In total, four arrests were made. The question was very clear. "[272], Nathaniel Gleicher, head of security policy at Facebook, stated that they found no evidence of foreign interference on their site, even though its security teams were actively searching for signs of it. A collective of protesters, "including self-identified anarchist extremists and those affiliated with Antifa",[311] demonstrated against the Seattle Police Department through the occupation of a six-block area of the Capitol Hill neighborhood, self-proclaimed as the Capitol Hill Occupied Protest (CHOP), also identified as the Capitol Hill Organized Protest, and later renamed to the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone (CHAZ). followed by citing the economic benefits of culture. [15] Clashes and other forms of violence were at various times initiated by protestors, by counterprotestors, and by police,[15] and were usually driven by opportunistic criminals rather than organized extremist groups. [102], June 20: In Seattle, a 19-year-old man, Lorenzo Anderson, was killed and another person was hospitalized with life-threatening injuries after being fired on multiple times inside the city's Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone. [3] In Minneapolis, destruction of property began on May 26, 2020, with the protests involving vandalism and arson. Police say 'violent crowd' denied them entry", "1 teen killed, 1 injured after 4th shooting near Seattle's CHOP", "Latest Seattle CHOP shooting kills 16-year-old boy, critically wounds 14-year-old boy", "Protester killed on Seattle freeway was dedicated to cause", "Indiana woman shot dead after saying 'all lives matter': family", Indy mother becomes 2nd homicide along downtown canal in 1 week, "What We Know About the Austin BLM Protest Shooting", "Armed Protester Shot, Killed By Driver In Austin Identified As Garrett Foster, Alleged Shooter Released From Custody", "Protests in Portland turn deadly after 1 person is killed on the streets downtown", "No charges in Horton shooting due to lack of evidence", "Surveillance video confirms that Saint Paul police officer Jacob Pederson is not 'Umbrella Man', "For family of man killed in pawnshop fire during George Floyd unrest, grief wrapped in a mystery", "Police release photo of 2nd suspect in fatal shooting of Eastpointe man", "Federal Protection Services officer killed in Oakland drive-by shooting identified", "Santa Cruz deputy's alleged killer charged with assassinating federal cop in Oakland ambush; authorities link attacks to extremist group that believes civil war looming", "Man charged with murder following deadly shooting of 18-year-old in downtown Indy", "Man shot dead at 26th and Broadway identified", "Man dead in Kentucky after authorities fired at crowd as they cleared parking lot", "George Floyd fallout: 2 killed as unrest erupts in Cicero; Pritzker deploys National Guard to suburbs; 7 counties declared a disaster zone; CTA again suspends service", "2 killed, over 60 arrested in Cicero as unrest continues", "Seattle police claimed protesters blocked way to dying man. [36], Both Dion and Harper have said that the others' plans will lead Canada into a recession, while Dion also stated that Harper has "mismanaged a once-booming economy into one with growth dropping to among the lowest of the G8 nations". MP Batters won't run again, citing depression", Alta. The two Leaders' Debates of 2008, one each in French and English, included the leaders of five parties, Stephen Harper of the Conservatives, Stphane Dion of the Liberals, Jack Layton of the NDP, Gilles Duceppe of the Bloc Qubcois and Elizabeth May of the Green Party. December 1, 2008: The Liberals and NDP sign agreement, December 1, 2008: The Liberals, NDP, and Bloc Qubcois sign "policy accord", December 4, 2008: Parliament prorogued by the Governor General during the. [160][161], In Minneapolis, police cruisers were filmed spraying a chemical on crowds of protesters as they drove by. They also deplored the signal sent by the demonstrations to the Belgian people, who were asked to respect stringent limitations of their freedoms in order to slow the spread of the coronavirus pandemic. [170][171] The two officers involved were charged with second-degree assault.[172]. [18] All the leaders supported the idea, and the opening and closing statements were dropped and the allotted time for the economy extended to 30 minutes without affecting the other topics. Although her fianc seemingly deescalated the situation, as the two groups were parting, Whitaker was shot and later died in the hospital. [81] All federally funded parties except for the Greens attracted fewer total votes than in 2006; the Greens received nearly 280,000 more votes. [11] The character uttered the introductory line, "I'm Sheriff Cody Jeremiah Jefferson. The incumbent had become an independent and was sitting as a Green at the time of dissolution. [22], Stephen Harper had cut $45 million from arts funding while in office, a move that drew much criticism from the other leaders and Quebec citizens, with most leaders seeking to restore the funding. [38] Harper later announced that he would ask for the 12 minutes on the economy scheduled for the Leader's Debate to be extended to an hour, citing that the financial crisis affecting the U.S. "has deepened since the debate format was finalized", a change which would require agreement from the