nativists in the 1840s believed that immigrants

the key idea in the excerpt is that grady believes, the civil war damaged the southern economy, which of the following best demonstrates a change or condition that reflected grady's hopes for the south, railroads, textile mills, and steel factories developed. States where the margin of victory was under 1%: States where the margin of victory was under 5%: States where the margin of victory was under 10%: Polk's election confirmed that Manifest Destiny had majority support in the electorate despite Whig opposition. explain how one reason for or against the war of 1812 played a major role in US politics and policies after the war, one reason for the war, western americans' desire for more land on the frontier, caused the indians to be forced to surrender land to white settlement after the war bc they were abandoned by the british, the development of commercial farming in the old NW contributed to increases in, the description of "a system of railroads and cheap transport already begins to supply the seaboard cities with some fruits of the fertile west" expresses which of the following visious of the united states, explain one historical event or development in the period 1820-1860 that influenced the westward movement from the states along the atlantic coast, building of canals and railroads that established common markets between the west and the east coast (railroads were critical for carrying passengers and freight starting 1830s, and eerie canal), explain one specific factor 1820-1860 that resulted in the rapid population growth of cities on Atlantic coast. john pory's letter to sir dudley carleton abt virginia illistrates what vision for VA? At least 39 gang members from 20 crews in the borough attended the peace treaty conference, now known as the Hoe Avenue Peace Meeting, and eventually led to a general truce in street violence across the entire borough. The Hammett Letter utterly failed to reassure Middle and Deep South extremists who had responded favorably to Calhoun's Pakenham Letter. "These kids operate off of emotion, and if someone in their group gets shot it's eye for an eye," New York gang expert Ron Barrett explained of the gangs of today. The Know-Nothings were based primarily in, The advantage clipper ships had over traditional merchant vessels was their. (chief red cloud, p 363), migrants and natives were clashing over tribal lands, which of the following best explains the relationship of the united states govt and native american tribes before 1871, native americans had no legal status and were treated like foreigners, one major difference between marshall's and cozzen's interpretations of the indian wars 1856-1898, one difference is that marshall says the cause of the indian wars was that the indians were meant to be nomadic and could not successfully settle on a small reservation, whereas cozzen says the cause was a clash between the dislocated natives and the westward-expanding settlers, the fed govt began assigning plains tribes defined tracts of land w boundaries at their Fort Laramie and Fort Atkinson councils in 1851. most tirbes refused to be restricted in their movements and continued to follow the buffalo, which led to the fighting and conflict w us army, afte siouxwarthefed govt put plains indians on smaller reservations w govt support, but gold miners continued to encroach onto indian land if gold was found in them (example is dakota's black hills), wwhich led to a new round of conflicts in 1870s, one specific effect on american culture or character that historian frederick jackson turner attributed to the frontier experience, turner said 300 years of frontier experience had brought individualism to american culture, one effect of the closing of the frontier on american society or economy, bc there was no more west to expand into, the americans began moving instead from rural to urban areas in 1890s, to take advantage of opportunity in industry, one additional factor shaped american culture or character 1865-1898. with closing of frontier era, americans became more concerned about loss of public lands. they were motivated by their religious beliefs, one specific historical development or circumstance that led to the increase in african american enslaved population 1660-1780, increased demand for enslaved africans bc of reduced supply of immigrants from england (bc of increases of wages in england), dependable workforce (plantation owners disturbed by political demands of small farmers and indentured servants and disorders of bacons rebellion), and low cost labor (rice and indigo became most profitable crops, and they required many inexpensive, unskilled field hands), one specific effort by british authorities during 17th and early 18th centures to increase the population levels of colonists, headright system - virginia offered 50 acres of land to each immigrant who paid for his own passage and to any plantation owner who paid for an immigrant's passage, one specific cause for periodic shortages of labor in the colonies 1660-1780, 1) increases in wages in enlgand reduced supply of immigrants to the colonies as laborers, increases in what contributed most to john locke's ideas about a govt consisting of free men, criticism of the idea of abolute monarchy, Locke's writings had the most direct influence on the, american revolution through his ideas on govt, explain how one specific ethnic group contributed to the development of culture and society in the colonies 1607 - 1754. Three members of the New York gang known as the Outlaw Makers stand in their clubhouse in the Bronx. In 1967, Touchstone ran unsuccessfully as a Democrat against Louisiana Education Superintendent Bill Dodd, who carried the support of party moderates, liberals, and African Americans. the significant population growth that Europe experienced as a result of the Columbian Exchange, starting in the 16th century. [34] In it, he characterized slavery as a social blessing and the acquisition of Texas as an emergency measure necessary to safeguard the "peculiar institution" in the United States. At the time Coughlin claimed that his organization had 5 million members, while Smith claimed that his organization had 3 million members. [109] His "Democratic-Republican Party", a recycling of the name of Jefferson's party,[110] held its convention on May 27, 1844, in Baltimore, Maryland, a short distance from the unfolding Democratic Party convention that would select James K. Polk as nominee. [44][45] With Secretary of State John C. Calhoun withdrawing his bid for the presidency in January 1844, the campaign was expected to focus on domestic issues. one specific example of how the spanish managed their american colonial empire during the 15th and 16th centuries: encomienda or spanish caste system are possible answers. He designated no vice-presidential running mate.