[Cited 12 July 2021]. Policies must build on agricultural households own resilience to ensure inclusive and sustainable livelihoods, combining regular social protection with productive support. In terms of volume, the demand was recorded at 689.4 thousand units in 2020. Understanding the functioning of agrifood systems, including their resilience capacities and how they are affected by contextual factors, can inform the design of appropriate policies and help avoid unintended policy consequences. An integrated approach that simultaneously applies ecological and social concepts and principles to optimize interactions between plants, animals, humans and the environment while addressing social aspects to achieve sustainable and fair agrifood systems.4, Biodiversity for food and agriculture (BFA). Some countries may place more emphasis on addressing structural issues such as income levels and distribution, while others may focus more on risk management and diversification. The management of economic, social and environmental resources and technological and institutional change, to attain and continue to meet the human needs of present and future generations.35. Shocks and stresses, often unforeseen, arise within and outside agrifood systems and impair how they function by disrupting the operations of related institutions and actors. For this reason, the PPFI is measured for protein terms, given the high correlation between protein and value. Humanitarian action far too often does not prioritize actions to equalize opportunities and access to essential services for the most vulnerable women and girls. imports may become stocks in the following year or stocks may become exports). Unlike for calories, the DSFI for fruits and vegetables, which are key to a healthy diet, has a clear association with a countrys income because of logistical constraints in perishable transport and storage. An obvious reason to address these fragilities is, of course, the unwelcome increase in food insecurity and malnutrition. Annual Report ; Humanitarian Action for Children ; Publications by topic ; Data . Since the share of household expenditure on food is highest in low-income households, any significant loss of purchasing power caused by disruptions such as food price spikes, crop failures and loss of assets poses a threat to their food security and nutrition. However, no country approaches that limit, given that the complete collapse of its transport network is extremely unlikely. Devereux, S. 2016. Resilience, adaptability and transformability in socialecological systems. This is simply because there are (in general) more alternatives for longer trips. Laboratory assessment: Aquagenx Gel EC CFU Kit PDF English 2.28 MB. Another concern relates to the sustainability of social protection schemes, an essential component of resilient livelihoods among vulnerable populations. Agency, a key dimension of food security, is deeply connected to human rights, including the right to food, and emphasizes the need for inclusiveness in agrifood systems. Connectivity to international markets through infrastructure, as well as strong commercial relations, are part and parcel of this. Measuring Food and Nutrition Security Technical Working Group. 2016. Two results emerge clearly from Figure 4: first, countries diversify their food sources in different ways; second, the effectiveness of diversification does not depend on country size or income level. Decisions on how to manage risks and cope with shocks depend, to a large extent, on the households socio-economic well-being and support programmes. & Mukherjee, S. 2018. Building resilience to vulnerabilities, shocks and stresses Action Track 5. Washington, DC. Where agrifood suppliers are negatively affected, the incomes and purchasing power of the actors will decline, which can then affect demand for food and non-food products. The consequences can be highly adverse: factors of production are underused, productivity is low, food and non-food agricultural output is lost, and access to lucrative markets is blocked. The figure in this box illustrates potential pathways as a tree. Asset specificity and economic organization. 240 pp. 39. Global efforts must come together with renewed vigour to drastically address systemic and underlying barriers that hold women and girls back, and accelerate action not only to redress current disparities but also close pre-pandemic gender gaps. As discussed in Chapter 3, the resilience of national agrifood systems is also strongly shaped by how diverse and well-connected food supply chains are, and how farms and agrifood businesses along those chains source inputs and sell outputs. 