planck length black hole

Hawking has predicted that black holes of any size emit radiation due to quantum-field-theoretic effects - the bigger the black hole, the less radiation. Thanks, Bee!Just as with colliding with a CMB photon, can in principle a particle collide with a graviton and produce a black hole? You will receive a verification email shortly. You could however compare the *Compton wavelength* of a massive particle to its Schwarzschild diameter:\hbar/Mc and 4GM/c^2The mass of a particle for which these are equal is twice the usual Planck mass. Hand-wavy is the name of the game here! Until we have that, any theory will be pretty much guessing, in my opinion. Physics Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for active researchers, academics and students of physics. A classical 4D planck volume of one planck length in spatial directions and one planck time in time direction would be crossed by light diagonally, as light moves by one planck length per planck time. However, something goes wrong if you keep trying to make the wavelength $\lambda$ shorter and shorter. Im not too sure how seriously people in the field take this paper. If you make the wavelength shorter than the Planck length, you're making the energy higher. The example provided on the wiki page that I remember used larger masses, as opposed to photons. Please refresh the page and try again. If I remember correctly (I very well could not), it has to do something with the geodesics of spacetime warping under the energy tensor from the relative speed of you and the mass you're observing. These lecture notes make a good starting point. According to Special Relativity, an object in motion relative to you appears shortened. What's that smell? The minute I saw it I thought that the guy has Compton wavelength in mind and its relation to Schwarzschild radius.Otherwise it doesn't make much sense Giotis, Amitabha,Yes, you can. The time it takes for such a black hole to evaporate by the Hawking radiation is also equal to the Planck time i.e. To find the Planck Mass we use E=MC^2 and divide the Planck Energy . rev2022.11.9.43021. They create a curvature which depends on the distance between them. I think that when people learn that the energy states of electrons in an atom are quantized, and that Plancks constant is involved, a leap is made towards the pixel fallacy. Hahahaha! Because the constants $\hbar, G,c$ describe the fundamental processes of quantum mechanics, gravity, and special relativity, respectively, the length scale obtained in this way expresses the typical length scale of processes that depend on relativistic quantum gravity. By comparison, one of the smallest lengths that has been measured is the upper-bound on the electrons radius (if an electron has a radius, what can we certainly say it is smaller than?) A hydrogen atom is about 10 trillion trillion Planck lengths across (which, in the pantheon of worldly facts, ranks among the most useless). Editor's note: This story was first published on Oct. 27, 2020. Space is supported by its audience. Please refresh the page and try again. And if you have a news tip, correction or comment, let us know at: And two, it makes it impossible for singularities to form inside black holes. He was a co-founder of the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope Corporation, and is a US member of the LISA International Science team, which is planning a gravitational wave observatory in space. Divide the minuscule Planck length by the speed of light (which is pretty big) and you get a really tiny unit of time - the Planck time! Score: 4.5/5 (36 votes) . The formula and the value were already known to Max Planck more than 100 years ago, that's why they're called Planck units. This length is the Planck length, and it is 1.6 x 10-35 meters. All the material that has ever fallen into the black. With a Planck core, which wouldnt be a singularity, a black hole would no longer host an event horizon there would be no place where the gravitational pull exceeds the speed of light. If we choose c=1, it is often said that all objects seem to move through spacetime at a rate of 1 unit of spacetime displacement per unit of coordinate time. apply to documents without the need to be rewritten? I remember in my early teens reading about the Planck time in National Geographic, and hearing about Plancks constant in highschool physics or chemistry, and thinking they were the same. This BBC Earth piece has good basic information about black holes as well, and it also describes what would happen to you if you fell into one of these light-gobbling monsters. To make it worse, if you transform pixels, the relation between (dilated) Planck time and (contracted in one dimension) distance does not hold any more. The simplest reason that Planck-pixels dont make up the universe is special relativity and the idea that all inertial reference frames are equally valid. I would be interested in hearing more about this. After postdocs at Chicago, Caltech and Cambridge, he joined the faculty of Steward Observatory at the University of Arizona in 1985. Planck black-hole universe; discrete Planck micro black-holes mapped onto a Theodorus spiral By expanding according to a Spiral of Theodorus pattern where each triangle refers to 1 increment to t age , we can map the mass and volume components as integral steps of t age (the spiral circumference) and the radiation domain as a sqrt progression (the spiral arm). And there might be some bonus side-effects. Such a density would have been enough to create black holes a mere 10 35 meter across (a dimension known as the Planck length) with a mass of 10 8 kilogram (the Planck mass). [QUOTE=BiGyElLoWhAt, post: 5224854, member: 496972]Eisberg? Fundamentals of modern physics, and it was by a german author, Ill try to dig it up here sometime soon. Im pretty sure Ive seen this point made explicitly in some texts, but at 43, Im well into my fifth decade of memory failure. But a particle moving so fast that it has a short de Broglie wavelength doesn't become a black hole. The Planck length is only 1.616 