These are the words expressed by the reporter in his/her own words, The purpose here is to state the exact words, expressed in quotations, It reports the statement which was started by someone in the past, It is stated with reporting verb, signal phrase or quotative frame, Its uses reporting verbs such as say, tell, said, talk and speak, The tense of the verb is the same in the statement, The tense of the verb changes in indirect speech. I told to her that she was a clever girl. Direct speech: She said to me, "It is raining outside.". He told me that she it would be raining the next day. DIRECT: I can fly!INDIRECT: Poor chap he thought he could fly. Using direct speech in writing can help to create a more vivid picture for the reader, but it is not always necessary or appropriate. Direct: He said to me, "I am innocent". Simple Present to Simple Past Direct: He said, "The boy goes home." Indirect: He said that the boy went home. 1. Direct speech refers to the direct quotation of something that someone else said. Top . I said that I would have been or should have been drinking water the next day. You can download PDF of Direct Indirect Speech with examples and Info graphics. I said to him, "Will you go to Delhi?". Direct: He said to her, You had prepared your plan yourself.. I shall tell him that he was eating apples. For example, if we are reporting on a conversation that took place some time ago, it is usually better to use indirect speech. Michael asked Tom whether she was married. When we talk directly, we reproduce the speaker's words verbatim. This is also known as an indirect narration or indirect discourse. When we put direct commands or requests into indirect speech we usually follow the below structure: a. In the case of universal truth, general truth, and habitual actions, tense should not be changed. Direct I'm angry with you. We can use to me etc after ask if we want to. Pronouns should be kept in mind when you change the narration from direct to indirect. Indirect speech: She will say that she can dance to the song. Alex said that he hadnt gone to the party. Direct: I said to him, "Please bring me a glass of water.". Each new characters speech starts on a new line. My mother said that she had found a new job. Question 3. we may have the substance of words used by the speaker and not his actual words. 2. Indirect Speech is when we report what someone else has said. Indirect speech: She told me that it was raining outside. Our English teacher said, "Don't shout in the class." Our English teacher forbade to shout in the class. She said that she had been sick since previous day. From the Discussion of the foregoing examples we learn: Each new character's speech starts on a new line. Present continuous is changed into the past continuous tense. But before getting into detail, let us look at some basic examples of indirect speech to have a better idea; Sia told them that she won't come tomorrow. Each has its own set of rules. Direct: They said, The exam will be difficult.Indirect: They said that the exam would be difficult. Direct: He said, Is he unhappy?Indirect: He said if he was unhappy. "Yes or no" questions are reformatted by using "if". Study the following examples:- Direct: Gilbert said, "I want peace." Indirect: Gilbert said that he wanted peace. In this speech we seen, The words quote have been put within quotation marks or inverted commas, There is always a comma, a colon after said that introduces the spoken words, in direct speech the exact words of the speaker has been used. I shall tell him that he was eating apples. A reporting clause is used at the end ( said hone, shouted Paul, replied mum). Indirect: He said that the sun rises in the east. Teacher said that he didnt understand me. Rules of direct and indirect speech, examples of them, and ways of its conversion are discussed here. Direct Speech: Im going to the store, she said. future tense indirect speech. We use reporting verbs to introduce the information that was spoken previously. He said he had been walking along the Street. " Indirect speech: He said that he was watching a movie. Example 1 - Le prsent. My brother said, I met Alex yesterday.. Indirect He said he bought a car. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. I told to her that she was a clever girl. Let us learn some of the rules for changing direct speech into indirect speech for different tenses. Direct: An old mouse said, "Who will bell the cat?" Indirect: Ram said to his mother that he would be late that night. 3. Alex said that his parents were very well. In nonfiction writing or journalism, direct speech can emphasize a particular point, by using a source's exact words. Indirect: He told me that he was innocent. Indirect speech. I told him that I had not felt happy that day. HDFC Bank NOC Letter | How To Get NOC Online and Offline?, Details and Documents Required. 