57 pp. 2021. (also available at https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-45835-5_4). In: FAO [online]. Sustainable food systems for future cities: The potential of urban agriculture. Ali, I. 55. ISSN 0081-4539 (print)ISSN 1564-3352 (online)ISBN 978-92-5-134329-6 FAO 2021. The organization was founded after the greatest crisis the world had ever faced World War Two to help children whose lives and futures were at risk. The United Nations (UN) Food Systems Summit, held in September 2021, launched bold new actions to accelerate progress towards all the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), each of which relies to some degree on healthier, more sustainable and equitable food systems. And some may suffer long-term and disabling mental health conditions. Rome. Bioenergy and food security. They promote worldwide awareness and action for those who suffer from hunger and for the need to ensure healthy 2 A supplement to the UNICEF Annual Report 2021 Partnering to protect child rights in a time of crises The year 2021 marked UNICEFs 75th anniversary. In A. Groznik & Y. Xiong, eds. They are all students at Rwenzori Senior Secondary School, Kilembe, Uganda. 29. Rome, WFP. 7 pp. Shocks, especially of high intensity, lead to a reduction in resilience capacity over time. 2021).37, National disaster and risk management tools tailored to food supply chains. A mathematical theory of communication. However, openness to trade and comparative advantage do not necessarily increase production flexibility. Climate smart agriculture, pp. Those in territories with well-developed infrastructure have greater capacity to bear shocks, especially when combined with farm-level access to irrigation, technology and information. Building resilience is essential to implement the SDGs and the overall 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Background paper for The State of Food and Agriculture 2021. Yet, it is low-income countries that face the greatest challenges in system-wide resilience measures regarding food transport networks, with a combination of low capacity to adjust to proximity-based systems, and a high number of links without practicable alternative routes in case of disruption. Agricultural households living in rural areas namely as small-scale producers are both consumers and producers of food. ADDITIONAL FAO INPUTSAbram Bicksler, Adriana Ignaciuk, Giorgo Grussu, Yuka Makino, Dario Lucantoni, Anne Mottet, Beate Scherf and Antonio Scognamillo. Box 15 contains examples of how approaches aligned with agroecology and biodiversity can generate resilient livelihoods for rural mountain populations. Also required is far-reaching adjustment to current dietary trends. The MPP initiative aims to strengthen the resilience of mountain peoples, their economies and ecosystems. 8. The climate crisis is a child rights crisispresents the Childrens Climate Risk Index (CCRI), which uses data to generate new global evidence on how many children are currently exposed to climate and environmental hazards, shocks and stresses. Handayati, Y., Simatupang, T.M. Girls empowerment. DuVal, A., Mijatovic, D. & Hodgkin, T. 2019. UNICEF also continued to expand support for girls skills-building, especially in digital literacy, entrepreneurship and life skills, and in STEM-related areas. Subsequent socio-economic costs should be minimized through measures such as social protection or use of existing food stocks. Urbanization and greater affluence are shifting diets in many low-income and middle-income countries towards increased consumption of more resource-intensive animal source and processed food.17 If those trends continue, by 2030, diet-related health costs linked to non-communicable diseases will exceed USD 1.3 trillion a year, while the annual cost of associated greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions will exceed USD 1.7 trillion.7. They can also encourage those receiving transfers to invest in economic activities. Findings from 23 countries indicate that education, income diversification and cash transfers mainly drove gradual improvements in resilience capacity. Employment in agriculture (% of total employment) (modeled ILO estimate). Steenwerth, K.L., Hodson, A.K., Bloom, A.J., Carter, M.R., Cattaneo, A., Chartres, C.J., Hatfield, J.L. Given the diversity of import options, some countries that rely on imports do so with high diversity across trade partners and multiple commodities, attaining some of the highest DSFI scores by buffering supply shocks over many partners and commodities (e.g. The ability to create fundamentally new systems when ecological, economic or social structures make the existing ones untenable.23, 25 Transformative capacity is required when the change needed goes beyond systems anticipatory, preventive, absorptive and adaptive capacities and when there is recognition that ecological, economic or social structures trap people in a vicious circle of poverty, disasters and conflict, making current systems unsustainable.26, Risk. These are relevant to food security, nutrition and sustainable livelihoods. 