other parties in the debate to be approved. [97] Liberal Senator Jerry Grafstein was one of the residents who reported vandalism to his car. Email:, Montana Department of Corrections He opposes a Conservative majority, due in part to Harper's promise during the 2006 election to modify the equalization formula to fully share offshore oil revenues with the province, which Williams says Harper has broken, and what Harper has stated he will do with a majority government. [30], May 31: In Montreal, Quebec, thousands attended a protest outside the Montreal police headquarters. The Conservatives lost about 170,000 votes, the Liberals 850,000, the Bloc 170,000 and the NDP 70,000. Driver Anthony Knapp was taken into custody in relation to the incident. Dion said the two were unable to agree on how to make the upcoming session of Parliament, slated to begin September 15, more productive. Some anti-capitalist, anti-fascist and police abolitionist groups consider the civil unrest in the United States as part of a broader revolution. She continued to campaign as an independent, though she appeared as a Liberal on the ballot.[90]. [20], Continuous comparisons of Harper to George W. Bush were made over the course of the debate, with Jack Layton stating at one point that with Bush ending his presidency at the end of the year, Harper would be "the last leader of a developed country to follow the Bush doctrine".[20]. Show them the real targets. In all, 14 police officers were injured during the clashes, including two with serious injuries, and at least 14 protesters were arrested. [174] The protesters claimed they acted in self-defense, and that the video was edited to give a "false impression". According to Brian Levin, director of the Center for the Study of Hate and Extremism at the California State University, if Reinoehl is implicated in the case, "it would mark the first time in recent years that an antifa supporter has been charged with homicide" as "hard-left violence has generally been less fatal and more directed towards property, racists and to a lesser extent police and journalists" which is unlike "the white supremacist and the far right, which glorifies mass violence by loners and small cells against minorities and enemies". An editorially independent anthropology magazine of the Wenner-Gren Foundation & University of Chicago Press Layton has made it clear he will campaign for the position of prime minister itself this time, but also returned to a longstanding NDP theme: alleged abuses by big business. [41] The plan has been criticized by groups such as the Sierra Club, who called it "completely inadequate". SAPIENS Anthropology Magazine [51][52][53][54][55], According to Forbes, as of June 8, 2020, at least 19 people died during the protests.[1]. [207][208], In Minneapolis, for the second day in a row, police shot at Deutsche Welle journalist Stefan Simons and his crew. [223] In the weeks and months after the rioting, authorities had difficulty identifying those responsible for destruction. "[159], On May 31, 20-year-old African American Texas State University student Justin Howell was shot in the head with a less lethal bean bag round by an APD officer while protesting outside police headquarters in Austin, Texas. [112] Michael Forest Reinoehl, responsible for the shooting, who was an anti-fascist activist and self-described supporter of antifa, writing "I am 100% ANTIFA all the way!" Was this review helpful? [319] According to an internal FBI situation report on the May 31 protests, individuals from a far-right social media group had "called for far-right provocateurs to attack federal agents, use automatic weapons against protesters. [21] May lashed out at Harper for not understanding that Canadians were worried about their homes, jobs and finances, and comparing the current situation to Dutch disease, Dion stated that the only thing that keeps Canada from being hit as hard by the crisis as the US are laws created by the previous Liberal government that the Conservatives had been attempting to overturn, Duceppe repeatedly criticized Harper for financial practices and attitudes similar to the Bush administration, and Layton at one point stated that Harper's position showed he was either incompetent or uncaring to the situation, and asked which one he was, to which Harper did not respond. Two officers were seriously injured and subsequently hospitalized, with three people being arrested. He suffered broken bones and is recovering in Jefferson Hospital. In four other ridings, the recount confirmed the election results, although Liberal Ujjal Dosanjh's margin in Vancouver South was reduced from 33 votes to just 20. During filming the William Tell series he fell during a mountain chase he tore two ligaments in his right knee. Authors | Penguin Random House Keep up with City news, services, programs, events and more. Riots, Claims of Meddling", "Russia 'concerned' for human rights as it watches U.S. protests, Kremlin says", "Facebook says it found no foreign interference targeting U.S. protests", "Live Updates on George Floyd Protests: Minneapolis to Ban Use of Chokeholds by Police", "El FBI detuvo a un grupo de venezolanos y cubanos que pagaban para causar caos en las protestas en EEUU", "FBI investiga infiltracin de la izquierda radical durante protestas en Miami-Dade", "George Floyd death: Pallets of bricks found unattended among protests spark