x 10 -35 meters. So we have quite wide both theoretical, both experimental background for Hogan's ideas already. The latter provides a great example showing that Planck units are not inherently fundamental quantities: the Planck charge is roughly 11.7 times the actual fundamental charge of the universe. At per area, sounding like surface maximum information density in black hole thermodynamics.Do something densely energetic like pedal to teh firewall RHIC or LHC with Pb-208 (zero nuclear spin); muons or electrons in a long opposed linear collider. They are not thought to physically exist due to collapse issues and thus cosmic censorship, but the math still describes the spacetime as a black hole. Bekenstein-Hawking entropy. I don't quite understand the logic of "arguing against" my proofs organized by someone who not only confesses not to have the knowledge of those 1,000 pages but who seems boldly ignorant even about the "first three pages" of introductions to the subject. Well, I guess my point is that radiant energy E = hf = hc/lambda, is simply not the same as mass energy E=mc^2. Paul received his PhD in Physics from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in 2011, and spent three years at the Paris Institute of Astrophysics, followed by a research fellowship in Trieste, Italy, His research focuses on many diverse topics, from the emptiest regions of the universe to the earliest moments of the Big Bang to the hunt for the first stars. To do this, they have to use particles with wavelengths comparable to the distance scale they're trying to probe, and they have to collide those particles with the thing they're trying to probe. Heres why you can trust us. That is the apparent "event horizon" for an accelerating observer, O. When the migration is complete, you will access your Teams at, and they will no longer appear in the left sidebar on :biggrin: Nice post! Sounds like typical crackpot stuff. Planck units are defined based on physical constants rather than human-scale phenomena. . The gravitational collapse is caused by the fact that the Schwarzschild radius of a particle with Planck energy is approximately equal to the Planck length. The formula is obtained by dimensional analysis. Also, being a black hole, or NOT being a black hole is an intrinsic feature of matter. $$r=\sqrt{\frac{\alpha\,G\hbar}{c^3}}=\sqrt{\alpha}\ell_{p}$$. [11] : 370 Since the 1950s, it has been conjectured that quantum fluctuations of the spacetime metric might make the familiar notion of distance inapplicable below the Planck length. Visit our corporate site (opens in new tab). [/QUOTE]Try to find any publication of the last 30 years using that concept. 12 12. Black holes, those gravitational monsters so named because no light can escape their clutches, are by far the most mysterious objects in the universe. The question now is: at what distance is the electrostatic energy equal to the gravitational energy it causes? The argument about the Planck length being a minimal length makes use of black hole formation too. As for myself Im taking serious the idea, that all our established physical theories (including GR and QM) are effective theories in the sense, that they dont express anything fundamental about the ultimate nature of reality, but instead are approximations to the inner workings of reality in the discrete paradigm. a black hole is born when a massive star reaches the end of its life, the energy it is producing is no longer sufficient to prevent the mass of the star from collapsing in on itself under its. Larger black holes than the Planck length increasingly behave as long-lived black holes that we know from astrophysics. BTW This [url=]Felber's study[/url] is closely related to the Hogan's proposal too. Why is the Schwarzschild radius associated with the tiniest micro black hole formed by a Planck mass twice the Plank length? "The disturbances the size of the Planck length have an exponential effect and break the time symmetry." Is opposition to COVID-19 vaccines correlated with other political beliefs? Viewing angle interacts - Terrell rotation, Impressive. 12. to that unit (say Planck scale here $\ell_P$). In order to have these dynamics explain gravity, they are of order Planck length, but not specifically thePlanck length. This is fundamental shift in paradigm. However, what makes $\ell_P$ more fundamental than $2\ell_P$, how can one conclude that a particular numeric value has any significance without a good theory one that level? [COLOR=black][/QUOTE]..[/QUOTE][/COLOR]. Thank you. If black holes are really Planck stars, Nikitin wrote, and they are constantly emitting a stream of dark matter, they could explain the motions of stars within galaxies. The Bekenstein-Hawking entropy of a black hole is one-fourth the area of its event horizon in units of Planck length squared. The smallest lenth theorized to be possible, the Planck length is about 4 X 10^-35 meters. And the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy has a good, detailed breakdown of black holes and singularities. [QUOTE=BiGyElLoWhAt, post: 5224337, member: 496972]I cant remember what its called, even enough to search it via google, but there is actually a solution to this problem. This is the 'quantum of time', the smallest measurement of time that has any meaning, and is equal to 10-43 seconds. The singularity, stretched into a ring, is rotating at such a fantastic pace that it has incredible centrifugal force. Can lead-acid batteries be stored by removing the liquid from them? Now, what is the significance of this? Why is the Planck length considered fundamental, but not the Planck mass? Another case of Josephson decline? It is possible that such black holes were created in the high-density environment of the early Universe, or possibly through subsequent phase transitions. [QUOTE=john baez, post: 5227634, member: 8778]To see how the calculation works, go here:[/QUOTE], [URL][/URL]. This is called spacetime glass quantization, as opposed to crystal quantization should the grains be regular. The beauty of the Planck units in general and the Planck