[111]. Germans: settled mostly on farmlands in pennsylvania, became "penn dutch country." And if you liked this post, be sure to check out these popular posts: From Gangs of New York to The Godfather to The Warriors and beyond, almost every era of New York City gang life has gotten the silver screen treatment and cemented its place in the American imagination. Then, sam houston led a group of american setetlers to revolt and declare texas independent in 1836, so that they could make slavery legal again. An unidentified gang member shows off his jacket with "Peace Makers" written on the back during the Hoe Avenue peace meeting in December 1971. [37] Anti-slavery Whigs considered Texas annexation particularly egregious, since Mexico had outlawed slavery in Coahuila y Tejas in 1829, before Texas independence had been declared. Porter, Kirk H. and Donald Bruce Johnson, eds. one historical event or development 1774-1787 that supports Wood's interpretation. ", Freehling, 2008, p. 409-410: "Nothing would have made Northern Whigs tolerate the [Packenham] document, and Northern Democrats would have to be forced to swallow their distaste for the accord. Wilentz, 2008, p. 568: "the letters thrust was strongly annexation" but he included "a vague concession to the South", whereby mass support for annexation North and South might open the door to Texas statehood. Van Buren now urged that the northern majority must rule" the Democratic national party. Tom Cunningham/NY Daily News Archive via Getty Images. this shows that the union's goal in the war was not simply to abolish slavery, A major part of the Confederate strategy for winning independence was based on, winning recognition and support from great britain, which of the following describes a reason not mentioned by strong in the excerpt (p 311) that discouraged britain from recognizing the confederacy, opposition to slavery among the british working class. Anti-Catholicism was widespread in the 1920s; anti-Catholics, including the Ku Klux Klan, believed that Catholicism was incompatible with democracy and that parochial schools encouraged separatism and kept Catholics from becoming loyal Americans.The Catholics responded to such prejudices by repeatedly asserting their rights as American citizens and by Widmer, 2005, p.149: Van Buren stated "in no uncertain terms he was opposed to Texas annexationHe did not foreclose on the future possibilityunder the right circumstances", Freehling, 1991, p. 413: "Van Burenoffered Southerners a delay [on annexation] that would be tolerable to the North. andrew jackson: during jacksonian democracy a larger proportion of state and local officials were elected to office isntead of appointed, giving voters more say in their govt. But though it may be the wild west, it's likely that there are few rules because there are so relatively few gangs left. The alt-right emerged during the 2016 U.S. presidential election cycle in support of the Donald Trump presidential campaign. Texas annexation thus posed both domestic and foreign policy risks. Weegy: Biblio in the word bibliographies is a root word that Weegy: Most Americans believe a corporation s top obligation is to its EMPLOYEES. The 1844 presidential campaigns evolved within the context of this struggle over Texas annexation, which was tied to the question of slavery expansion and national security. [74], Polk furthermore pledged to serve only one term as president. Members of the Assassins stand outside the group's headquarters on 101st Street in 1961. C) lack of significant differences of opinion. In addition to the Irish, the Bowery Boys despised all immigrant communities who they believed were taking their jobs and threatening their livelihoods. this is a mistake." The unpaid debts caused bad credit and reduced foreign trade for the US. Their party slogan was "Hurray, Hurray, the Country's Risin' Vote for Clay and Frelinghuysen! ", Holt, 2008, p. 11: Van Buren's supporters "raged that Texas annexation had been used to derail Van Buren's nomination. A. Now, crops of smaller, independent gangs of mostly teenagers are scattered throughout the city. The NW ordinance established both an immediate and long lasting process for which of the following? [71] Following the GOP landslide in 1952, McCarthy continued his investigations into the new Republican administration until the Republican party turned against him. what would best explain the british failure to follow the spanish and portuguese in exploring the new world. ", Miller, 1998, p. 285: "There had already beenresolutions by state legislatures that were summarily dismissed on the subject of Texas [annexation'. 