human intelligence sources

The subject of numerous movies, novels and TV shows, think James Bond, Homeland, or any John le Carre novel. Duncan J, Seitz JR, Kolodny J, et al. agents found . TMS induces transient changes in brain activity noninvasively. Narr et al53 studied a sample of 65 participants. Lee et al49 used an fMRI approach to investigate the neural bases of superior intelligence. van den Heuvel MP, Stam CJ, Kahn RS, Pol H. Efficiency of functional brain networks and intellectual performance. Biswall et al69 report findings obtained from 1414 participants from 35 laboratories. It is an effective drawing of perception, problem-solving, reasoning, memory, learning. The sample comprised 19 subjects and intelligence was measured by the Wechsler scales. But the current bill is unfit for purpose. What does a smart brain look like? Correlations between the BOLD signal obtained from the n-back task and intelligence were mainly concentrated in the right prefrontal and bilateral parietal cortices. Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) is based on the diffusion of water molecules in the brain and provides information about the size, orientation, and geometry of myelinated axons. Findings revealed a positive effect of COMT val allele load upon the BOLD signal in regions belonging to this brain network when items showing distinguishable cognitive complexity were compared. And this week: Classified Material on Human Intelligence Sources Helped Trigger Alarm. Furthermore, activations in BAs 7 and 40 (superior and intraparietal cortices) correlated with intelligence differences. Their revision was based mainly on fMRI evidence and these were the basic conclusions: (i) perception and action limitations are related to fronto-parietal brain networks; and (ii) working memory capacity limitations are associated to parieto-ccipital brain networks. No mentions of where it came from, where they are placed, or even a code name. Colom R, Haier RJ, Head K, et al. This is not a new capability; the Bill provides a clear legal basis for a longstanding tactic which is vital for national Conduct Authorisation (CCA). RC was partly supported by grant PSI2010-20364 from the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacin (Spain). These fluctuations are related across areas sharing functions and the correlations show up as an individual's functional connectome. The public understands the need for them, and the fact that at times such sources may even need to commit offences to maintain their cover joining a proscribed organisation is an obvious example. Intelligence was assessed by the Multidimensional Aptitude Battery, which provides measures of general intelligence, verbal (information, vocabulary, and arithmetic), and nonverbal intelligence (spatial and object assembly). These researchers found that brain regions in which the strength of the functional connectivity significantly correlated with intelligence scores were distributed in the frontal, parietal, occipital and limbic lobes. Facebook the conduct that is authorised. Muster: Comms Without Compromise for Military Recruiters and Recruits, Clandestine acquisition of photography, documents, and other material, Debriefing of foreign nationals and U.S. citizens who travel abroad, Official contacts with foreign governments. Of note, this study also showed: (i) more gray matter recruitment for the more cognitively complex tasks (= more highly g loaded); and (ii) the complex span task (backward digit span) showed more gray matter overlap with the general factor of intelligence than the simple span task (forward digit span, (Figure 5). Undercover operatives have saved countless lives, including by averting terrorist attacks. Of the 1,000 political groups spied on by undercover police officers since 1968, only a handful belonged to the extreme right. To provide the best experiences, we use technologies like cookies to store and/or access device information. F.B.I. The distributed nature of this network and its involvement in a wide range of cognitive functions fits well with the integrative nature of intelligence. These participants were compared with the 79 healthy controls and they showed extensive damage in the integrity of several white matter tracts: corpus callosum, uncinate fasciculus, optic radiation, and corticospinal tract. Covert Human Intelligence Sources. Others argue that virtually all new technologies throughout history have been initially feared, that the Internet gives voice to diverse populations and equal access to information for the benefit of social advancement, and that changing how the brain works and how we access and process information is not necessarily bad. Updates? Naghavi HR, Nyberg L. Common fronto-parietal activity in attention, memory, and consciousness: shared demands on integration? The demand for working memory varied across trials. the Brain Development Cooperative Group Positive association between cognitive ability and cortical thickness in a representative US sample of healthy 6 to 18 year-olds. comply with ECHR. Covert intelligence can be authorised to prevent disorder and to promote the interests of economic wellbeing of the UK as well as to protect national security. 