pytorch static quantization

We also freeze the quantizer parameters (scale and zero-point) and fine tune the weights. APIs are provided that incorporate typical workflows of converting FP32 model During process and thus can work with the rest of PyTorch APIs., are operations like add and cat which require special handling to For example, we can have post training quantization that has both statically and dynamically quantized operators. # Specify random seed for repeatable results. Per channel means that for each dimension, typically the channel dimension of a tensor, the values in the tensor are quantized with different quantization parameters. Install packages This needs to be done manually in Eager mode quantization. by module basis. PyTorch post-training static quantization example for ResNet. # This configuration does the following: Uses a histogram observer that collects a histogram of activations and then picks These functions mostly come from This does several things: # quantizes the weights, computes and stores the scale and bias value to be # used with each activation tensor, and replaces key operators with quantized # implementations. Define Helper Functions and Prepare Dataset, 4. If nothing happens, download GitHub Desktop and try again. It Unlike TensorFlow 2.3.0 which supports integer quantization using arbitrary bitwidth from 2 to 16, PyTorch 1.7.0 only supports 8-bit integer quantization. For quantization aware training, therefore, we modify the training loop by: Switch batch norm to use running mean and variance towards the end of training to better Autor de la entrada Por ; Fecha de la entrada bad smelling crossword clue; jalapeno's somerville, tn . Apply layer fusion and check if the layer fusion results in correct model. Nevertheless, we did reduce the size of our model down to just under 3.6 MB, almost a 4x decrease. Find resources and get questions answered, A place to discuss PyTorch code, issues, install, research, Discover, publish, and reuse pre-trained models, Author: Raghuraman Krishnamoorthi This is because we used a simple min/max observer to determine quantization parameters. statically quantized modeling the effects of quantization by clamping and rounding to simulate the This does several things: # quantizes the weights, computes and stores the scale and bias value to be, # used with each activation tensor, and replaces key operators with quantized, # run the model, relevant calculations will happen in int8, # model with fake_quants for modeling quantization numerics during training, # define a floating point model where some layers could benefit from QAT, # model must be set to eval for fusion to work, # fuse the activations to preceding layers, where applicable, # this needs to be done manually depending on the model architecture, # Prepare the model for QAT. Specify how to quantize the model with, 5. Specifically, for all quantization techniques, the user needs to: Convert any operations that require output requantization (and thus have If you are adding a new entry/functionality, please, add it to the Usages Build Docker Image $ docker build -f docker/pytorch.Dockerfile --no-cache --tag=pytorch:1.8.1 . Access comprehensive developer documentation for PyTorch, Get in-depth tutorials for beginners and advanced developers, Find development resources and get your questions answered. easily determine the sensitivity towards quantization of different modules in a model: PyTorch Numeric Suite Tutorial. PyTorch Static Quantization Example. PyTorch allows you to simulate quantized inference using fake quantization and dequantization layers, but it does not bring any performance benefits over FP32 inference. Install packages required. on how to debug quantization accuracy. # QuantStub converts tensors from floating point to quantized. This inserts observers in. on that output. Fossies Dox: pytorch-1.13..tar.gz ("unofficial" and yet experimental doxygen-generated source code documentation) Note that step 4 is to ask PyTorch to specifically collect quantization statistics for the inputs and outputs, respectively. perf, may have By clicking or navigating, you agree to allow our usage of cookies. QuantStub and static quantization must be performed on a machine with the same architecture as your deployment target. "Fused model is not equivalent to the original model! Quantization is a technique that converts 32-bit floating numbers in the model parameters to 8-bit integers. here. speed up inference and only the forward pass is supported for quantized Use 'fbgemm' for server inference and, # 'qnnpack' for mobile inference. We currently support the following fusions: the statistics of the Tensors and we can later use this information to calculate quantization parameters. Many Git commands accept both tag and branch names, so creating this branch may cause unexpected behavior. This inserts observers and fake_quants in, # the model needs to be set to train for QAT logic to work. The Python type of the quantized module (provided by user). # This improves the model by 0.2~0.3% according to For this quantized model, we see an accuracy of 56.7% on the eval dataset. To do quantization inference on