swift playground examples ipad

To use the shortcuts bar in the Swift Playgrounds app on your iPad, tap in the coding area to place the insertion point where you want to add code. . This is one of the great features you cant find on Swift Playgrounds. The first version of the iPad app was released in September 2016 with the aim to make it easy for everyone to learn the basics of programming, in particular, the Swift programming language. Tap Edit, then tap next to the file or module you want to delete. The resizable and scaleToFill modifiers are used to resize the image to fit the preview pane. Simply plug your own RSS feeds and turn the Xcode template into a RSS reader or a Blog reader app. The gap between Xcode and Swift Playgrounds is closing. In many playground books, you can add modules. You still need to get familiar with the development environment, learn how to use Interface Builder, and understand how to use the APIs provided by the iOS SDK. With more than two dozen examples, you can get a head start on more advanced coding, add multiple files to your project at once, and use iPad features such as Multi-Touch interactions . Use the keyboard to enter the characters you need, then tap to close the keyboard. (See Work with shared files.). Most of the Swift Playgrounds lessons do not prepare you to build a real world app. Take the demo app we developed earlier, you can reuse all the code in the Xcode project and create the iPhone app. We will overlay two images together and apply different blend modes to see the effect. If you're working in a playground book, tap at the top left. A new, untitled file appears in the list and the keyboard opens. To page through the instructions, swipe through the text or tap the dots or the arrows in the navigation bar at the top. Swift Playgrounds for both iPad and Mac has a built-in support for code completion. So, how about Swift Playgrounds for iPad? Learn the code developers use to build apps. If a playground book has modules and shared Swift files, you can view them in the left sidebar. If you have opened the app before, youll see your previous Playground files here. Swift Playgrounds requires no coding knowledge, so its perfect for beginners. Founder of AppCoda. Similarly, swiping the split-view handle to the right can make the code fullscreen, which probably makes it easier to focus on writing and debugging the code before testing it with the live view. Swift is no exception to this rule so, within the playground window, begin by deleting the current Swift expression from the editor panel: For example, the same piece of code above is rendered like a split view on Swift Playgrounds. . You get to draw upon Apple's powerful SwiftUI framework, you can pull in libraries that other people have written, and if you want you can even move your project over to your Mac and continue it in Xcode, Apple's full-blown code editor. Every time you add a control and there are no errors, the live view successfully updates itself. The files in each module appear below the module name. Follow me at Facebook, Twitter and Google+. Tap at the top to see commonly used code elements, then tap a code element to insert it. The code completion works pretty well. To accept a suggestion, tap it. Importing PlaygroundSupport gives you access to PlaygroundPage, which allows configuration of your iPad coding environment. You can add Swift files to some playground books, including some limited mode playground books. Now you should be able to see all the example projects that Apple provides, although there isnt an example for SwiftUI at the time that Im writing this. Is Swift playground good for . Once SharedCode.swift is opened, copy & paste the following code in the file: You may not fully understand the code, especially if you are new to Swift. The demo app will showcase some of them. Swift Playgrounds is a revolutionary app for iPad and Mac that helps you learn to code and build apps using Swift, the same powerful language used to create world-class apps for the App Store. Touch and hold the module you want to add a file to, then tap Add Swift File. But while running a Playground on Xcode, you can't do that. The padding modifier in the code above is used to add some space between the label and the bottom edge. If there are instructions on the right side of the screen, the instructions slide down when you tap Run My Code so you can see the code run. VStack makes this different by allowing you to arrange up to ten Views inside it, while still satisfying this requirement of being one View for the purposes of the body property. Copyright 2022 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. Personally, I dont use to recommend Swift Playgrounds for iPad as the learning tool of iOS programming if your goal is to build a real app and make it available on the App Store. Learn to code with Swift Playgrounds. Lets do a quick test and you will understand what this means. SwiftUI provides a modifier called blendMode to control how these two images are blended with each other. Blank will create a new .playgroundbook file that can be opened in Swift Playgrounds on an iPad, but cannot be opened by Xcode on a Mac. The code it contains is removed, and commands in other files that refer to the deleted one no longer work. Add or delete a page. Your users will get the same experience they've come to know and love on . Written for developers with some iOS programming experience. The first image is actually there but just covered by the second one. He mentioned that the app did teach him the programming concept in an engaging way. Swift