If node-mysql isn't using prepared statements/bind parameters, isn't it inherently vulnerable to SQL injection? I've a confirmed use-case where the design decision not to use prepared statements/parameterised queries does have a dramatic affect on performance, which I'm documenting here so that someone else doesn't have to re-research this behaviour! Could you give me a short rundown on what still remains to be done so that we could have prepared statements and server bound parameters for MySQL? don't be affected too much by negative comments. few open source projects and you are one of the best when it comes to Maybe we can utilize tagged template strings in sequelize aswell? Is there an arel like implementation in Javascript? I believe I was misdiagnosed with ADHD when I was a small child. Do I get any security benefits by natting a a network that's already behind a firewall? Can you point to any reading material on bound parameters being inheritently more secure than framework escaping? Seems .query() function has supported parameterized query, But the Model operations not. Heres how: Sequelize supports the logging option when composing a query object. Future Studio content and recent platform enhancements. I have read the contribution guidelines; Bug Description SSCCE As for performance I doubt there is much to gain. in fairness they might not be running penetration tests on their codebase). @mickhansen can we use an interface for the object that allows to make it compatible with sql-template-strings? Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. @fweimer, not sure how you could run unintentional queries when using bind parameters - My understanding is that bind parameters (which translate to parameterized queries in postgres and sqlite) do not allow queries. Using postgre's $ has the benefit that you can reference the same value multiple times. The include part could be a roadmap item. This Sequelize protects against sql level injections by doing escape work on all parameters. I'll definitely take over migrating that over if you end up choosing a pattern for the other dialects. bind parameters can be used without explicit prepare. $? The difference to regular SQL injection is that it's not about strings and missing boundaries, bout about JSON data. So, basically, sanely structure your queries, and if you are really nervous, sanitize all user input yourself to remove sql keywords. There's also no garantee that a separate query builder supports everything we need. So if anyone passes in say ';DELETE * from _table_;'. Its order will matter too. The link you provided seems to cover general SQL injection protection - I was hoping for resources digging into framework vs database. view, however from a practical point the effects are probably minimal. Definitely no CLS, params and sql should be passed around explicitely, i'll likely make a stab at this soon. Frameworks in other languages use bound parameters natively because it is inherently more secure than doing the escaping in the framework and passing pure strings to the mysql server to process. Typically you only want the SQL query. Is this the real root cause? How to create another instance with afterCreate hook in sequelize, How to create a UNIQUE constraint on a JSONB field with Sequelize, How to create custom methods or functions inside imported models in Sequelize, How to dynamically create the models for Sequelize in Node 14 / Sequelize 6. @mdarveau @janmeier in mysql statements are scoped by connection and can't be reused between connections ( and destroyed server side when client connection is closed / dies ) That's why my initial api was focusing on automatic creation/caching of statements. If however I re-write the sql used in my test app to be of the following form: INSERT INTO [Artifacts] ([art_id],[content]) VALUES (N'080abd3c-0dc4-469b-8c55-33532a4891e6',@data), and provide the tedious request with the 'data' parameter containing my Buffer, the result is instantaneous (or near enough! Else it'll not the release the memory which is allocated to it. How to create a TRIGGER in SEQUELIZE (nodeJS)? There is no visibility that how much memory is consumed by a prepared statement. I've been following this discussion on the sideline, but I feel I should give my input as well. and write a small node test app to directly send this to tedious through the same mechanism as sequelize then the test app takes the same length of time to respond as the sequelize case (~30s). One thought would be to replace most calls to escape in query generation with another method that would insert a placeholder and add the value to a list of bind parameters. Maybe start out with INSERT's, might be the simplest. If you really want to subvert sequelize but still interact with shared transactions (ymmv!) We were flooding the query plan cache with unique queries and they were queuing up waiting for others to finish. Is there a way to disable usage of prepared statements? to your account. The related Sequelize query object (received as the second parameter) looks like this: The query object contains all the details about your SQL query as a JavaScript object. This is kind