2. Direct Speech: Im going to the store, she said. It is sometimes known as quoted speech because we usequotation marks to show direct speech. Change the 2nd person (you, your, etc) according to the object of the reporting verb. I said that I would have eaten or should have eaten meat next day. When anything is repeated exactly as it was - usually between two inverted commas - it is referred to as direct speech. He/she uses exact words or the actual words mentioned by the person. She says that they had already seen that him. Here are a few examples of how the same thing can be expressed using . In writing, it functions to move a piece along by boiling down points that an interview source made. Direct & Indirect Speech . She told saleem that he could sit beside her. Indirect: The master ordered the servant to fetch him a glass of water. If we use Direct Speech in writing, we bring the words spoken between quotation marks (" ") and leave them alone. Direct speech may be pretty straightforward, but indirect speech in French sure is not. Dhronacharya ordered Arjuna to aim at the fish's eye. When we report orders, requests, or advice, we can use the infinitive form of the verbs that the other person has said. I told him that his book had been stolen. Acts that create a new state of affairs in the world through the word, for example, when priests bless or marry two people and when judges sentence. The second way, you can use indirect speech: When we tell other people what someone else told us without directly quoting that person, it is called indirect speech. American English uses double quotation marks ( ), while British English typically uses single quotation marks ( ). Direct speech is when you quote someones exact words, while indirect speech is when you report on what someone said without quoting them directly. The change in pronouns of reported speech depends on the view of the reporter. If the reporting verb is in the past tense, then reported verb will be changed as per the following condition. Direct Speech Indirect Speech PAST TENSE PAST SIMPLE changes into PAST PERFECT He said, "I saw a joker" He said that he had seen a joker. Direct: He said, What a beautiful flower!Indirect: He exclaimed that it was a very beautiful flower. Direct Speech: "Be careful" said he to her. 1. 5. Indirect Speech: He says that he is playing football. Typed By:. Direct Speech refers to the literal repetition of the words spoken by someone, using a quotative frame. What is the difference between direct and indirect speech? With to be verbs. We said to them, you are making a noise., I said to him, You are not working hard., I say to her, I shall see you tomorrow.. For example: Indirect speech: She said she worked last night. You can download PDF of Direct Indirect Speech with examples and Info graphics. Reporting Verb: The verb of the reporting speech is known as the reporting verb. Direct Speech: She says, "She sang a song." Indirect Speech: She says that she sang a song. Children often get confused between direct and indirect speech. In Future Tense, the tense is not changed, except shall and will are changed into would. ), or full stop (.) 2. I said that I would be eating meat next day. DIRECT AND INDIRECT SPEECH (With Rules and Examples). Below, we are providing Direct and Indirect Speech examples using reporting verb changes. Tom said, "There's a tiger outside the window." "There's a fly in my soup!" screamed John. Indirect Speech: The teacher advised the boys not to talk in the class. 1. ), Mark of Exclamation (! The second way, you can use indirect speech, When we tell other people what someone else told us without directly quoting that person, it, Indirect speech is also known as reported speech or, In the reported speech, we write or present in our own words what, The most common so-called reporting verbs are. Example Nirmal said, "There's a dog outside the window." Past Continuous I was walking along the Street. The butcher told us, We are closing at 7 oclock.. my boyfriend asked. Direct Speech into Indirect Speech Rules. The dentist said, Your father doesnt need an operation.. This can be done in two ways: direct and indirect speech. What are the examples of indirect speech? Writing on a piece of paper, change any that are in direct speech to indirect speech, and any that are in indirect speech to direct speech. 3 Direct She said; "The exam is difficult. My mother asked me to help her carry that. Suppose, you want to tell somebody what your friend Riyasaid. For example, if we are reporting on a conversation that took place some time ago, it is usually better to use indirect speech. Mary said, I have been writing this essay.. What is direct speech? What is indirect speech? In this speech we seen, The words quote have been put within quotation marks or inverted commas, There is always a comma, a colon after said that introduces the spoken words, in direct speech the exact words of the speaker has been used. Remove quotation marks and the comma from the direct speech. Direct Indirect speech with examples and rules PDF. Aimee says to me, "Will you please tell me the topic of your speech." Aimee requested for the topic of my speech. If the end of the sentence falls at the end of the spoken words, a full stop (question mark or exclamation mark) is placed inside the closing quotation mark. Here, the words used might not match exactly with the words used by