He had been charging a battery. The rules for using 'Auxiliary Verb' in a sentence are different for each tense, as follows: Present Simple Tense. Hockey match had not been won by them. 59.Father had not given money to his daughter.Money had not been given to his daughter by father. Usually it is part of a longer story. 92. Q3: In the past, what was being done by parents to discipline their children? Developed by JavaTpoint. They will play football in that field. If "who" appears in the active voice, it should be changed to "by whom" in the passive form. The same for "meet.". Passive: The last examination had been missed by Lina. 3. 86. 19.Amina had switched on the computer.The computer had been switched on by Amina. In English, the verb represents that subject, whether an object or a person, of a sentence, has done something or something is done by the subject called the voice. Change of Interro-negative Sentences to Passive Voice. 123. That's understandable. 187. We had not constructed our homeland.Our homeland had not been constructedby us. 97. Click here to try the exam for this grammar point. Passive: The blanket will have been purchased by them. Had only poor people paid tax?Had tax been paid by only poor people? Passive: Has the institution been abandoned by them ? As you know Normal Past Continuous Tense Structure Is - "Subject + Was / Were + V 4Th Foam + object" In Passive Voice The Subject comes at last And Object Comes First Therefore the Structure of Past Continuous - Passive Voice is Formula / Structure: Object + Was/Were + Being +3rdVerb Object: (3rd Step)The door hadnot been opened by me. Present Perfect Continuous Tense in Active Voice. 137. Passive: The car must not be driven by Dav after the party. Had the children made a very pinching noise?Had a very pinching noise been made by the children? 7.My mother had washed the clothes.The clothes had been washed by my mother. We had plucked the flowers yesterday?The flowers had been plucked by us yesterday? Present Continuous She is delivering the letters. Passive: Potatoes are not being sliced by Kanika. 109. 132. Passive: We would be trained by him on Friday. Had they drawn a sketch of the car on paper?Had a sketch of the car been drawn by them on paper? 126. Present Simple Tense = is, am, are, + 3. Passive: All the fruits can be bought by him. Passive: A bicycle was bought by Aisha. You will learn how to utilize an auxiliary verb to transform a statement from active to passive voice. 168. Passive- The work had been done by you. The formula of Past Perfect Tense Passive Voice Sentences. Passive: S+have/has been +V3. Present Perfect Tense Formula for Active and Passive Voice, Active and Passive Voice Examples with answers of Present Perfect Tense, Active Voice: Subject+ have/has+ past participle+ object, Passive Voice: Object + have/has been+ past participle+ by subject. 6. Passive: A delicious meal will be made by her. (Future perfect tense), They will have won the match. Signal Words for two hours, for ________ All day since morning, since ______ Structure / Formula Subject + had + been + Base form(+ing) + object + time reference I had been travelling. 124. Passive: The food might not have been enjoyed by her. A letter is not written by him. 186. Use 3 rd form of Verb. Had all the friends cooked chicken?Had chicken been cooked by all the friends? Passive: The proposal has not been accepted by us. Passive: The train is being waited by Deepak. 155. 23.The peon had opened the door.The door had been opened by the peon. *Duration is not always needed. Had you not givena lecture on Biology?Had a lecture on biology not beengiven by you? Passive: Shoes might not be allowed to be worn by visitors. Active: Was he playing football? Passive voice - Jobs will have been lost by thousands of individuals due to the pandemic. Passive: The volleyball was being played by him yesterday afternoon. An active voice is used when a stronger link and clarity between the subject and the action word are required. Simple Future Tense Formula for Active and Passive Voice, Active Voice: Subject+ will+ infinitive+ object, Passive Voice: Object + will+ be+ past participle+ by subject. Formula, Structure, and Rules for Past perfect tense Active and passive voice Examples: Active: He had played football. Fortunately, it is not that difficult. So while converting into active voice the sentence will become. Had Amina not switchedon the computer?Had the computer not beenswitched on by Amina? The passive voice has a tendency to render the sentences weak, unlike the active voice. The government has launched a massive tribal welfare programme in Uttar Pradesh. Passive: Football was not being played by him. 85. Example Helping Verb = Had. 52.He had played cricket.Cricket had not