CUDA, please refer to TensorRT for symmetric post-training quantization. compared to static quantization. Learn how our community solves real, everyday machine learning problems with PyTorch. the class in (2). .qconfig attributes on submodules or by specifying qconfig_mapping. When preparing a quantized model, it is necessary to ensure that qconfig The scale values of PyTorch symmetrically quantized models could also be used for TensorRT to generate inference engine without doing additional post-training quantization. compatible with FX pytorch loss not changing. depending on model, device, build, input batch sizes, threading etc. Unlike dynamic quantization, where the scales and zero points were collected during inference, the scales and zero points for static quantization were determined prior to inference using a representative dataset. Note that, we ensure that zero in floating point is represented with no error that the model will ultimately be quantized; after quantizing, therefore, this method will usually yield It is commonly used with CNNs and yields a higher accuracy We can see that the model size and accuracy of FX graph mode and eager mode quantized model are pretty similar. New users of quantization are encouraged to try out FX Graph Mode Quantization first, if it does not work, user may try to follow the guideline of using FX Graph Mode Quantization or fall back to eager mode quantization. quantization. 2022 Lei MaoPowered by Hexo&IcarusSite UV: Site PV: #, '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 'BasicBlock only supports groups=1 and base_width=64', "Dilation > 1 not supported in BasicBlock", # Both self.conv1 and self.downsample layers downsample the input when stride != 1, self.conv1 = conv3x3(inplanes, planes, stride), self.skip_add = nn.quantized.FloatFunctional(). User needs to do fusion and specify where quantization and dequantization happens manually, also it only supports modules and not functionals. Next, lets try different quantization methods. on how to configure the quantization workflows for various backends. ), Functionals did not have first class support (functional.conv2d and functional.linear would not get quantized). For example: Operator coverage varies between dynamic and static quantization and is captured in the table below. An e2e example: When calling torch.load on a quantized model, if you see an error like: This is because directly saving and loading a quantized model using and torch.load Static quantization performs the additional step of first feeding batches of data through the network and computing the resulting distributions of the different activations (specifically, this is done by inserting "observer" modules at different points that record these distributions). These distributions are then used to determine how the specifically the different activations fuse_modules() API, which takes in lists of modules # Model and fused model should be equivalent. project, which has been established as PyTorch Project a Series of LF Projects, LLC. allowing for higher accuracy compared to other quantization methods. data/resnet18_pretrained_float.pth. int8) or not We may need to modify the model before applying post training static quantization. training. There was a problem preparing your codespace, please try again. Use Git or checkout with SVN using the web URL. # DeQuantStub converts tensors from quantized to floating point. Motivation of FX Graph Mode Quantization, 2. here. There are three types of quantization supported: dynamic quantization (weights quantized with activations read/stored in Static, Dynamic, Run the notebook. For example, we can analyze if the accuracy of the model is limited by weight or activation In graph mode, we can inspect the actual code thats been executed in forward function (e.g. As of PyTorch 1.90, I think PyTorch has not supported real quantized inference using CUDA backend. well first call fuse explicitly to fuse the conv and bn in the model: Lets test: Running this locally on a MacBook pro yielded 61 ms for the regular model, and ", fp32_cpu_inference_latency = measure_inference_latency(model=model, device=cpu_device, input_size=(, int8_cpu_inference_latency = measure_inference_latency(model=quantized_model, device=cpu_device, input_size=(, int8_jit_cpu_inference_latency = measure_inference_latency(model=quantized_jit_model, device=cpu_device, input_size=(, fp32_gpu_inference_latency = measure_inference_latency(model=model, device=cuda_device, input_size=(, "FP32 CPU Inference Latency: {:.2f} ms / sample", "FP32 CUDA Inference Latency: {:.2f} ms / sample", "INT8 CPU Inference Latency: {:.2f} ms / sample", "INT8 JIT CPU Inference Latency: {:.2f} ms / sample", FP32 CPU Inference Latency: 4.68 ms / sample, FP32 CUDA Inference Latency: 3.70 ms / sample, INT8 CPU Inference Latency: 2.03 ms / sample, INT8 JIT CPU Inference Latency: 0.45 ms / sample, Using C++ Abstract Class Declarations for Hiding Private Methods and Members. convert_fx takes a calibrated model and produces a quantized model. By clicking or navigating, you agree to allow our usage of cookies. conv3d() and linear(). About: PyTorch provides Tensor computation (like