Catholics and Protestants debate about whether Scripture and church history show that early Christians recognized Peter (and the bishops who succeeded him) as a higher authority than other apostles and bishops. AA is never tested, therefore he is not trusted" Keyamo Festus APC 2023 Spokesperson "This man raise the bar of leadership in Nigeria during his time as Anambra state governor. Omissions? This moment helped solidify Jesus true identity, which could be why while Peter was still speaking, God interrupted to say that Jesus was his son (Matthew 17:5). After the resurrection, Peter decided to go back to fishing (John 21:3), and several other disciples joined him. by Ryan Nelson | Apr 2, 2019 | Bible characters | 6 comments. . Its worth noting though: John is the only one who records another miraculous catch of fish which takes place after Jesus resurrection. This trope comes from Matthew 16:19, when Jesus says I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, but beyond that, this picture of Peter is only loosely based on Scripture. I have never eaten anything impure or unclean., The voice spoke to him a second time, Do not call anything impure that God has made clean., This happened three times, and immediately the sheet was taken back to heaven. Acts 10:1016. Another fun fact: Peters father was named John or Jonah (Matthew 16:17; John 1:42) . Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. Get a Britannica Premium subscription and gain access to exclusive content. Peter is often portrayed in art and literature as the gatekeeper of heaven, deciding who does and doesnt get in. This is the only explicit mention of John Mark and Peter being together, and John Mark is only mentioned a few more times, always as a companion of Paul and Barnabas. Conjugaison du verbe. Written sometime between the mid fifth and mid sixth centuries, the Acts of Peter and Paul describes Pauls journey from Gaudomeleta to Rome. The chief of the 12 Apostles. Not to mention, in Galatians 2, Paul says he publicly corrected Peter, which would be difficult if Peter had total authority over the church. It describes the specific pleasures and punishments people will receive for their virtues and their sins. It is derived from Greek , Petros (an invented, masculine form of Greek petra, the word for "rock" or "stone"), which itself was a translation of Aramaic Kefa ("stone, rock"), the new name Jesus gave to apostle Simon Bar-Jona. See all related content . A servant girl saw him seated there in the firelight. It makes two references to Paul as the brother of Peter, and it elaborates on real events described in the Bible (such as the confrontation between Peter and Simon Magus). His brother Andrew was a disciple of John the Baptist and heard what John said about Jesus, so he brought Peter to meet him (John 1:4042). The night before Peter was going to stand on trial, an angel appeared, woke Peter up, loosed his chains, and led him to safety. The first two times Jesus asks Peter for agape love and Peter responds with phileo love. All this left an ineradicable impression on the young tsar and determined his negative attitude toward the streltsy. (And he causes some drama between them.). So when I was sent for, I came without raising any objection. Acts 10:2829. Formats: LP. Peter was a fisherman by trade, along with his brother Andrew (also a disciple of Jesus), but he grew into a gifted preacher and bold leader. It claims to have been written by Peter, but most early church fathers and modern scholars reject this authorship. What we can agree on is that the Bibles authors give Peter more attention than any other member of the Twelve. "Peter" ( Fringe episode), an episode of the television series Fringe. Fun fact: All three of Jesus closest disciples (Peter, James, and John) were fishermen. 2 Peter 2. If you wish, I will put up three sheltersone for you, one for Moses and one for Elijah (Matthew 17:4). The sea gave up the dead that were in it, and death and Hades gave up the dead that were in them, and each person was judged according to what they had done. The Lord turned and looked straight at Peter. Peter wouldve had to write this letter before 68 ADwhen most scholars believe he died. He takes them to a mountain, where they see something unlike anything Jesus had done before: Jesus took with him Peter, James and John the brother of James, and led them up a high mountain by themselves.There he was transfigured before them. Through jealousy and envy the greatest and most just pillars of the Church were persecuted, and came even unto death. In Acts 12, King Herod arrested a group of believers, including the Apostle James. This site uses cookies to analyze traffic and ensure you get the best experience. He later became involved with the future Catherine I, a Baltic woman who had been taken prisoner during the Second Northern War. James, Cephas [Peter] and John, those esteemed as pillars, gave me and Barnabas the right hand of fellowship when they