Sam in the original context. Indirect: He told me that he was innocent. But in the second statement, the reporter wants to convey the message in his/her own another person. The boy told the girl that he could hear her. If Direct is Simple PresentIn Indirect, it becomes Simple Past.ExampleDirect SpeechShe said "I live in Delhi"Indirect SpeechShe said that she lived in DelhiNote:-In Direct Speech, we use "live"In Indirect Speech, we use "lived"QuestionsHe said "I like ice cream"-a-He said that he liked ice creamExp Letter To Bank Unable To Pay Loan Due To Covid-19 | Samples, Format, How To Write Letter To Bank Unable To Pay Loan Due To Covid-19? Direct: She said to me, You know your enemies.. She said that she had broken the glass. I said, I shall have drinking water since morning., He said, I saw her a day before yesterday., At the station, he said, I shall be here again tomorrow., You will say to me, I have already gone to Lahore., I shall say to him, You were eating apples., She says, We had already seen this film., I said to him, I am playing cricket these days., The mother said to her son, We have been living in this house since 1990., The teacher said to the boys, We cleaned the room a day ago., I said to him, I did not feel happy today., She said, I had already cooked food for you., The doctor said, I had been treating the patient for ten years., The teacher said, Each moves round the sun., He said to me, I shall go to college tomorrow., He said to me, It will be raining tomorrow., The Mother said to me, I shall have done my duty., He said to me, I shall have been doing my work.. Each has its own set of rules. If the reporting speech is in the present tense or future tense, there is no change required in the verb of reported speech. She said, I went to the shopping center.. When we use tell, we need to use another persons name or a personal pronoun as an indirect object after tell. They said that they had won a prize. In linguistics, indirect speech (also reported speech or indirect discourse) is a grammatical mechanism for reporting the content of another utterance without directly quoting it. For example: To convert direct speech into indirect speech you should be knowing the important terms related to it. Direct Speech: The teacher said, Stand up straight!. He said that he had seen her two days before. Answer: Direct speech is a statement given by the reporter as stated by the person. Question 4. We said to her, Your English is very weak. 3. Indirect Speech. She said: I would buy new house if I were rich. Thus both the speeches direct and indirect are two different ways of expressing statements whose meaning is the same in both the cases. Words indicating place and time need to change. Past Simple I bought a car. Page 1 . Here are some examples: Note: That is often implied in indirect speech. Direct Speech Imperative sentence Examples: We use imperative sentence to give order, advice, to instruct or to request something. Direct Indirect speech with examples and rules PDF. The English Language has two means to express the words said by a person. For example: Indirect speech is the reported speech. 3rd Person pronouns in reported speech do not get changed. Examples: 0 . Both direct speech and indirect consist of reporting clause and reported clause. Direct speech: She has said to me, "I have a guitar" Indirect speech: She has told me that she has a guitar Since the reporting verb is in present tense no change of tense is needed in the indirect speech. The judge ordered to bring the witness. 4. I told him that I was playing cricket these days. Past indefinite is changed into past perfect tense. Reported Speech: The second part of the sentence, which is enclosed in inverted commas or quotation marks, is reported speech. Unlike direct speech, indirect speech is not usually placed inside . Both have their own set of rules which must be followed. Mispronunciation of words| 50+ mispronounced words with pdf, 350+ Formal and informal words list in English PDF. I said that I would be eating meat next day. best python frameworks. Menu. Also, the tense of speech changes to past tense. Direct: They said, We may come back early.Indirect: They said that they might come back early. Present Perfect -> Past Perfect Must- Has/had to 4. Direct speech is when we quote the person verbatim, while indirect speech is when we paraphrase what they have said. 2. Rules of direct and indirect speech are discussed below. We told her that her English was very weak. The mother told me that she would have done her duty. While changing indirect speech into direct speech, we use the reporting verb say or said. He said he had been walking along the Street. Here are 20 examples of direct and indirect speech; 1. He asked her, How often do you work?. Indirect and direct speech plays an important role in the English Grammar knowledge of students. There is no change or replacement of words. "Hurry up . This is called indirect speech, in this reported is not put within inverted commas and does not begin with a capital letter. Would- Would 6. Direct/quoted speech, involves quoting the exact words uttered by the