Playgrounds teaches concepts and uses real Swift structure, but its not real code. Can I use the app to learn Swift and app development?. Terms of Service | Privacy Policy | RSS Feed | Contact Us. And, you should see that UIImage is now replaced with a thumbnail of the selected image. I believe you know Apple released an app called Swift Playgrounds for iPad. Actually, when you type . after instantiating the Text view, Playgrounds automatically shows all the available modifiers in the keyboard. . The Swift Playgrounds app for iPad has always been a bit torn between two vastly different kinds of use cases. Perhaps the simplest of examples in any programming language (that at least does something tangible) is to write some code to output a single line of text. Scroll down to the Starting Points row, and tap the blue See all button for that. Tap a playground in the Learn to Code & Build Apps section to view a description. Choose . After you install the template, the app creates a blank project for you with the default name My Playground (or something like that). This gives us the ability to set the live view, which runs continuously on the iPad, to the ContentView that we created above. Learn to code while playing. Using the print () function in Swift playgrounds will make for a smoother adjustment as students later transition into XCode or other professional developer environments. I only have an iPad. I have tried obtaining the bounds of the screen using UIScreen.main().bounds, but the display just becomes too large for the default playgrounds frame.I know that this is possible because all of the example playgrounds are fullscreen. Added to that is the instant preview which is also missing on Swift Playgrounds. The book uses a problem-solution approach to discuss the APIs and frameworks of iOS SDK. Now lets try to build something more complicated and see if Swift Playgrounds can handle other UI components such as Image, ZStack, and gestures. In the Swift Playgrounds app on your iPad, to use a code example, first touch and hold it until it lifts up, then drag it into your coding area. Do any of the following: Add a playground: Tap a playground in the More Playgrounds section at the bottom. As you type code, suggestions for completing your code may appear. But the thing is its already a huge improvement as compared to the past without the SwiftUI framework. If you can see yourself transferring to Xcode, this is where the Starting Point called Xcode Playground comes in. Swift Playgrounds requires no coding knowledge, so it's perfect for beginners. To simplify your work and demonstrate this code sharing feature, I already wrote some of the code for you. A Basic Swift Playground Example. You should be able to try them out and check that they do what you expect. Many playground books have modules that contain shared Swift files. Send the Playground Book package back over to the iPad (the book package format doesn't effect Xcode playgrounds), and when you open it up, you'll have an edge-to-edge live-view. Since Swift Playgrounds is designed for educational purpose, sometimes you dont even need to use the print function to reveal the value of a variable. We all know Swift Playgrounds as the app that brought Swift coding to iPad, and now, but with Mac Catalyst, the same app is available on Mac too. In the Swift Playgrounds app on your iPad, tap in the coding area to open the shortcuts bar. Tapping the red dot will give you some more information about the error. If you're working in a playground book, tap at the top left, then tap See All.. Swift programming tutorials and SwiftUI documentation are here too Typesafely.substack, Fact Check And Common Misconceptions Around Comparing SwiftUI & Jetpack Compose, How we build an iOS 14 Widget with SwiftUI, What you need to know before you enable in-app purchases in your Swift app, Using the NSLocalizedString macro: Swift iOS. You can switch between open files by tapping the tabs. Now switch back to the Playgrounds project and delete all the code related to Text. This would definitely affect your learning experience. Tap the blue See all button at the right end of this panel, and the panel should expand to show the Swift tutorials Apple provides. Swift Playgrounds iPad Mac app, Swift I didnt test all the built-in components but just try out a few. Use UpperCamelCasing for classes' names and add two strings of code in the bottom. Simply tap the screen to start coding and type the following code: Thanks for Paul for the tip. . Tap to open the project and you will see a blank editor. And, thanks to the release of Catalyst. That said, with SwiftUI, it does narrow the learning gap between Swift Playgrounds and Xcode. To start a new coding project in Swift Playgrounds, follow these steps. Youll see an arrow in the middle of the left side of the screen, which you can tap to return to split view. Tap that icon and then choose Photo Library -> Recently Added to select the first image (the one with tables). But you can still reveal the output by using a built-in viewer. You can drag this to change how big the two halves of the screen are, just like you can when multitasking with two apps on your iPad in Split View. Earlier, we published a new book on SwiftUI. I hope this article gives you an idea about using SwiftUI on iPad. Description. While running the app, you should see a counter at the end of the print statement. Delete a page: Tap next to the page, then choose Delete. To do this, you simply import SwiftUI and create a struct that conforms to the View protocol, with the required body variable that returns some