I'm OK once I realize you're here.". 5. It states what in the last book Mockiingjay in the epilogue and last paragraph before the epilogue. Katniss should make one choice that she has full say in and has control over and that leads to something other than heartache, manipulation, exploitation, and tragedy and what other area or what better area than for her to have it in her personal life? The first interaction Katniss recalls having with Peeta involved him tossing her the burnt loaf of bread that saved her life. Her favorite slasher icon is Ghostface, but Michael Myers still gives her nightmares. TimesMojo is a social question-and-answer website where you can get all the answers to your questions. the film omits incredibly important details. Peeta cant let Katniss go (he admits to this when he doesnt let her take the nightlock) and Katniss comes to expect Peeta (she suggests as much when she reflects that she seems to be waiting for something when in District 12). She always felt wrong about Peeta as long as Galewas around because of what they were just beginning to have before the Games. Moreover, beyond the page, Peeta's lifelong affection for Katniss is noticeably underdeveloped. That's when. Peeta comes to be a better match for Katniss than Gale, primarily because Katniss comes to need Peeta and Peeta brings to Katniss life things she does not bring herself. Not unlikeHarry Potterbefore it, fans of theHunger Gamesfranchise feel its most prominent on-screen romance was lacking. In the end, Katniss and Gale grew apart, as many childhood friends and young loves do. All the latest gaming news, game reviews and trailers. In the epilogue, Katniss and Peeta are married and have two children. That's love, y'all. I think it was partly motivated by Katniss not wanting to inflict pain - other people's pain being a cause of distress for Katniss eg. I can survive just fine without either of them. He married Julia Pompey but their marriage was loveless. It does save Katniss from having to hurt Gale and as evidenced in the trilogy, Katniss responds to suffering by wanting to end it (but is not one to inflict it) but it is still weak given how much of a presence SC gave to the Katniss-Peeta-Gale development. Meanwhile, Katniss and Peetasupported each other in the recovery process before starting a family. Peeta's lack of refute of Gale's statement is an acceptance of Gale's statement as truth. Having Katniss end up with Peeta in the end makes sense, considering their shared trauma, but their relationship overall is much more complex and layered than that. While both the book and film iterations of the dystopian tale, The Hunger Games, see Katniss end up with Peeta, only the books truly capture why. In the epilogue Katniss and Peeta are married and have two children. On a pure plot level, the ending to the movie is quite faithful to the book. By not having Katniss choose between Gale and Peeta, Collins saves Katniss from validating the "truth" of her character that Gale asserted and that Peeta accepted, but in doing this Collins sends ambiguous and somewhat ambivalent messages about the nature of Katniss' and Peeta's relationship at the close of the trilogy. All the latest gaming news, game reviews and trailers. No matter how much Gale endured with the Second Rebellion, he would never fully understand what it was like participating in the deadly arena at the center of the Hunger Games. on thehungergames.fandom.com, View But these things are not built upon later in the story. The way they felt entitled to this discussion and the manner in which they had it was bizarre, especially given the time and place of their discussion, and also that this discussion was coming from two people who were supposed to care about Katniss. Katniss, unable to look at him the same way, lets him walk away without a word and eventually ended up living with Peeta. In the significance of all that was supposed to be going on in Mockingjay, Peeta and Gale stay up at night not talking about war, if they will survive, what it will mean if they die, what they fear of losing, what life might be in the future, or if to follow the "love triangle" theme, how they are upset that Katniss has feelings for both of them but how they recognize that that cannot be dealt with now, they instead stay up at night talking about who Katniss will choose as if they know or as if it matters. The closer she gets to home, the more confused Katniss becomes about her feelings for Peeta and about her true identity. Katniss, unable to look at him the same way, lets him walk away without a word and eventually ended up living with Peeta. Having Katniss end up with Peeta in the end makes sense, considering their shared trauma, but their relationship overall is much more complex and layered than that. Answer (1 of 8): Katniss is better off with Peeta, and eventually, she does love him. She also feels relieved that they don't have to pretend to be friends anymore. From the start of the Hunger Games story, it was clear that Gale had feelings for his best friend, Katniss. Katniss Everdeen was in the middle of a love triangle with Gale Hawthorne and Peeta Mellark