theories of foul play", "Wray claims FBI sees 'anarchists like Antifa' exploiting George Floyd protests", "De Blasio now says some 'anarchist' protesters are local amid continued defense of NYPD", "Mayor, police chief denounce 'anarchists' and 'terrorists' who destroyed city; curfew begins at 9 p.m.", "Seattle Police Guild: Anarchists are stealing the peaceful protesters' message", "Police chief: Out-of-town anarchists stirred up trouble", "Officials blame differing groups of 'outsiders' for violence", "Attorney General Barr blames 'far-left extremist groups' for violent protests", "Anarchists infiltrating George Floyd protests in NYC, officials say", "Trump says George Floyd's killing 'should never have happened,' vows to 'stop mob violence, and we'll stop it cold', "Trump tweets Antifa will be labeled a terrorist organization but experts believe that's unconstitutional", "IN CUSTODY: Man accused of inciting violence at Pittsburgh protests turns himself in", "NYPD'S Terrorism Chief Says Unnamed Groups Planned Protest Violence in Advance", "FBI Director Christopher Wray's Remarks at Press Conference Regarding Civil Unrest in Wake of George Floyd's Death", "Federal Arrests Show No Sign That Antifa Plotted Protests", "FBI director says antifa is an ideology, not an organization", "Trump hits FBI director again over testimony on antifa, Russia", "Trump suggests he'd consider removing FBI director over unfavorable testimony", "Donald Trump hints he could fire FBI director over Antifa disagreement", "The FBI Finds 'No Intel Indicating Antifa Involvement' in Sunday's Violence", "No Sign Of Antifa So Far In Justice Department Cases Brought Over Unrest", "As Trump Blames Antifa, Protest Records Show Scant Evidence", "Just 3 arrests so far as Texas officials blame protest violence on Antifa 'terrorists'", "Who caused the violence at protests? [323] Minnesota Department of Public Safety Commissioner John Harrington noted that some white supremacist groups had posted messages online that encouraged people to go loot in Minneapolis and cause mayhem. Since 2015, such actions have been encouraged against Black Lives Matter protests by "Run Them Over" and "All Lives Splatter" memes online, as well as items posted on Fox News and on social media by police officers. [318], On the evening of June 7, in Lakeside, Virginia, witnesses reported that a truck-driver deliberately drove into protesters. Was this review helpful? Stephen Harper hinted at the possibility of dissolving parliament on August 14, 2008. [201] Expressen's U.S. correspondent Nina Svanberg was also hit in the leg with rubber bullets. Elections Canada deemed the practice legal. * Indicates incumbent not running again. [65], On September 30, it was revealed by Bob Rae of the Liberal Party that on March 20, 2003, Stephen Harper had plagiarized a speech that called for troops to be deployed to Iraq to assist the US invasion from Australian Prime Minister John Howard, which Howard had delivered two days before, on March 18. [24], On September 29, Harper unveiled a new tax credit plan worth an estimated $150 million a year to encourage parents to enroll their kids in arts programs like music and drama. [8] Thompson said, "If you're very physical in stature, you're gonna get hired for action movies. In 1989, Thompson landed his first Star Trek role on Star Trek: The Next Generation. The Conservatives apologized after an aide to Pontiac candidate Lawrence Cannon told Aboriginal protesters that they were free to meet with Cannon "if you behave and you're sober and there's no problems and if you don't do a sit down and whatever". against the victim, before they hit him. Power has also said his party's best hope of winning a seat in the province is in the riding of Avalon with incumbent candidate Fabian Manning. The bill received royal assent on May 3, 2007. In 1994, he appeared in the feature film Star Trek Generations. Toronto police reported over 30 incidents of vandalism as of October 6. [210] Brace said at the time, "You heard us yelling there that we were media but they don't care, they are being indiscriminate at the moment. So we saw a level of destruction and mayhem among some that was maddening. | His career began with a small role in the 1984 film The Terminator. Three parties the Conservatives, the Bloc Qubcois and the NDP opposed the inclusion of the Green Party, citing statements made by Green Party leader Elizabeth May to the effect that the best outcome of the election would be a Liberal-led government, and a deal struck between the Green Party and Liberals where the Liberals would not run in May's riding, Central Nova, and the Green party in Liberal leader Stphane Dion's riding, Saint-LaurentCartierville, which they say make May a "second Liberal candidate".[14]. [103][104] Nine days later, a 16-year-old boy was killed and a 14-year-old was critically injured in their Jeep Grand Cherokee after being shot in the zone. [265] Several analysts have said that there was a lack of evidence for foreign meddling whether to spread disinformation or sow divisiveness but suggest that the messaging and coverage from these countries has more so to do with global politics. [266], On May 30, Republican Senator Marco Rubio, the current acting Senate Intelligence Committee chairman, asserted "very heavy" social media activity linked to "at least three foreign adversaries," noting that while they "didn't create these divisions," they are "actively stoking and promoting violence". Trump officials won't listen. But Which Extremists? How we estimate There isnt a strict mathematical formula at work here. [156] On June 3, six Atlanta police officers, including the two officers in the window-breaking and dragging incident, were charged for using excessive force during an arrest. [294] This resulted in Trump publicly criticizing Wray, hinting that he could fire him over Wray's testimony about antifa and Russian interference in the 2020 United States elections.