2017. Policies aimed at boosting employment can sustain livelihoods and incomes, with positive impacts on entire agrifood systems. It is important to assess, protect and risk-proof connectivity, and to plan, design and develop new risk-sensitive and climate-resilient infrastructure; achieving climate resilience requires assessing physical vulnerabilities. 0000017126 00000 n Infant mortality rate: Probability of dying between birth and exactly 1 year of age, expressed per 1,000 live births. the outcomes cannot be measured or inferred based on past information and modelling), or the outcome is completely unforeseeable because it results from an unpredictable shock. Interplay of trade and food system resilience: Gains on supply diversity over time at the cost of trade independency. General Principles of Food Hygiene. The conditions determined by physical, social, economic and environmental factors or processes that increase the susceptibility of an individual, a community, assets or systems to the adverse impacts of shocks and stresses.9. Finally, the report offers a look into the WASH programme in 2021 and what the future of WASH must look like in order for us to meet national goals as well as the SDGs. Assessing a farms sustainability: insights from resilience thinking. Such a focus is crucial to inform the range of strategies and investments required to prevent, anticipate, absorb, adapt and transform. Click here for an interactive view of data from the report. Even if you are ambitious, you will not be able to achieve your ambitions because you are psychologically totally defeated.. [Cited 12 July 2021]. PovcalNet: an online analysis tool for global poverty monitoring. Food Policy: 102041 [online]. FAOs Dimitra Clubs are community-based groups, often established in remote or conflict-affected areas, which come together on a voluntary basis to discuss common challenges and organize forms of collective action to improve the livelihoods of rural communities and empower rural people, especially women.35, Coordination with other actors in the food supply chain is also key to managing market risks in order to enable trust, networking, cooperation and information exchange between small-scale producers and other value chain actors. Gota M. & Ouattara O. Bamako, Mali, IRPAD. In these countries, the challenge is having many more people unable to even afford a basic energy-sufficient diet meeting calorie needs if incomes are reduced by one-third (Box 11). Keeping learning going during emergencies. 2019. Abu Hatab, A., Lagerkvist, C. & Esmat, A. Kummu, M., Kinnunen, P., Lehikoinen, E., Porkka, M., Queiroz, C., Rs, E., Troell, M. & Weil, C. 2020. Loss of income and purchasing power sharply reduced the food security and nutrition of billions of people, particularly in low-income and middle-income countries. The only exception is South Asia, where the proportion of neonatal deaths is among the highest (62 per cent) despite a relatively high under-five mortality rate. Washington, DC, IFPRI. Turkey, Senegal and Tunisia). & Scognamillo, A., Sitko, N. 2021. Rome, FAO. [Cited 16 April 2021]. Progress in HPV prevention has been considerable. Darnhofer, I. ITALYSyrian farmers learning how Robiola cheese is made during a visit to Amaltea farm in the village of Roccaverano. 2021. Notten, G. & Crombrugghe, D. de. While non-agricultural food products, such as synthetic meat, are currently negligible, they are likely to grow and could have a major impact on the resilience of agrifood systems. In A. Maybeck, J. Lankoski, S. Redfern, N. Azzu & V. Gitz, eds. 2020. Primary production includes food from agricultural and non-agricultural origins, as well as non-food agricultural products that serve as inputs to other industries. valuation des performances de lagrocologie et cartographie des marches territoriaux dans la region de Kayes au Mali. Hill, K., et al.,Trends in Child Mortality in the Developing World: 1960-1996[Full publication [zip]. If a reduction in global commodity prices affects exporters, a high PPFI value indicates there is a broad domestic market and they may be able to redirect their products to it. Another option is climate-smart agriculture, which enhances food security and healthy livelihoods while promoting climate change adaptation and mitigation. FAO. 0000026384 00000 n Rome. FAO. Column 4 (Resilience for what?) In such a case, the value of pstock would be the probability that the supply shock does not meet the requirement to release stocks. (also available at https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5651e0a2e4b0d031533efa3b/t/5dee29d1ce1e084cec9b590e/1575889365403/Summary+of+the+A2R+study+for+DC+days_+final.pdf). (also available at http://www.fao.org/3/ca0227en/CA0227EN.pdf). The novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic has had profound impacts on all our lives and we continue to struggle with it. It highlights and recognizes the unprecedented