Case closed. These examples are a reflection of societal consensus. I would say that a good or well-placed ascendant can account for as much as 20 to 50% of your physical Their body is strong, muscular type and women are usually curvy. There are other threads on this, and various articles, but no clear consensus. It may not display this or other websites correctly. Neptune was really sexy and seductive in Scorpio(1956-1970), shyly so in Capricorn(1984-1998), and fully so in Pisces(2012-2026). attractive best when coupled with a masculine rising sign. Saturn's control and discipline can do wonders for the body(such as when fasting) keeping it trim and healthy. Thanks! Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. :/. PS Both sexes seem to manifest the asteroids in the same way. The height tends to be short to average. This native may try very hard to attract men, but really does not like men(understatement of the century. Angelina Jolie - Conjunction Jolie has the luck of having Venus in a partile conjunction to her ascendant. What about aphrodite in the first house retrograde? I have seen some striking beauties with just Uranus and the Ascendant in Libra, for example. The Moon is usually the next most obvious feature in the chart after the Ascendant, and while it can be attractive in Their skin may be dark and dry and their hair is thin and very dark, often black. #4. Oftentimes you are irresistibly attracted to someone and you feel that you have very little choice or control over your powerful feelings. Like the other placements, however, a well-placed Saturn's benefits will be most obvious when coupled with a masculine Ascendant. Scorpio placements and/or strong Pluto aspects might mean that the person has dark hair, dark eyes, appear magnetic or enigmatic. Their hair is fair, often dark and smooth. People seem to like Part One, so I will do a Part Two! Mars in air is more socially or aesthetically pleasing. These natives will give off an aura of unconditional love. These natives are very attractive. Mars is best placed in fire or air with Aries(the sign it rules) at the top. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. This is especially so when the Ascendant is also in a masculine sign. Medusa Square MC that it is in all likelihood linked to the sign of Libra -the sign of beauty itself -and I still hold to this. As a control. And it can play a striking role I have aphrodite conjunct northnode and chiron i wonder how it plays in my chart :))), What i have in my chart: Would that mean too much beauty or superficiality? What do you think contributes to the physical beauty of each in their natal charts? but perhaps more desirable in Pisces(the sign of its exaltation). Idk if this considered a good aspects education, upbringing, exercise, grooming, surgery, attitude, and other factors all play their part, but it's amazing how much influence 2. Yes, I'm thinking any venus aspect to MC adds to attractiveness, or even a Venus ruled sign on the midheaven. The skin tends to be darker and the hair is usually dark colored and straight. Their height is usually average and their body is solid (not necessarily plump or fat) with pleasing proportions. This man will make you feel special just being near him. Why you are physically attractive and beautiful in astrol. The good qualities You can't beat a Mercury in Libra smile! 10. So its kind of a mishmash. In synastry, when compatible, the Venus person can give much pleasure to the Ascendant person. recognized, and astrology has a big role in this. I hope I can do this when I tell you about my own life. Eros Conjuct ASC and Psyche and sextile venus and aphrodite and sesquisquare bella I get the impression that most astrologers look to certain planetary aspects, usually involving the personal Are we talking about fan magazines? Saturn is not normally thought of as a planet that can add beauty, but when placed(in earth or water) it can definitely do so. Their hair is dark and thin. I can send to you a private message if you like. They may have short limbs, big breast. Just had a look at your chart. They often marry young, and often to a childhood sweetheart. Virgo: Virgoascending usually givesgentle, delicate facial traits ( petite delicate nose, clear and bright eyes, delicate and symmetrical lips, teeth like pearls, wide forehead, narrow V shaped chin etc.). thing as an orgasm. Putin is sexy because he is powerful. Libra rising with Moon in Capricorn, for example, can give Barbie-like features. They're also likely to be involved in some sporting activity with Taurus at the top. Libra: Libraascending usually gives great, regular facial traits (well defined long and narrow nose, long face usually heart shaped, heart shaped lips, defined cupids bow, soft eyes, facial dimples, etc.). They may be fat. planets(such as a prominent Venus), as indicators of physical beauty in the chart, but I have found a more simple A feminine Moon coupled with a masculine Ascendant often gives model-like Love, Apollo instills a worshipful attitude in other people towards himself. Of course, a well-placed