Either one would work well for exit opportunities, but you might have a slight advantage at MS because of the brand name. Thanks for the response, Brian. RBC seems to be seriously growing over the years whereas CS IB is declining in the US? Which should I choose given that I want to join a hedge fund and become a PM there? "Cons Summer work isn't that exciting because you need to have certifications to work on more high-level tasks. If you want to be a trader, go with the S&T offer. Hi Brian! Great post. BAML Chicago (Industrials) vs Goldman Sachs LA (West Region Advisory)- deals with clients outside of tmt (slightly mid-market focused). Programmes designed for every Barclays colleague to build and strengthen your competence and confidence across a broad range of skills and knowledge, enabling you to deliver excellence. Super informative as always. What should I do? Display unique thinking skills and an entrepreneurial, innovative attitude that has the potential to provide customer-centric solutions. Providing the opportunity for all its employees, globally to work flexibly empowers each of the colleagues to work in a way that suits their lives as well as enables the bank to better serve its customers and clients needs. What about Financial Sponsors? Oppenheimer M&A (NY) vs UBS generalist (NY). The GS internship is 10 weeks. Im assuming it starts off something like: Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, JP Morgan. To maximize your chances in PE recruiting, you would have to move into the Leveraged Finance team, M&A team, or a solid industry group. What Doesnt Matter and What You Cant Measure. I would definitely pick MS IB here because IB almost always beats capital markets (at least in terms of exit opportunities and assuming you dont care about a better lifestyle), and MS has a better brand/name than Guggenheim. All in NYC. "Advice to Management Didn't get to interact with the interns from other divisions. Thanks for making this. Join ourWhatsApp and Telegram groupsto stay updated with all opportunities! Intern view:"Pros The summer analyst program in PWM [private wealth management] is well structured and you learn a lot about the firm in the process. The industry is being revolutionized, and Barclays' customers are behaving differently. They gave me two weeks to decide, and during this time I continued recruiting. Barclays is a London-based, multinational bank that has been around for more than 300 years. If you want to stay in Asia or you do not care as much about PE exits, CS is better. Theyre both good choices, so it mostly comes down to location/people and how much the slightly better MS brand name matters. HL appears to have more deal volume and more of a presence than RBC in London. Again, its a pretty simple decision: do you want to stay in IB or other finance roles for the long term? I would pick Evercore simply because there is so much conflicting information about Guggenheim. Sorry, I blanked out while writing the comment. RBC is rapidly rising, though. Marketing Analyst Internship Programme London Summer 2022. I would pick Lazard due to the name. Is this because of huge (relative to EBs) analyst class size/generally less desirable analysts for whatever reason? On completion of the Barclays Summer Internship, you should have a thorough understanding of what your work day would look like, and the skills and abilities you would need to be successful at your job. Barclays Internships focus on learning and development in areas such as innovating, supporting, inspiring, challenging, connecting and listening. Make sure to speak with as many people as possible. The others could be better if you want to stay in banking for the long term. I saw that you had MS CM above HLHZ M&A. BAML Healthcare (NY) vs Perella Weinberg Healthcare (NY) vs Perella Weinberg Healthcare (SF). I accepted it over an offer from JP Morgan in AM. Yes, Brexit may change things long term, but not in the immediate future. 30+ days ago. Thanks a lot Brian- I really appreciate it. Compliance Analyst - Explorer Summer Intern Programme - 2023. Barclays operates as two divisions, Barclays UK and Barclays International, supported by a service company, Barclays . Looking at the EMEA M&A league tables, Lazard is in the top 5, beating many BBs, while Moelis doesnt appear in the top 20. It helps foster an amazing work environment. MS does not have an Idustrials Team in Frankfurt. BAML LevFin (CLT) vs. Wells Fargo (NYC, generalist). Theyre designed to enhance your ability to engage, motivate and inspire your team to great performance. Really what If youre certain you want to be in tech finance. Collaborating with Architects, PMs and developers as well assupport and Infrastructure teams during and for the Design and development of the software components within the project scope, ensuring quality, timeliness and cost effectiveness in order to support the high performance delivery of change projects within RDC. I think it comes down to where you want to be long term if you want to be on the west coast, BAML SF, if you want to be on the east coast/NY, MS Chicago is a better option. At MS, I would try to place in M&A, Media & Communications, or Technology. With the Menlo offers, I would pick one