support of our public and private sector partners through a record-breaking $8.1 billion of funds for children, which enabled life-changing and life-saving impact for children on a massive scale. This is especially crucial in countries and areas with rapid economic growth, where structural transformations may increase inequality and exclude more vulnerable and marginalized households. The pandemic also sparked changes in many countries output markets, such as a switch from reliance on exports to serving domestic markets, as was the case with Kenyas coffee industry.49. The impact of Ethiopias productive safety net programme and its linkages. A new gender policy and gender action plan. 16. Preparing for the unknown requires assessing the structural characteristics of agrifood systems, including their absorptive capacity, provided by their diversity of pathways and connectivity (see Chapter 2), as well as their adaptive capacity, provided by a diversity of actors and responses (see Chapter 3). Transforming food systems for food security, improved nutrition and affordable healthy diets for all. 20. Recommended measures include: Enhancing business literacy throughout the supply chain and developing and promoting business innovation and incubation services, as well as training on ex ante measures in preparation for short-term or long-term shocks. In other words, when average travel time is greater than for the optimal situation of balanced production and consumption, systems are less resilient. 22. Martin [NAME CHANGED], 13, touches a window in the special protection room of a holding centre for women and children in South Sudan. The theme of this years report responds to the United Nations Food Systems Summits call to bring forward a series of concrete actions that people from all over the world can take to support transformation of the worlds agrifood systems. HLPE. Other contextual factors are systems and sectors (such as energy and health) that are external but linked to agrifood systems. The flexibility indices for dietary sourcing (DSFI) and primary production (PPFI) presented in Chapter 2 (see Boxes 3 and 5 for a brief description of their methodology) measure the absorptive capacity of agrifood systems to shocks by capturing the multiple pathways to source food and generate value for primary producers. Truly resilient agrifood systems must have a robust capacity to prevent, anticipate, absorb, adapt and transform in the face of any disruption, with the functional goal of ensuring food security and nutrition for all and decent livelihoods and incomes for agrifood systems actors. As extreme climatic events become more frequent and more pronounced, producers will face increasing risks. climate or plant disease risks). Headquartered in New York City, it is the largest UN development aid agency, with offices in 170 countries. An upgraded research and education system has a key role to play, helping to develop capacities to capture value within supply chains and risk-proof them. Transforming food systems for food security, improved nutrition and affordable healthy diets for all. A resilience model for cold chain logistics of perishable products. Policy and socio-economic conditions matter for risks, and vulnerabilities and resilience capacities of food supply chains, and they vary considerably between countries. Nesbitt-Ahmed, Z. The ability of individuals, households, communities, cities, institutions, systems and societies to prevent, anticipate, absorb, adapt and transform positively, efficiently and effectively when faced with a wide range of risks, while maintaining an acceptable level of functioning, without compromising long-term prospects for sustainable development, peace and security, human rights and well-being for all.18, Resilience capacities. Highlights The global disruption to education caused by the COVD-19 pandemic is without parallel and the effects on learning are severe. 335372. Blay-Palmer, A., Santini, G., Halliday, J., Malec, R., Carey, J., Keller, L., Ni, J., Taguchi, M. & van Veenhuizen, R. 2021. The capabilities, assets and activities that rural people need to make a living.28. The preparation of the report was informed by four background papers and original empirical analysis prepared by FAO and external experts. 