2 Covert human intelligence sources: definitions and examples Definition of a covert human intelligence source (CHIS) 2.1 Under the 2000 Act, a person is a CHIS if: they establish or maintain a personal or other relationship with a person for the covert purpose of facilitating the doing of anything falling within paragraph 26(8)(b) or (c); One case alone is Haier RJ. Biswal BB, Mennes M, Zuo XM, et al. A HUMINT source is an individual who provides actionable intelligence to the HUMINT collector. These findings support an evolutionary conservation process of the structure and determinants of intelligence beyond humans. Theories of intelligence, as is the case with most scientific theories, have evolved through a succession of models. A neural basis for general intelligence. Intelligence as measured by (raw scores on) conventional standardized tests varies across the lifespan, and also across generations. These indices were correlated with intelligence scores obtained from the Wechsler scales. Colom R, Abad FJ, Quiroga MA, Shih PC, Flores-Mendoza C. Working memory and intelligence are highly related constructs, but why? HUMINT 'operators' are typically referred to as Intelligence Officers who use talent spotting, rapport building, and source recruitment to collect on information requirements. White matter integrity was found to be under significant genetic control in bilateral frontal, bilateral parietal, and left occipital lobes (values ranging from .55 to .85). Investigatory Powers Commissioner, who monitors the use and all crimes; a CCA will be detailed and specific about Twenty-three years later, David Cameron, then prime minister, apologised for. For the purposes of this article, the term interviewing is used in its broadest sense to include an intelligence interaction between a police source handler (the interviewer) and a CHIS who may have information of interest (the interviewee).The elicitation of intelligence (i.e. Wickett JC, Vernon PA, Lee DH. Gray matter and intelligence factors: Is there a neuro-g? Any authorisation for criminal conduct must be necessary and proportionate and compatible with obligations under the European Convention on Human Rights. Karama S, Ad-Dab'bagh Y, Haier RJ, et al. It covers such key matters as: what is meant by Covert Human Intelligence Sources * the legal framework * the UK's Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act 2000 (RIPA . Distributed brain sites for the g-factor of intelligence. Colom R, Abad FJ, Rebollo I, Shih PC. Kolata S, Wu J, Light K, Schachner M, Matzel LD. L'intelligence peut se dfinir comme une capacit mentale gnrale de raisonnement, de rsolution de problmes et d'apprentissage. Are momentous geopolitical changes about to happen in the world? What follows is a discussion of developments within these four areas. Sex differences in N-acetylaspartate correlates of general intelligence: an 1H-MRS study of normal human brain. Classified Material on Human Intelligence Sources Helped Trigger Alarm August 26, 2022 in News WASHINGTON They risk imprisonment or death stealing the secrets of their own governments. They found positive associations between cortical thickness and intelligence bilaterally in prefrontal BAs 10/11 and 47, as well as in posterior temporal BAs 36/37. Nothing that could possibly be used to identify the person in case that report is leaked. of these powers through inspections and publishes an This is a two-day classroom and street-based course, designed for staff who work in an environment where the recruitment and management of CHIS may be viable. The government appears to have been stirred to action by . Regardless of the use of exploratory (correlation) or confirmatory (experimental) approaches, we do agree with Kennedy79: as with more _eras', it is the underlying technology that makes the era possible [] new advances in acquisition, analysis, databasing, modeling, and sharing will continue to be necessary. This is especially true for analyzing human intelligence because this psychological factor is undoubtedly rooted in widely distributed regions in the brain. Human intelligence officers may also be responsible for overseeing psychological operations, which are designed to control, influence, predict, and understand persons and groups though communication and contact with these individuals. however, these activities must be integrated in some way for: (i) adapting our behavior to the environment; (ii) selecting the most appropriate contexts; or (iii) changing the world when adaptation and selection are not an option. The strongest effects were found in frontal and parietal regions. Cognitive neuroscience often relies on a correlation approach, whereas TMS allows studying (almost) causal brain-behavior relationships in higher cognitive functions.76,77 The study reported by Aleman and van't Wout78 exemplifies this approach using a working memory task (forward and backward digit span). Karama et al50 used an automated cortical thickness protocol (CIVET51) to analyze a large sample of children and adolescents representative of the population (N=216). Choi YY, Shamosh NA, Cho SH , et al. Moreover, the same measure can load differently on general and specific cognitive factors/abilities depending on the sample analyzed.19,20. preventing disorder, in the interests of the economic well-being of the UK, where conduct is part of efforts to prevent more serious criminality, where there are no other reasonable or practicable means by which the outcome could be achieved. Une nouvelle phase cl de la recherche commence s'intresser aux rapports entre les rseaux fonctionnels et les rseaux structuraux, en insistant sur la faon dont les diffrentes aires crbrales communiquent entre elles. Chiang et al63 have reported the first study combining a genetic informative design and a DTI approach for analyzing the relationships between white matter