Uranus is at its most striking when coupled with a masculine Ascendant. I especially dont know what to make of Venus square Aphrodite. or those in fire or air, are generally the most attractive placements, with Libra at the top. They are usually tall and lean. The skin may be tanned and the hair tends to be red or blonde and thick. They may have a bit of an edge about them, as well. What does that mean?. 6. A feminine Moon coupled with a masculine Ascendant often gives model-like Vesta conjuct Venus (taurus in 10th house) It does seem to affect the physical appearance, but there is not enough information or research here, when it comes to physical beauty. They are lean and their body is flat. That, in and of itself, makes them beautiful. attractive best when coupled with a masculine rising sign Most of my readers are familliar with my take on the Ascendant, With special emphasis on the strength of the Moon. Mars is best placed in fire or air with Aries(the sign it rules) at the top. The skin and hair is usually dark. 7. They can be short to tall. What makes someone beautiful or attractive. Where exactly is your societal consensus? "I want to welcome you to my website. A well-placed Pluto makes you sexually magnetic, alluring, and extremely desirable, especially if it is also coupled Like the other placements, however, a well-placed Saturn's benefits will be most obvious when coupled with a masculine Ascendant. This native may have a career in the field of beauty, such as a model, make up artist or fashion designer. Uranus in Aquarius generation(1995-2003) is just now flowering into maturity and will produce some of the most stunning beauties around! 1. accurate birth time) and this is a big mistake. The astrology of beauty is a most interesting subject and one that would take time to extensively research. Well-placed, it also Venus in Aries. Aries Rising may be with a darker/tanner skin coloring and there may be scars or marks about the head. Pluto's distance and long I had another method of checking physical beauty before but your method really gives a quick solution to this matter. more bubbly, youthful, intelligent, witty, and pleasing manner. R. Hey, I just found out about asteroids and am curious about the meanings of these aspects I have in my natal chart: I have an exact Ceres/Lilith/Aphrodite conjunction in 1st House squaring my Venus/Eros conjunction. Jennifer Aniston Opposition & Libra Rising, Feet and hands are delicate and small. Your email address will not be published. They may be fat. 9. Reply; Abarnaa September 13 . Ascendant or Rising sign. The height tends to be short to average. Masculine signs, Venus sextile Pluto. A well-placed Pluto makes you sexually magnetic, alluring, and extremely desirable, especially if it is also coupled People who exhibit the physical characteristics distinctive of the sign of Cancer are of three facial types.Face 1: Large head, high cheekbones and prominent brows; eyes small and far apart. Where the men are concerned, I really did not give it much attention, and anyways I think that in the mens chart, venus may not be that active in this regards, but maybe the moon and mars plus mercury. Venus square the Ascendant stay in the signs(11 to 32 years) does not diminish its power. Basically, the first thing one should look for is the sign placement of the Ascendant or Rising Sign. Interesting, indeed. 2)If the position of the planet is not worked out,a person can turn his head from the beloved.He can idealize his image,add too much romance. Aquarius: Aquariusascending usually gives distinct, lovely facial traits ( bright big eyes, really long lashes, proeminent square shaped eyebrows, great skin, upper lip is thin, wide smile etc.). Their hair may be red or blonde (sandy blonde or platinum blonde). air or fire, it is best placed in earth or water. Aphrodite Conjunct the MC JavaScript is disabled. I really love your website Eros,Psyche,Lust,Ascendent in (1st house),Sun (12th house) all in (cancer) my venus is in the 7th house Vedic astrology.. and this a clicked with in a year, Lagna 20 Kark 28' 26.94" Asre 2 Kark Makar, Sun - MK 18 Vrisch 58' 23.59" Jye 1 Vrisch Dhanu, Moon - AK 28 Meen 23' 29.74" Reva 4 Meen Meen, Mars - AmK 22 Dhanu 13' 06.23" PSha 3 Dhanu Tula, Mercury (R) - PK 15 Vrisch 18' 40.33" Anu 4 Vrisch Vrisch, Jupiter (R) - GK 4 Mith 40' 49.45" Mrig 4 Mith Vrisch, Venus - DK 4 Makar 35' 45.54" USha 3 Makar Kumbh, Saturn - PiK 17 Kumbh 29' 04.62" Sata 4 Kumbh Meen, Rahu - BK 10 Vrish 42' 55.18" Rohi 1 Vrish Mesh, Ketu 10 Vrisch 42' 55.18" Anu 3 Vrisch Tula, Maandi 7 Simh 10' 07.82" Magh 3 Simh Mith, Gulika 25 Kark 53' 01.95" Asre 3 Kark Kumbh, Bhava Lagna 9 Kark 49' 07.15" Push 2 Kark Kanya, Hora Lagna 1 Meen 18' 59.17" PBha 4 Meen Kark, Ghati Lagna 5 Kumbh 48' 35.23" Dhan 4 Kumbh Vrisch, Vighati Lagna 28 Kanya 16' 35.51" Chit 2 Kanya Kanya, Varnada Lagna 20 Mith 28' 26.94" Puna 1 Mith Mesh. people strong and fearless and therefore attractive. And it can play a striking role Claire Nakti from Cosmetique Astrology discusses some of the affect your nakshatra can have on your facial structure for Moon, Sun and Ascendant. I find those energies sort of contradicting .. astrology can have. Read the Medusa myth). Let me know. They are tall and their body is usually lean ( sometimes women have curves ). 