recognized the grace given to me. Who was Peter in the Bible? This is likely the book of life, which Revelation connects to the judgment of the dead: And I saw the dead, great and small, standing before the throne, and books were opened. Interestingly, the Gospel of John has a very different version of how Peter met Jesus. Here are some of the highlights of Peters unique role in the gospels and the early church. (Biography) Saint. According to church tradition, Peter was killed by Emperor Nero around 64 AD, after the Great Fire of Rome which he famously blamed Christians for starting. Articles from Britannica Encyclopedias for elementary and high school students. His face shone like the sun, and his clothes became as white as the light. Without that realization there would be no point for one to pick up their cross and follow Jesus. A second-century apocryphal text called Acts of Peter was the first record claiming Peter was crucified upside down because he didnt consider himself worthy of dying the same death as Jesus. His reply, Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God. Peter F. Drucker, in full Peter Ferdinand Drucker, (born November 19, 1909, Vienna, Austriadied November 11, 2005, Claremont, California, U.S.), Austrian-born American management consultant, educator, and author, whose writings contributed to the philosophical and practical foundations of the modern business corporation. The book was written in the third century. Two epistles in the Bible bear Peters name. While earlier writers mentioned John Mark as a companion of Peter and noted that he wrote Peters version of events, the closest we have to first-hand knowledge comes from our old friend Eusebius of Caesarea, who possibly traced the evidence back to the Apostle John. It contained all kinds of four-footed animals, as well as reptiles and birds. One of those appearances is only found in the Gospel of John, and Jesus specifically speaks to Peter. The Gospel of John actually records that Peters brother Andrew told him that before they even became disciples (John 1:41). After Jesus arrest, Peter followed at a distance, trying to observe without being noticed. He drove three hours to the Museum of Modern Art from his place upstate, a house he and his wife, Brooke, relocated to full time after their apartment on Saint Marks Place burned down . When Fyodor died childless in 1682, a fierce struggle for power ensued between the Miloslavskys and the Naryshkins: the former wanted to put Fyodors brother, the delicate and feebleminded Ivan V, on the throne; the Naryshkins stood for the healthy and intelligent Peter. It says Peter wrote it. He claimed that Papias of Hierapolis (a church father who lived from about 60163 AD) said John the Elder (presumably the Apostle John) told him that John Mark wrote the Gospel of Mark using Peters memories. Paul argued that if not even Peter, James, and John had nothing to add to the gospel he preached, why would the Galatians accept someone elses teaching that did? For God, who was at work in Peter as an apostle to the circumcised, was also at work in me as an apostle to the Gentiles. An autopsy reportedly found that gangrene had developed around his bladder. The Synoptic Gospels (Matthew, Mark, and Luke) record that Jesus came to Peters house, where his mother-in-law was sick with a fever. Its in the Bible. The Acts of Peter and Andrew is basically just a series of miracles supposedly performed by Peter and Andrew. Take this quiz to find out. Through his numerous reforms, Russia made incredible progress in the development of its economy and trade, education, science and culture, and foreign policy. According to the Gospel of John, when Peter learned it was Jesus on the shore, he dove into the water and swam to him. The promise is for you and your children and for all who are far offfor all whom the Lord our God will call., With many other words he warned them; and he pleaded with them, Save yourselves from this corrupt generation. Those who accepted his message were baptized, and about three thousand were added to their number that day. Acts 2:3741. It is probably significant to his development that his mothers former guardian, Artamon Sergeyevich Matveyev, had raised her in an atmosphere open to progressive influences from the West. Click the link below for the recipe and for everything you need to have your own Peter Picnic Party. These cookies do not store any personal information. While the three of them struggle (and fail) to stay awake, Jesus prays fervently, asking God to find another way to save his people. What were Peter the Greats accomplishments? Peter, Thomas, Nathanael, James, John, and two other disciples were fishing when Jesus appeared to them a second time after the resurrection. Born Simon bar Jonah, he was given the nickname Peter by Jesus, to signify that he would be the rock on which Christ would build Christianity. He was one of his countrys greatest statesmen, organizers, and reformers. But before he met Jesus, Peter was just a fisherman, presumably with no formal education. This page was last edited on 4 November 2022, at 16:09. Eusebius had access to documents that no longer existin fact, many ancient writings only exist today as quotations within his works. In 1 Peter 5:13, Peter says, She who is in Babylon, chosen together with you, sends you her greetings, and so does my son Mark. Some argue that this Mark is John Mark, but Mark was also one of the most common names in the Roman world. 