The concept and understanding of the assistant in the classroom can vary between the following two extremes: 1. The problem arises when this happens as a coincidence rather than a considered intervention. Lets break it down. and Conditions. Teaching assistants in the research noted that they could not recall a single conversation with teachers about what was expected of them in terms of managing behaviour. Schools and senior leaders need to think explicitly about what role they want teaching assistants to take in managing behaviour in their school and ensure that policy, training and the schools ethos give a consistent message to teaching assistants.Teachers couldFind some consistent way of communicating expectations for behaviour management with the teaching assistants they work with.Address key issues of teaching assistants place in managing behaviour. The article concluded by saying that the teacher/TA partnership can only be effective if there is a positive working relationship between them, resolving any issues after the lesson rather than during it. I overcame this by reassuring them and advising them to have a positive attitude and . Thats why having conversations with all staff around identity and behaviour management is key. But for many TAs, they remain underutilised in the classroom because teaching staff are sometimes how sure to best deploy their skills and abilities. Check the wording in their behaviour policy. >Articles on behaviourmanagement The voices of teaching assistants (are we value for money?). One of the best ways to come up with behavioural interview questions is to talk to teachers about real, unique challenges they have experienced and then turn them into some type of interview question. What stops teaching assistants managing behaviour?Teaching assistants who participated in my research wanted to manage behaviour and specifically wanted to support the teacher in doing so, but found themselves in the frustrating position of being passive bystanders. School teaching assistant stressful job role. If we focus on helping all staff to form positive relationships and to adapt behaviour approaches for different circumstances, we create a system in which, when the routines and boundaries are broken, staff still have the skills and confidence to engage our young people in their learning, no matter who they are. Teaching assistants will work alongside teachers and other professionals to provide additional support identified within the plan. International Journal of Emotional Education 1(2), pp71-90.Clarke (2018). All of them are extremely practical. Alas, the task often falls to the least-paid and least-supported members of staff: teaching assistants (otherwise known as classroom assistants or pupil support assistants in Scotland). Copyright 2022 Tes Global Ltd is registered in England (Company No 02017289) with its registered office at 26 Red Lion Square London WC1R 4HQ. Teachers, TAs and all support staff should be included in this process. This is personal power. Schools Achieving Success.Department for Education and Skills (2003). Abigail Joachin (article author and an active higher-level teaching assistant) suggests that the teaching assistant (TA) sits quietly at the back of the classroom; particularly at the beginning of the lesson. And so on. 6 small language tweaks to help manage behaviour. What are the reward and consequence systems? Communication must take place at all levels: a) Role within the school. Dealing with challenging behaviour from special educational need pupils while supporting learning. He has nearly 30 years' teaching experience including seven years at headteacher level. Are teaching assistants expected to take a full, active and equal role in managing behaviour? Teaching assistants and pupils academic and social engagement in mainstream schools. More often than not, the pupil ends up, again, with a member of non-teaching staff (or otherwise a member of the senior leadership team, who is also juggling meetings and other responsibilities). Should teaching assistants only manage the behaviour of the children they are deployed with? Department for Education and Skills (2003). It is essential that schools provide appropriate evaluations to identify students and provide services under both special education and Section 504. Who is responsible for the TAs professional development? It is this aspect of deployment of teaching assistants with children who may exhibit difficulties in behaviour that requires discussion and specific consideration.Research suggests that teaching assistants see managing behaviour as a vital aspect of their role and that they can have a positive impact on childrens behaviour (Cajkler & Tennant, 2009; DfE, 2013, 2016). Houssart & Croucher (2013). It involved teachers working in close conjunction with their teaching assistants (TAs), who can then make a positive contribution to the learning environment. Intervention programmes in mathematics and literacy: Teaching assistants perceptions of their training and support. The pupil(s) in question will quickly realise that ignoring the classroom assistants silent intervention could bring unwelcome intervention by the teacher. Findings from a range of research also highlights the positive impact teaching assistants can have on childrens behaviour