beenplayed by him. Using Active and Passive Voice, Example Sentences with Tenses Tense Active Voice Passive Voice Present Simple She delivers the letters. Passive: Painting is being drawn by Reena. James wrote the letters. James writes the letters. Passive: All her money were deposited by Rita. (Final Step), I had not opened the door. Answer (1 of 14): I will attempt to make one. (1st Step)The door had beenopened by me. We sent a message of congratulations to her. Passive: The kids were administered by the tutor. Passive: A brilliant song might be sung by me. The past perfect-progressive passive is an English verb form that refers to verbs in the past tense, perfect-progressive aspect, indicative mood, and passive voice. She had chosen the red shoes.The red shoes had been chosen by her. 116. Had the monkeys not eatenthe bananas?Had the bananas not beeneaten by the monkeys? Simple Future Tense Examples I will write articles on different topics. 27.She had solved grammar sentences.Grammar sentences had been solved by her. Past Perfect Continuous Tense represents an ongoing action that started and continued for some time in the past. Passive: Dharmesh is being annoyed by him. Read Also: active and passive voice examples for all tenses, For More Informtion Watch this Video active and passive voice exercises, Examples of Active and Passive Voice with Tenses, active and passive voice examples for all tenses, active and passive voice examples with answers, Unseen Passage For Class 10 MCQ With Answers, NCERT Class 11 Business Studies Chapter 2 Forms of Business Organisation Summary and Notes Pdf, NCERT Class 7 Science Chapter 16 Water: A Precious Resource Summary and Notes PDF, NCERT Solutions For Class 7 English Honeycomb Poem 8 Meadow Surprises, NCERT Solutions For Class 7 English Honeycomb Poem Chapter 4 Chivvy, My Best Friend Essay for Students and Children. 198. Active : John writes a letter. 189. Passive: The opportunity may have been grabbed by her. Active & passive voice past indefinite tensePast Tenses present tense Future tenses Past indefinite/simple tensePast continuous tensePast perfect tensePast p. Had a farmer not killeda dangerous snake?Had a dangerous snake not beenkilled by a farmer? 55.She had not cleaned her room.Her room had not been cleaned by her. 166. So don't hesitate to learn the difference between active voice and passive voice in writing with the English Grammar index active voice and passive voice. Passive: Was football being played by him? Object + Was/were + being +verb [past participle] +by/with/to + object. Use 3 rd form of the verb. 10.The children had made a very pinching noise.A very pinching noise had been made by the children. 159. Active: Were you reading the poem? Subject Auxiliary verb Auxiliary . 119. (A.V)I had opened the door. Had my mother not washedthe clothes?Had the clothes not beenwashed by my mother? A Cricket kit was being worn by them. Had the English teacher punished the students regularly?Had the students been punished by the English teacher regularly? We use Present Continuous passive voice tense for that action which is going on at the same time of speaking. Active: Disha might visit the mall today. James is writing the . Had she not drivena car carefully?Had a car not beendriven by her carefully? 40. Past Continuous Tense Form: Active: S + was/were + V-ing + O. (Present tense), I have been asking you since morning. Example Helping Verb = Was / Were Formula Finished Action An action started in the past and finished in the past. However, this rule also applies in the case of negative sentences, i.e., sentences with may not. Past Simple She delivered the letters. Had Asma appreciated her younger sister?Had her younger sister been appreciated by Asma? Past Perfect Tense to Passive Voice; Learn past perfect tense to passive voice by definition, examples, formulas, tricks, rules, and detailed exercises. Negatives It is used with have/has/had, helping or auxiliary verbs. Use the helping verb had been with the subject of the Passive Voice Sentence. 1. However, it is very common. 129. Tense: Active Voice: Passive Voice: Present Simple: She delivers the letters. I will attempt to make one. 39. She had not filled the dust bin with garbage.Dust bin had not been filledwith garbageby her. Affirmative Form. Had she filled the dust bin with garbage?Had the dust bin been filled with garbageby her? (Present perfect continuous tense), He will be opening the door at that moment. Back to: Active-Passive Voices. Active and Passive Voice Examples With Answers (Using Must), The formula for Active and Passive using Must, Active Voice: Subject+ must+ infinitive+ object, Passive Voice: Object+ must be+ past participle+ by subject. Soal Passive Voice - Past Perfect Rumus Passive Voice - Past Perfect Tense. Cricket had been played by him. 5. Passive: A tune is being hummed by Leena. Past Indefinite Voice, 5. Lec-18|English Grammar| Active passive for past Continuous| active Passive examples| Akash Singh sirIn this video1-class10 2-subject - English grammar 3-chap. Active voice- Thousands of individuals will have lost their jobs due to the pandemic. Here the doer of the action is obvious. Active: Diya will not organize the books. Passive: His computer will be repaired by Bunty. 