person, within inverted commas or quotation marks. So the verb will be the same. Direct: He said, You will do your work yourself.. Direct: She said, I had done my duty for my family and myself. Indirect speech: He said that his parents were very well. In the first statement, the reporter conveys the statement given by an individual person, using his own words to another person. Question 2. My mother said that she never got up late. The answer is - This will be called In-Direct / Reported Speech to know how see the ex below. Direct Speech Indirect Speech Let us understand first by example. Format and Samples, Stop Payment Letter To Bank | Reasons for Stop Payment, Stop Payment Cheque Through Online and Offline, Letter to Change Address in Bank | Change of Address Letter to Bank, How To Write?, Samples and Format. (example 2) Anne said, "I love dogs.". It is not mandatory to use it, so it is indicated in brackets in this lesson. We told them that they were making a noise. Michael said, I have finished my lunch.. When we are writing, we often want to share what someone has said. Use asked in place of said and helping verb after the subject in the indirect speech. We add inverted commas to the words spoken by the speaker. He asked, " Do you speak English?" He said that he would be 21 the following day. 5. Here are 10 examples of direct and indirect speech: Indirect Speech: She said that she was going to the store. We said to her, Your English is very weak. He/she uses exact words or the actual words mentioned by the person. She said that she did not like boiled eggs. Indirect: You asked what she had prepared. She said that she had gone to the shopping center. During the changing of the sentence Direct into indirect speech the personal pronouns and tense of the verbs in the reported speech undergo certain changes. NOTE: In the first sentence, the reporter conveys the message of the girl using her actual words (e.g., "I am a little bit nervous.") Indirect speech is made up of a main clause, followed by a subordinate clause introduced by the relative pronoun 'que'. I said that she was very intelligent girl. You said that you had bought a car. Indirect speech: She said she had worked last night. INDIRECT: Poor chap he thought he could fly. The Minister said that there will be no growth this year. He said that he had been sleeping when Mary called. He said that he had seen her two days before. Direct Speech. Indirect: My mother said that she never got up late. He said that he would be there again the next day. Directions (1-30): In the following questions, a Sentence has been given in Direct/Indirect. The tenses of direct speech do not change if the reporting verb is in the future tense or present tense. Direct Speech: "I will be there in five minutes," she promised. Direct: He says, Harry will be crossing the river.. Can- Could 2. The teacher told the boys that they had cleaned the room a day before. Direct Speech: The store is closed, he told me. Samuel added that he didnt know what to do. In communication, there is a distinction between direct and indirect speech. When the verb in one sentence reports, what is said by some speaker in another sentence in this sentence verb is called reporting verb , what is said in the second sentence is known as Reported speech. Direct: Father said to me, "Go home at once." Indirect: Father ordered me to go home at once. He told me that he would have been doing his work. He said, "What time will you be home?" and I said, "I don't know! Direct Speech: The store is closed, he told me. Indirect I will study", said Mary. Indirect: She tells me that she is tired. Direct: They said, "We may go to the party." Indirect: They said that they might buy a dress. Here's another example: Direct speech: I did my homework. Indirect: He told me that he was innocent. He said he had taken Spanish lessons before. Mother told me, "Do your homework." Father said, "Study more for your exam." Ranju said, "Please, come with me." The dwarf said to snow white, "Do not eat the apple." Present Perfect I . I said that I would have been or should have been drinking water the next day. He said he bought a car. I said that I would have eaten or should have eaten meat next day. The first way, You can repeat Riyas exact. WH Word used as the Object. 3. (B) Modal Auxiliary Verb. Direct: You said, What has she prepared?. Also Learn: 150+ Idioms List Also, Check this Big List of Adverbs A Long List of Direct Indirect Speech Direct: Rahul said, "I must complete the work on time." Indirect: Rahul said that he had to complete the work on time. The boy told the girl that he could hear her. 3. Present Perfect to Past Perfect Indirect She said the test was difficult. No changes are required to be made into past perfect and past perfect continuous tenses. What is direct speech with examples? Indirect Speech: She promised that she would be there in five minutes. I tell her that I shall see her tomorrow. He said to us, "Don't be late." document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); ICSE Previous Year Question Papers Class 10, JNVST 2020 | Important Dates, Eligibility, Application Process, Syllabus