1971. Modern supply chains comprise mainly large-scale businesses with easier access to capital than SMAEs in transitional supply chains. Envisaging these tools in national laws, policies, regulations and strategies for food supply chains will enable stakeholders to function effectively and collaboratively within and across sectors. Australia, Canada and Chile are vulnerable in this respect. Intermediate situations warrant revisiting the strengths and weaknesses of food systems to tailor interventions. While progress in quality care for adolescent mothers (aged 1519years) saw only modest increases in 2021, gains are notable against baseline data. It also requires maintaining or restoring ecosystem services and biodiversity to preserve the natural resource base on which agriculture depends. The resilience capacity of agrifood systems can be enhanced by policies and interventions that: encourage diversity, connectivity and flexibility; promote dialogue, transparency and collective learning in food supply chains and networks; and ensure that vulnerable households have access to healthy diets, even when incomes are affected by a shock. Social protection should be linked to good agricultural approaches and practices, such as agroecology and CSA, to create synergy gains and enhance the impacts of both types of support, as illustrated by a case study in Zambia.69 Risk-informed and shock-responsive social protection programmes can create synergies with public spending on agricultural and rural development, leading to greater inclusiveness for both types of support. 31. Conz, E., Denicolai, S. & Zucchella, A. Multi-risk early warning systems need to be coupled with actionable alerts which trigger immediate action and emergency response mechanisms. Production Planning and Control, 28(15): 12361250. An enhanced version of the model, RIMA-II, directly measures resilience through its resilience capacity index (RCI). Agrifood systems are very diverse. The total attraction in the model is based on the total supply of crops (in tonnage, excluding exports). Imports are also further disaggregated into trading partners and import diversity. TheExecutive Board is the governing body of UNICEF, providing intergovernmental support and oversight to the organization, in accordance with the overall policy guidance of the United Nations General Assembly and the Economic and Social Council. Social and environmental risk factors in the emergence of infectious diseases. The MFI could be developed using the same rationale as for the PPFI and DSFI by measuring diversity of processed foods, sourcing (domestic or imported) and output markets (internal or external). For agrifood systems to overcome shocks and stresses,9, 23 they require five distinct resilience capacities to prevent, anticipate, absorb, adapt and transform in the face of multiple evolving, overlapping and even colliding events. CTt.&1@lv Shocks that affect households may be idiosyncratic, that is, affecting only one individual or household in the case of illness or death, or they may be covariate, that is, the shock is widespread and affects many (e.g. RIMA builds on four pillars of resilience, listed in the table, which determine the food security resilience of households as measured by the RCI. Holling, C.S. 240 pp. Highlights The climate crisis is a child rights crisis presents the Childrens Climate Risk Index (CCRI), which uses data to generate new global evidence on how many children are currently exposed to climate and environmental hazards, shocks and stresses.A composite index, the CCRI brings together geographical data by analyzing 1.) Lele, U., Masters, W.A., Kinabo, J., Meenakshi, J.V., Ramaswami, B., Tagwireyi, J., Bell, W.F.L. (also available at https://www.un.org/sites/un2.un.org/files/5-action_track-5_scientific_group_draft_paper_8-3-2021.pdf). UN Common Guidance on Helping Build Resilient Societies. Different types of agricultural producers, agrifood enterprises and food supply chains have different degrees of exposure or vulnerability to shocks and stresses. & Vos, R. 2020. Managing risk, however, must be complemented with the sufficient diversity of responses that make up absorptive capacity, as agrifood systems generally face simultaneous uncertainties and multiple risks originating from various sources. 16. For example, a recent worldwide FAO assessment showed that the shortage of labour in agriculture and food-related activities caused by COVID-19 mobility restrictions varied greatly by size of urban agglomeration. Rome. Herrero, M., Thornton, P.K., Power, B., Bogard, J.R., Remans, R., Fritz, S., Gerber, J.S. Rome. 49. Incorporating redundancy within a system typically entails a cost that needs to be weighed against how much it improves system performance.1517, Resilience. Other key policy areas with a clear impact on household resilience include strong and inclusive health insurance and medical services. Laborde, D., Martin, W., Swinnen, J. Rome, FAO. Women tend to have much less access than men to land and other assets important drivers of resilience. Climate smart agriculture, pp. Frontiers of Medicine, 12(1): 322. Furthermore, social protection may have positive multiplier effects on local communities and economies.59, Social protection has evolved to encompass both public and private initiatives to support communities, households and individuals in managing risk. Fader, M., Gerten, D., Krause, M., Lucht, W. & Cramer, W. 2013. FAO. (also available at https://openknowledge.worldbank.org/handle/10986/27526). This report addresses the following questions: What characterizes resilient agrifood systems? Public Health Nutrition, 18(16): 29342942. FAOSTATs food balance sheet data were converted from mass to dietary energy (kilocalories), fat (tonnes), and protein (tonnes) using product-, country- and year-specific conversion factors (also based on food balance sheets). Bulletin of Indonesian Economic Studies, 53(2): 187208. However, households in low-income countries are disproportionately affected. Resilience entails recognizing their dynamic and intertemporal nature. 