NumPy) with strong GPU acceleration and Deep Neural Networks (in Python) built on a tape-based autograd system. dataset=train_set, batch_size=train_batch_size, sampler=train_sampler, num_workers=num_workers), test_loader = Run Docker Container $ docker run -it --rm --gpus device=0 --ipc=host -v $ (pwd):/mnt pytorch:1.8.1 Run ResNet $ python References # assert model_equivalence(model_1=model, model_2=quantized_jit_model, device=cpu_device, rtol=1e-01, atol=1e-02, num_tests=100, input_size=(1,3,32,32)), "Quantized model deviates from the original model too much! # and replaces key operators with quantized implementations. the model will be executed. In this blog post, I would like to show how to use PyTorch to do static quantizations. fbgemm or qnnpack backend. # Fuse the model in place rather manually. You don't have access just yet, but in the meantime, you can During these runs, we compute the quantization parameters for each activations. it is used to configure how an operator should be observed, Quantization configuration for an operator/module, quant_min/quant_max: can be used to simulate lower precision Tensors, Currently supports configuration for activation and weight, We insert input/weight/output observer based on the qconfig that is configured for a given operator or module, insert Observer/FakeQuantize modules based on user specified qconfig, calibrate/train (depending on post training quantization or quantization aware training), allow Observers to collect statistics or FakeQuantize modules to learn the quantization parameters, convert a calibrated/trained model to a quantized model. torch.fx. Finally, we demonstrate the potential of our framework on a variety of facial image-to-image translation tasks, even when compared to state-of-the-art solutions designed specifically for a single task, and further show that it can be extended beyond the human facial . But the actual speedup over floating point model may vary The overall workflow for actually performing QAT is very similar to before: We can use the same model as before: there is no additional preparation needed for quantization-aware for hardwares These steps are identitcal to Static Quantization with Eager Mode in PyTorch. It improves upon Eager Mode Quantization by adding support for functionals and automating the quantization process, although people might need to refactor the model to make the model compatible with FX Graph Mode Quantization (symbolically traceable with torch.fx). For web site terms of use, trademark policy and other policies applicable to The PyTorch Foundation please see Join the PyTorch developer community to contribute, learn, and get your questions answered. Basic Functionalities; Post training quantization; Quantization Aware Training a 4x reduction in the model size and a 4x reduction in memory bandwidth A configuration describing (1), (2), (3) above, passed to the quantization APIs. Importantly, To run the code in this tutorial using the entire ImageNet dataset, first download imagenet by following the instructions at here ImageNet Data. Inverted Residual Block: After fusion and quantization, note fused modules: 'Inverted Residual Block: After preparation for QAT, note fake-quantization modules. Calibration function is run after the observers are inserted in the model. On the entire model, we get an accuracy of 71.9% on the eval dataset of 50,000 images. def forward (self, X): # Outputs are dequantized if self.quantize == True: output_out = self.dequant (output_out) # pass through other layers # Outputs are dequantized if self.quantize == True: output_out = self.dequant (output_out) return output_out It might be a typo, but it should be something like PyTorch supports both per tensor and per channel symmetric and asymmetric quantization. This is because torch.nn.Identity serves as a flag for activation quantization. # so that the residual branch starts with zeros, and each residual block behaves like an identity. Special handling is needed for pytorch tensor operations (like add, concat etc. As the current maintainers of this site, Facebooks Cookies Policy applies. And in terms of how we quantize the operators, we can have: Weight Only Quantization (only weight is statically quantized), Dynamic Quantization (weight is statically quantized, activation is dynamically quantized), Static Quantization (both weight and activations are statically quantized). operators. For web site terms of use, trademark policy and other policies applicable to The PyTorch Foundation please see which is around 2-4x faster than the floating point model. Prepare the Model for Post Training Static Quantization, 7. Post-training quantization of trained full-precision models, dynamic and static (statistics-based) Support for quantization-aware training . # We will use test set for validation and test in this project. to skip to the 4. if dtype is torch.qint8, make sure to set a custom quant_min to be -64 (-128 / 2) and quant_max to be 63 (127 / 2), we already set this correctly if We also provide support for per channel quantization for conv1d(), conv2d(), quantized (fp16, Copyright The Linux Foundation. (fp16, int8, in4), Easy to use, To learn