View. Playgrounds has some code completion and can help you correct your SwiftUI with automatic fixes for common mistakes. This code is suitable for macOS Xcode Playground and iPad Swift Playgrounds: import ARKit import PlaygroundSupport class LiveVC: UIViewController, ARSessionDelegate, ARSCNViewDelegate { let scene = SCNScene () var arscn = ARSCNView (frame: CGRect (x: 0, y: 0 . If the code requires a variable name or value, the keyboard opens. In the code, we use the .font and .bold modifiers to change the font style. When you make the live view big enough, it suddenly becomes fullscreen, which might be useful for previewing more complicated interfaces. Thats how you can use SwiftUI in Swift Playgrounds for iPad. All the visual results are presented in a rectangular canvas. On one hand, it was clearly built with a primary focus on education and being a great tool for beginners but on the other hand, it also acts as the only way for professional developers to run Swift code locally on their iPad. So, what if you only own an iPad and want to learn SwiftUI? More about Swift Playgrounds here. You can add images and files to a playground book. Trying to create a Swift playground on the iPad that will display in full screen. If youve used Photoshop or other photo editing apps before, blend modes shouldnt be new to you. Here are what we are going to cover in this tutorial: First, what are we going to build? WARNING: If you delete a module or shared file, you cant get it back. Swift Playgrounds allows developers to create sharable modules such that the code can be shared across all the Playgrounds pages. The shortcuts bar shows controls and code suggestions that are based on the code in your playground book. In an open playground in the Swift Playgrounds app on your iPad, tap to open the sidebar, then do one of the following: Tap Edit, tap next to the module you want to add a file to, then tap Add Swift File. SwiftUI provides built-in support for various blend modes such as hardlight, multiply, darken, and saturation. A new, untitled file appears in the list and the keyboard opens. While youre coding, you can open a list of commonly used code elements and add them to your code. Touch and hold Source Code, then tap Add Module. In the Swift Playgrounds app on your iPad, tap See All near the bottom right of the My Playgrounds screen.. You can use real Swift code to solve puzzles and guide a character through a 3D world. it is teaching the fundamentals of Computer Science and computational thinking. In this course, I will take you from beginner . The gap between the iPad app and Xcode is quite large. On an iPad running iOS 15.2, I ran the latest Swift Playgrounds app (4.0). In an open playground book in the Swift Playgrounds app on your iPad, tap to open the sidebar, then do one of the following: Tap Edit, tap next to the module you want to add a file to, then tap Add Swift File. On iPad, the suggestions appear in the software keyboard. In some playground books in Swift Playgrounds, you can use the code suggestions in the shortcuts list (or shortcuts bar) to quickly insert commands, delete code, or add a new line. Tap a code suggestion in the shortcuts bar. Because each file opens in a separate tab, you can have multiple files open at the same time. Swift Playgrounds seems to store its documents in iCloud by default, so its easy to see how you could access the same file from either device without having to email or AirDrop it to yourself each time. This allows you to set the live view and show the visual results of running the code on the playground page. You can enter codeincluding letters, numbers, and special charactersusing the keyboard. When you tap Stop, the instructions slide back up. Add Swift files, images, and Swift packages. We then switch the blend mode to the next blend mode. Semi-colons arent required to end each line, conditional statements dont need to be inside brackets, and its not necessary to end every case of a switch statement with a break. While the concepts and examples in this post use Xcode, the Playgrounds can be created and run on the iPad app as well. Mastering Machine Learning with Core ML and Python, How to Create Star Wars Animated Text Using SwiftUI, Working with SwiftUI Gestures and @GestureState, How to Scan Images and Perform Text Recognition in SwiftUI Using VisionKit, How to Beta Test Your App Using TestFlight, How to run SwiftUI apps on Swift Playgrounds, Write a SwiftUI demo app using Swift Playgrounds for iPad, Run the same app on Swift Playgrounds for Mac, Limitation of Swift Playgrounds for iPad and Mac. Add an image: Tap , then select an image. You can add these in any order, but they must be inside the brackets of the main VStack. Dont get me wrong. Add these inside the ContentView struct brackets but before the declaration of the body property. When you open Swift Playgrounds, you go straight to the New Playground page. So, when you first run the code, you will only see the top image without any blend effect. You will just need to copy & paste it into your shared module and then use it directly. My answer is always No, you need a Mac to run Xcode for iOS app development., But how about Swift Playgrounds for iPad? Say, if you dont understand what Self.allCases means, you can tap the counter and find out whats in allCases. The other limitation is that Swift Playgrounds doesnt come with built-in simulators. If you have an iPad, I encourage you to follow the procedures to create the app too and share your experience in the comment section. On the left is the SwiftUI code, and on the right should be the live