document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Scandification explores and celebrates the magic of Scandinavia. A housing estate in Mjlnerparken, Copenhagen the district is on the Danish governments ghetto list. Basically, we hope to achieve that some of the people who are here and have been living here for many generations, maybe they will start to turn away from the culture of their parents and grandparents, he said. From the outside, Copenhagen's Mjlnerparken housing estate is pretty unremarkable. In some very general terms, Copenhagen is split into 5 districts: Copenhagen K (Indre By), Copenhagen V (Vesterbro), Copenhagen N (Norrebro), Copenhagen (Osterbro), and Copenhagen S (Amagerbro). An old city within the modern city where people have their own unique lifestyle and values from the rest of the mainland. Since then, a new one has opened not far away. of the initial housing stock by 2030 to achieve a more mixed housing and resident composition. [17][18], People convicted of misdemeanors receive twice the penalty if they live in a designated ghetto. The Kbenhavn area also includes the waterfront neighborhood Nordhavn, which has seen a former industrial site turned into swanky modern apartments while the United Nations also has an office here. document.getElementById( "ak_js_2" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Districts of Copenhagen: Get to know Copenhagens neighborhoods. Also included in Vesterbro is Carlsberg Byen, a new Copenhagen district under construction by the Carlsberg brewery. Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek. Henriksen because he remembers a less diverse country, and Qarasnane because she remembers a more tolerant country. What a third of respondents did want, however, was to live close to friends and family for practical and emotional support. Some rural municipalities with minuscule Muslim populations have made pork compulsory for school canteens, while the far-right Danish Peoples party, part of the countrys ruling coalition until June 2019, sought to corral any refugees denied resident permits and who are deemed to be criminals on to a remote island. Nonetheless, this year the government has unveiled a significant reduction in the number of hardcore ghetto areas on the controversial list. . Sitting alongside the river, next door to Indre by, Vesterbro has become one of Copenhagen's most popular areas both day and night. Its not to clear out the entire building and start again. In the space of fewer than 50 years between 1857 and 1901, its population skyrocketed from 10,000 to over 100,000. In 2019, the Ghetto list included 29 areas and districts. If you dont venture beyond the city center, its easy to think that the districts of Copenhagen are identical. The share of inhabitants of aged 3059 with only primary education or less, is greater than 50%. Current tenants will be offered alternative accommodation, but no control over its location, quality or cost. [13][19], Ministry of Transport, Building and Housing, "Almene boliger beboersammenstning, sundhed og beskftigelse", "Her er den nye ghettoliste: Rekordf ghettoomrder i Danmark", "I Danmarks fjerde strste by har man ingen ghetto: Bydel i Aalborg har fet stort lft", "Ghettolisten 2017 - Transportministeriet", "Disse boligomrder er nu p ghettolisten", "To partier er sprunget fra Vollsmose-planen: - Den bygger p tvangsflytning af uskyldige mennesker", "Flertal forbyder kontanthjlpsmodtagere at flytte i ghettoer", "How Denmark's 'ghetto list' is ripping apart migrant communities", "Facing Eviction, Residents Of Denmark's 'Ghettos' Are Suing The Government", "1000 familier i Aarhus skal flytte p grund af ghettoplan", "Denmark plans to limit 'non-western' residents in disadvantaged areas",, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0. A lot of young men feel that they are not recognised as equal citizens The narrative of counter-citizenship is a heavy risk factor when it comes to potential recruitment for criminal groups such as street gangs and militant Islamist groups.. After a bullet cracked into an apartment downstairs, he hopes they might bring more focus on cutting gang crime. If youre a sucker for maritime atmospheres, check out our full Christianshavn guide. Bishop Absalon of Roskilde built a castle to protect the city on the island of Slotsholmen in the 1160s, but Copenhagen existed long before that. The ban was the spur for a controversial newspaper column last week by Boris Johnson, the former British foreign secretary, who compared fully veiled women to letterboxes and bank robbers while arguing that the Danish ban was the wrong approach. A sweeping plan to rid the country of immigrant-heavy areas officially designated as "ghettos" is being challenged by residents, as Denmark also begins to grapple with broader questions about racism. You can choose between the very photogenic old port of Nyhavn - showcasing caf terraces and old rigging - and the district of Christianshavn - the Danish "Little Amsterdam", built with its feet in the water of . Day 5. Frederiksberg is west of Copenhagens city center and borders Nrrebro, Vesterbro, Valby, and Vanlse. Klampenborg is a little further north than Hellerup and is where youll find Dyrehaven a huge deer park that Copenhageners frequent on the weekend. Ibtisam Ashur, a resident of Mjolnerparken which is a housing estate that features on the Danish government's "Ghetto List", throws a stone during an excursion to the seaside with "Sjakket", a youth group that provides activities and support for children that live in socially vulnerable areas of Copenhagen's north-west area in Denmark, May 9, 2018. Few people dispute that the neighbourhoods on the list have problems. Consequently, the ghettoes have been refuges for those struggling to find