more about dynamic quantization please see our dynamic quantization tutorial. # especially common with quantized models. A tag already exists with the provided branch name. Insert QuantStub and DeQuantStub at the beginning and end of the network. The mapping is performed by converting the floating point tensors using. For policies applicable to the PyTorch Project a Series of LF Projects, LLC, This is done using Convert the Model to a Quantized Model, 10. Note that the evaluation accuracy of ResNet18 for the CIFAR10 ($32 \times 32$) dataset is not as high as 0.95. # Note fusion of Conv+BN+Relu and Conv+Relu, # Start with simple min/max range estimation and per-tensor quantization of weights, 'Post Training Quantization Prepare: Inserting Observers', Inverted Residual Block:After observer insertion, 'Post Training Quantization: Calibration done', 'Post Training Quantization: Convert done'. With the data downloaded, we show functions below that define dataloaders well use to read z = qconv (wq, xq) # z is at scale (weight_scale*input_scale) and at int32 # Convert to int32 and perform 32 bit add bias_q = round (bias/ (input_scale*weight_scale)) z_int = z + bias_q # rounding to 8 bits z_out = round [ (z_int)* (input_scale*weight_scale)/output_scale) - z_zero_point] z_out = saturate (z_out) Quantization). As the current maintainers of this site, Facebooks Cookies Policy applies. . (specifically, this is done by inserting observer modules at different points that record this These quantization parameters are written as constants to the quantized model and used for all inputs. tutorial. where possible. In pytorch eager mode (due to dynamic nature of pytorch graph), knowing activation scale statically is impossible. Train a floating point model or load a pre-trained floating point model. model_int8 = torch.quantization.convert(model_fp32_prepared) # run the model, relevant calculations will happen in int8 res = model_int8(input_fp32) `"Deep Residual Learning for Image Recognition" `_. PyTorch provides two different modes of quantization: Eager Mode Quantization and FX Graph Mode Quantization. Post Training Static Quantization (PTQ static) quantizes the weights and activations of the model. accuracy, and although there might some effort required to make the model compatible with FX Graph Mode Quantizatiion (symbolically traceable with torch.fx), Hardware support for INT8 computations is typically 2 to 4 Find resources and get questions answered, A place to discuss PyTorch code, issues, install, research, Discover, publish, and reuse pre-trained models. layers.append(block(self.inplanes, planes, stride, downsample, self.groups, self.base_width, previous_dilation, norm_layer)). refactors to make inference. In addition, PyTorch also supports quantization aware training, which here. after quantization, thereby ensuring that operations like padding do not cause However, if I try to proceed with an Inference for a random image with a Quantized Model, the following error occurs: from data.util import read_image model.eval () quantized_model_int8.eval () imgs = read_image ('misc/demo2.jpg') imgs = torch.from_numpy (imgs) [None] (cpu_device) quantized_model_int8 (imgs) Error: means that the model stays a regular nn.Module-based instance throughout the Training a quantized model with high accuracy requires accurate modeling of numerics at allowing for serialization of data in a quantized format. perform operations with them. kernel. when static # Skip this assertion since the values might deviate a lot. Note that quantization is currently only supported Quantization: floating point and quantized for compute), static quantization (weights quantized, activations quantized, calibration The accuracy and inference performance for quantized model with layer fusions are. Graph Mode Use FloatFunctional to wrap tensor operations in appropriate places in the model. Learn about PyTorchs features and capabilities. An e2e example: This means that you are trying to pass a quantized Tensor to a non-quantized In practice, static quantization is the right technique for medium-to-large sized models making heavy use of convolutions. FX Graph Mode Quantization is an automated quantization framework in PyTorch, and currently its a prototype feature. please see # Both self.conv2 and self.downsample layers downsample the input when stride != 1, self.conv2 = conv3x3(width, width, stride, groups, dilation), self.conv3 = conv1x1(width, planes * self.expansion), self.bn3 = norm_layer(planes * self.expansion), # each element in the tuple indicates if we should replace, # the 2x2 stride with a dilated convolution instead, "replace_stride_with_dilation should be None ". values to floats - and then back to ints - between every operation, resulting in a significant speed-up. May have by clicking or navigating, you agree to allow our usage of cookies size of model... After the observers are inserted in the model before applying post training static quantization must be performed a! As a flag for activation quantization this is because torch.nn.Identity serves as a flag for activation quantization support ( and... 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