and motivation, as well as the emotional support they can provide both children and teachers (Blatchford et al, 2012; Johnson, 2010; Sharples et al, 2015).The DfE amended its advice on behaviour and discipline stating in 2013 that teaching assistants have the power to discipline. An empathetic teaching assistant can gently remove the child from the classroom and tackle the problem outside the learning environment, before it escalates into a mini drama. Ask to shadow or observe other teaching assistants or teachers to support the development of their behaviour management skills. It ensures that all members of staff are following a similar approach and also provides guidance and structure for the pupil. Scripts. Set challenging and demanding expectations and promote self-esteem and independence . Demystify behaviour management. This led to them feeling excluded, and that they were not supporting the children or teachers in the way in which they wanted. This post has been updated as of December 2017. Pupil behaviour in schools in England. Is there time available for teaching assistants to talk to class teachers to share specific incidents of behaviour and discuss strategies for managing subsequent issues, or to discuss general classroom behaviour management?Check the wording in their behaviour policy. Teaching assistants in my research called for schools to value their contributions and include them in relation to managing behaviour. Schools couldEnsure that teaching assistants are included in whole-school decisions on behaviour in a meaningful way. Behaviour in the classroom is managed by two adults, who seem to have an uncanny understanding of each other. A policy can look good on paper but, if it doesnt work for the people on the ground, there is no point in implementing it. Consider how teaching assistants are deployed. Dealing with challenging behaviour in the classroom is one of the most difficult aspects of teaching and sadly the one that causes the most anxiety in teachers. In doing that you are holding a mirror to their behaviour and helping them label and understand their feelings. Department for Education (2012). Educational Endowment Foundation: 4. Teaching assistants in the research noted that they could not recall a single conversation with teachers about what was expected of them in terms of managing behaviour. Are terms such as staff used, which includes teaching assistants, or only teachers? Teaching assistants should also be included in any specific behaviour training provided.Consider how teaching assistants are deployed. Is there time available for teaching assistants to talk to class teachers to share specific incidents of behaviour and discuss strategies for managing subsequent issues, or to discuss general classroom behaviour management? This open dialogue with discussion and clarification, or negotiation of the roles of teachers and teaching assistants in managing behaviour, aims to stop teaching assistants feeling awkward and uncomfortable if they manage behaviour. In addition, it is vital that these procedures are accompanied by behaviour management training. Raising Standards and Tackling Workload Implementing the National Agreement. We need to find a way that works for every member of staff. The pupils eat with people they have strong relationships with, supported by non-teaching catering staff. A generic job description and person specification for all support staff within the school should be available, and this can then be 'individualised' for the specific role the assistant will be undertaking. There can be several reasons why a student misbehaves, and a range of strategies to deal with the behaviour. Children then can see that the TA has some authority too. Teachers cant have their eyes everywhere and pupils are experts at hiding unacceptable behaviour in the class. When dealing with challenging behaviour it is essential to assess and manage risks to your own and others safety. Institute of Leadership & Management (ILM), Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL), Hospitality, Catering and Event Management, All Veterinary Science and Animal Care Qualifications. If the policy details rewards and sanctions, are these accessible for teaching assistants and can they implement them in class/groups/individually, or do they need to refer to the class teacher?Can a teaching assistant refer-up behaviour issues to the senior leaders or do they have to refer it to a class teacher?Teaching assistants in my research called for schools to value their contributions and include them in relation to managing behaviour. The teacher and teaching assistant relationship, when working well, provides the pupils with a rich working environment. Behaviour and Discipline in Schools: Advice for Headteachers and school staff: & Rose (2005). Although the notion of place sounds pejorative, teaching assistants lack of understanding of their place in the classroom was associated with a lack of clarity in what their role was and, as a result, what the expectations of them were. As a newly appointed member of staff, many assistants would choose not to cause problems or upset relationships by asking for a clear and relevant job description and for planning/meeting time on the timetable. Research suggests that teaching assistants see managing