of a big deal, as in "One of the classic blunders" big deal, and I can completely sympathize with @bill-myers for his brash "fix this yesterday". In that case yes, users can definitely be "fooled" to create malicious queries, but sequelize doesn't really have control over that - We can only help them by recommending bind parameters. If so, when? For a fairly decent treatment of the topic: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8263371/how-prepared-statements-can-protect-from-sql-injection-attacks, This node library implements prepared statement support: https://github.com/sidorares/node-mysql2. Use the options.logging configuration to disable query logging: const Sequelize = require('sequelize') const sequelize = new Sequelize(database, user, password, { dialect: 'mysql', logging: false }) This disables SQL query logging for all database queries you're running through your Sequelize models. This will not however stop me from using it in production. I understand that could be a significant overhaul, though. He didn't take us quite as seriously as I hoped when we carefully explained prepared statements to him, and so only about 2/3rds of the optional parameters were bound. Future Studio is helping 5,000+ users daily to solve Android and Node.js problems with 460+ written I follow and use quite a Future Studio Hopefully SELECT will be converted to use bind internally as well, https://github.com/sequelize/sequelize/blob/master/docs/upgrade-to-v5.md#others. The MySQL 2 driver supports 1 but not 2 ( I know that it is no small matter to rebuild an entire query language system (having done so once myself in another language) so I accept that this isn't a fix yesterday thing, but I wanted to express that I still think it's a priority. Developer. felixfbecker Doesn't work for multiple statements that need to be mergeable. That said, order/limit with includes is maybe a higher one? privacy statement. on my list: #3495 https://github.com/sequelize/sequelize/issues/3495 From a theoratical point of view, prepare statements would prepare the access plans awaiting the parameters to be passed in, hence shouldn't be slow, as compared to javascript escaping the queries. If you need more details about the query composition, you may look through the query object as well. Preparing the statement of course costs a bit time but the following executions will be faster because the SQL does not need to be parsed anymore. Prepare statement is a solution that attacks the fundaments in a very common sense way. We need a syntax we can use for both mysql and postgres, that doesn't need index or naming (postgres needs indexes). How can I remove a specific item from an array? Why don't math grad schools in the U.S. use entrance exams? I also want to point out here that in Postgres you actually need to name a prepared statement to get it reused each time, which is not the case in mysql. It's simply just a massive refactor when it's not built-in from the ground up. Description PREPARE creates a prepared statement. Object.keys() reports keys in the order they are defined, maybe some sorting needs to be done here. Of course it could rely on the user to explicitly call unprepare when the statement is no longer needed, but I doubt that. application and the database. How to create a table field with Multipolygon datatype in sequelize, Sequelize - How to create multiple records in one seed file, How to get given value to create method of Sequelize in a hook, How to create stored procedures on sequelize. @mickhansen I was only trying to say that prepared statements without bound parameters don't scale very high. @efuquen Your comment was appreciated while highly negative and doesn't really seem to take into account the resources needed to run a project of sort-of-decent size - But i've put investigating the effort needed to implement this for postgres, sqlite, mysql and mssql on my list: https://github.com/sequelize/sequelize/issues/3495 and am hopefully able to do a review soon. I am confident that the current implementation, when behind a service/api layer (as it is for me) and with sane service implementation is secure. For what it's worth, I think that prepared statements support could be The biggest issue is where statements, they can be deeply nested and we'd need some way to pass around the query aswell as the values. Not to mention the overhead to escape things and so on. It will be the same for the same query. Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. http://pekim.github.io/tedious/parameters.html for reference. How to use Sequelize create with nested objects and relations. The sequelize.query() method is a function that allows you to write and run a raw SQL query. Perfect. I've seen a lot of people using prepared statements incorrectly exposing SQL injections, and there are lots of services in production using node+mysql not vulnerable to SQL injections ( npm-www, for example is using node-mysql afaik ), It's definitely easier to make mistake in driver's implementation of escape/interpolation of parameters but thus far there are no known problems. Currently there's an issue since it maps sql.values to replacements, IIRC replacements use our own code and bind uses the native library. A major benefit for using ORMs is that they make use of prepared statements, which is a technique to escape input in order to prevent SQL injection vulnerabilities. I get this is an open source project and if I really needed this I could submit a PR myself (which I don't, since I'm not using sequelize). In turn, MySQL returns the data to the client using textual protocol. A good example of bind parameter syntax is pg-promise. I think this problem happens only for the following dialect (s): mysql. Thats quite rock solid. The main gist here is that you are passing a 'template' to the server first and then you are passing the parameters to be used within the template separately. Is there any defacto standard on this though? supports (1), you would only get the benefit of prepared statements if you Ideally, this is where parameters would be sent instead of part of the query. Let's not get too hung up on prepared statements atm and focus on getting the underlying stuff right so we can atleast rely on bind parameters rather than our own escaping. Is the same true when using Sequelize Models? Prior MySQL version 4.1, a query is sent to the MySQL server in the textual format. In order to quote correctly one has to know all about how the sql server parses the sql, and when and where it reacts in whatever way to any quoted or escaped data. Googling around it looks like perhaps Oracle still works this way. How to make pg_dump generate upsert statements in Postgres 9.5; How to create temp table in node.js by use Sequelize and Postgres; How to use prepared statements with Postgres; How to prevent Sequelize from inserting NULL for primary keys with Postgres; How to return data as JSON in . execute the same query (excluding parameters) multiple times in the same The attribute can also be an object from one of the sequelize utility functions (sequelize.fn, sequelize.col etc. @felixfbecker No ideally we want to use native binding for everything going forward. Imagine that for each query, the prepared statement need to be sent and I used the following code. How to create a Sequelize cli db migration after changes to the model, How to create join table with foreign keys with sequelize or sequelize-cli, How to create temp table in node.js by use Sequelize and Postgres, How to create a new Sequelize dialect, for example DB2, How to Create a table in Sequelize to store in Postgressql with NodeJS, How to return only specific attributes when using Sequelize Create method, How to create mysql database with sequelize (nodejs). @mickhansen I was thinking about work-arounds that wouldn't require mass refactoring. Were on a mission to publish practical and helpful content every week. session". Or is it possible to pick these parameters out of raw statement before executing ? )For string attributes, use the regular { where: { attr . There is discussion above about whether or not this would affect performance at all. I see the theoretical security benefit, but not much other than that. I was simply throwing my voice in so as to voice support for prioritizing this whenever and however possible. A way of specifying attr = condition. Copyright 2022 www.appsloveworld.com. which prepared statenents wouldn't have done much again. Instead of saving the whole query with placeholders, I save an array of string parts (which is what is given to a tagged template string. It's so built-in you hardly notice it's there. First is it possible, I think it should be as they're safer than raw queries and prevent sql injection. How do planetarium apps and software calculate positions? In fact in the case I mentioned they gave a false sense of security because someone didn't follow procedure. @mickhansen sorry I didn't look This is awesome, it will work already with values and you can specify bind as a boolean instead of changing the syntax. There may be some benefit from Postgres but they're a bit vague on the details. Probably non Graphql users as well bc include where statements are usually only a small part of database interaction. It's also common to have '$' appear in mssql system column names (such as __$start_lsn used in change data capture) so using simply '$' as a delimiter was not a good decision IMO. @mickhansen As the original poster of this issue, I never thought it would see this much continued activity. Node.js version: 16.13.2. Using bind parameter should be more secure than quoting and embedding in the sql. So, you are emulating a prepared statement. How to divide an unsigned 8-bit integer by 3 without divide or multiply instructions (or lookup tables). Escaping would then happen when processing bind params. By clicking Sign up for GitHub, you agree to our terms of service and But they aren't utilized when using standard Model methods? First of all let me say that I am completely behind mick on this one. That's right, but remember sequelize is an ORM and not a DB driver. As for performance benefits, i'm still actively looking for some same prepared statement can be used by multiple connections. Is the inverted v, a stressed form of schwa and only occurring in stressed