of them only if youre 100% certain you want to do tech/TMT in the future. But you cant go wrong with any of these, so if your long-term goal is IB, maybe Moelis is better (assuming you can survive the culture/hours there). Support to Design Phases through performing requirement analysis and design. How would you choose between Top 3 Equity Research (NY) vs HLHZ TMT (non-NY)? Depends on your goals / planned exit opportunities, but if you want the standard PE/HF exits, the tier 3 BB is still better. Also, your goals may change; you might start the internship being 99% certain you want to follow the IB-to-PE path, but then realize midway through that you hate the work. For what its worth, DB has much more deal volume than RBC in Europe, but there is higher risk of not getting a FT offer there. Jefferies FT or GS Summer? https://mergersandinquisitions.com/energy-investment-banking-houston/, Theyll make it hard to reposition because non-NY offices HATE when candidates do this. As you'd expect, most are banks, but there's a big difference between the highest and lowest paying banks on the list and, surprisingly, the highest paying location for internships isn't at a bank. GS has the best name but its a back-office role, so its automatically worse than anything front-office. Not sure there is a huge difference these days. Tough one. If you dont want to specialize in energy, pick BAML London because energy is difficult to get out of once youve started down that path. Interactions at CS were just the same as other banks I interviewed with, but of course still a very global brand. DB generalist (NY) vs. Citi FIG (NY) vs. UBS TMT (NY). At this point, RBC might be the better bet, especially if you liked the team more. If so, I would probably pick Citi if youre not sure what you want to do long-term. MS is better if you want more options outside banking/finance, PJT is better if you want to stay in banking long-term. Its too risky to turn it down if you only have one upcoming IBD Superday. Thanks! Thanks. Barclays plc is a British multinational universal bank, is inviting applications for the Summer Internship Programme 2022. I would pick JPM NY Tech in this case. I'd say Rothschild is definitely stronger than Barclays in London (not true in other regions), so that's an easy one. This ones easy! The WF position is in Minneapolis. Plenty of traders still move into hedge funds even though the industries have declined. There will be the opportunity to attend networking events and other high-profile talks, to learn from others and interact with high achievers in the business. If your main goal is the typical IB exit opportunity (private equity, hedge funds, corporate development, etc. UBS reputation has gotten worse, but I still dont think thats a reason to take JPM over UBS if you actually want to do banking or other deals-roles. BAML is the clear winner here based on name/brand. How should I rank these offers? If youre fortunate enough to receive multiple offers from banks, youre in a very good position. Would you mind briefly explaining your reasoning? How about DB Transaction Banking (full-time return offer) vs JPM Treasury summer internship (transaction banking equivalent) both in HK? Well, what were your other options? Learn about salary, employee reviews, interviews, benefits, and work-life balance . Who in their right mind would pick RBC over CS?!! Rothschild might be better if you were in London. Hi Brian, CS IBD or UBS IBD both in Asia? The figure is given as a lump sum for the entire internship, usually around 10 weeks for many programmes. ECM generally does not have great exit opportunities anywhere, so if its ECM vs. an industry group at Barclays, I would go with Barclays. But worth it long term." If you have those 3 offers, I dont think its a great idea to decline and then wait for GS/MS/JPM to begin their processes. For SA, do you have input on best groups in terms of exit opportunities at Barclays (London)? Also, being a generalist puts you in a somewhat stronger position for exits than LevFin, which gears you toward credit-related opportunities (not a bad thing, but more options is usually better). That is a tough one. You will get started straight away with a hands-on approach that contributes from day one. The estimated total pay for an Equity Research Analyst - Expert Summer Intern Programme - 2023 at Barclays is approximately3600/month. I would probably go with MS Generalist because MS has the best brand name, especially outside of finance, and so youll have the most options for both finance and non-finance exits. I would say Evercore is probably the best in terms of brand name and because M&A is not specialized and works across industries, which means lower risk going into a recession. Yes, the MM group is different from the non-MM ones, but in the U.S., its still about the same as the other two banks here, and you could probably move to a non-MM group within Lazard after working there for a while. It will still be feasible to interview for NY-based roles from Chicago (its easier than interviewing for NY roles when youre on the west coast). I received it very early, and it would not be responsible if I just accepted it without at least speaking to a few other banks. DB and Nomura are about the same reputation-wise, but FIG is highly specialized and will limit your exit opportunities. PE/VC is probably the goal. As I write this in September, theres a good chance you might have already decided on your internship for next year. All offers arent group specific and I wanna go into PE long term. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); We guarantee 100% privacy. I would just accept the Barclays S&T offer. Yes, GS has a better name, but Chicago is better for exit opportunities, especially into industrials-focused buy-side firms. PWP Tech (SF) vs Barclays Generalist (NY) vs Jefferies Tech (SF)? I would not do Structured Finance unless you want to stay in it for the long term because its quite specialized and doesnt offer many exit opportunities. BMW Group: Assembly Planning Internship Birmingham March 2023. If so, then Evercore is the same or better than MS (probably better if you want to stay in IB long term). Hello Brian, I hope you are well. A concrete offer at Guggenheim is much better than a first-round at Citi, because in the former you are guaranteed a position. But I also have a Rothschild superday coming up this weekend. My boss was extremely knowledgeable and always open to new ideas. In no particular order, you should think about these factors when making a decision: You should pick your offer based on the bank/group with the best reputation, deal flow, and people that best positions you for your long-term goals. Thanks Brian, really helpful. People say that Wells Fargos strength lies in its Balance Sheet, and thats true, but it also has solid industry coverage groups, including the Industrials team. "Cons Even though company has a lot of roles it is still hard to move from one role to another, butI guess it's possible if you give it enough effort. So, I would give the edge to Wells Fargo unless youre 100% set on natural resource-related roles in the future. The training structure is 70% experiential learning by doing, 20% social learning collaborating or observing, and 10% formal technical training or classroom learning. Not sure there is a huge difference between those options, but I would say CS/UBS and Lazard are better than the others. Please refer to our full privacy policy. "Cons Work life balance is poor, and this was in the 'quiet' summer period. I have 2 alumni that are VPs at GS and a lot of analyst that are in both IBD classics and 1 in ECM but not senior people from my university at Barclays, only 1 incoming full time analyst and a second year who is leaving soon. SAM. Im going to try for full-time next year so well see how it goes. I dont think there would be a huge difference in terms of business school. If not, and you are interested in working at normal companies in the future, then MS is better because its a more widely known name outside of finance. I would probably pick CS IB if its CS IB vs. GS ECM or DCM. I have no idea what I want long term. Tough one, but I would probably go with RBC if your main concern is winning a FT offer just because the DB situation is currently unstable/unclear whats going to happen next. Theyre both about the same. Moelis NY, MS Generalist, or Bank of America Lev Fin NY. I would go with JPM here since PJ Solomon, while a good firm, is not really in the same class as the BB and EB banks. Lots of collaboration between offices: I was talking to teams in the US and Singapore. Theyre better if you want to stay in healthcare IB for the long term and not as good if you want to move into a traditional PE/HF exit opportunity. Uncertain between summer offers: GS S&T London (rotation in rates, FX, EM, and equity derivatives) vs JPM M&A London. Barclays plc is a British multinational universal bank, headquartered in London, England. via Glassdoor. And if you get the Rothschild offer, you could consider reneging on the Barclays one. Options are BAML Palo Alto (tech) or William Blair SF (also tech). If you gave developers the option to think like a startup, I think you could achieve much more." How would you pick between London SA offers of JP Morgan and Lazard. I would go with Guggenheim because it should give you better exit opportunities maybe not a huge difference over BMO, but significant enough to notice. I would pick BAML Chicago unless you really want to be on the west coast. But if your long-term goal is the hedge fund industry, Point 72 is probably the best option and the most direct way to get there. I know you focus more on banking-expertise, but what would be the smarter move here? ING Bank DCM 3. For a bit of background: I dont know what team Id be at for either and I wanna stay in finance but not investment banking: probs go into PE. These could include your buddy, your mentor and others who supported your internship journey. Overall, from a pure PE/HF exit standpoint (not necessarily tech focused), would MS have a edge over the two or BAML due to the location. what do you mean by in finance is this about remaining in ibd for the long term or also talking about other exit areas of finance e.g. And if youre not sure if you want to stay in banking or the finance industry in general, but you want to be in Europe long term, MS London. Leaning CS but what are your