throughout The Hunger Games franchise, but in the end, she ended upwith the latter. Katniss, unable to look at him the same way, lets him walk away without a word and eventually ended up living with Peeta. Why does Katniss keep kissing Gale and Peeta? Why did Katniss marry Peeta and not Gale? Talking like he knows, Gale says that Katniss will choose the person she "can't survive without" and he says this as truth. Ultimately, Katniss chooses Peeta because he is the only one who can understand what she has been through, and she does not like the side of Gale she saw in District 13. The go-to source for comic book and superhero movie fans. There was no question that Katniss sharedsome romantic feelings for Gale during The Hunger Games franchise. Adding credence to the idea that the Mellarks' marriage had little to do with love, this detail also sparks Peeta's love for Katniss. The Hunger Games: Why Is Katniss Everdeen Called the Mockingjay? Peeta always, always, always puts Katniss's safety above his own. Katniss returned to District 12, where she reunited with Peeta after she couldn't allow herself to fully forgive her childhood best friend. At 14 years old, he meets Katniss, who also lost her father in the same mine explosion. Because if Katniss chooses Peeta, then what Gale said is true and Katniss is the cold, calculating, unfeeling, and survival-focused person that Gale made her out to be and the person she chose to be with would be the person that she thought she could not survive without (regardless of whether she chose Peeta or Gale). This will make it easier during the Games, as eventually, one of them will have to kill the other. More on Why Katniss Does Not Choose. What started as an admirable attribute quickly ended up driving a wedge between the former allies once Primrose met her death. Their . Peeta comes to be a better match for Katniss than Gale, primarily because Katniss comes to "need" Peeta and Peeta brings to Katniss' life things she does not bring herself. HubPages is a registered trademark of The Arena Platform, Inc. Other product and company names shown may be trademarks of their respective owners. Therefore, it made sense why Katniss and Peete ended up together by The Hunger Games' conclusion. to fight for what she wants that is when Peeta might have a chance. complete answer on foreveryoungadult.com, View 10. In the Seventy-fourth Hunger Games and they changed the rules right after Rue died and District 11 sent the bread. Jennifer Lawrence played the brave heroine for all four movie installments based on the popular book series by Suzanne Collins while Gale and Peeta were portrayed by Liam Hemsworth and Josh Hutcherson, respectively. In Catching Fire, people who have never met or barely know them think that Gale is her cousin. Epilogue. Still, she feels as if she's betrayed Gale with her fake love affair with. While some considered Peeta the "safe choice," it actually made sense why the protagonist ended up with him. After the Games . Further into that passage she talks about how what she really needed was the dandelion in the spring and it reads as if she is selling/convincing herself on her situation while it potentially also being what she needs. What DOES change is that her original worldview is now combined with Peetas in that she dares to hope for a future in the world that exists. But because Collins wrote that scene between Gale and Peeta, Katniss can never choose Peeta even though that would be who she would have chosen based on how the story was written. That bread symbolized hope for Katniss and inspired her not to give up on life. Gale didnt say, Katniss will pick whoever it will break her heart to give up, or even whoever she cant live without., Those would have implied I was motivated by a kind of passion. Does Peeta die in the end? What does Peeta say to Katniss at the end of Mockingjay in bed? He wants her to lovehim for who he is, not b/c he needs her. No matter what, Peeta fought for her and tried to protect her. Her feelings for Peeta are summed up at the end of Mockingjay when she says "What I need is the dandelion in spring. The two supported each other in the recovery process before starting a . But I found that realistic. Its only implied that they get it on via snuggling and other affectionate acts in close quarters but if you have read the book, they really imply that they took their relationship to the next level. The Hunger Games: Why Did Katniss Kill President Coin. Nalini combines her love of meaning, analysis, and critical thinking with movies, media, and discussion to bring a different perspective. But with Gale gone and Katniss laid low, Peeta thought he might have a chance. The key is in your last line: with Gale gone and Katniss laid low. That essentially translates into: with Katniss out of options (or without the option she might have wanted) and not having the strength/energy/desire/etc. Gale does not marry anyone in The Hunger Games. But it's OK-ish. I think what SC avoided was having Katniss tell Gale that she didn't choose him. If Katniss ever wanted to find comfort again, she knew she had to return to Peeta for the long