integrity and human intelligence. Read now. Intellectual ability and cortical development in children and adolescents. In contrast, the lateral parietal cortex might provide support to more specific processing goals. These results are consistent with the relevance of a network view for human intelligence. Follow Alex Hollings: Most of the AI solutions being utilized today keep humans involved in each task to ensure creativity, common sense and, in some cases, emotional intelligence remain central to decision-making. General mental ability in the world of work: occupational attainment and job performance. Gray matter could support information processing capacity, while white matter might support the efficient flow of information in the brain. Bouchard T. Genetic influence on human intelligence (Spearman's g): how much? Jung RE, Haier RJ. Regional glucose metabolic changes after learning a complex visuospatial/motor task: a positron emission tomographic study. Ce mme rseau est galement la base des fonctions cognitives lies la perception, la mmorisation court terme et au langage. Such adaptation may occur in a variety of settings: a student in school learns the material he needs to know in order to do well in a course; a physician treating a patient with unfamiliar symptoms learns about the underlying disease; or an artist reworks a painting to convey a more coherent impression. McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada; The MIND Research Network, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA; University of California, Irvine, California, USA; Gottfredson L. Intelligence: is it the epidemiologists' elusive fundamental cause of social class inequalities in health? Chiang M, Barysheva M, Shattuck DW, et al. Twenty-two participants, genotyped for the COMT val158met polymorphism, performed verbal and spatial fluid intelligence (Gf) items, classified according to their cognitive complexity, as estimated from the loadings on g (see ref 57). October 14, 2021. The distributed neural system for general intelligence revealed by lesion mapping. Intelligence is the ability to learn from experience and to adapt to, shape, and select environments. Between 2017-19, HMRC CHIS have prevented hundreds of millions of pounds of tax loss. In Chamorro-Premuzic T, Furnham A, von Stumm S, eds. Cognitive functions correlate with white matter architecture in a normal pediatric population: a diffusion tensor MRI study. Using fMRI, the bilateral dorsolateral prefrontal cortices were the seed regions for investigating the correlations across subjects between individual intelligence scores and the strength of the functional connectivity between the seed regions and the remaining brain regions. All Covert Human Intelligence Sources (CHIS) are authorised under Section 29 of the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act 2000 (RIPA). Nar KL, Woods RP, Thompson PM. : The 'unlovely' Face of Police Work. Se est iniciando una nueva fase clave de la investigatin para estudiar cmo se relacionan las redes funcionales con las redes estructurales, con un nfasis en cmo las reas cerebrales dispersas se comunican unas con otras. Beyond these specific studies, the so-called connectome project deserves close attention.69 There is strong agreement regarding the fact that the human brain comprises a wide variety of functional systems. Giftedness has been also investigated with related findings. In the last year, CHIS operations by Metropolitan police have led to 3500 arrests, recovery of over 100 firearms and 400 other weapons, seizure of over 400 kg of Class A drugs, and over 2.5m cash. The technical storage or access that is used exclusively for anonymous statistical purposes. Further, common genetic factors mediated the correlation between intelligence and white matter integrity which suggests a common physiological mechanism and common genetic determination. Where we have identified any third party copyright information you will need to obtain permission from the copyright holders concerned. already built in. The role of a CHIS is very similar to that of a confidential informant the biggest difference being that human sources in the UK are managed only by dedicated officers in dedicated units. The argument is that otherwise criminals will be able to test those they suspect with a checklist, as if they might not already sound them out. Haier RJ, Siegel BV, MacLachlan A, Soderling E, Lottenberg S, Buschsbaum MS. Furthermore, intelligence differences were not related to the level of local information processing (local neighborhood clustering) and to the total number of functional connections of the brain network. There is strong evidence for a factor representing general intelligence (g) located at the apex of the hierarchy (stratum III). Toward discovery science of human brain function. To view this licence, visit or write to the Information Policy Team, The National Archives, Kew, London TW9 4DU, or email: This provides for much greater efficiency and safety for . This result suggests that the COMT val158met polymorphism impacts on the neural network supporting fluid intelligence. Pascual-Leone A, Bartres-Faz D, Keenan JP. This code is issued pursuant to Section 24 of RIP(S)A, which stipulates that the The exact combination of these ingredients for the analyzed sample must be computed before saying something clear about the measured performance. HUMINT thrives on that fact, using purpose-driven transfers of information involving human sources. Whether the Internet is lowering human intelligence and "making us stupid" is widely debated. This publication is available at through first or second hand knowledge. 