarium. Loaches are active bottom dwelling scavengers ideally suited for the community aquarium. They may nip at fins on occasion but if you quarantine the loach for a few days, it usually helps to curb any aggressive behavior. Make sure youre feeding your loaches adequately. Keeping yoyo loaches with docile fish of similar size (or even slightly bigger) will help maintain a peaceful aquatic environment. Sep 9, 2008. And it clearly shows the ideal size of the tank they need to be in. Yoyo loaches are territorial and will often claim an area in the aquarium as their own. As yoyo loaches arent fuzzy and will eat anything given to them, theyre easy to feed. ! They are not a great species to keep with any fish that has long fins, such as the long ventral 'feelers' on the gourami, or male guppies since the loaches are known for fin nipping. Check out the Monthly Unfortunately for the yoyo loach, it has a tendency of hopping out of the water. The Yoyo loach is so named for its dark and pale patterns, which often can be seen to spell "yoyo" (especially in smaller/younger specimens) The other common name, Almora loach, refers to Almora in Uttarakhand, India. They are quite popular with aquarists because they have some . Botia Lohachata. Incidentally, you would be very ill-advised to attempt to keep two DG males in this size of a tank. The best tankmates for yoyo loaches are fish that are the same size or slightly larger. They are generally peaceful but can hold their own with other aggressive species. A few sinking pellets offered just before lights out will be devoured come morning. And there are some fish who really do not appreciate said hyperactivity of yoyos zooming around the tank and sometimes bumping into other fish - they're adorable but I'm really not sure how good their vision is. For this reason, you should keep at least 10 guppies in a planted, 40-gallon tank (with 3 yoyo loaches). . In a big 40-gallon tank (or larger), they wont feel the need to defend their turf which can reduce aggression levels significantly. With the guidance of my LPS and online research I decided to add 4 male guppys and 1 red dwarf gourami (I had hoped to add more but they were acclimating in my LPS and so was going to pop back in the week). Some of their typical behavior patterns are listed below: They are nocturnal. Today I added some new additions to me 125L planted tank. Just goes to show - one expert will tell you one thing then another the opposite! I would consider your tank at full stock. . It's easy! Loaches Will Eliminate Snails In Your Aquarium. The zebra loach is predominantly a bottom feeder, while the yoyo loach can also feed on the surface. To reduce hostility, yoyo loaches should be kept in groups of 3 with other freshwater fish of like size and temperament. Water temperature fluctuations, less space in the tank, growing pH level, bright lights, and less food in the tank are some reasons why Yoyo loaches become more aggressive. You are using an out of date browser. A single yoyo loach could be kept in a tank with several Otocinclus catfish. It seemed to be caused by food, I put an algae wafer in and the yoyo loach seems to be eating it then looking for snails and repeating that. When I woke up this morning one of the guppys was floating and all its fins were gone . Avoid aggressive species - Yoyo loaches are peaceful and won't fight back when targeted for bullying or territorial or food-related aggression. Begin by keeping them in a large aquarium with plenty of hiding places for cover. In summation, aggressive behavior in yoyo loaches is usually directed at members of its own species. The zebra loach can easily be kept in an open tank as it prefers staying at or near the bottom. They are known for their very unique scale pattern which makes them look like . If you keep just a single loach, theres a good chance itll team up with other fish and bully the smaller, weaker ones. The tank should be at least a 40-gallon size with an under-gravel filter. The yoyo loach, Almora loach or Pakistani loach ( Botia almorhae) is a freshwater fish belonging to the loach family Botiidae. And there are some fish who really do not appreciate said hyperactivity of yoyos zooming around the tank and sometimes bumping into other fish - they're adorable but I'm really not sure how good their vision is. Even without the long fins, I'd not be trying to keep a DG with the other fish you have because the DG needs very quiet, slow-moving tank mates, which hardly describes the behaviour you get from Yoyo loaches. Origin: India. If kept in an aquarium alone, they may team up with more aggressive fish and bully the smaller, weaker ones. Loaches are semi-aggressive fish when housed in the aquarium individually, so it is important to maintain each species in groups of six or more to minimize aggression. Or maybe they just have terrible aim. Will a yoyo loach eat my shrimp? 25 related questions found. Or maybe they just have terrible aim. It he your only yoyo? Tank Setup: Many plants and wide areas to swim and hide. However, you might notice some fighting within the species. Lifespan of Yoyo Loach They generally live for 5-8 years. Where do clown loaches live in the wild? But they're friendly and peaceful to other species. Yoyos are not aggressive they're just hyperactive. Do yoyo loaches need to establish a territory? The Yoyo Loach can put up with a fair amount of abuse and loves swimming around with groups of other Yoyo loaches, or other fish. The Yoyo Loach fish is an elegant and beautiful fish that is also commonly referred to as the Pakistani Loach, Botia Yoyo, Almora Loach, and scientifically, the Botia Almorahae. As juveniles, they can be kept in a 20-gallon tank but should be moved to a bigger aquarium as they grow. I have a yo-yo loach that has already killed 2 of my fish. pH levels: 6.0 to 7.8 (around 7.0 is best) Water hardness: 5 to 12 dKH. Its highly unlikely for yoyo loaches to kill other fish. Their temperament makes them a perfect choice for a community tank, as long as you don't include any species more aggressive than them. Usually loaches in generally do not go well with mbuna or any type of cichlid. Now that you know yoyo loaches can though rarely be hostile towards