term. Kara has always had a love for horror ever since she started watching it at too young of an age. As the baker explains, his intended's heart was stolen by Katniss' father -- or more likely, by his lovely singing voice: a trait that father and daughter share. The novel ends with Katniss and Peeta on their train ride back to District 12 as heroes. Katniss said that she miscarried due to an electric shock in the arena. Katniss, unable to look at him the same way, lets him walk away without a word and eventually ended up living with Peeta. Katniss, "it is true, but so is what you said about Peeta." So, the answer is yes, Katniss does love Gale. Katniss silently agrees with him although the difficulty was equally on Gale's side - Katniss would always remind him of what the bomb he designed had done. What does Peeta say to Katniss at the end of Mockingjay in bed? Here's my evidence: Katniss never treats Peeta as true partner on her own level. Katniss is meant to end up with Peeta, and even though I make the argument that he is manipulative and that there is more to him than meets the eye, I recognize that Katniss was meant to end up with him or at least that she was written to, but this becomes a problem for Collins at the end of Mockingjay. When I read the scene where Gale and Peeta are discussing who Katniss will choose, I felt the flow of continuous reading stop. . Surprisingly,the film omits incredibly important detailsabout each character's parentage. Ultimately, Katniss chooses Peeta because he is the only one who can understand what she has been through, and she does not like the side of Gale she saw in District 13. Even when Katniss didn't want it, even when Katniss showed no interest in him. He loved her even though he knew she loved Peeta. After this, he married 2 more people, one being from the Stone Family, and one being from the Willford Family. In the Seventy-fourth Hunger Games and they changed the rules right after Rue died and District 11 sent the bread. However, during the 15 years after the events of Mockingjay, Katniss became pregnant legitimately. There are several things worth noting in this. I am not totally decided if accepting someone into your life is choosing them, especially in Katniss case. the kiss in bombed D12. No, Peeta Mellark did not die in The Hunger Games, he was only injured. The bright yellow that means rebirth instead of destruction. Gale is indirectly involved in the killing of Prim and he and Katniss part ways. He is 19 in Catching Fire and Mockingjay. She mentally tells them to go fly a kite by asserting to herself that she can survive without either of them and this is the closest we get to her making a choice between Peeta and Gale. She needed something different in her life, and with Gale's link to Primrose's death, Katniss found a reason to cut ties. KEEP READING:The Hunger Games: Why Did Katniss Kill President Coin? Both leading men served as key characters throughout the franchise, but Katniss had to pick one over the other when the series concluded. Does Katniss end up with Peeta? She said "Peeta." Katniss feels inferior to Peeta in this conversation and is upset over the way he responds to her desire to wanting to stay alive and is upset over the way he responds when she advises him to care about doing the same. She settled for Peeta. Before joining Screen Rant, Kara served as a contributor for Movie Pilot and had her work published on sites such as The Mary Sue, Reel Honey, and Pure Fandom. When Kara's not busy writing, you can find her doing yoga or hanging out with Gritty. Is it normal to get headaches after the COVID-19 vaccine? Meanwhile, Katniss was fought alongside Gale on the front lines as freedom fighters in other areas on Panem. If Katniss ever wanted to find comfort again, she knew she had to return to Peeta for the long term. He is fiercely devoted to his family and to Katniss and is a true rebel and visionary at heart. Even though this is a game, there are still rules that must be followed. 10/10. He wanted to march on the Capitol and take down the system. Katniss says it would have happened anyway and I think it was leading to that conclusion before Peeta was hijacked. Despite this commonality betweenbothversions of the story, the books further cement the ideathrough important details that the filmssaw fit to remove. Kara Hedash is a Jr. Lead Editor and writer for the Features team at Screen Rant. In the epilogue, Katniss and Peeta are married and have two children. Who does Katniss end up with in the book? Making Gale dispensable, having Katniss end up with Peeta without her actually choosing him, and taking into account the life they share afterwards, sends a conflicting message about Katniss' and Peeta's relationship and about the overall themes in the trilogy; which may or may not have been the messages Collins wanted to send. Katniss remains very aware of the prying eyes of Panem. "My nightmares are usually about losing you. In Catching Fire, Katniss is all about Gale, despite her confused, ambiguous feelings for Peeta. Peeta In the epilogue, Katniss and Peeta are married and have two children. Gale Hawthorne was Katniss Everdeen's best friend, hunting partner and one of the main characters. While Katniss and Peeta find themselves married with children in the series' final installment, the film seeks to uplift its audience -- evoking the idea of a perfect storybook ending that seems largely unearned -- whereas the books allow room for a somber ambiguity. It was suggested by many that he poisoned his wife because she tried to kill him and take their sons place. Primrose Prim Everdeen was Katniss Everdeens younger sister. Despite not being fully responsible, Katniss couldn't overlook his possible involvement. 