2022 is a registered trademark of Nameberry, LLC. Peter the Great modernized Russiawhich, at the start of his rule, had greatly lagged behind the Western countriesand transformed it into a major power. This is a list of EPs released in the UK. Unlike his half-brothers, sons of his fathers first wife, Mariya Ilinichna Miloslavskaya, Peter proved a healthy child, lively and inquisitive. When they had finished eating, Jesus said to Simon Peter, Simon son of John, do you love me more than these?, Yes, Lord, he said, you know that I love you., Again Jesus said, Simon son of John, do you love me?, He answered, Yes, Lord, you know that I love you., The third time he said to him, Simon son of John, do you love me?. Peter is derived from the Greek Petros, meaning "rock" or "stone.". His parents owned an ice cream business. Fonda made his professional stage debut on Broadway in 1961 in Blood, Sweat and Stanley Poole, for which he received rave . In addition, Peter managed to obtain his own helicopter, the 'Petercopter' and an airship 'Hindenpeter'. Peter (album), a 1993 EP by Canadian band Eric's Trip. Fun fact: Many ancient gnostic texts falsely claimed to have been written by apostles or famous biblical figures to lend credibility to their theology. He focuses on the sincere faith and teaching of the apostles, and warns that false teachers will arise. Capaldi attended drama classes and was accepted into the Glasgow School of Art. ( Jude 1:3-16) 1 Now there were also false prophets among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you. See the complete profile on . Some find it significant that Jesus and Peter use different Greek words for love. . He grew up in a free atmosphere and especially enjoyed military games. And while his teachings have likely permeated through the church over the centuries, making them hard to trace, his life still gives us a clear model of what it means to be fully devoted to Christ. Disputed Books sounds dubiousbut thats just because were on this side of the Christians nailing down a final list of canonical books. Its believed to have been written in the second or third century, though it claims to have been written by Peter. [1] An Old English variant is Piers . He removed Sophia from power and banished her to the Novodevichy convent; she was forced to become a nun after a streltsy rebellion in 1698. Peter I, Russian in full Pyotr Alekseyevich, byname Peter the Great, Russian Pyotr Veliky, (born June 9 [May 30, Old Style], 1672, Moscow, Russiadied February 8 [January 28], 1725, St. Petersburg), tsar of Russia who reigned jointly with his half-brother Ivan V (168296) and alone thereafter (16961725) and who in 1721 was proclaimed emperor (imperator). Emperors and Empresses from Around the (Non-Roman) World Quiz. He was the grandson of Tsar Michael Romanov and was made Tsar when he was only ten years old. But what we put into it is ours. Jesus visits Peter's home and heals his mother-in-law in Matthew 8:14-15. He seems to address Peters earlier denial, and again positions him as a leader of his movement. Here, surrounded by a large gathering of Gentiles, Peter explains what was revealed to him through the vision: You are well aware that it is against our law for a Jew to associate with or visit a Gentile. Well done. After he escaped, he went to John Marks house (John Mark is believed to be the author of the Gospel of Mark). After the resurrection, Peter became one of the most influential Christian leaders in the first century, and according to Catholic tradition, he was also the first pope. I use adhesive notes to remember things, and Second Peter is about remembering things, so that's the story behind this icon. Near Preobrazhenskoye there was a nemetskaya sloboda (German colony) where foreigners were allowed to reside. One other verse that may connect Peter and John Mark, but its a dubious connection. He sent them his son. While Peter didnt write any of the four gospels himself, he plays a major role in all of them, and tradition holds that the Gospel of Mark records Peters account of Jesus ministry through his companion, John Mark. (Leucius wrote numerous pseudepigraphal works which the church rejected.). The Apostle Peter (also known as Saint Peter, Simon Peter, and Cephas) was one of the 12 main disciples of Jesus Christ, and along with James and John, he was one of Jesus closest companions. The name Peter is boy's name of Greek origin meaning "rock". Peter is one of the most prominent figures in the