behaviour as a vital aspect of their role and that they can have a positive impact on childrens behaviour (Cajkler & Tennant, 2009; DfE, 2013, 2016). According to ALAs Digital Literacy Task Force, it is defined as the ability to use information and communication technologies to find, evaluate, create, and communicate information, requiring both cognitive and technical skills. These abilities are required to survive, learn, and work in a society Resources for teachers, parents, and students to help deal with stress and changes during the pandemic, Discover the importance of social-emotional learning and activities to promote empathy in the classroom, Best practices for resiliency and self-care for teachers, Strategies and tools to implement the trauma-informed approach in classrooms and schools, Cultivating Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, Resources to help build an equitable classroom environment where diversity and inclusion is appreciated, Learn the best ways of adapting technology to be useful in your classroom environment, Strategies, tips, and teaching concepts to help teachers succeed in the classroom, Insightful content to help you design the ultimate curriculum for on-campus and online teaching, The best ways to implement self-care and resilience that are relevant to teachers, Helpful content addressing the needs of higher education professionals for online teaching, The latest trends and challenges in education, Read the latest published articles on Resilient Educator, By Our Stonebridge Level 3Classroom Behaviour Coursegives many more tips and classroom behaviour management strategies. Equally difficult is the classroom assistant appointed to the job following a reply to an advert in the local newspaper, who finds him/herself in the classroom with little or no induction, training or even an introduction to the teacher. Teachers are often very good at sharing with teaching assistants how they want them to support children academically, but leave expectations associated with managing behaviour unspoken. The problem arises when this happens as a coincidence rather than a considered intervention. Sharples, Webster & Blatchford (2015). Research Report DFE-RR218. Teachers can't have their eyes everywhere and pupils are experts at hiding unacceptable behaviour in the class. Blatchford, Russell & Webster (2012). An established script is a useful tool when dealing with a pupil who is experiencing dysregulation. Make sure that consistent, excellent teaching practice underpins your plans to improve behavior For children with SEN this translates to work that is achievable, age appropriate and delivers satisfaction in 'a job well done'. Lack of routine: a lack of routine, often in the their home environment, can also create challenging behaviour. Contact with more teachers means even more opportunities to skill share. So, what might that look like? Should teaching assistants only manage the behaviour of the children they are deployed with? It could be a brief chat each week, day, or session, or it could be a communication book where notes, concerns or actions taken in relation to behaviour are kept. They do, after all, work with the same pupils. When devising or evaluating behaviour processes, all staff need to be included in the discussion and given space to contribute. Many schools also have an overwhelming perception that part of the teaching assistant role is supporting the management of behaviour, and that even when teaching assistants are used as support in the classroom more broadly, there is still an implicit expectation that they will keep pupils on task, remind them of class rules and so on (Groom & Rose, 2005). Describing students with disabilities as presenting 'challenging behaviour' is common in US schools. The main aim of any action taken by schools, teachers or teaching assistants should be to empower teaching assistants in managing behaviour. Who implements them? Journal of Research in Special Educational Needs, 5(1), pp20-30. Teaching assistants play a vital role in schools all over the country. It was the second day of school, and the 3rd graders were sitting in a circle on the floor, intrigued by the colorful manipulative rods I had just unveiled. Rather, teaching assistants stated they were left to work on assumption and common sense. TEACHING ASSISTANT Interview Questions and Answers - How To PASS a TEACHER Interview! * 80- 85 per day depending upon previous . Consequently, many assistants (and teachers!) Although there has been increased interest in recent years into the work of teaching assistants in classrooms, this has mostly focused on how they can support children academically (Blatchford, Russell & Webster, 2012; Sharples, Webster & Blatchford, 2015) rather than the development of other soft-skills such as managing behaviour. Teaching assistant dealing with Challenging Behaviour Remedy are looking to employee a teaching assistant who can assist with students with challenging behaviour based in Bromley, London. Once both teachers and teaching assistants have more clarity on each others role, issues of place and concerns over undermining teachers or crossing a line can be addressed. Prevention is always the best step, but of course its not always possible to stop every occurrence of poor behavior. For example, late