2022 The Arena Media Brands, LLC and respective content providers on this website. This article will not discuss all of the things that I was frustrated and disappointed with in Mockingjay, but one of the things that bothered me about the ending of Mockingjay was how Gale was conveniently and easily removed from the ending and how Katniss never chose Peeta but rather accepted him in her life. Katniss is rescued from the Quarter Quell and the Capitol picked up Peeta, Johanna,. In the Mockingjay movie, Katniss confronts Gale about his role in Prim's death, which he struggles to come to terms with. Do Katniss and Peeta end up together? How does Catching Fire end? Gale represented everything that Katniss was trying to get away from following her harrowing time in the Hunger Games arena. Her costume will be lit with a synthetic flame, and Cinna calls her "the girl who was on fire." In their matching costumesan unusual touch as tributes are rarely made to matchKatniss and Peeta are escorted to a main plaza in the city, where they will go before the huge audience. Katniss' tryst with best-friend-turned-romantic-rival. Peeta was rescued and taken to District 13, but the brainwashing from the Capitol had taken its toll. The way Katniss seemingly just accepted Peeta into her life, and the way the ending with respect to this/them was thrown together makes for an ending where Katniss' lack of a choice can at best be argued to be a passive choice, which may or may not be a choice. Peeta was a part of the 74th Hunger Games reaping at the age of 16, the same age as Katniss Everdeen. A chill runs through me. Then when they changed the rules again, and Peeta wanted Katniss to go home to be with Primrose. Katniss is just pretending, but deep down has some feelings for Peeta. She said "Peeta." She realized right then that she started to have some feelings for him. Related:Hunger Games: How Haymitch Won The 50th Games (& What Happened Next). In both iterations, when Peeta is named the male tribute of District 12, she expresses neither anguish nor pride in her son. The strength of Gale's feelings toward Katniss was put to the ultimate test when he realized that she loved Peeta, but that didn't stop . As if in the end, it will be the question of whether a baker or a hunter will extend my longevity the most. Their relationship has attracted a great deal of attention, which in turn means more sponsors. It also shows how no one really knows Katniss as she is, even those in her life who know her better than others; which is a painful realization for Katniss.This scene highlights how despite their strengths, compatibilities, feelings for, and relationships with Katniss, Peeta and Gale are both self-absorbed and focused on their own wants with respect to Katniss, without taking Katniss into account. Gale is given a moral/ethical/conflicting character flaw/role and is removed from the story and the one she would have chosen is the one she ends up with. The two dont have sex on screen. So Katniss and Peeta are tied to each other. And if Collins had Katniss make a choice between Peeta and Gale after the conversation that Gale and Peeta had had, then she too would have been confirming that that was indeed who Katniss was and that would be the Katniss that she would be closing the trilogy with. And as the ending would have it, that IS when Peeta has a chance and because Katniss is laid low, the nurturing role is what works for him because like in Catching Fire, Katniss is still struggling with the instability and brokenness of trauma. Does Peeta die in the hunger games? Most of us, when we choose a partner, don't have a couple of men conveniently lined up to pick and choose from. Jennifer Lawrence played the brave heroine for all four movie installments based on the popular book series by Suzanne Collins while Gale and Peeta were portrayed by Liam Hemsworth and Josh . By the rules of writing, character development, and overall themes, and by the lead-up through the trilogy, Katniss should make a choice. Provided by. As she rests her head on Peeta's chest, he asks her, " You love me. I wonder if Peeta would have followed Katniss to D12 if had known that Gale was still in the picture. But while the scene can be argued to belong it simultaneously does not belong.The way in which Gale and Peeta discuss who Katniss will choose did not fit. That said, Willow and Rye are pretty cute names for Katniss and Peetas kids, but they dont seem particularly meaningful. Just before the end of The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 