54.They had not worn the cricket kit.The Cricket kit had not been worn by them. In the Past continuous Tense, the helping verb "was/were" is used to change in passive voice and immediately after that being + 3rd form of verb" is also used such as : Past Perfect Tense : In the Past Perfect Tense, the helping verb " had" is used to change in passive voice and immediately after that been + 3rd form of verb" is also used such as : An imperative sentence can contain either a positive or negative command, i.e., a "do" or "do not" command. All rights reserved. Active and Passive Voice Examples With Answers (Using May), Active Voice: Subject+ may+ infinitive+ object, Passive Voice: Object+ may be+ past participle+ by subject. We will go shopping in that market this Monday. 193. 162. 154. When the doer of the action is what you want to focus on and talk about, write the sentence in the active voice. When the object receives the action performed by a subject , it is said that the sentence is in an active voice. He has been making a doll. The letters were delivered. The letters were written by James. 184. Future simple tense Active : S + will + V1 Passive : S + will + be + V3 Active : Sarah will cook dinner. Had the students not madeclass charts?Had class charts not beenmade by the students? 197. Had all the friends not cookedchicken?Had chicken not beencooked by all the friends? Had the engineers designed a new car?Had a new model car been designed by the engineers? Present Perfect Continuous Tense Exercises, Direct and Indirect Speech Examples with Answers, Active and Passive Voice Examples with Answers, Difference Between Active and Passive Voice. Bob will go to the library tomorrow. 181. ORHad the dust bin not beenfilled by her with garbage? Passive: The assignment should not have been skipped by her. (Past Continuous tense), They will inform you about it. I had used a blue pen.Blue a pen had been used by me. 2. Robert will read various kinds of books. Example Helping Verb = Is / Am / Are Formula Middle Of An Action We use it for present running action. *Perfect participle (p.p.) He had not eaten a bread.He had eaten the bread.The bread had been eaten by him.The bread hadnot been eaten by him. Hence, it is not mentioned. 89. There are several reasons as to why we use the passive voice in English. Passive: The seminar may not be attended by him. Had she solved grammar sentences?Had grammar sentences been solved by her? When the subject performs the action and the object receives it, it is said that the sentence is in an active voice. The formula for Active and Passive using Can, Active Voice: Subject+ can+ infinitive+ object, Passive Voice: Object+ can be+ past participle+ by subject. Tea was being taken by him. It is also called Past Perfect Progressive Tense. ORA lecture had not been given by you on Biology. 4.They had worn a cricket kit.Cricket kit had been worn by them. However, this rule also applies in the case of negative sentences, i.e., sentences with might not. 179. Although it is generally considered undesirable in writing, there are instances where the passive voice is desired. 44. The Past Perfect Continuous Tense is very similar to the Past Perfect Tense. ORArticles had not been written by him on different topics. 133. Had Imran Nazir made a big hundred?Had a big hundred been made by Imran Nazir? Active: Visitors might not be allowed to wear shoes. 11.She had driven a car carefully.A car had been driven by her carefully. (4th Step). 196. Use the helping verb was/were according to the subject of Passive Voice Sentence, which would be the object of the Active Voice Sentence. 65.Moosa had not bought the toys.The toys had not been bought by Moosa. Past Perfect Continuous Tense Active and Passive Voice Affirmatives Active: S + had + been + V1 ing + object + ROTS Jalai had been teaching English for ten years before he established a new system called a lingua. We write sentences in the active voice of the Past perfect tense when we want to focus on the person/people who had performed an action in the past before another action or time. Active: They will have purchased the blanket. Had Ronaldo scored five goals in one match?Had five goals been scored by Ronaldo in one match? 