10 in our view, the integration of cognitive functions and abilities is dependent on the very general mental ability For example, in a 1921 symposium the American psychologists Lewis Terman and Edward L. Thorndike differed over the definition of intelligence, Terman stressing the ability to think abstractly and Thorndike emphasizing learning and the ability to give good responses to questions. Intelligence can be defined as a general mental ability for reasoning, problem solving, and learning. Functional connections of this brain network were analyzed computing correlations among the spontaneous signals of different brain regions during rest. The report concludes that these results resolve a 169-year-old debate: it is clear that intelligence and brain volumes are positively related. Eighteen gifted and 18 nongifted adolescents were analyzed. From this perspective, Li et al64 reported a study testing the hypothesis that high levels of intelligence involve more efficient information transfer in the brain.21,65,66 Studying a sample of 79 participants, brain anatomical networks were constructed by means of diffusion tensor tractography. J. But the risk that they will go much further than they should, and act for much less reason than they claim, is not merely hypothetical, as Mr Finucanes family can attest. Des tudes de neuro-imagerie structurale et fonctionnelle sont dans l'ensemble en faveur d'un rseau frontoparital pour l'intelligence. To help us improve GOV.UK, wed like to know more about your visit today. Colom R, Rebollo I, Palacios A, Juan-Espinosa M, Kyllonen PC. Their regression model explained 50% of the variance in IQ scores. Citation: Artificial intelligence shows potential for accurate assessment of nailfold changes in systemic sclerosis patients (2022, November 8) retrieved 8 November 2022 from https://medicalxpress . Officers in the Human Intelligence Career Field perform a wide variety of functions to execute and support the mission, including overt and clandestine collection of intelligence across a spectrum of sources and methods, management of the collection and reporting cycle, and direct intelligence support to collectors and collection operations. Human Intelligence. A key question in a number of court cases is whether a speaker on an audio recording is a particular known speaker, e.g., whether a speaker on a recording of an intercepted telephone call is the . Put very simply, Americas Central Intelligence Agency defines HUMINT (or Human Intelligence) as any information that can be gathered from human sources. That may seem all encompassing, but theres actually a great deal of specificity in that short definition. Even if these problems were fixed, however, the failure to draw a red line for agents would still render this bill unfit for purpose. The use of personal sources (especially secret agents) also . HUMINT involves collecting information through a variety of conversational techniques, in a wide variety of circumstances. Its intent is not to provide a how-to guide, but enough explanation of the process to understand the . Gray J, Chabris, C, Braver, T. Neural mechanisms of general fluid intelligence. As evident from above, when researchers state that they are measuring intelligence by means of the Standard Progressive Matrices Test (SPM - as another example) they are telling an imprecise story because the SPM measures g plus spatial and reasoning abilities plus SPM specificity. Matzel LD, Kolata S. Selective attention, working memory, and animal intelligence. Haier RJ. Frontal, parietal, temporal, and occipital areas are depicted in Figure 4. degrading treatment or punishment; All investigatory powers are overseen by the independent The sample was divided between average and high intelligence according to scores on the Wechsler scales. So can the women who were raped by the state, in the words of one of those deceived into a relationship by a spy cop posing as an activist. J. Lee KH, Choi YY, Gray JR, et al. Because of its general nature, intelligence integrates cognitive functions such as perception, attention, memory, language, or planning. That is true, we can communicate easily, we can code, we dance, we cry, we solve mathematical problems, and many more. Please select which sections you would like to print: Is the Internet lowering human intelligence and "making us stupid"? Schmidt F, Hunter J. Results showed that: (i) participants scoring higher on the Progressive Matrices Test (a measure related to fluid g - Gf) were more accurate in the 3-back task; and (ii) only lateral prefrontal and parietal regions mediated the correlation between Gf and 3-back performance. Introduction Late 2018 saw the use of juveniles as informers (more properly known as Covert Human Intelligence Sources (CHIS)) become a political issue. The ePub format is best viewed in the iBooks reader. jurisdiction to investigate and determine complaints Roberto Colom, PhD, Sherif Karama, MD, [], and Richard J. Haier, PhD. McDaniel MA. However, these activities must be integrated in some way for: (i) adapting our behavior to the environment; (ii) selecting the most appropriate contexts; or (iii) changing the world when adaptation and selection are not an option.10 In our view, the integration of cognitive functions and abilities is dependent on the very general mental ability we call general intelligence or g for short. Consider too the extraordinary breadth of the bill, which covers not only MI5 and the police, but HMRC and even the Food Standards Agency. The truth is, however, HUMINT is a fundamental building block of any national defense strategy, and in many ways, is the oldest and longest standing form of espionage. Their identities are among the most closely protected information inside American intelligence and law enforcement agencies. Relationships between factors of intelligence and brain volume. 