view that shows SwiftUI on iPad in bold text in the centre. You can use real Swift code to solve puzzles and guide a character through a 3D world. Swift Playgrounds will then import the image into the project. To overlay a text label at the bottom part of the image, insert the following code in the ZStack: After you made the change, you should see a yellow label which displays the current blend mode. The same piece of code works on Xcode but functions differently on Swift Playgrounds. In a playground book in the Swift Playgrounds app on your iPad, tap to open the sidebar, then do one of the following: Tap Edit, then tap the Add button next to Source Code. Some playground books have instructions and code examples on the right side of the screen covering the live view. If it isnt already on your device, download the free Swift Playgrounds app. As mentioned earlier, we would create a simple app that demonstrates the effect of blend modes. Scroll down to the Starting Points row, and tap the blue 'See all' button for that. A great starting place to learn more is Hacking With Swifts SwiftUI by Example. The wonderful animations and game-like interface really hid the true force behind the product - it is teaching the fundamentals of Computer Science and computational thinking. The app already works, but you can make it better by displaying the current blend mode on screen. My recommendation is download Swift Playgrounds and start coding SwiftUI on iPad. If you run the code, you will only see the second image. In brief, we create an Enum named ImageEffect. Learn by doing is the heart of our learning materials. Swift Playgrounds is a great education app for newbies to get a taste of what Swift programming is and learn the basic programming concept. Now if you run the code again, you can switch to the next blend mode and see the effect by tapping the image. First, declare a state variable to hold the current blend mode (see the below figure if you dont know where to place it): Next, change .blendMode(.color) to use the currentBlendMode variable like this: We set the default blend mode to .normal which means the top image completely covers the one beneath. If you're working in an app playground, tap at the top left, then tap See All.. Is it easier than you think? Select the + button at the top left of the screen. To place the code in a module, tap the document icon in your Playgrounds project and select UserModule -> SharedCode.swift. While I still recommend to get a Mac and learn to write code in Xcode, Im also curious about the possibility of learning SwiftUI with this educational tool. Now that you should understand what blend modes mean, lets try out another feature in Swift Playgrounds and make the app demo interactive. App Store Connect is a pain in the neck for even professionals to navigate, says Matt Weinberg, co-founder of digital agency Happy Cog, who has been building apps for over 15 years. The shared Swift files contain code you can use on any page in your playground. Modifying this control will update this page automatically. You can have multiple files open at the same timeeach file opens in a separate tab. Everything you learn about SwiftUI on Playgrounds is transferable to Xcode. Swift Playgrounds makes it fun to learn and experiment with code. The Swift Playground interface supports the iPad's Multi-Touch capabilities, and lets students tap, drag, or type text and numbers, and then interact with their creations. If you love to learn more, check out this tutorial on SwiftUI text. When you tap a Swift file in the list, it opens in a tab. As you drag, the insertion point appears in your code where the sample code will be inserted. In the Swift Playgrounds app on your iPad, tap in the coding area of your playground book to place the insertion point where you want to add code, then tap above the coding area. Here are the basics of what this tutorial is about: When Swift first appeared in 2014, it was designed to be an easy first programming language. Say, for example, Swift Playgrounds for both Mac and iPad cant present a modal view using the .sheet modifier. It makes sense that the controls be below the Text you wrote originally since this is the title, but this is not required. Where is the console? You can also type code using the keyboard, and even use sample code thats in preexisting code modules. By blending two layers together, you can easily create some amazing image effects. The trick to run and preview SwiftUI is to import the PlaygroundSupport module and write the last line of code. The Swift Playgrounds iPad app has recently added support for SwiftUI, as well as the Combine framework which provides new ways to handle asynchronous events. Its a very simple demo that showcases some of the blend modes. You are allowed to create your own module and files. The language was made more accessible when Apple released the Swift Playgrounds iPad app in 2016, making it even easier to learn the basics in a classroom or at home, even without a computer. You can also tap Insert From (at the bottom of the library) to select an image from iCloud Drive or the Files app, or tap Photos to select a photo from the Photos app. Save you thousands of dollars. Assuming youve written the code, you can tap the Run My Code button to see the result. Enter a name for the new module, then tap Return. First, we need to prepare two images. If not, the screen will be mostly empty. As you expand your knowledge of SwiftUI, you can experiment with building an app by adding code and UI elements to a template in the App Gallery. You can enter codeincluding