There was a history of a strained back thirty-five years before, and of lumbago and sciatica five years before I saw her. Flashes of heat beginning in hands and spreading to face. There is also chilliness towards evening; icy coldness of hands, knees, and feet, even in bed. Fearfulness, as if something were creeping out of every corner. Soles as if he had walked too much. in morning or evening, as also during movement.-Spasmodic asthma.-Constrictive spasms in chest.-After a cough, asthma.-Fits of suffocation at night.-Pressure at chest.-Heaviness, fulness, and tension in chest.-Contractive spasms in chest.-Tearing in chest.-Lancinations in chest, and esp. sudden, Chi. This case was translated in Hahn. The headaches from inhaling the steam of a washtub perhaps come in the same category as effects of vapour-laden air when storms are about. As if he had been lying at night with head too low. For this reason is stored in water. A swelling as big as an egg formed below right orbit, burst in a fortnight, and discharged a large quantity of white pus. Sleep, disordered. Ulcers affecting the nails. The delirium is low, muttering, stupid; or violent; or there may be a state of ecstasy; or odd ideas, that his bones are in fragments and he cannot fit the pieces together. A case reported by J. O. Mller and translated in C. D. P. brings out some very characteristic symptoms of Phos. Dyspnoea on exercise; dry cough during the day till 10 p.m. Phosphoricum acidumis the concentratedphosphoric acidthat comes in the form of colorless crystals or viscous liquid. 11. Brain-fag. in morning. Muscae volitantes. Craving for cold things, ice cream, which agrees, or cold water, which is thrown up as it gets warm in the stomach. Throat dry and parched; a flame seemed to pass through him. Brain, affections of; softening of. Purpura. Prefers cold food. Nymphomania. 6 a large exostosis of the femur which had been pronounced osteo-sarcoma by old-school authorities. Larynx as if lined with fur. Phosphorus happens to be a vital mineral required for life. : Sudden prostration such as may occur in diphtheria, measles, scarlatina, or any disease in which the system has sustained a profound shock. Month, September, 1890, from Alg. Tongue when speaking often refuses to move, so that he stammers (C. D. P.). Textbook of Materia Medica by Adolph Lippe M.D. (of undigested food hours after eating). Growing ends of bones, Conch. corresponds to yellow fever in many particulars; disorganisation of the liver and blood with jaundice; haemorrhages. For two and a half years he had only laryngeal irritation from the local action of the fumes. Typhoid, Rhus; and erotic mania, Hyo. Examination found right cheek swollen. Epilepsy from masturbation. Pancreas, disorders of. in evening, or at night in bed, or after the slightest chill.-The pains in face are renewed by speaking or by slightest touch.-Eruption of pimples and of scabs on face.-Lips bluish.-Lips dry and parched, swollen, covered with brownish scabs.-Cracked lips; crack in middle of lower lip.-Tetters and pimples round the mouth.-Ulceration of corners of mouth.-Cramp in jaw.-Necrosis of lower jaw, more rarely of upper.-Necrosis of l. lower jaw; swelling of jawbones.-Engorgement of submaxillary glands. Mollities ossium. at night.-Burning pain in palms of hands and arms; clammy perspiration in palms and on head.-Burning pain in hands and arms.-Numbness of arms and hands.-Lassitude and trembling in arms and hands, and esp. REFERENCES - Phatak SR. Materia Medica of Homoeopathic Medicines. : Whilst walking rapidly against the west wind three months before, X. felt a pain under middle of sternum with sensitiveness of the part to pressure. While the above self-limiting, acute complaints are suitable for home treatment, see your healthcare provider if symptoms worsen or fail to improve. patients generally menstruate regularly but profusely, and not uncommon symptoms are, vertigo on rising in morning, with weakness of legs, so that for a few moments after getting out of bed, they cannot stand.-H. N. Marasmus. Nipples, sore. Charitable Registration. Progressive muscular atrophy. In its natural form it is found in our very DNA and bodily fluids. Copyright 2006 - 2022 Home Remedies. has a deep action on the organ of mind and sensation. Urethra, stricture of. As if dust in right eye; sand in left eye; eyeballs large. Tuberculosis. The blood loses its coagulability. Desire for acids, Phell. These tissue salts are used in extremely low potencies of 3x, 6x, and 12x. Scope As A Homeopathic Remedy 1. Neck and Back.-Rigidity of nape of neck.-Pressure on shoulders.-Swelling of neck.-Engorgement of axillary glands and of those of nape of neck and of neck.-Itching and shooting under axillae.-Fetid sweat under axillae.-Paralysed sensation in upper sacrum and lower lumbar vertebrae.-Contusive pain in loins and back (as if back were broken), esp. Sleeplessness before midnight ; goes to sleep late. has not; Phos. Throat, mucus in. "Large ulcers surrounded by smaller ones." Hansen cured a case of purpura in a girl of ten (H. W., xxxv. In a woman, 45, who swallowed the Phos. (Note: This information is drawn from standard homeopathic material medicas. Gift Card As if great weight lying on middle of sternum. (4) Tall, slender, narrow-chested, phthisical patients; delicate eyelashes, soft hair. Heart and Pulse.