90. Passive: A novel is being written by Biban. April will prefer coffee to tea. 158. Passive: Our elders should be respected by us. You had not given a lecture on Biology.lecture on biology had not been given by you. 149. 36. 173. The word "do" is frequently conveyed in positive imperatives, which means it is not explicitly expressed. Pick up the auxiliary verb in the sentence that has been changed to passive voice and apply it at the beginning of the sentence. Had you given a lecture on Biology?Has a lecture on biology been given by you? *** - there is no object, so Passive Voice is not possible. Cricket kit had been worn by them. Active: She ought to have aided the little boy. 83.The officer had not collected mail daily.Mail had not been collected by the officer daily. Active . In the simple future, the helping verb "be" is used, and then the third form of "write.". Imran Nazir had made a big hundred.A big hundred had been made by Imran Nazir. Active: She should not have skipped the assignment. 5.She had cleaned her room.Her room had been cleaned by her. 131. 141. He had been facing a problem. Kunal was singing a song. Active Voice Passive Voice; Nandita is reading a book: A book is being read by Nandita. 69.Amina had not switched on the computer.The computer had not been switched on by Amina. Passive Voice 12 Tense . The format of the sentence in a passive voice is in the form of Object + Verb + Subject, where the verb is said to be in the 3rd form*. The girls were digging a hole in the ground. 15.Moosa had bought the toys.The toys had been bought by Moosa. Had we not doneour homework?Had our homework not beendone by us? 73.The peon had not opened the door.The door had not been opened by the peon. Passive: The magazine has been studied by me. Change of Negative Sentences to Passive Voice. After everything had been being searched and filed the auditor told me that everything was in order, Because last year, a friend who works for a similar company had been being audited. (Past continuous tense), They had won the game. 148. Keep the 3rd form of the verb as it is according to the rule, as we required 3rd form of the verb. Had she cleaned her room?Had her room been cleaned by her? 26.The students had asked productive questions.Productive questions had been asked by the students. 1.4.1 Change the voice of the following sentences: 1.5 FUTURE PERFECT CONTINUOUS TENSE. 80.The monkeys had not eaten bananas.Bananas had not been eaten by the monkeys. Passive: The floor was cleaned by Reema. Lessonhad beenlearnt by you. Forming Simple Past Progressive Passive. JavaTpoint offers too many high quality services. The government has not approved the new drug for sale. (2nd Step)Had the door been opened by me? Had they not drawna sketch of the car on paper?Had a sketch of the car not beendrawn by them on paper? Surface Studio vs iMac - Which Should You Pick? 134. We can use passive voice with most tenses. A 3rd form of verb is a verb which is in its past participle form. However, this rule also applies in the case of negative sentences, i.e., sentences with must not. 71.The mother had not fed her baby.Her baby had not been fed by the mother. (2nd Step)The door had beenopened by me. Passive: Had the culprit been arrested by them ? Had a plumber not repairedall the taps?Had all the taps not beenrepaired by a plumber? Had he not writtenarticles on different topics?Had articles on different topics not beenwritten by him? Passive: The bet will have been lost by them. Had he written articles on different topics?Had articles on different topics been written by him? 172. Past perfect continuous tense Active : S + had + been + Ving Passive : S + had + been + being + V3 Active : Sarah had been cooking dinner. Change of Positive Sentences to Passive Voice. 161. An active voice sentence is one in which the subject does an activity. The letters are being delivered. 34. I am hungry, tired, sleepy, funny etc. Passive Voice- Some cookies have been baked by me. 42. The war between the two countries was devastating, leaving thousands of people dead and tens of thousands without homes. 8.A plumber had repaired all the taps.All the taps had been repaired by a plumber. 110. 165. He had not written articles on different topics.Articles on different topics had not been written by him. 2. Had the girls not pluckedthe sunflowers in the garden?Had the sunflowers not beenplucked by the girls in the garden? 174. Passive: The petition had been drafted by him. 103. (Present perfect tense), Have you broken the mirror? He has been driving his car to his office. In the following examples we will discuss 100 examples of active and passive voice into two different sections. Active: Nima will not have placed the bedsheet. giving a reason for a past state. Examples The representative was selected by the people. Passive: The twins were being hugged by them. (Present continuous tense), The postman was delivering the letters. She had filled the dust bin with garbage.Dust bin had been filledwith garbageby her. Negative: Do not enter the swimming . 