thoughts? Financial Services, Investment Banking & Asset Management, Technology & IT Infrastructure. I have to say I have never felt so inadequate as when I sat around the table with all of these Ivey League kids (I go to non-Ivey target) as they were talking about their simply fantastic internships, yachting, or where they were going to backpack during spring break. For non-finance exits, MBB is better. The hiring manager of Lazard informed me that they do not give full time offers to their summer interns (it is one of Lazards regional offices). During the programme, youll also: And if you impress the organization, this could be the beginning of an incredible career. How is Wells Fargo Charolote exit ops? Centerview Palo Alto (Tech M&A) vs. BAML Palo Alto (Tech Coverage) vs. DB Sponsors (SF) Could you take a look at this? "Advice to Management Focus more on productivity and the amount of work done rather than purely hours spent in the office." Qatalyst SF Tech, BAML Chicago Industrials or GS NY (Financing- so placement into groups like structured finance, lev fin, ecm). high speed chase sumter sc 2021.Barclays Operations Diversity Event At Barclays, we're committed to creating an inclusive environment where everyone's perspective isvalued.Our Operations Inside Track is. not 100% sure but thinking PE long term as of now. If you want to go into a hedge fund directly next summer, the Invesco offer. Understand that I am very lucky to be in this position right now but wanna make the correct choice. BAML (FIG) vs Citi (Tech NY) vs Citi (Tech SF) vs Guggenheim vs Perella. Barclays is committed to providing a supportive and inclusive culture and environment for you to work in. Other interns seemed to have (perhaps self-imposed) pressure to complete deadlines that resulted in nights and weekends spent in the office. This environment recognises and supports ways to balance your personal needs, alongside the professional needs of the banking business. This one is less about the bank differences and more about IB vs. S&T. Human Resources Analyst Development Program, analyze industry macro trends and company financials, build and maintain financial models and industry databases, gather, synthesize and interpret data from publications and other sources, assist in writing research reports and notes. Barclays deploys finance responsibly to support people and businesses, acting with empathy and integrity, championing innovation and sustainability, for the common good and the long term. Wells Fargo CIB FIG (should be doing traditional banking instead of investment banking coverage) 2. Hi Brian, thank you for the great resources. RBC Public Finance (NY) vs TPH Generalist(Houston). as well as other partner offers and accept our. Thanks! Line manager tools and resources focus on leaders of people. Wanted your opinion on Goldman Sachs (NY) Securities division vs Wells Fargo (Charlotte) Investment Banking. Summer 2023 Intern; BARCLAYS BANK; Clear All; Sorted by Relevance. DB NYC (LevFin) or RBC M&A/LevFin DBs LevFin is still very strong but am worried about the future and prestige for exit opps/lateral. Ill have to see if I can stack up to the schmucks haha. MKlein is in the up-and-coming potential elite boutique category but hasnt been around long enough to prove itself yet. I know it is difficult to get into PE, but if I were to try, which do you think would provide the best opportunity? Well the issue was that they did an accelerated process that occurred before many of the other banks began their recruiting season. Im not sure about the group at DB specifically, so you may want to reach out and ask people there. I would probably pick MS because it gives you more options if you want to do something outside of finance in the future. Thanks again for sharing your insights. Develop your skills in either banking or quantitative analytics and, if successful, potentially receive a job offer once you've graduated. as in, what boutique and top bb firms should i look at? While SF has fewer total opportunities than NY, there are tons of tech-focused funds and other tech opportunities there that match up perfectly with TMT experience. JPM Chicago (Industrials) vs GS NY (Natural Resources). JPM and MS have stronger brand names, but in this case, the fact that the DB offer is directly in investment banking and is in NY make it better (most likely). I would pick Citi because sector groups almost always beat ECM in terms of skills learned, deal exposure, and exit opportunities. I would pick JPM because Natural Resources is quite specialized and may limit your exit options and Im not sure GS even has a better brand than JPM these days. HL FT or GS Summer? ), the DB offer is best. Ask them if you can have more time, and if they ask why, say: I really appreciate the offer. Yes, its that time of year again: You need to make a decision about summer internships. Work on a unique project or support an existing project and learn from experts. It all starts with three short interactive assessments, which will tell The bank how you might perform in the workplace, and your typical or preferred ways of working. In Marketing, you'll help attract and retain customers and clients, communicating the benefits . Okay work/life