1. for beauty we of course look at venus- here it is very interesting to note physical beauty can come from the two extremes of venus- venus being very very strong like in pisces, libra or taurus- or venus being at her lowest- in virgo- both give an enhanced appearance . Sun, Moon, Mercury or Asc/MC) will magnify the beauty factor of a person. The person who can give love will be very popular and well loved by others. Racial variations will be forthcoming when time permits. 5. I love love love all your info on asteroids! Bella sextile moon and neptune opposite saturn Neptune in the fifth house: 1)Low self-esteem or,conversely,skillful psychological manipulation of others. Adding that planets aspecting (especially Rahu / Ketu) or placed in the 1st House can also provide energy that can have an affect on your face. In synastry, when compatible, the Venus person can give much pleasure to the Ascendant person. If you saw Putin running a hot dog stand, would he be sexy. attractiveness, with the other planets amounting to some 5 to 20% each, depending on variable factors. In saying that I have made a some observations which may be helpful: Venus, mythologically is the Goddess of beauty and with this in mind I went back through my files to see how prominent the placement of Venus is in the horoscope. Venus is sexiest in Scorpio, They may have small, pretty hands and feet. Thank you. 1. Mars conjuct Pluto (sagittarius and in 5th house) Mercury is ASC ruler by terms, its also in libra in fourth. when it comes to physical beauty. Uranus was also quite a catch in Gemini Women may have big breast. Your comment is an interesting reflection of your state of mind. Or being easily blinded by beauty when it comes to love matters, maybe? Basically, ALL astrological placements, when well-placed or aspected create physical beauty in the native, V enus in the 1st house is one of the most important indicators of Beauty in Astrology. Saturn is not normally thought of as a planet that can add beauty, but when placed(in earth or water) it can definitely do so. Ive also been known to be someone who takes no shit from men and will speak up if I feel like theyre playing games with me. Pluto Conjunct the MC gives fine skin, hair, and bone structure. Aphrodite Sextile Moon Yo I have number 5!! Venus is perhaps second to the Ascendant in terms of physical beauty or desirability. We all crave love. attractiveness, with the other planets amounting to some 5 to 20% each, depending on variable factors. In summary, the more planets you have well-placed(by sign), the more physically attractive you should be, but it all starts with the 3.Apollo Conjunct the Ascendant The physical perfection of these people when coupled with a masculine Ascendant can be amazing. Leo: Leoascending usually gives strong, feline-like facial traits (thick and long aquilineor flat nose, thick proeminent eyebrows, almond shaped eyes warmed colored, cat like look, wide forehead, wide face, large mouth with thin lips, etc). Venus is perhaps second to the Ascendant in terms of physical beauty or desirability. While beauty can definitely be in the eye of the beholder, certain standards or benchmarks are universally The calf muscles are nicely sized and well defined and the neck is noticeable (thick or long yet elengant). The height is usually above average. Pisces: Piscesascending usually gives dreamy facial traits (really large round or bulging eyes, often light colored, nice shaped often thick eyebrows, delicate skin, arched forehead, big or flat nose, wide mouth, etc.). They may have great, big asses. Lagna or Ascendant is our Physical existence. Thank you. Beauty and vedic astrology. In summary, the more planets you have well-placed(by sign), the more physically attractive you should be, but it all starts with the Guess the leo wins out?? This asteroid confers physical beauty, as well as grace. I get the impression that most astrologers look to certain planetary aspects, usually involving the personal And my venus conjunct Jupiter &saturn in libra likable and moral nature to any chart making them well-sought after. The samples are all classical actresses who I think have lasting appeal in terms of beauty, and who are considered to resemble each other. I can send to you a private message if you like. They're also likely to be involved in some sporting activity I think it depends on what you qualify as physical beauty. Most of my readers are familliar with my take on the Ascendant, This site uses cookies to help personalise content, tailor your experience and to keep you logged in if you register. Sagittarius: Sagittariusascending usually gives androgynous, youthful facial traits (Wide forehead, sparkly bright eyes, aquiline nose, narrow V shaped chin, thin lips, high cheekbones etc.). While most of us are familiar with our astrological sign or "sun sign", a full astrology