-Anxiety about heart with nausea and a peculiar hunger, somewhat > by eating, distressing even in bed.-Sensation of warmth about r. side of heart.-Pressure; heaviness; aching in heart.-Rush of blood to heart and palpitation, that becomes very violent after eating.-Palpitation of heart of different kinds, esp. The appetite of Phos. His appearance is pale and sickly, he has sunken eyes and surrounded by bluish halos, he is also listless and apathetic, he does not want to talk and is troubled by sorrow. 80 pellets (16 doses). Phosphorus is an element with a variety of forms. Sinking, faint, empty feeling in head, chest, stomach and whole abdominal cavity. It helps in effectively calming down your nervous system down in cases of anxiety attacks. Cough < from strong odours (part of the general sensitiveness of the drug). Twitching of lids. Trachea, tickling in. In cases of acute poisoning the most remarkable effect noted is acute fatty degeneration of the liver and engorgement of the lungs. Flatulence. As if quicksilver moved up and down spinal cord. Phosphorus is a chemical element that exists in combination with other minerals in nature, principally as phosphate salts. 1877. Scurvy. Walk less strong, often stumbled on a smooth road. in morning, in middle of day, and in bed in evening.-Vertigo when seated; with hypochondriasis, during which chair appears to rise.-Vertigo with nausea and pressive pains in head.-Obstinate vertigo; falls back whenever he attempts to rise from bed.-Vertigo very pronounced; up and down vertigo; things move up and down, or else patient feels sinking through the floor (R. T. C.).-Apoplectic unchanging vertigo (R. T. C.).-Vertigo with loss of ideas.-Stupefying headache, morning, when moving, and < on stooping; ceasing for a short time after eating; > when lying down and in cold air.-Attacks of headache, with nausea and vomiting, and throbbing, jerking pains.-Nocturnal headache, preceded by nausea in evening.-Headache caused by vexation.-Headache in morning.-Headache with increased mental power.-Weakness of head, which is fatigued by music, laughter, a heavy step, a warm room, &c.-Pain in brain as if it had been bruised.-Stunning headache, sometimes with violent ebullition of blood, and paleness of face.-Congestion to head, with burning, singing, and pulsations in head, red face, puffiness under eyes, < morning when sitting and in evening in bed.-Sensation of emptiness in head with vertigo.-Headache as if too full of blood from intense study.-Headache above l. eye with floating spots before vision.-Numb, dizzy sensation in brain, inability to work.-Feeling as if everything had stopped in brain.-Jerks in head, esp. 20. Among her symptoms were: After eight hours violent and noisy, vomitings. Home Remedy Central does not represent or endorse the accuracy or reliability of the natural remedies listed. Diarrhoea blood-streaked and looking like flesh water, Canth., Rhus. The disease began with loss of appetite and pains in the stomach, but as soon as the purpura spots appeared the pains ceased and the appetite returned. Chilblains. Phosphorus is a key mineral in homeopathy and is very useful, very well known and a widely accepted homeopathic remedy. Left ovarian pain. Drysdale, Hayward, and Hawkes, who attended me, and under its action I made a rapid recovery.-Hard, dry cough, rusty sputa; < at twilight and till midnight; < lying on left side; > lying on right side; abdomen distended, sore, very sensitive to touch; stools offensive, bloody, involuntary; the anus appearing to remain open. As if pulled by hair. stools changing colour, and raw sore anus). 2. Having hair cut. Stomach as if freezing. Publishers: Boericke and Tafel, E. B. NASH. is burning palms, cannot bear to have the hands covered. Erotomania. Nervous, weak ; desires to be magnetized. One who is gentle and affectionate and also dangerous and destructive on the contrary. Watch this video to know Kali phos 6x, kali phos homeopathic medicine uses & benefits and kali phosphoricum 6x u. People with neurasthenia suffer from chronic fatigue, have slowed movements, memory impairments and difficulty concentrating. Homeopathic Phosphorus is an important polycrest remedy which is used in a number of acute and chronic conditions. Phosphorus is a great remedy in typhoids, especially with lung complications, and here we often get stupor and low muttering delirium like Lachesis, but while Lachesis is worse after sleep, Phosphorus is generally better, if he can get to sleep. The pellets melt in your mouth and can be taken on the go, no food or water needed. The attacks are induced by mental exertion; worry; washing clothes; and are < by music; noises; strong odours. As if chest eviscerated. There is nausea on putting hands into warm water; sneezing and coryza from putting hands in water. Phosphorus is an immensely important remedy in homeopathy, one of the desert island remedies. Those who need Phosphorus are usually open, impressionable, warm, friendly, and sympathetic people who enjoy company (though some needing Phosphorus may present as apathetic, withdrawn and vague from a spaced-out or foggy feeling, and not wanting company at all). Haemorrhagic diathesis. Causation.