[295][296][297]. ", "One dead in Louisville after police and National Guard 'return fire' on crowd", "Woman, 22, killed at protest as civil unrest roils Davenport", "Police: 2nd person killed in Davenport was shot at site of officer ambush", "Illinois man ID'd as body found after Iowa police shootout", "Chicago man accused of killing bystander during looting in Cicero", "Chaos In Cicero: 2 Bystanders Shot Dead In One Incident, Liquor Store Looting Suspects Caught Hiding In Another", "Las Vegas protest rolling updates: Officer in critical condition after shot by a protester", "South Philly Gun Shop Owner Shoots, Kills Looter, Police Say", "Kenney 'deeply troubled' after business owner fatally shoots suspected looter", "Police: Man Dies After Attempting To Break Into North Philadelphia ATM With Explosives, Approximately 30 ATMs Damaged Overnight", "Police: Retired St. Louis police captain killed amid unrest", "SF resident was kneeling when fatally shot by Vallejo police during civil unrest", "California: Vallejo police kill unarmed 22-year-old, who was on his knees with his hands up", "Protester dies after being hit by car during Wednesday's march", "Candlelight vigil for Robert Forbes scheduled for tonight", "1 dead, 1 injured after shooting in Seattle autonomous zone", "Shooting in Seattle protest zone leaves one dead. The English-language debate aired Thursday, October 2 from 9 to 11 p.m. EDT, with Steve Paikin of TVOntario as moderator. Box 201301 Helena, MT 59620-1301 | Map, Phone: 406-444-3930 [51], Danny Williams, the Progressive Conservative premier of Newfoundland and Labrador, launched a campaign called Anything But Conservative, primarily targeted at Harper and the federal Conservatives. January 26, 2009: Parliament to reconvene for second session. Shooting charges were later dropped against Baca after online images emerged showing Williams holding what is rumored to be a knife. 5 S. Last Chance Gulch [258], Firearms retailers surveyed by National Shooting Sports Foundation in May estimated that 40% of their sales came from first-time gun buyers, 40% of those first-time gun buyers were women, a relatively high rate for that demographic group. [13], The majority of the George Floyd protests, a series of protests and unrest which began in Minneapolis, Minnesota, on May 26, 2020, in response to the murder of George Floyd by Minneapolis Police Department officer Derek Chauvin, were peaceful; an estimated 93%96.3% of demonstrations were peaceful and nondestructive, involving no injuries or no property damage. | The empty string is the special case where the sequence has length zero, so there are no symbols in the string. Black's stand-up albums include "In God We Rust" (2012), "Stark Raving Black" (2011), "The Carnegie Hall Performance" (2007) and "The White Album" (2000). No one was seriously injured; a suspect was arrested. [111] The driver accused of shooting Foster was brought in by police for questioning, and his handgun and car were secured for evidence. In the U.S., renaming and removal efforts mostly surrounded monuments, relics, and memorials to the Confederacy and historical figures often associated with racism, segregation, or slavery, such as Christopher Columbus, Thomas Jefferson, and Albert Pike. [28], In Antwerp on the same day, between 100 and 150 demonstrators were arrested after refusing to leave a public square in compliance with social distancing measures. When asked, most Canadians said the Conservatives would handle the economy better, while most said the Liberals would handle the environment better. One week before the publication of McKeever's resignation, NDP leader Jack Layton defended McKeever and refused to make him step down. Release Dates The memo asked members to donate $75 to $150 to help to fund the early stages of the election campaign. [249], In September 2020, the Trump administration began efforts to revoke federal funding to Portland, Oregon, Seattle, New York City, Washington, D.C. and other cities deemed by Trump as "anarchist jurisdictions", accusing the local governments of allowing themselves to "deteriorate into lawless zones". [27] Denis Ducarme, the minister in charge of self-employed workers, deplored the rampage and pillage of "numerous shops," and announced that he would ask the Prime Minister and the Minister of the Interior to explain why police were initially asked not to intervene. Shoultz later claimed to be the man who was attacked by these protesters, saying he instigated the fight, explaining he was "trying to protect the bar he likes". Fellow protesters were instructed by police to carry the injured Howell toward them for medical aid, however, those protesters were then also fired upon by police. [ 8 ] Thompson said, `` I 'm Sheriff Cody Jeremiah Jefferson the feature film Star Generations. 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