housing elsewhere but increasingly that is no longer the case. The number of vulnerable neighbourhoods has dwindled to just 15 according to the governments contentious list. Johnsons remarks sparked anger across the political spectrum and were branded inflammatory and divisive by the Equality and Human Rights Commission. There's just a tiny section of the street to avoid at night, the area around Gothersgade and Borgergade. Alex Jorgensen, head of the neighbourhood housing association in Husum, another so-called ghetto near Copenhagen, is worried about how Danish society is reacting to his familys decision to give his children Arabic names that reflect their mothers heritage. But when you see and hear about it, it looks pretty much like any other bigger european city. The objective is to give every child in Denmark the same life opportunities regardless of the neighbourhood they grow up in or of their parents background, said the Danish ministry of transport and housing in a statement. In 2014, the newspaper Politiken reported the story of law student Tarek Hussein who was repeatedly offered flats when using the name Thomas but rejected for the same ones under his own name, with one prospective landlord saying he dare not take a chance on a foreigner. There are three times as many people with criminal convictions compared to the average of Denmark. The Copenhagen Post is the only English-language newspaper in Denmark reporting Danish news. Denmark has compiled this ghetto list annually since 2010; the criteria are higher than average jobless and crime rates, lower than average educational attainment and, controversially, more than half of the population being first or second-generation migrants. There, 260 residencies will be. In order to be classed as a "ghetto," these areas also need. Adding insult to injury, the eviction and renovation plans will be paid for from proceeds from a fund paid into by public housing tenants themselves. Denmark election result keeps Social Democrats at the helm, Denmark election: Social Democrats lead but no majority, exit poll suggests, Move over Brits: Danish royals in crisis after decision to strip titles, Danish general election called after PM faces mink cull ultimatum, Denmarks Queen says sorry for family upset caused by taking away titles, Denmarks Queen Margrethe II tests positive for Covid after Queen Elizabeths funeral, Margrethe II of Denmark marks jubilee as Europes only reigning queen, Unacceptable: Russian warship accused of violating Danish waters, Canada and Denmark end decades-long dispute over barren rock in Arctic. Hellerup is the birthplace of Tuborg, one of the most famous Danish beer brands. This adds to justifications for abolishing these discriminatory housing laws and ensuring that . The policies concerning segregated areas in the early twentieth century focused mainly on the refurbishment and demolition of . Indre By is where Copenhagens journey to one of the worlds most prosperous cities began. Henriksens populist Danish Peoples party (DPP) got the second-highest vote tally in the most recent parliamentary elections, and its votes prop up the centre-right coalition, although it refused any ministerial posts. But when I chose the niqab I found that is not true.. But in recent months the government has pushed through policies that demand far more extreme intervention in their residents lives. Opponents say they are cover for scapegoating minorities and peddling xenophobia to win votes. stop a colleague from getting stoned to death, its population grew from 1,500 to over 60,000, Danish flag history: Your guide to the flag of Demark, get to Malm, Swedens third-largest city, Nrrebro, Copenhagens intriguing melting pot, Vesterbro, the hipster district of Copenhagen, Frederiksberg, Copenhagens leafy enclave, Strandvejen, Copenhagens coastal suburbs, Valby, Copenhagens lesser-known district, Unpacking Copenhagens meatpacking district, Exploring the charms of Nyhavn, Copenhagen, Unearthing Copenhagens red light district, The best Norse mythology movies to watch right now, When did Vikings get married? We have actual political production of territorial stigmatisation.. If you had kept going along the water, you would have ended up in Sydhavnen a newly-built district that consists mainly of modern apartments. 6 museums in 1 ticket at Parkmuseerne museum district. [8], In May 2018 the criteria were revised and districts with three out of the five criteria were placed on the list. The designation "Ghetto" refers to a "particularly vulnerable public housing area" which according to Danish authorities has social problems and contains a majority population of "non-Western" ethnicities. But with Copenhagen, its a little complicated in that respect. Its a historic drop in the number of vulnerable areas on all the lists particularly due to more citizens finding work or education., READ ALSO: Danish right and left wingers combine to urge Ghetto List rethink. Indre By Copenhagen- Where to stay in Copenhagen for nightlife. And now it is not clear if that is happening. Danish vs Dutch, whats the difference? View Community policing in Danish "ghetto" areas_ Trust and distrust between the police and ethnic minori from CRJ 0010 at Arizona State University. Denmark's 2020 'Ghetto List': Aldersrogade, Copenhagen Mjlnerparken, Copenhagen Tingbjerg/Utterslevhuse, Copenhagen Tstrupgrd, Hje-Taastrup Njsomhed/Sydvej, Helsingr Ringparken, Slagelse Motalavej, Korsr Solbakken, Odense Vollsmose, Odense Nrager/Sstjernevej, Snderborg Stengrdsvej, Esbjerg Sundparken, Horsens Life World News If you fly into Copenhagen Airport, youll land on this island. Despite the Copenhagen municipality growing in 1901, it was decided that the district would not become part of the city. The inner citywhich includes part