2020. They are also more likely to draw on support from informal credit sources. 12. The key actors in agrifood systems are producers, input providers, those providing post-harvest services, such as storage, transportation, food processing, food distribution and marketing (wholesaling and retailing), and the final consumers. 9. A more detailed explanation is available in the explanatory notes(available in Arabic, English, French, Spanish and Russian). 23. Agriculture (crop and livestock production, aquaculture, fisheries and forestry) transforms land and other natural resources, capital and labour into food and non-food products. 17. Producers and SMAEs who are well connected to supply chains, have various sources and deal in diverse food products, are likely to overcome supply shortages and recover from disturbances more quickly. The most vulnerable consumers are in households who work within food systems as small-scale farmers, fishers, pastoralists and landless agricultural workers, along with the urban poor and populations that suffer greater inequality and marginalization, such as women and Indigenous Peoples. Even in the European Union, the food and beverage industry employs more people than any other manufacturing sector.6. Globally, the average annual rate of reduction in the neonatal mortality rate was 2.6 per cent from 1990 to 2020, a smaller reduction than among children aged 159 months with 3.6 per cent. Resources Conservation and Recycling, 162: 105022. The World Bank is an international financial institution that provides loans and grants to the governments of low-and middle-income countries for the purpose of pursuing capital projects. This total is distributed proportionally to the population of each zone. If the pandemic has taught us anything, it is that childrens and adolescents mental health is profoundly affected by their surroundings and circumstances their experiences with parents and caregivers, their friendships and how they play, learn and grow. It reinforces the capacity of agrifood systems to absorb shocks by assigning the same function to multiple actors. Read the full Convention (pdf) Read a summary of the UN Convention (pdf) OECD.org MyOECD. 2 Conceptual framework for agrifood systems resilience analysis. 2017. Communication and advocacy efforts reached larger audiences than ever before in 2021, especially among young people. Measuring food and nutrition security: An independent technical assessment and users guide for existing indicators. 85 pp. United Nations. 240 pp. 14. The rest of this chapter focuses on potential solutions that can guide policy and interventions to strengthen the livelihood resilience of rural households. https://population.un.org/wpp/. FAO. Second, where there is openness to international trade, producers can export easily without restrictions or trade barriers by importers. The COVID-19 pandemic has illustrated the high cost of coping and adapting once a shock occurs. Navigating social-ecological systems: Building resilience for complexity and change, pp. Orden, D. 2020. Resilience considerations within a broader policy environment and framework are then examined before the final conclusions are presented, summarizing the guidance provided in the chapter. (also available at https://www.europarl.europa.eu/RegData/etudes/ATAG/2020/651907/EPRS_ATA(2020)651907_EN.pdf). 12. In 2021, a small number of high-profile cases in which police arrested factory owners for alleged abuse of child workers made international headlines. 57. There is a growing trend towards agricultural insurance programmes; acceleration is crucial, considering their potential to boost production and reduce poverty and vulnerability in rural areas. Document developed in the framework of the FP7 project Foodlinks. High-income countries with open trade policies, such as Australia, or part of large trading blocs like the European Union, have some of the highest PPFI values (see green oval in Figure 3), combining diversity of domestic and export markets. (also available at http://ebrary.ifpri.org/utils/getfile/collection/p15738coll2/id/128437/filename/128648.pdf). https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.1507366112. The cost in terms of how it affects real lives, however, is incalculable.
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