bedtimes and not enough sleep, insufficient support, and no behavioural boundaries. Some of the new titles for support staff have increased or caused confusion and mystery for teachers, parents and pupils. So how do we support these kids while also preserving our own energy, stamina, and patience? SEND: Ideas to ensure inclusion in the classroom, Eight primary education resources for the new term, Safeguarding: School referrals drive sharp rise in children in need, Spring term strikes loom as education unions issue ballots for industrial action, Safeguarding: Funding injection to rescue children as young as nine from county lines gangs. This focus on teaching assistants measurable outcomes and emphasis on quantifying their contributions to schools does not take into account the broader social, emotional and behavioural support they can provide for children. Behaviors can also be influenced by an environment that is stressful or unhealthy, a major change or disruption in the family, or stresses experienced by the child, parents, or caregivers. Teaching assistants role in managing behaviour. Children often misbehave for attention, even if this attention is negative. As an unstructured period, this is often when some of the worst incidents occur. The need for digital literacy and tech instruction. And while some teachers are specially trained to handle special needs children who demand more time, some arent. This lack of clarity has stopped teaching assistants intervening and undertaking a key part of their role, which has resulted in a missed opportunity to provide support for children and teachers.What can schools, teachers & teaching assistants do?Findings from the research show that the teaching assistants who took part did not feel empowered to manage behaviour and as a result had to sit back and watch. In every behaviour classified as "challenging", there are three characteristics in common, which: impede the individual from learning, developing and succeeding. This material is protected by MA Education Limited copyright. For example, if a TA spots a pupil chewing gum, just the silent but deliberate provision of a bin solves the minor misdemeanour without any interruption in the teaching process. Adele Bates has been a teacher for 20 years. In many schools, lunchtime can be the most challenging time of day when it comes to managing behaviour. But we also need to get rid of the idea that only certain people within the school can really do behaviour management. This is for good reason. Of course, there are some TAs who take this in their stride. 1.1) The Impact of Challenging Behaviour. Educational Endowment Foundation. >Behaviourmanagement publications Top of the list in order to clarify the role of Teaching Assistant in your classroom must be a job description. Ofsted (2008) has also stated that, with their range of experiences, teaching assistants could engage successfully with disaffected students. Teaching assistants should also be included in any specific behaviour training provided. The main aim of any action taken by schools, teachers or teaching assistants should be to empower teaching assistants in managing behaviour. However, this isnt as simple as just including TAs in the whole-school Inset session about behaviour. Here are some strategies: Dealing with conflict in the classroom is never easy. and Conditions. Not only is a rewarding and flexible role, . Annoyingly (or brilliantly), there is no one approach to behaviour that will work in every school with every class and every pupil. As a teaching assistant, often, you'll be expected to work closely with the most challenging pupils - and dealing with children pushing boundaries, or displaying negative or extreme behaviour all day can take its toll! Although there must be many ways that such a cooperative combination can do this, just four classroom behaviour strategies were listed. It's also important to address the behaviour directly . Letting go of this idealised model creates room for us to work with whats actually happening in our context, now, with our pupils. Most schools deploy teaching assistants to support children academically and as a result teaching assistants largely work supporting children who have SEND (Blatchford et al, 2012; Sharples et al, 2015). learn the role whilst actually doing it, often by trial and error. Has your TA been provided with anywhere to store their resources and possessions? Challenging Behaviour - Teaching Assistant / Learning Mentor - SEMH School Are you ready to make a difference and support youths with Challenging Behaviour? Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Teaching License & Certification Information, The aim of these conversations is to encourage teachers to be explicit about how they would like teaching assistants to support them in managing behaviour. One of the best strategies for teaching in an environment like this is to learn methods that help to prevent the occurrence of behavioral issues. Address key issues of teaching assistants place in managing behaviour. Teaching assistants who participated in my research wanted to manage behaviour and specifically wanted to support the teacher in doing so, but found themselves in the frustrating position of being passive bystanders. About the author: Dave Stott is the author of Behaviour Matters. Yet a teaching assistant's role in encouraging appropriate behaviour is particularly critical. BotDetect CAPTCHA ASP.NET Form Validation, Black and female: Adultification, bias and racism, Searching, screening and confiscation: Dos and donts. Dave has worked in mainstream and special schools and Local Authority Behaviour Support Services, and is now a successful consultant and trainer. Effective differentiation is essential. Clarke (2018). Teaching Children with Challenging Behavior. Who manages the most challenging behaviour in your school? It will create a pattern where individuals believe they are ill-equipped to deal with challenging behaviour because they lack the gravitas or the personal touch, and so feel compelled to pass any behaviour issues on or up. Houssart & Croucher (2013). Linked to a pupil, experiencing difficulties in school, and faced with the prospect of trying to work with up to a dozen different teachers in a week, can be a daunting experience. Research in Education, 92(1), pp18-31. School Leadership and Management, 33(5), pp427-439. The SHARE Team, Campaign for Trauma-Informed Policy and Practice (CTIPP), Tips for Teachers and Classroom Resources, Teaching Strategies for Welcoming Elementary Students Back to School, Effective Teaching Strategies for Adolescent Literacy Teachers, 6 Strategies for Teaching Special Education Classes, Effective Teaching Strategies for Special Education, 5 Effective Strategies for English Teachers. If you fail to keep control of a class and enable the challenging behaviour from disruptive pupils to dictate, none of the other class members will be able to learn and you will be unable to teach in the way you were trained for. This was due to teaching assistants concerns that they would undermine the teacher by stepping in and was rooted in what they described as not knowing their place. Required fields are marked *. Apply to Teaching Assistant Challenging Behaviour jobs now hiring in Berkshire on, the worlds largest job site. posts which have appeared in schools over the last few years. These characters often keep their parents, instructors, friends, supporters, and other experts concerned. Teaching assistants are often left to handle the most challenging students with little help and no training. Our training equips teachers, teaching assistants and other staff working in educational environments with practical tools to manage challenging or disruptive behaviour. Reassessing the Impact of Teaching Assistants. School Leadership and Management, 33(5), pp427-439.Ofsted (2008). Or register to get 2 articles free per month. Will a pupil reach out to you during Anti-Bullying Week? Headteacher Update magazine is distributed free to approximately 20,000 primary school headteachers. Here are a few strategies to consider: Make sure that the classroom's structure and expectations are in place and reinforced regularly. Is zero tolerance harming mental health? Sample Answer: I think the best way to deal with difficult behaviour from students is by remaining calm and level-headed at all times. . Depending on the working environment of the TA, it is important that he/she is familiar with the working practices of all the teachers involved. Yes, we need to train and empower all members of staff. 9 Strategies to Handle Difficult Behaviors in Children. Helping students gain control of their emotions starts with getting to know them. Behaviour Teaching Assistant Remedy are looking to employee a teaching assistant who can assist with students with challenging behaviour based in South West London, Previous youth work experience is helpful when dealing with these students as they suffer with SEMH. This is not a sustainable approach to leading on behaviour. How do teaching assistants view their role in managing behaviour in relation to a whole-school behaviour policy and what are their points of tension in fulfilling this role? This could take the form of a longer chat at the beginning of the academic year or each term, setting out the general parameters of teaching assistants role. When staff try to emulate behaviour approaches or characteristics that arent their own, it usually doesnt work. When facing challenging behaviors, make an effort to reflect on the importance of structure, positive guidance, and clear, realistic limits. Time must be built into this for discussion, so that the underlying reasons for specific strategies can be discussed.ConclusionThe main aim of any action taken by schools, teachers or teaching assistants should be to empower teaching assistants in managing behaviour. The voices of teaching assistants (are we value for money?). Teaching Assistant Dealing with Challenging Behaviour - Hackney, Hackney: Teaching Assistant Dealing with Challenging Behaviour - Hackney ** ASAP START ** ** 80-85 a day ** ** Long term to permanent. Managing the children's behaviour and attitude can sometimes be a challenge. However, the Department for Education (2012) has previously highlighted a link between pupils identified as having SEND and higher levels of misbehaviour, as well as significantly higher rates of both fixed-term and permanent exclusions. 2. Challenging situations can be calmed and resolved at the lowest level before they escalate. 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