2 (2015), Katniss Everdeen (Jennifer Lawrence) wakes from a nightmare and abandons her bed to crawl into a cuddle with her long-time Games partner Peeta Mellark (Josh Hutcherson). Nalini Marquez (author) on February 25, 2014: Hi brutishspoon, thank you for your response and for taking the time to read my hub! Peeta stayed by Katniss' side when she went through dark episodes of her ever-lasting trauma. But for it to have been more recognizable, Gale would have had to stay in the picture somehow and some development had to occur before he was removed. Ill just conduct an unfeeling assessment of what my potential mates can offer me. If Katniss wants to keep Peeta safe, she cannot show feelings for him. Beetee joined the districts technology division, working on the military equipment and designing a bomb that President Coin later used to bomb the Capitol children and medics, killing Prim. Is Black Adam Going To Break The $1 Billion Barrier?. After all that lead up and conflict, I thought what the heck is this? Gale was not the one to drop the bombs from the hovercraft, but he was one of the key figures to devise the strategy of double bombings. Does Peeta die in the end? Why Do Cross Country Runners Have Skinny Legs? Will using baby wipes give me a yeast infection? "-Mockingjay, Chapter 23. Covering the hottest movie and TV topics that fans want. Its not an active choice, but it is a passive one and passive choices are often made in real life as well. The books give readers a detailed glimpse at Peeta's grim backstory. Katniss has to use her last arrow in a tourniquet to stop Peeta from dying from blood loss.Once recovered from running for so long Cato catches Peeta in a headlock to cut off his air possibly hoping to choke him to death and use his body as a weapon against Katniss ensuring both of their deaths and Cato's victory. The terror they endured sped uptheir bond, but Katniss never fully let go of Gale completely. In addition, this scene reduces Katniss to someone who is unfeeling and focused on her own survival, no matter what costs. And if you guessed Katniss, you guessed right. Unfortunately, a second batch of bombs were set off, with Prim being killed in the explosions. Am I really that cold and calculating? Katniss has to use her last arrow in a tourniquet to stop Peeta from dying from blood loss. He at least has some strong feelings for her. Prim was among the medics who arrived to treat the victims. Why did Katniss marry Peeta and not Gale? No anger, no development; just conveniently and easily removed from the story because he was not the one Katniss was supposed to end up with. After Coin suggests doing another Hunger Games with the children of the Capitol, Katniss kills her instead of Snow, is locked up by the rebels, sent to exile back in 12 where she rehabilitates and eventually marries Peeta and has children. Prim's death makes Katniss' choice easier because she and her dialogue were focused on Peeta and because she never has to vocalize her choice and she never has to address the argument. Does Katniss end up with Peeta? They married twice (once before the series and the second time in season 3). When bringing a wildly popular book series to the big screen, a few elements are bound to get lost in adaptation. After significantly camouflaging the cave opening and gathering a supply of food and water to leave Peeta, Katniss curls next to him to sleep, very frightened since feasts always end up with corpses. She loves to binge a new series and watch movies ranging from Hollywood blockbusters to hidden indie gems. New Movie News, Movie Trailers & upcoming Movie Reviews, The Hunger Games: Why Peeta Really Fell in Love With Katniss. Just before the end of The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 2 (2015), Katniss Everdeen (Jennifer Lawrence) wakes from a nightmare and abandons her bed to crawl into a cuddle with her long-time Games partner Peeta Mellark (Josh Hutcherson). She has the build of a forager and hunter, small in stature but not starving. It was fate that, after Katniss volunteered in place of her sister, the male tribute that got reaped was the boy who had had a crush on her for years and once provided her with bread when she was at her lowest. Katniss had a choice not to have any partner, which was her original plan. Mr. Mellark was the first to spot Katniss' dark brown curls on his son's first day of school, and thinking nothing of her at first, the bakertold Peeta that he had once been in love withKatniss' mother. But my best friend predicts I will choose the person who I think I cant survive without.. Nalini Marquez (author) on December 10, 2015: Thank you for your comment and for reading the hub! At the moment, the choice would be simple. Home | About | Contact | Copyright | Report Content | Privacy | Cookie Policy | Terms & Conditions | Sitemap. Related Posts young adult literature On a pure plot level, the ending to the movie is quite faithful to the book. So he slips into the nurturing role that had worked before and plants primrose bushes, bakes bread and provides comfort from nightmares.
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