other fish in a community tank environment, lets dive deeper into this topic. The name yoyo loach, according to several sources, came from photographer Ken Childs, 1 a major player in the aquarium import business for many years. Yo yo loaches or Pakistan loaches should not be kept in schools or in pairs. you read and agreed to the. They can irritate shy delicate fish . Yoyo loach is usually a peaceful species, but sometimes they can get aggressive with their own species in the tank. Any freshwater tank containing yoyo loaches should have plenty of caves and plants to provide them with a sense of security. It is because most of the time they would remain peaceful and would not fight with other members of their species or other species. But during the time of breeding, and when there is a dispute related to territory, they tend to be aggressive. If they are kept with an overly aggressive species fish, they . They love them. The trap is just to gather the snails all conveniently to one spot so you can easily remove them from the tank and dispose of them yourself. However, they can become territorial if kept in too small of a space or with other aggressive fish. Typically, a group of five or six Yoyo Loach are ideal to include in one tank. If you notice one getting nippy with the others, try quarantining the aggressor for a few days either inside a hang-on breeding net or in a separate tank and see it that curbs its hostile nature. Any non-aggressive fish that shares the same environmental needs will typically work just fine. As well, the pH range should be between 6.5 and 7.5 with a hardness factor of 3 to 10 dGH. Transfer your pregnant yoyo loach to a different tank for breeding and egg-laying. We added them to the tank and everything seemed fine at first. We are a family friendly community with an incredible resource of information for fish owners and enthusiast alike. They do seem to have somewhat of a pecking order and once . The letters are most clear when the loach is young, giving way to a . You can multi-quote multiple replies to your posts. Anyhow, gouramis are often fish who take offense to the yoyo's antics. They are active, personable fish that often learns to recognize their owner. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. Yoyo loaches are a favorite among hobbyists because they seem to have more personality than many other types of bottom-feeders. The yoyo loach, Almora loach or Pakistani loach is a freshwater fish belonging to the loac. Their dark bands with light blue tint contrasts against their silver bodies creating a really interesting look. Therefore, its best to keep larger tetra fish (such as the congo tetra) with yoyo loaches. This is also providing that you have plenty of filtration and live plants to help offset bioload. . That said, yoyo loaches are opportunistic and will eat anything lying at the bottom of the tank, including dead fish! . All tank parameters are normal and good, tank is cycled and all extras were added such as stress coat and fluval cycle to help with the new introduction. Recommended Aquarium Filters and Aquarium Heaters. The poll is open for the November Tank of the Month! Overly aggressive tank mates might force your yoyo loaches to go into hiding and not come out even for food. . We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. UPDATE: Yoyo loaches are a favorite among hobbyists because they seem to have more personality than many other types of bottom-feeders. The Yoyo Loaches can be quite shy in the beginning, but once they get accustomed to their surrounding, they will become more active. In my opinion, as both an experienced aquarium hobbyists and lover of fish, keeping just a single yoyo loach an aquarium is cruel and can lead to hostility issues as it ages followed by the increased likelihood of an premature death. Im not sure how best to handle this, the loaches were bought to get rid of pest snails which they have done a great job, havent seen one in weeks, but Id have liked to keep him. Yoyo loaches are highly active and can easily frighten or intimidate other fish in a community tank environment. Keep pregnant yoyo loach in a separate tank. Theyre aggression is usually targeted at each other rather than other aquatic creatures. JavaScript is disabled. Please help Identify. Yoyo Loach is an energetic schooling fish that has its species spread across the Middle East and Asia where they are seen inhabiting still or slow-moving waters. However it seemed to back off and the gourami became a little more authorative (it wasn't swimming away at first which we thought was strange). Hiya EY2006! They do well with other fish that are peaceful and can even stand their own with more aggressive fish . They are very territorial and often fight, they are like Betta fish in this respect. Avoid notoriously aggressive species like cichlids, Oscars, red-tail sharks, or any similar fish. These loaches can become highly aggressive towards one another and should remain loners; however, some hobbyists have kept these fish in small bands without any problems. While this may not be a problem, it's best to keep a shoal of at least three, . This fish is generally peaceful but is known to fight with members of their own species. They usually wont target other fish in a tank but can get nippy at times. Are loaches aggressive fish? As this caused the imbalance? Not especially aggressive but much smaller fishes may be intimidated by its size and sometimes very active behaviour. What is your tank's nitrate etc level? Yoyos need friends & room to move, maybe a minimum of 3 others in a 55 gal. I personally *might* pull the platies but Im no stocking expert and tend to have lighter tanks. However though if you grow them up together they may get along well. is one of the internet's oldest and premier Tropical Fish and Aquarium forums! Given below are some of the fishes that Yoyo loaches . Doing partial water changes (25%) every other week will help keep the tank clean and reduce dangerous ammonia levels. Any type of cichlid are nocturnal should keep at least three, quickly ( IME ) is a fish... Out even for food in a 40g with two bettas and 3 sand loaches stress. 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