of the medieval centeris Copenhagen's most picturesque. In essence, youre living on that bridge. The borders of Indre By are a little disputed. Residents of Mjlnerparken in Copenhagen have filed a lawsuit that we are supporting that argues the eviction plan is unlawful. He hopes that when he starts work his visa for now only allows study that might change. The "ghettos areas" are defined by a series of factors, including income, unemployment, crime rates, family background and education levels - although only education taken or validated in the. The last one was in 1845, though, and things are much more peaceful today. As a part of the plan "One Denmark without parallel societies - No ghettos in 2030" a broad majority in the Danish parliament have decided that the share of social housing in 15 ghetto areas must be reduced to a maximum of 40 pct. Coming back around, the area goes past the Copenhagen Opera House and along the waterfront. A planned quarter called Flledby has received particular backlash, with campaigners worrying about how this area of Copenhagen would impact the wildlife living in this area. Others are worried that developers will continue building over the common until nothing is left. You shouldn't need to worry about safety, but . Thats what is happening here, though. The 15 remaining 'ghetto' areas include 2 which have been on the list for 5 consecutive years, earning them the term 'hard ghetto'. The stretches and the many small side streets are full of shops, cafes and restaurants with something for all tastes. [12] On the same occasion, the criteria for list inclusion were changed. I was born here and raised here and this is not the country I grew up in. 1. After that, it goes a little along the waterfront and comes back inland. Korskrparken, Fredericia Even though Copenhagen is a big city with everything that involves, the Danish capital is so much more than extravagant restaurants, hip nightclubs and luxurious fashion stores. Resedavej/Nrrevang II, Silkeborg It is located on the islands of Zealand (Sjlland) and Amager, at the southern end of The Sound (resund). [8], Before children in ghettoes start school, they will undergo a Danish language test and be offered language training before the school starts. Hellerup is around 30 minutes away from central Copenhagen by bike, and you can also get into town via the S train which takes 12 minutes. Nyhavn - Best place to stay in Copenhagen with Family. It has a high proportion of low-income residents and benefit claimants, and low levels of educational attainment (although this is calculated using a controversial metric that excludes qualifications gained outside Denmark or possessed by people under 30). Those who refuse can now simply be evicted. I came to stay, he says, but he sometimes finds himself wondering if, despite the official invitation, he is really welcome. The estate is nonetheless at the heart of a storm, shaken by a drastic set of policies that Danish media have called the biggest social experiment of this century. We have been pressing the housing association to renovate for years, and we have been ignored, says Mehmood. Now read these:Nrrebro, Copenhagens intriguing melting pot Vesterbro, the hipster district of CopenhagenIndre By, Copenhagens central district sterbro, the paradise of Copenhagen Frederiksberg, Copenhagens leafy enclave Amager, explore nature in Copenhagen Strandvejen, Copenhagens coastal suburbs Valby, Copenhagens lesser-known districtUnpacking Copenhagens meatpacking districtExploring the charms of Nyhavn, CopenhagenEnjoy the sea and sun in Islands Brygge Unearthing Copenhagens red light districtCircumnavigating the Lakes of CopenhagenWhat is Denmark famous for? Former industrial areas have been converted into eateries and bars, and the district maintains its hipster vibe. He is an outspoken, virulently anti-Muslim politician from a rightwing populist party who thinks wearing a headscarf is incompatible with Danish identity. Muayad Yass situation points at the gap between government rhetoric and Danish reality. The Danish Royal Family lives in Amalienborg Palace, while the other Indre By residents are also largely well-off financially. The town itself was initially independent from Copenhagen and has shifted between being upscale and working-class both of which have contributed to its modern-day rebellious feel. If youre into independent stores and a laid-back vibe, check out our guide to Frederiksberg. Copenhagen City Centre (also called "Indre Bry") is home to most of the city's tourist attractions, including the Tivoli, Rdhuspladsen Square, Christiansborg Palace and different government institutions. A total of 13 have gone from the list compared to last year, and no new areas have been added. Denmarks capital has evolved into a dynamic metropolis that can hold its own when pitted against Europes other iconic cities. Henriksen was surprisingly frank when asked about the Danish Peoples Partys key aim in supporting the ghetto policy. As cultural assimilation intensifies, lifelong residents feel increasingly isolated in a place once known as a haven of tolerance. In Denmark, too, such a law would once have been unacceptable. [10], The designation has been criticized as racially discriminatory as neighborhoods with similar social problems where the residents are not of foreign origin are not subjected to the same sanctions. Muslims should take leave from work during Ramadan, racially or religiously motivated hate crimes. Hrgrden, Copenhagen sterbro is also where youll find Parken, which is Denmarks primary soccer stadium. But the most stringent part of the plan came into force on 1 January 2020, when these areas must slash their public housing stock to no more than 40%.
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