length in particular is that no matter what units one chooses to make measurements, be it English, metric or Martian, everyone will determine the same Planck length. I've also vaguely heard about sub-microscopic black holes that spontaneously appear and disappear due to random quantum fluctuations, which might be on the order of the Planck length, and something about how if you probe below the Planck length everything is basically indistinguishable from a black hole due to the density of information/energy . Stay up to date on the latest science news by signing up for our Essentials newsletter. Natural units still have a bit of choice regarding their definitions. Im highlighting the issue with a rather extreme casethe observer on the neutrino. But absent a candidate theory based on this discrete paradigm, theres also nothing to discuss under the Physics Forums rules. [QUOTE=kalimaa, post: 5318776, member: 580335]I do understand the argument that the Planck length is not fundamental cause there is quite some choice left when it comes to defining such a length. The concept that black holes may exist that are smaller than stellar mass was introduced in 1971 by Stephen Hawking. podcast, author of "Your Place in the Universe" and "How to Die in Space" and he frequently appears on TV including on The Weather Channel, for which he serves as Official Space Specialist. This basically lets us swap out the electromagnetic constants e and ##\epsilon## with the more general constants ##\hbar## and c. The Coulomb energy now looks like this: This is where the hand-waving will begin. Any thoughts? But radiation is pushed by the antigravity near the ring singularity, and the turning point is the inner horizon. Many other quantities that have units of length may be much shorter than the Planck length. The unusual corrections to the geometry, including nonlocal phenomena, become so strong at distances that are formally shorter than the Planck length that it doesn't make sense to consider any shorter distances. Of course Hogan's theory is hyperdimensional, so it MUST violate general relativity - not to say about special relativity. The problem with rotating black holes is that, well, they rotate. Basically it says that as you approach the speed of light and pass a large mass, it can't turn into a black hole due to your reference frame. Hi Arun,Since the CMB is dilute but physically present, there's a tiny but nonzero probability that your massive particle, if sufficiently fast, will hit a CMB photon and form a black hole. Forgetting about strings, other than Blackhole arguments, one can appeal to the modern RG framework to claim any renormalizable but not asymptotically-free field theory at low energies (like Standard Model) signals the existence of a UV scale beyond which a new field theory must get replaced. Facts, theories and definition, The hunt for wormholes: How scientists look for space-time tunnels,,,, NASA delays Artemis 1 moon launch to Nov. 16 due to Tropical Storm Nicole, 1,300 of Ukrainian military's SpaceX Starlink terminals went offline due to funding shortfall: report, Branson blues? "It is easier to build a strong child than to repair a broken man." - Frederick Douglass But outside that surface, gravastars look and act like normal black holes. While gravastars aren't exactly a no-go in our universe, they are definitely on thin ice. Im glad to have a good article now to point people to, when it comes up again. It's equivalent to the following system of equations Is a black hole singularity smaller than a Planck length? "Planck stars," International Journal of Modern Physics D, Vol. Up to a constant dimensionless factor, the given expression is the only one of dimension length that one can make of the fundamental constants $\hbar$, $c$, and $G$. I simply didnt understand it. The usual rules of geometry would break down over there. Astronomers have watched as the atmosphere of a star gets sucked into a black hole. Since traveling faster than the speed of light is utterly forbidden, anything that crosses the threshold is doomed forever. I was soon set right. This poses important challenges for Special Relativity, as this page explains, following a brief . I would indeed think that if one wishes to regard spacetime as in some sense coarse-grained at the Planck scale, one must use a version of coarse-graining that is Lorentz invariant, meaning that the grains are defined by their volume but not their shape. This is where it is important: if things are interacting at distances close to the Planck length, you will have to take quantum gravity into account. Live Science is supported by its audience. The 18 biggest unsolved mysteries in physics. Related: The 12 strangest objects in the universe. 600VDC measurement with Arduino (voltage divider). This has been known since the singularity theorems due to Penrose and Hawking from the 1970s. Physicists primarily use the Planck length to talk about things that are ridiculously tiny. The Planck length is only 1.616 x 10 -35 meters. New York, Solving for $\lambda$, we get something on the order of the Planck length. An objects MOMENTUM increases as [tex]p = frac{m}{sqrt{1 (frac v c)^2}}v[/tex]; I feel that has been pretty well reasoned out. How,in the absence of a consistent theory of quantum gravity, can one prove that ''the Planck length is the radius of the smallest black hole that (marginally) obeys the laws of general relativity''? Neglecting factors of 2, we have ##m_nu m_P = 3 eV cdot E_nu## where the lightest neutrino mass is probably of the order of 1 meV. If I remember correctly (I very well could not), it has to do something with the geodesics of spacetime warping under the energy tensor from the relative speed of you and the mass youre observing. Material that has ever fallen into the black depends on the wiki page that I used! Know from astrophysics you planck length black hole making the energy higher hole is one-fourth the area of its event horizon in of. Centrifugal force equal to the following system of equations is a black hole an! 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