1. Abilities reflect observable differences in individuals' performance on certain tests or tasks. HMRC. White matter structure was studied using fractional anisotropy (FA) and mean diffusivity (MD) indices. Transcranial magnetic stimulation: studying the brain-behaviour relationship by induction of 'virtual lesions'. Song et al67 analyzed 59 adults for studying the relationships between spontaneous brain activity at rest and individual differences in intelligence. After their extensive survey, Snyderman and Rothman7 underscored reasoning, problem solving, and learning as crucial for intelligence. Consenting to these technologies will allow us to process data such as browsing behavior or unique IDs on this site. This is why Generation Kills remains the best view of modern war, The 5 strangest pieces of Russian equipment found in Ukraine. human intelligence, mental quality that consists of the abilities to learn from experience, adapt to new situations, understand and handle abstract concepts, and use knowledge to manipulate ones environment. In Corbetta M, ed. Human intelligence sources included in classifications of documents sought from Trump. Genetics of brain fiber architecture and intellectual performance. Carroll JB. Toga AW, Thompson PM. Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article (requires login). These results were interpreted after the theory proposed by Cowan,46 namely that parietal regions support capacity limitations, whereas frontal areas underlie the control of attention.. For more on the debate about whether the Internet is "making us stupid," visit Dozens of agents have vanished but intelligence chiefs would far rather blame it on tech wizardry than plain treachery. On the basis of their scores on the Wechsler scales, 79 participants were divided in two groups: average and high intelligence. The positive manifold (eg, scores on cognitive tasks of various kinds are positively correlated) found in humans also applied to mice, Storage and processing components of working memory accounted for the strong relationship between this cognitive function and. De acuerdo con esta definitin la inteligencia se puede medir confiablemente mediante pruebas estandarizadas en que los puntajes obtenidos predicen algunas repercusiones sociales generales como xito educacional, rendimiento laboral, salud y longevidad. Haier RJ, Benbow CP. Neubauer AC, Fink A. Human intelligence (HUMINT) represents the oldest and most elemental form of intelligence activity. is entirely independent from the Government and public Factor analytic surveys reveal two main findings: (i) the g factor constitutes more than half of the total common factor variance in a cognitive test or task in samples representative of the population; and (ii) various specific cognitive abilities can be identified, including the cognitive domains of language, memory, and learning, visual perception, information processing, knowledge and so forth, indicating certain generalizations of abilities; actually, there are more than 60 specific or narrow abilities. Human Intelligence ( HUMINT ), is a type of intelligence obtained from data gathered and supplied by human resources. Glscher et al28 investigated the neural substrates of g in 241 patients with focal brain damage, using voxel-based lesion-symptom mapping. Dada su naturaleza general, la inteligencia integra funciones cognitivas como perceptin, atencin, memoria, lenguaje o planificatin. These differences: (i) become more salient as the cognitive complexity of the situation becomes greater1-3; (ii) are stable over time4; and (iii) are partially mediated by genetic factors.5, Various definitions of intelligence tend to converge around similar notions designed to capture the essence of this psychological factor. It does this by producing changes in a magnetic field that, in turn, evoke electric currents in the brain which promote depolarization of cellular membranes. Nevertheless, note that the Geschwind area (underlying the angular gyrus) within the arcuate fasciculus may be even more important than the entire track.36. The design matrix in this study controlled for sex, but when total gray matter was controlled for instead of sex, significant correlations were concentrated in frontal and parietal areas only (Figure 6):superior, middle, and frontal gyrus, along with the postcentral gyrus and the superior parietal lobule. Gray J, Thompson PM. La nature multifocale de ce rseau et son implication dans de nombreuses fonctions cognitives cadre bien avec la dmarche d'ensemble de l'intelligence. Some documents retrieved from Trump in January included material marked "HCS," for Human Intelligence Control System. Is a discussion of developments within these four areas naturaleza general, mmorisation. Using voxel-based lesion-symptom mapping ' performance on certain tests or tasks ) conventional standardized tests varies across the,. Government appears to have been stirred to action by ePub format is best viewed in the prefrontal!, Wu J, Chabris, C, Braver, T. neural mechanisms of intelligence! 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