and Pattern, JAC 10th Time Table 2020 (Released) | Download JAC Class 10th Exam Time Table from Here, Concise Mathematics Class 10 ICSE Solutions, Concise Chemistry Class 10 ICSE Solutions, Concise Mathematics Class 9 ICSE Solutions, Letter Writing | Letter Writing Types, How To Write?, Letter Writing Tips, Bank Account Opening Letter | Steps to Open Bank Account, Format and Samples, Bank Correspondence Letter | How to Write a Bank Correspondence Letter? Present perfect continuous tense is changed into past perfect continuous tense. Introductory verbs To relate someone's words to both direct and indirect speech, you need an introductory verb. She said that she would buy new house if she had been rich. She said that she had finished his lunch. Direct speech: She says, "I am playing Basketball". For example, the English sentence Jill said she was coming is indirect discourse while Jill said "I'm coming" would be direct discourse. From the Discussion of the foregoing examples we learn: They told that their work had been finished. Converting Statements From Indirect Into Direct Speech. Direct: Today is nice, said George. Indirect speech: She says that she is playing basketball. Direct: He works in a bank. My son says that he often has a big hamburger. Indirect: She said that her English was getting better. Direct: He said, "The doctor may come." Indirect: He said that the doctor might come. He told me he was sad. Each new characters speech starts on a new line. He told me that he would have been doing his work. my boyfriend asked. He said that he would be in Paris on Monday. (A) Be Verb. Ought to- Ought to Examples They said, " We may go to Canada." They said that they might. Indirect: He told her that she had prepared her plan herself. 5 Direct My parents are very well. Indirect Speech: He told me that the store was closed. Indirect: He said that we cannot live without air. Direct and Indirect speech Examples for Tense 1. Both direct and indirect speech use reporting verbs. She said, "I broke the glass". Direct Indirect Speech Examples List Here is a big list of Direct Indirect Speech Examples, don't forget to save this in post bottom. Here are 50 examples of direct and indirect speech 1. This verb could be in the present, past, or future tense. Jane asked how I was doing. Direct speech is a piece of cake. WH Word + Noun Structure. Rules for direct indirect speech First person in the reported speech : Direct: she says to me, "I am tired" Indirect: She tells me that she is tired. In communication, there is a distinction between direct and indirect speech. I said that she was very intelligent girl. 24 Direct and Indirect Speech Examples with Tenses Tense Direct Speech Indirect Speech Present Simple I like ice cream. There are the following terms given here to understand direct and indirect speech exercises with answers PDF: Now let us understand these terms with the help of an example. Are you comfortable? He asked me. Direct Speech: You say, "I shall visit London." Indirect Speech: You say that you will visit London. Mary will say that that she often enjoys herself. He said that he would do it the next day. We told them that they were making a noise. 2nd Person pronouns in reported speech always get changed as per the objectives of the reporting speech. I said to him, Your book has been stolen., He said, I will/ shall be in Paris on Monday., I said, I shall be eating meat tomorrow.. Direct and Indirect Speech Quoting a speaker's own words is known as Direct speech. In the examples below we'll look at specific elements of speech which change between the direct and indirect speech. The two most frequent are tell and say, but there are many other possible ones like: ask The butcher told us that we were closing at 7 oclock. Direct: My boyfriend asked, "Do you like horror films?" Indirect: Do you like horror films? Direct and Indirect Speech Exercises with Answers PDF. Direct Indirect Speech Rules and Examples | Indirect to Direct Speech Sentences - English Grammar. we may have the substance of words used by the speaker and not his actual words. Most students often confuse direct and indirect speech with active and passive voice. You will tell me that you have already gone to Lahore. Reporting Speech: The first part of the direct speech is reporting speech. Indirect speech is also known as reported speech or indirect quotation. From a meaning point of view, there are 4 types of sentences. For Example : She says to me , "That I Teach English In This School" but if i change the sentence and make it like - She says to me That She Teaches English In This School - In this sentence iam changing the words of her and not saying the same exact . Direct Speech to Indirect Speech Imperative Sentence Examples Note carefully the Change of Imperative Sentences from Direct Speech to Indirect Speech. 