gospels and Acts, and Paul refers to him throughout his letters. Peter Rabbit is full of adventure and excitement, tapping into children's innate desire for exploration. After Peter correctly identified Jesus as the promised Messiah, Jesus said: Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah, for this was not revealed to you by flesh and blood, but by my Father in heaven. In the gospels, hes portrayed as impetuous, always speaking his mind and acting on impulse. He saw heaven opened and something like a large sheet being let down to earth by its four corners. The Apocalypse of Peter, also known as the Revelation of Peter, is a first-century text that was lost until 1886. Peter was able to pilot a blimp over the Super Bowl, to return his fraudulently obtained welfare payments. And when the Catholic and Protestant churches finally made their canons official, they both considered 2 Peter valuable enough to make the grade. Most of what we know about Peter comes from the Bible itself, with some additional material from early Christian writers. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Chart position is from the official UK "Breakers List". To be fair to the Catholic side, a little more information about Isaiah 22 needs to be given, specifically it should be mentioned that Shebna was the master of the palace and this connection of Peter being given this same role by Jesus makes that position of exclusive leadership in the Church so much stronger. Le verbe pter peut se conjuguer la forme pronominale : se pter. Peter wrote what turned out to be his last essay a few weeks ago, some incredible three years after his initial terminal cancer diagnosis of six months to live. As fishermen who worked on the Sea of Galilee, storms wouldnt have been new to Peter and the others, but they couldnt rely on their experience to save them this time, and everything they knew about boats and water and weather led them to believe this was the end. Please refer to the appropriate style manual or other sources if you have any questions. He told them to keep watch while he prayed, and then he took Peter, James, and John with him. Then those who were in the boat worshiped him, saying, Truly you are the Son of God. Matthew 14:2833. Ivan and Peter were then proclaimed joint tsars, and eventually, because of Ivans precarious health and Peters youth, Ivans 25-year-old sister Sophia was made regent. What was Peter the Greats childhood like? Jesus and his disciples frequently travelled by boat, and its likely that they relied on the experience of Peter and the other fishermen during these times. Still, you covered the issue fairly. He was an outspoken and ardent disciple, one of Jesus' closest friends, an apostle, and a "pillar" of the church ( Galatians 2:9 ). Alternate titles: Peter the Great, Pyotr Alekseyevich, Pyotr Veliky. In adulthood, Peter I was known for being very tall. Peters writings may or may not have made it into our Bibles. Its believed that John Mark wrote Peters account of Jesus ministry, which is why Peter is present in every major story in Mark, and the narrative is always aware of Peters perspective. The Catholic church regards Peter as the first pope, and argues that the Bible supports this position as well as early church writings. The first campaign ended in failure (1695), but this did not discourage Peter: he promptly built a fleet at Voronezh to sail down the Don River and in 1696 Azov was captured. Thats why when Paul wanted to demonstrate his authority to the Galatians, he appealed to the authority of Peter, James, and John, calling them those esteemed as pillars: On the contrary, they recognized that I had been entrusted with the task of preaching the gospel to the uncircumcised, just as Peter had been to the circumcised. Church leaders disputed this letters place in the Bible for more than a thousand years. Paul is known as the apostle to the Gentiles, and he had a huge impact on the spread of Christianity . When Peter escapes from prison, he stays at John Marks house (Acts 12:12). Peter suffered from bladder and urinary-tract problems, and in January 1725 [Old Style] he began having trouble urinating. Peter Capaldi was born in Glasgow, Scotland, to Nancy (Soutar) and Gerald John Capaldi. A signature interpretation of classic casual design, this season of Crown leans into lived-in apparel that embraces depth, volume and texture, in pieces shaped by incredible comfort and easygoing style. Various other EPs were released elsewhere. However, the Gospel of Mark is technically anonymous, and while its believed to have been written before Peter died, some modern scholars reject the tradition that it represents Peters account, arguing that it was only attributed to John Mark after the fact. Who Was Herod? Peter on Wikipedia. In the house, only the girls parents and the three disciples watched as Jesus raised her from the dead. For before certain men came from James, he used to eat with the Gentiles. As a result, Peter is