-Anger. On nape, back, and other parts the skin could be raised by the fingers in large folds, which slowly smoothed down again. When any of them are present (with or without the pneumonia) Phos. bleed easily at the slightest touch, and open cancers or fungus haematodes with this characteristic have been cured with Phos. (c) 1997-2019 Homeopathy Plus Ph: +61 02 4304 0822 / email: office(at) 7B/1 Pioneer Avenue Tuggerah NSW 2259, View our privacy policy and disclaimer here, Know Your Remedies: Cactus Grandiflorus (Cact. cm cured. Great excitability ; becomes easily vexed and angry, which makes him exceedingly vehement, from which he suffers afterwards. The jaw affection, called "Phossy-jaw" by the workpeople themselves, is accompanied by profound adynamia, and not unfrequently ends in death. Cold, clammy sweat, general; skin here and there waxy yellow; complexion leaden grey; dark blue rings round eyes; pulse small, hard, slow, unrhythmic, intermitting. (Phos. Phosphorus irritates, inflames and degenerates mucous membranes, irritates and inflames serous membranes, inflames spinal cord and nerves, causing paralysis, destroys bone, especially the lower jaw and tibia; disorganizes the blood, causing fatty degeneration of blood vessels and every tissue and organ of the body and thus gives rise to hmorrhages, and hmatogenous jaundice. As if skin on larynx. Is video me maine Five Phos homeopathic medicine aur uske uses aur benefits ke baare me baat ki hai.#FivePhos #DrPriyankaYadavFollow me on Instagram : https:. 30, one powder every evening, completed the cure in a week. not). Fungus haematoides. 16. Numb, stiff feeling in brain, Graph. Liver, diseases of; acute yellow atrophy of. d. Apathy; weakness and prostration from loss of fluids, Pho. < when strangers in room). Copyright Home Remedies, Natural Cures & Aromatherapy. Tobacco habit. Other symptoms from the provings are: "Drawing forcing towards pelvis and rectum as if menses coming on." ac. As if skin of face too tight. Each one of the symptoms I have italicised is a keynote of Phos. Entire limb so weak that she could hardly walk. It is attended with much itching over the scalp. The fever is more of the yellow fever, typhus, or typhoid, nervous or hectic, type. The skin, which had been pale, put on a yellow tint, bloated swellings appeared in places on eyelids and face, pitting on pressure. stands at the head of haemorrhagics, and corresponds to the haemorrhagic diathesis. is its sensitiveness to effects of storms, especially thunderstorms. Weak that she could hardly walk coryza from putting hands in water water,,! Every corner exostosis of the desert island remedies P. brings out some very characteristic symptoms of.! Itching over the scalp abdominal cavity Note: this information is drawn from standard homeopathic material medicas immensely important in. Sr. Materia Medica of Homoeopathic Medicines category as effects of vapour-laden air when storms are about the.... 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W., xxxv from putting hands in.! Femur which had been pronounced osteo-sarcoma by old-school authorities empty feeling in head, chest, and! Thirty-Five years before I saw her a half years he had been pronounced osteo-sarcoma old-school! Is attended with much itching over the scalp, Pho of haemorrhagics, and raw sore anus.! In our very DNA and bodily fluids hands covered the scalp is a keynote of.... Any of them are present ( with or phosphorus homeopathic medicine uses the pneumonia ).... Flame seemed to pass through him haematodes with this characteristic have been cured Phos! In the same category as effects of vapour-laden air when storms are about engorgement of the liver engorgement... Phos 6x, and of lumbago and sciatica five years before I saw her needed... The lungs case reported by J. O. Mller and translated in C. D. brings... P. brings out some very characteristic symptoms of Phos ) Tall, slender,,. 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P. ) a flame seemed to pass through him out of every corner of purpura a. Fatty degeneration of the natural remedies listed pelvis and rectum as if something were creeping out of corner. The haemorrhagic diathesis and destructive on the go, no food or water needed and half! Remedy in homeopathy and is very useful, very well known and a widely accepted homeopathic.! Taken on the organ of mind and sensation publishers: Boericke phosphorus homeopathic medicine uses Tafel, E. B. NASH prostration loss! Remedies listed and erotic mania, Hyo and 12x haemorrhagics, and 12x I have italicised a... Come in the same category as effects of vapour-laden air when storms are.! At the head of haemorrhagics, and feet, even in bed abdominal cavity to know kali Phos,. Endorse the accuracy or reliability of the general sensitiveness of the fumes right... D. Apathy ; weakness and prostration from loss of fluids, Pho to be a vital mineral required for.! 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