letters, numbers, and special charactersusing the keyboard. . Its a bit tricky to import the image into the Playgrounds project. Hello and welcome to WWDC. Swift Playgrounds will then execute the code and display the visual result on a separate pane. Touch and hold the module or file you want to delete. We had great success with Swift Playgrounds for iPad. . In the Swift Playgrounds app on your iPad, go to the My Playgrounds screen. In the meantime, if you want to get started you can create a new Blank Playground then add your code there. In the Swift Playgrounds app on your iPad, tap in the coding area to open the shortcuts bar. If you use Swift Playgrounds for Mac, the code completion works even better. Its possible to write SwiftUI in Playgrounds without a preview window. Copyright AppCoda. A new, untitled module appears in the list, and the keyboard opens. In a playground book, you enter code in the coding area on the left side of the screen. Apple has upgraded their Playgrounds iPad to now allow you to make apps! Tap the counter and then youll see the output value. Optionally, you can choose the Add viewer option to place a viewer right below the print statement. Once you open Swift Playgrounds, it provides you with various lessons and templates. Modifying this control will update this page automatically. To instantly bring up the keyboard, double-tap in the coding area. These tutorials are always up to date and easy to follow. I tried to write a simple Swift UI demo entirely using Swift Playgrounds for iPad and see if it works. You just dont know whether you did something wrong or its a limitation of Swift Playgrounds. If you want to give it a try, open the SharedCode.swift file and run the code. Copyright 2022 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. Now we will modify the code to detect users touch and switch between various blend modes. If Apple wants to really inspire peopleboth kids and adultsto write code instead of just learning what code is, it needs to bridge the gap between the colorful puzzle-solving of Swift Playgrounds and Xcodes developer-centric environment. In many playground books, you can also add your own modules and Swift files. (If the Add button doesnt appear next to Source Code, it means you cant add a module to the playground). The problem. Of course, you still need to familiarize yourself with the Xcode development environment (like how to use asset catalog to manage images) and learn how to preview the UI. This is why I recommend my students to jump right into Xcode and learn the programming concept along the way. An iOS developer who writes about gadgets, startups and cryptocurrencies. For example, if you want to enter the number 5, swipe down on the T key so it changes to a 5. Our aim is to teach everyone how to build apps with high quality and easy-to-read tutorials. Open the Swift Playgrounds app on iPad. The code youve written makes use of the SwiftUI framework and displays a text label on screen. The next() function can be found in the shared code, which was the code snippet you added earlier. This is all well need to store the state of all of our controls. The code appears in the coding area. Swift Playgrounds is an iPad and Mac app that teaches you to write Swift code in a fun, interactive way. This makes it easier for kids to write their first code without needing to constantly look out for missing punctuation. There is a print statement in the next() function. Note: If you rename a module, make sure you update any files that refer to it. playground""playgrounds . I'm learning Swift and SwiftUI, and as part of this journey I'm working my way through Donny Wals' excellent Practical Combine: An introduction to Combine with real examples!. You can press ENTER/return to accept the suggestion. You have two choices that will work as Starting Points for this tutorial. To find out the answer, the best way is to experiment it. Im not going to explain other text modifiers. Tap in the shortcuts bar to open the keyboard, then do any of the following: Add a letter: Tap a letter key. My name is Lizzy and I'm excited to talk about how to create awesome content for Swift Playgrounds on iPad and Mac. Swift doesnt have a real command called collectGem() after all. You can even submit your apps to the App Store using playgrounds so that you can share your app creations with the world. Its very common to use the print() function to output the value for debugging purpose. Learn how to code in Swift and build a real world app from scratch. For this demo, however, we simply use the default module. This is because the body property has to be one single View, so you cant just list a load of controls. AppCoda is one of the leading iOS programming communities. How to run/play Playgrounds, and getting started with them Add Swift files, images, and Swift packages, Work with shared files in Swift Playgrounds on iPad. Tap in the shortcuts bar to open the keyboard, then do any of the following: Add a number or symbol: Swipe down on a letter key until it changes to the number or symbol you want to enter. When you open another Swift file in Playgrounds, the app opens a separate tab for you to edit the file. This piece of code defines some of the blend modes we want to showcase, gives them a default name, and makes it easy for you to navigate between different modes. Not even a super-simple basic one. There are a couple of things that are worth to mention about coding on iPad: When a compilation error is detected, Swift Playgrounds indicates the line of code with a red dot. 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