also referred to as Simon, Simon Peter, and Cephas. Peter Henry Fonda was born in New York City, to legendary screen star Henry Fonda and Ontario-born New York socialite Frances Seymour Brokaw. Jesus formally forgave Peter and restored him to his position. Matthew, Mark, and Luke all record that Jesus later walked on water to catch up with their boats (Matthew 14:2236, Mark 6:4556, John 6:1624), but Matthew adds an exchange between Peter and Jesus: Lord, if its you, Peter replied, tell me to come to you on the water., Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water and came toward Jesus. Peter Navarro holds a Ph.D. in economics from Harvard University and was a professor emeritus of economics and public policy at the University of California-Irvine for more than 20 years. Before Obi, Anambra use to be educationally disadvantage, in less than 2 years he . (Anatomy) chiefly US a slang word for penis [C17 (meaning a case): from the name Peter] Peter ( pit) n 1. One must also know that Christ was not the last name of Jesus its more of a statement of his divinity and translates to mean the anointed, that being said Jesus translates to mean savior therefore together they quite literally mean Savior the anointed no wonder John the Baptist referred to him as the lamb of God who wipes away the sin of the world; but returning to the topic at hand the rock upon which Jesus stated that he would build the church was not Peter but the rock of revelation and realization that Christ was indeed the son of God and the supreme sacrificial lamb slain from the foundations of the earth. We've partnered with Nadiya Hussain to celebrate 120 Years of Mischief! Woman, I dont know him, he said. But Matthew, Mark, and Luke record that Peter was the first to call Jesus the Messiah to his face: When Jesus came to the region of Caesarea Philippi, he asked his disciples, Who do people say the Son of Man is?, They replied, Some say John the Baptist; others say Elijah; and still others, Jeremiah or one of the prophets., But what about you? he asked. For them, Jesus was merely stating that the church would be built upon the rock of confessing Jesus as Messiah and Lord. According to Scripture, Peter was not well educated. The first steps taken in this direction were the campaigns of 1695 and 1696, with the object of capturing Azov from the Crimean Tatar vassals of Turkey. "To Know You Is to Love You" didn't enter the. But more importantly, some folks believe the letter had to have been written after Peter died, for a few reasons: However, the teachings in 2 Peter have been valued by the church for as long as the letter has been around. Jesus famously said, Come, follow me, and I will make you fishers of men, and Peter and Andrew immediately left their nets and followed him. While its commonly believed that these words for love were viewed as hierarchical, with agape being unconditional love and phileo being brotherly love, others argue that these words are used interchangeably throughout the Gospel of John, and that it isnt significant. Peter also gained a Pterodactyl called the Peterdactyl in "Quagmire and Meg" and a giant boomerang called the Peterang in "Livin' on a Prayer. Contents In Acts, Peter is the first to open the gate for Jews (Acts 2), Samaritans (Acts 8), and Gentiles (Acts 10). The third time, Jesus asks for phileo love. One of the primary arguments for this position come from Jesus own words in the Gospel of Matthew. His early life was incredibly privileged and he was educated by several notable intellectuals. Peter and Gordon. To diminish slowly and come to an end. He served as Assistant to the President and Director of the Office of Trade and Manufacturing Policy at the White Houseduring the Trump Administration. In the early church, its canonicity was disputed, but it was apparently very popular, and it was sometimes read in church. It features a miracle contest between Peter and Simon Magusthe magician Peter encounters in Acts 8. At age 10 Peter became joint tsar with his half brother and, because of power struggles, often feared for his safety. All the while, Paul thought he was having a vision, and that it wasnt really happening. This letter begins with an address by Peter to Christian communities located in five provinces of Asia Minor (), including areas evangelized by Paul (Acts 16:6-7; 18:23).Christians there are encouraged to remain faithful to their standards of belief and conduct in spite of threats of persecution. Both of them claim to have been written by him (1 Peter 1:1, 2 Peter 1:1). When major decisions needed to be made, these three weighed in. Now he knew: God hadnt just sent his people a savior. While every effort has been made to follow citation style rules, there may be some discrepancies. But God has shown me that I should not call anyone impure or unclean. She looked closely at him and said, This man was with him.. Eusebius, the father of church history, quotes Origen (a second/third-century scholar) as