171. Future Perfect Tense Formula for Active and Passive Voice, Active Voice: Subject+ will/shall have+ infinitive + object, Passive Voice: Object+ will have been + past participle+ by subject. Passive: The food might have been enjoyed by her. The engineers had designed a new car.A new model car had been designed by the engineers. Passive Voice 4 Tense . Passive: My office colleagues were called by Neeta. ORHad articles not beenwritten by him on different topics? Let us have a look at some active and passive voice instances. Example: Present perfect continuous: I have been counting the money. Formula, Structure, and Rules for past continuous tense Active and passive voice Examples: Active: He was playing football. 58.A plumber had not repaired all the taps.All the taps had not been repaired by a plumber. Had Asma not appreciateher younger sister?Had her younger sister not beenappreciated by Asma? Active: She may not have grabbed the opportunity. Passive: Gift is being given by teachers. The past perfect continuous is probably the most difficult version of the passive voice. 67.They had not drawn a sketch of car on a paper.A sketch of car had not been drawn by them on a paper. The Passive Voice of Assertive Sentence of Past Continuous Tense can be made by applying the following rules: Convert the object of the Active Voice Sentence into the subject of the Passive Voice Sentence. Active: Romy cannot purchase this mobile. The primary difference between the two is that a transitive verb requires an object for it to make complete sense. 93. Had my mother washed the clothes?Had the clothes been washed by my mother? Past perfect is constructed using the formula "subject + had + past participle". Now, however, a peace deal offered hope. Passive: The bills will be cleared by them. Had father given money to his daughter?Had money been given to his daughter by father? Object + was / were + being + verb3 (past participle) Question Form. 138. Convert the above simple sentence to passive voice. Passive : Dinner had been being cooked by Sarah. Active: He had not played football. 41. (Future tense), I have watched this episode. Here sent is a transitive verb that requires an object, i.e., a gift, to convey the complete meaning. Active voice: Joni will write a letter. 6.We had plucked the flowers yesterday.The flowers had been plucked by us yesterday. Had Moosa bought the toys?Had the toys been bought by Moosa? Active voice is a direct form and passive voice is an indirect form. Had father not given money to his daughter?Had moneynot been given to his daughter by father? Had the children not madea very pinching noise?Had a very pinching noise not beenmade by the children? 144. Passive: Could the expenses be calculated by you ? Passive- The matter was being looked into by her. Had they done heavy lunch?Had heavy lunch been done by them? Active Voice: Subject+ might+ infinitive+ object, Passive Voice: Object+ might be+ past participle+ by subject. 128. The engineers had not designed a new car.A new model car had not been designed by the engineers. Use additional helping verb "being" with "is/are/am", in order to show the continuous tense. Active Voice: The judge/ jury passed the judgment in the court. Verb Tense Exercise 23 Simple Future and Future Continuous; Verb Tense Exercise 24 Simple Present, Simple Future, Present Continuous, and Future Continuous; Verb Tense Practice Test Cumulative Verb Tense Review Where were they playing the hockey match? A bus was taken by Krishna to the station. ORArticles had been written by him on different topics. To turn the past perfect continuous into its passive voice: 1. swap the subject and object 2. change 'had been ing' to 'had been being + p.p.' *Perfect participle (p.p.) 143. Active: She must not have started the calculation. (Present perfect tense), How much does she love her brother? Passive Voices. Passive: The payment has been deposited by Kiara. The past perfect continuous tense is constructed using had been + the verb's present participle (root + -ing). ** - there are 2 objects so we use were. Class charts not beenmade by the students been punished by the tutor Biology. Had heavy lunch? had her room been cleaned by her carefully? had the sunflowers not beenplucked by engineers! Not approved the new drug for sale after the party the helping verb had been washed by my?. Is said that the sentence in the ground Final Step ) the door been opened by the English teacher the. 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