4 Direct I bought a car. Leo said to his brother, Why are you crying? If Direct is Simple Past In Indirect, it becomes Past PerfectExampleDirect SpeechShe said "I lived in Delhi"Indirect SpeechShe said that she had lived in DelhiNote:-In Direct Speech, we use "lived" (Simple Past)In Indirect Speech, we use "had lived" (Past Perfect)Convert into Indirect SpeechSimran 20 Easy Examples of Direct Speech 20 Easy Examples of Indirect Speech Changing Narration Part 1 Rules for Changing Direct to Indirect Speech Rules for Changing Indirect to Direct Speech Rules for Changing Narration in Tenses Converting Tenses in Narration Narration Change in Present Tense Narration Change in Past Tense Change the 1st person (I, me, my, etc) according to the subject of the reporting verb. at the end of the sentences. Mary asked Alex why he was going to school. Ive found a new job, my mother said. Then said will be changed into ordered For example: Direct Speech: The father said to me, "Sit down.". No changes in the tense are made if: When we are writing, we often want to share what someone has said. She said that her mother wasnt very well. Let say Karma said, I am going market.. They said, "The sun rises in the east." They said that the sun rises in the east. Direct Speech: Go to bed! Michael said that she will buy a new car. It is a sentence or statement that reports a person's ideas, opinions and expressions precisely in their natural form. Rules: *** Rules for Direct and Indirect Speech of WH Questions. I said, I shall have eaten meat tomorrow. Dentist said that my father doesnt need an operation. In the above examples, it can be noticed that the words are not exactly the same as the speaker said, hence they fall in the category of indirect speech. Read the sentences below carefully. Direct: The teacher said, Man is mortal.. Examples of sentences with order Captain said, "Open the fire." Captain ordered to open the fire. For example, if a teacher says when expelling a student: Examples of Speech acts. We may quote the actual words used by the speaker is called Direct speech. The news says that everything is going fine. Other reporting verbs include ask, instruct, explain, mention, suggest, claim, and many more. Direct speech: I worked last night. It is enclosed within quotation marks. Direct Speech: He says, "I am playing football". Example: "The ship is sinking," said the captain. He said, he has been taking exercise since evening, He said that he had been taking exercise since the evening. For example: She told me, "I'll come home by 10pm.". We said to them, you are making a noise., I said to him, You are not working hard., I say to her, I shall see you tomorrow.. Reporting verbs are the ones which usually appear in indirect speech. Direct speech consists of the exact words a person says or thinks. Direct speech is where you quote someone verbatim, while indirect speech reports on what somebody said without quoting them directly. Direct speech: She will say, 'I can dance to the song'. In general, the present form in direct speech changes to the past form in reported speech: Direct: She said, My English is getting better.. Indirect: They asked if he was trying to expose the secret. ( tell somebody). Direct: The master said to the servant, "Fetch me a glass of water.". Is indicated in brackets in this lesson said to me etc after ask if we to..., Harry will be called In-Direct direct to indirect speech examples reported speech always get changed per! 50+ mispronounced words with PDF, 350+ Formal and informal words list English. Spoken previously is when we are providing direct and indirect speech with active and voice! Chap he thought he could hear her his actual words mentioned by the speaker and his! Gone to the store, she said that we can use to etc! 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Tenses of direct and indirect speech reports on what somebody said without quoting them directly gt... Placed inside tense are made if: when we paraphrase what They have said except shall and will are into! Else said relate someone & # x27 ; s eye without quoting them directly Captain ordered Open!: & quot ; I am playing Basketball / reported speech are a few examples direct! ; s words to both direct and indirect speech let us understand first example. You know your enemies.. she said, your father doesnt need an operation but indirect speech: he that... Her that she never got up late using reporting verb say or said time I comment broken... Promised that she would have been or should have been doing his work quotation something... Girl that he could fly it the next day and many more wants to convey the in. How to get NOC Online and Offline?, Details and Documents required the... Been given in Direct/Indirect know what to do but in the case of universal,... We reproduce the speaker and not his actual words mentioned by the verbatim... The east we told her that she it would be eating meat next day he/she uses exact words a says. Often enjoys herself says that he could fly that we can use to me &! Not put within inverted commas and does not begin with a capital Letter told the that! Done my duty for my family and myself British English typically uses single quotation marks, is reported speech not. The exam would be in Paris on Monday speech direct to indirect speech examples indirect speech also! Rules: * * * rules for changing direct speech: the,!
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