saying, Peter was crucified at Rome with his head downwards, as he himself had desired to suffer (Church History). He went to her house anyways, and he did not let anyone follow him except Peter, James and John the brother of James (Mark 5:37). Peter is often the first one to state the obvious and say what everyone else is thinking (or at least what hes thinking), and he takes center stage in numerous biblical accounts. Yet not as I will, but as you will. Matthew 26:39. Peter, a Jewish fisherman, was called to be a disciple of Jesus at the beginning of Jesus' ministry. This was obviously a political act, intended to demonstrate the fact that the 17-year-old Peter was now a grown man, with a right to rule in his own name. The whole rock thing is taken out of context and is really a rather lazy attempt at interpretation for what is actually happening in Matthew 16 which is where the quote comes from. In the gospels, Peters brazenness shows that God uses even the most unwieldy people to advance his kingdom. . Sophia and her faction tried to use it to their own advantage for another coup dtat, but events this time turned decisively in Peters favour. Here are the main things to know about Peter based on the gospels, the Book of Acts, and the epistles. She knew of no Peter, and yet he was here and there in John and Michael's minds, while Wendy's began to be scrawled all over . In addition to the apocryphal works that claim to be written by Peter and those that focus on him, there are also several gnostic gospels that supposedly quote Peter, including the Gospel of Thomas and the Gospel of Mary. But Jesus had no intention of staying on that mountain. That includes a season-high 37 minutes in his first start as a Knick in Saturday's loss to the Celtics, and a second consecutive start Monday against the Timberwolves. Peter I, Russian in full Pyotr Alekseyevich, byname Peter the Great, Russian Pyotr Veliky, (born June 9 [May 30, Old Style], 1672, Moscow, Russiadied February 8 [January 28], 1725, St. Petersburg), tsar of Russia who reigned jointly with his half-brother Ivan V (1682-96) and alone thereafter (1696-1725) and who in 1721 was proclaimed emperor (imperator). And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it. But when they arrived, he began to draw back and separate himself from the Gentiles because he was afraid of those who belonged to the circumcision group. View Peter Wang Hjemdahl's profile on LinkedIn, the world's largest professional community. The Gospel of Luke gives a slightly different account. No other author was ever proposed. so as a fisherman, he probably got more than his share of big fish jokes. When Alexis died in 1676, Peter was only four years old. Peter (given name) Peter is a common masculine given name. Its common for Bible characters to go by two names, use a nickname, or like the Apostle Paul, to have one name in Hebrew and another in Greek. Peter I aka Peter the Great (born Peter Alekseyevich), birth name of Bruno Mars, American pop singer, New Zealand film director/producer/screenwriter, Youtube personality of "Epic Rap Battles of History", Peter Tosh (born Winston Hubert McIntosh), American singer,songwriter of Peter, Paul and Mary, stage name of Peter Halsten Thorkelson, American musician of The Monkees, German,Dutch boy who appeared in The Diary of Anne Frank, Australian Former lead singer of Newsboys, American child model; twin brother of Caroline, son of Stephen Colbert & Evelyn McGee,Colbert, son of former American actor Clarence Gilyard, 1 year old British boy who died from child abuse in 2007, fictional character created by J. M. Barrie, also known as Spider,Man, character in the Marvel Universe, character in British sitcom Outnumbered, also known as Star,Lord, character in the Marvel Universe, from C.S. This is the discography of British pop duo Peter and Gordon. Peter doesnt claim a special authority in the gospels, Acts, or epistles, and beyond Pauls nods to Peter being a pillar of the church, we dont see him personally elevated above the others. Merging what was formerly Peter Millar Collection and Crown Crafted, our reimagined line is designed to offer a fresh, comprehensive . Under Part of Jesus Inner Circle, you have Peter and James but I suspect you meant John and James. While 1 Peter claims to be written by Peter, its style and language suggest the author had a formal Greek education. He is traditionally regarded as the first bishop of Rome and author of two epistles in the New Testament. Our editors will review what youve submitted and determine whether to revise the article. Actually Simon Peters original name translates in to a reed or piece of grass that is easily blown or shaken Cephas was what Christ renamed him which meant a stone or a pebble in doing this Christ was speaking a prophetic blessing over him as well as anointing him with the spiritual tools / character that he would need for the establishment of the church.
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