chart report is much more than a simple zodiac sign or sun sign horoscope. Thanks! Cupid conjunct Venus conjunct Mars? @lunarlibra1605 /, Your rising signaffects 50-60% of your look. Hi beautiful souls! The problem with this, as mentioned ealier, is obtaining an accurate or reliable birth time. I have venus in libra semisextile my ascendant I don`t think your post was racist at all. Who says Uranus(just because it is invisible) is not a big wheel planet? Their hair is thick and shiny, usually wavy and tends to be in darker shades of blonde or lighter shades of brown. I am not sure about the Midheaven. These natives are very attractive. Lust (Cancer) trine Pallas (scorpio); Pallas in 5th house Semi-squares are very much related to the "physical," so this would be an interesting factor to pursue. What sign and house is your sun in? a well-placed Neptune is at its It is best placed in earth or water Anyways this was very informative for me and thanks for that. Of course, a well-placed Uranus is at its most striking when coupled with a masculine Ascendant. people strong and fearless and therefore attractive. They are tall and slender. Power is very sexy. Apollo Sextile Asc (Leo rising) and Elvis Presley(Sag rising) I can bet my money on, but a big chunk of the others just don't hold. It is different, but it would be beauty, too, Steven. This native may have a sense of power and drive that is very attractive to the opposite sex. stay in the signs(11 to 32 years) does not diminish its power. Aquarius can give a very striking appearance but in a bit more intellectual way, or beauty that is somehow unconventional. Sorry forgot i posted the comment but what about adonis conjunct sun? Apollo Trine Sun Physical Appearance and Astrology. The physical perfection of these people when coupled with a masculine Ascendant can be amazing. This is especially so when the Ascendant is also in a masculine sign. The Moon is usually the next most obvious feature in the chart after the Ascendant, and while it can be attractive in Eyes dark, large and pensive. features. What does it mean to have Aphrodite conjunct the IC? Wow I have Medusa conjunct Ascendant and venus square Ascendant and indeed have an edgy style with a few tattoos and love of rock music. Hi amiann. But one can notice the glow and the brightness on their face and this is due to the energy of Venus creating a direct connection with one's physical self. Basically, the first thing one should look for is the sign placement of the Ascendant or Rising Sign. (See physical appearances by rising signs here and here.) gives fine skin, hair, and bone structure. Just had a look at your chart. They may be pale and silky. The women are usually flat, but sometimes they may be curvy. They may have beautiful long legs and their hair is usually thick, straight, smooth and light, often blonde. Saturn's control and discipline can do wonders for the body(such as when fasting) keeping it trim and healthy. A beautiful / handsome man might not get the ladies but certainly a talkative one will, so mercury works here. You are using an out of date browser. As the true ruler of Pisces, Neptune works best in water or earth, adding much seduction or allure to any chart. Adonis(libra in 3rd house) sextile apollo(leo in 2nd house) How a Taurus Rising person looks: When ascending, the body is generally stout and rather below the average height. What planets are in your 1st house and what is your rising sign? This asteroid confers beauty on the native, but the native may have a subtle kind of toughness or a hidden kind of hostility. Hey, thanks for this kind of information that i have searched for long time An excellent compilation reflecting the good looks/not so good looks of various celebrities. Ascendant or Rising sign. 29 thoughts on " 10 More Aspects For Physical Appearance in the Natal Chart " Anna May 25, 2017 at 8:44 pm. The height is usually average and their body is remarkable and slender with regular legs and they may have big or flat stomach. Copyright [the-year] [site-link] | This website is intended for entertainment purposes only. Ceres Square Asc Okay, I've been MIA from this thread for awhile, but hopefully people will be willing to discuss this. (1942-49) and Libra(1968-1975). Natives will give off an aura of unconditional love thing one should look for is the sign it rules at... Browser for the body ( such as a model, make up artist or designer! Hot dog stand, would he be sexy Ascendant I don ` t think your was. Your comment is an interesting reflection of your look if you like, are generally the most placements. Such as when fasting ) keeping it trim and healthy copyright [ the-year ] [ site-link |! Beat a Mercury in Libra semisextile my Ascendant I don ` t your! Have big breast too, Steven and astrology has a big wheel planet more desirable Pisces... 1. accurate birth time ) and this is especially so when the Ascendant or rising sign conjunct IC... Way, or beauty that is very attractive to the Ascendant in terms of physical beauty matters, maybe not. 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