balance depending on division. Completion of the Summer Internship or Off-Cycle Internship will often lead to a job offer, or an offer to join a specialised graduate programme. If you would like some flexibility, please discuss this with the hiring manager. PJT (Generalist M&A and RX) vs. MS (Media & Com), both in London. Proficient in either OOPS, Java, C/C++, J2EE, Oracle, Hibernate, WebLogic, Spring or mainframe Technologies. Thanks! "Advice to management Reduce long hours culture." Barclays plc is a British multinational universal bank, is inviting applications for the Summer Internship Programme 2022. The BlackRock role means I work directly with senior leadership to analyze and execute growth opportunities for the whole of BlackRock from M&A to strategic partnerships. Also, invited for first round interviews with MS-NY and GS-NY in Jan. US-based . harris williams food and bev (minneapolis), mizuho healthcare (NY), stephens consumer (ny), cantor fitzgerald (ny). LatAm rankings change every year, and brand name in the region is not that important. Complete the application form on Barclays' careers site. And if you dont know what you want to do, pick the offer that keeps the most options open. MS is much better known outside of the finance industry than the others, so you have better access to opportunities like corporate finance or corporate development at technology companies (for example). For example, a Spring Week Internship in investment banking will give an insight into banking, sales, research and trading. I would probably go with UBS in this case just because you really dont want to get stuck in Houston during a downturn/collapse in the energy market. But if you also had offers from Goldman Sachs or Lazard, then yes, one of those offers would have been better (most likely). To be successful during your internship, you'll need to ask lots of questions and take advantage of the opportunities available to you. Hey Brian I currently have a Barclays S&T offer for Summer 2019, and Im currently leaning that way as of now. From what I can tell, they do provide solid exit opportunities but they seem to be more random than what you see at other banks. RBC NY (Generalist) vs Citi Houston (Energy) internship? Wells Fargo Industrials (Charlotte) vs. BMO Metals & Mining (NY). They are offered to undergraduate applicants, ideally those in their second year. October 31, 2020. I know they have totally different career paths but do you think SocGen is worth turning down P&Gs offer? (1) JP Morgan Singapore (South East Asia coverage generalist, mostly M&A/ECM) vs. BAML London (no group specified), (2) CS Singapore (South East Asia coverage generalist, mostly M&A/ECM) vs. BAML London (no group specified). Interesting work. is pe right out of undergrad a good path for me, Just apply to all the top banks and network for roles there. I think AM is my main interest, and I would be interested in HF down the line, potentially post MBA. So maybe not a clear-cut decision, but I would still lean toward the GS offer. Opportunities outside of work for socialising, sport etc. So I think this one comes down to the normal rule do you want to stay in IB/PE for the long term? Hmm probably PJ Solomon, but I dont know much about Edgemont Partners (reputation seems questionable?). Let me know, thanks! Citi RE (NY) vs Citi M&A (NY) vs Citi Industrials (NY). In terms of payment, internship opportunities at Barclays will be compliant with the legislation of the country of work. Under the direction of a senior analyst, youll contribute ideas and insights to investment theses and reports. I feel like NYC gives more opportunities but FIG definitely pigeon holes you. The Cold, Harsh Truth About Your Decision. Really appreciate your thoughts. JP Morgan IB Generalist (London) vs Morgan Stanley IB Generalist (London). HI Brian, Have 2 generalist offers from Jefferies NYC and Rothschild NYC for SA. Nomura might be a bit safer, though, so. What do you think between Guggenheim (generalist) vs. DB (generalist) vs. RBC (M&A)? JPM, especially if youre not 100% certain you want to stay in finance. Most people associate BlackRock with asset management, not IB, so it will be more difficult to end up in IB/PE/HF roles later on if you take that internship. I am not sure which route to take because seeing the teams at BlackRock most are ex-Goldman or ex-BofAm bankers and so I question if I am going to end up at a firm like BlackRock late down the road should I not just go there first instead. , the Invesco offer FIG is highly specialized and will limit your exit opportunities better! Name matters in HF down the line, potentially post MBA in HF down the line, potentially receive job! By Relevance and ask people there: Assembly Planning internship Birmingham March 2023 Management Did n't get to with... To see if I can stack up to the normal rule do you want to stay IB/PE. Hedge fund and become a PM there ( Industrials ) vs GS NY natural... Mklein is in the future NYC, Generalist ) Stanley, JP Morgan IB (. For Summer 2019, and im currently leaning that way as of now in IB/PE for the Summer Programme. Internship journey as possible IB/PE for the entire internship, you & # ;! 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