syllables? preparation and you save some (probably neglectable) bandwidth between the But we still need to firgure out how to pass values and query around. It's still a priority for us but this change is more a bottom-up refactor This tutorial shows you how to enable logging in Sequelize for individual SQL queries. How to check whether a string contains a substring in JavaScript? We use node-mysql though, plus we have support for sqlite and postgres aswell. I would like to reopen the issue as a security concern for queries being run against the server. Prepared statements are using the so called binary protocol. I think @fweimer is referring to using something like req.body in where. I think the message about priorities has been communicated clearly. But as i said, i see your point ;) In any case the server is most likely implemented "better" than any framework. PreparedStatement allows us to execute dynamic queries with parameter inputs. @janmeier, the structural alteration of the query happens before sequelize is called, in application code. According to https://github.com/sequelize/sequelize/issues/998, the issue of prepared statements and parameter binding through the native mysql driver was considered and rejected previously. The security benefits are well documented, personally I would think that would trump most if not all other issues outside of bugs breaking basic functionality. But idea is that our most of queries always looks the same but have only different values (to bind) thus making them reusable. The logging option accepts a logging function that receives the generated SQL statement. To truly protect yourself, you need to do more. You can learn more about sequelize.query() method here. I believe we already have a solution in place for cross dialect replacements. https://github.com/brianc/node-postgres/wiki/Prepared-Statements) supports @felixfbecker sql/values is what's expected here: https://github.com/sequelize/sequelize/blob/master/lib/sequelize.js#L546 actually, so yeah i'm fine with that. Please By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. I see https://github.com/yang/rel not sure on its quality, doesn't seem very active. That is, if the thing that you were intending to do has changed so much after the parameters have been passed in, the third party must have passed in something that changed what you have intended. The justifications are in the original issue i believe, one of them being that the drivers didn't support it - Not sure if that is the case anymore? Is anyone else bothered by the fact that using a single '$' as a bind parameter delimiter causes great potential for false positives? Well, for a first implementation in PG we could just use parameterized queries without PREPARE, which is more secure and has the same performance as a normal query. . How callbacks are written in squelize nodejs? I also noticed that it looks like Sequelize has migrated to MySQL2 which supports bound parameters but according to the documentation for the latest release of v3, MySQL prepared statements are still not supported. How to create a Sequelize model instance, without saving it in the database? To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. Again, you are doing great work with sequelize. Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub How to increase photo file size without resizing? @janmeier That doesn't fix the security issue, say you do: req.body.id should be a number with a good actor, but a bad actor could send {$gt: 0} as the id body parameter and load more than he's supposed to. What to throw money at when trying to level up your biking from an older, generic bicycle? How to use Sequelize ORM Raw queries (Inline or already prepared SQL queries) in Moleculer.js, how do i create a record in sequelize with associations. You may need to remove this prefix if you only want the raw SQL query. If this is still an issue, just leave a comment . A prepared statement is done by sending the "prepare" sql statement, and can then be used (on that connection) as often as needed. In queries will become a problem since they need to formatted differently that other types of arrays. Though general escaping would reduce such possibilities to near zero. This works for me, since I invented my own binding syntax @ which I subsequently replace with $param. @felixfbecker node-mysql2 use a hashing technique to save the queries, I wan't aware about pg, May be we can use the any lru library for this. Summary: in this tutorial, you will learn how to use MySQL prepared statement to make your queries execute faster and more secure.. Introduction to MySQL prepared statement. Understand that could be a significant overhaul, though so called binary protocol SQL query you up... Security benefits by natting a a network that 's right, but not much other than.. Very common sense way passed around explicitely, I 'm still actively looking for some prepared... File size without resizing Bug Description SSCCE as for performance I doubt there is much to.. Subsequently replace with $ param with references or personal experience be done here message about has! 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