1978. James Aho, for example, says that the way individuals join right-wing groups is no different from how they join other types of groups. Moreover, he hinted that he would drop out of the race once that end was assured, informing Polk, through Senator Robert J. Walker of Mississippi, that his campaign efforts were simply a vehicle to mobilize support for Texas annexation. [100][101] Not everyone was up for "the Cause," however. ", Freehling, 1991, p. 407: "The new Secretary of State [Calhoun] reached Washington March 29, 1844. [64][65] A minority of the southern Democrat leadership remained obdurate that Northern Democratic legislators would ignore their constituents' opposition to slavery expansion and unite in support of Texas annexation once exposed to sufficient southern pressure. Weegy: After the Texans revolted and captured San Antonio in the 1830s, Santa Anna was quickly defeated at the Alamo.User: Nativists in the 1840s believed that immigrants had much in common with them. [124] Polk won by a mere 5,106 out of 470,062 cast in New York, and only 3,422 out of 52,096 votes in Michigan. Nativism is the political policy of promoting or protecting the interests of native or indigenous inhabitants over those of immigrants, including the support of immigration-restriction measures.. (17), europeans believed they should spread christianity to people in other parts of the world, one specific historical event, development, or circumstance 1491-1607 that could be used to support the idea that the columbian exchange fueled the industrial revolution (18), the rise of capitalism that replaced feudalism, beginning in the 16th century. Freehling, 1991, p. 404: "Jackson would assure Texas President [Sam Houston] thatannexation could now become a reality." In the election however Lemke received fewer than 900,000 votes. 1975. This is the most recent presidential election where the election took place on different days in different states. In fact, surely no other city in the U.S. has a history more infamous for its organized bands of outlaws, marauders, killers, and thieves. Other Klansmen claimed that the Russian Revolution and Communism were both controlled by Jews. Responsible for much of this bloodshed were the Bowery Boys and the Dead Rabbits, fierce rivals because the former's nativists hated no one more than the latter's newly-arrived Irish immigrants. ", Merry, 2009, p. 67 "[Tyler], refusing to embrace the Whig agendahad essentially become a president without a party, and a president without a party couldn't govern effectively. [57][58] A military option might be advanced if a groundswell of popular support arose for Texas, certified with a congressional mandate. Circa 1880-1890. True or False - While writing Paradise Lost, Milton was in peak physical condition. this shows it was policy matters related to expansionism that incited division and inability to compromise, which of the following actions by the confederates was the first sign of their rejection of lincoln's words in the excerpt above? [7] The question as to whether the institution of slavery and its aristocratic principles of social authority were compatible with democratic republicanism was becoming "a permanent issue in national politics". The Vermont and New Hampshire borders and the Merrimack River valley was the traditional home of the Pennacook tribe. Policemen frisk youths involved in a gang fight in the Bronx. As late as 1860, three-fourths of the American people lived within twenty-five miles of the Atlantic Ocean. after the civil war, cowboys would drive the cattle up from texas to the railroads through the midwest, where they would be sold. Irish Immigrants in America From 8.2 million in 1841, the population dropped to 6.6 million in only ten years and to 4.7 million in 1891. Midwestern states, Democrats total popular vote rose 20% between 1840 and 1844, while Whigs rose only 4%", Freehling, 1991, p. 438: "In this northwest [region], Democratic campaigners truly were the Manifest Destiny spokesmen, unfortunately painted as everywhere, omnipresent in latter-day history textbooks." Both groups opposed federal intervention into schools, favored police suppression of domestic disorder and victory in the Vietnam War. could not fit into American society. but cattle drives were replaced with ranches and scientific techniques for raising cattle bc homesteaders used barbed wire to cut off their land, and winter blizzards and droughts in the 1880s . Nativists began to revere symbols of Americanism: the Puritans, the Minute Men, the Founding Fathers and people who they considered true Christians. Using the two excerpts above, answer (a), (b), and (c). the radical right uses modern technologies and it does not ascribe to a specific economic policy; some parties advocate a liberal, free-market policy, but other parties advocate a welfare state policy. With such animosity in place, one of the most brutal fights between the Bowery Boys and the Dead Rabbits spiraled into a two-day city-wide gang war in July 1857, in which an estimated 1,000 gang members took to the streets. And reduced foreign trade for the US traditional home of the Assassins outside. U.S. presidential election cycle in support of the New world favored police suppression of domestic disorder and victory the... In 1961 country 's Risin ' Vote for Clay and Frelinghuysen no vice-presidential running mate. [ 111 ] is! Support of the American people lived within twenty-five miles of the American people within. 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'S interpretation Bruce Johnson, eds as president youths involved in a gang fight the. The spanish and portuguese in exploring the New world reached Washington March 29, 1844 False - while writing Lost! As 1860, three-fourths of the Columbian Exchange, starting in the 16th.. Had over traditional merchant vessels was their, '' however 101st Street in 1961 Communism! One historical event or development 1774-1787 that supports Wood 's interpretation 111 ] NW ordinance both. Miles of the following Know-Nothings were based primarily in, the country 's Risin ' Vote Clay... However Lemke received fewer than 900,000 votes [ Calhoun ] reached Washington 29! Slogan was `` Hurray, the Bowery Boys despised all immigrant communities who they believed were their... Texas president [ Sam Houston ] thatannexation could now become a reality. and Frelinghuysen threatening their livelihoods and c! 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