vseeface not tracking movement

Don't let the outcome of your debut Give us a response on Twitter with your favorite memory Stop! If Windows 10 wont run the file and complains that the file may be a threat because it is not signed, you can try the following: Right click it -> Properties -> Unblock -> Apply or select exe file -> Select More Info -> Run Anyways. However, the fact that a camera is able to do 60 fps might still be a plus with respect to its general quality level. The important thing to note is that it is a two step process. Starting with VSeeFace v1.13.33f, while running under wine --background-color '#00FF00' can be used to set a window background color. Make sure both the phone and the PC are on the same network. Most other programs do not apply the Neutral expression, so the issue would not show up in them. Its not complete, but its a good introduction with the most important points. Go back to VSeeFace running on your PC. The actual face tracking could be offloaded using the network tracking functionality to reduce CPU usage. If you have set the UI to be hidden using the button in the lower right corner, blue bars will still appear, but they will be invisible in OBS as long as you are using a Game Capture with Allow transparency enabled. Face tracking can be pretty resource intensive, so if you want to run a game and stream at the same time, you may need a somewhat beefier PC for that. Make sure to set the Unity project to linear color space. I'm working on it together with Deat actually. Create a folder for your model in the Assets folder of your Unity project and copy in the VRM file. However, make sure to always set up the Neutral expression. If you do not have a camera, select [OpenSeeFace tracking], but leave the fields empty. One general approach to solving this type of issue is to go to the Windows audio settings and try disabling audio devices (both input and output) one by one until it starts working. Apparently sometimes starting VSeeFace as administrator can help. One it was also reported that the registry change described on this can help with issues of this type on Windows 10. In case of connection issues, you can try the following: If it still doesnt work, you can confirm basic connectivity using the MotionReplay tool. You can set up the virtual camera function, load a background image and do a Discord (or similar) call using the virtual VSeeFace camera. Some people have gotten VSeeFace to run on Linux through wine and it might be possible on Mac as well, but nobody tried, to my knowledge. Alternatively, you can look into other options like 3tene or RiBLA Broadcast. This can, for example, help reduce CPU load. Enable Spout2 support in the General settings of VSeeFace, enable Spout Capture in Shoosts settings and you will be able to directly capture VSeeFace in Shoost using a Spout Capture layer. You can also try running UninstallAll.bat in VSeeFace_Data\StreamingAssets\UnityCapture as a workaround. The gaze strength setting in VSeeFace determines how far the eyes will move and can be subtle, so if you are trying to determine whether your eyes are set up correctly, try turning it up all the way. To trigger the Angry expression, do not smile and move your eyebrows down. With VSFAvatar, the shader version from your project is included in the model file. It should now appear in the scene view. The most recent update should have it fixed. Screenshots made with the S or Shift+S hotkeys will be stored in a folder called VSeeFace inside your profiles pictures folder. Also, make sure to press Ctrl+S to save each time you add a blend shape clip to the blend shape avatar. You can try increasing the gaze strength and sensitivity to make it more visible. In this case, you may be able to find the position of the error, by looking into the Player.log, which can be found by using the button all the way at the bottom of the general settings. When starting this modified file, in addition to the camera information, you will also have to enter the local network IP address of the PC A. Should you encounter strange issues with with the virtual camera and have previously used it with a version of VSeeFace earlier than 1.13.22, please try uninstalling it using the UninstallAll.bat, which can be found in VSeeFace_Data\StreamingAssets\UnityCapture. This thread on the Unity forums might contain helpful information. The following video will explain the process: When the Calibrate button is pressed, most of the recorded data is used to train a detection system. Need a hug or head pat? After that, you export the final VRM. That should prevent this issue. After loading the project in Unity, load the provided scene inside the Scenes folder. I recommend disabling mouth tracking in the expression settings for the affected expression instead. Tips for clean mouth tracking in VSeeFace.3VSeeFace stream set up - https://youtu.be/FUgB2Rlb5CYMore vtuber tutorials: https://bit.ly/3oTr3wF I am OPEN for . The points should move along with your face and, if the room is brightly lit, not be very noisy or shaky. Is there an update on this issue? Please see here for more information. If no microphones are displayed in the list, please check the Player.log in the log folder. Then use the sliders to adjust the models position to match its location relative to yourself in the real world. If you change your audio output device in Windows, the lipsync function may stop working. To figure out a good combination, you can try adding your webcam as a video source in OBS and play with the parameters (resolution and frame rate) to find something that works. I had my model all set up in vseeface and got everything ready with OBS and stuff. If your face is visible on the image, you should see red and yellow tracking dots marked on your face. You can find screenshots of the options here. First, you export a base VRM file, which you then import back into Unity to configure things like blend shape clips. If this happens, it should be possible to get it working again by changing the selected microphone in the General settings or toggling the lipsync option off and on. Does anyone have any thoughts on what I can try next? The webcam resolution has almost no impact on CPU usage. It allows transmitting its pose data using the VMC protocol, so by enabling VMC receiving in VSeeFace, you can use its webcam based fully body tracking to animate your avatar. Having a ring light on the camera can be helpful with avoiding tracking issues because it is too dark, but it can also cause issues with reflections on glasses and can feel uncomfortable. With USB3, less or no compression should be necessary and images can probably be transmitted in RGB or YUV format. If this step fails, please try to nd another camera to test with. The expression detection functionality is limited to the predefined expressions, but you can also modify those in Unity and, for example, use the Joy expression slot for something else. If you encounter issues where the head moves, but the face appears frozen: If you encounter issues with the gaze tracking: Before iFacialMocap support was added, the only way to receive tracking data from the iPhone was through Waidayo or iFacialMocap2VMC. It often comes in a package called wine64. Repeat this procedure for the USB 2.0 Hub and any other USB Hub devices, T pose with the arms straight to the sides, Palm faces downward, parallel to the ground, Thumb parallel to the ground 45 degrees between x and z axis. There may be bugs and new versions may change things around. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. For a partial reference of language codes, you can refer to this list. Hey! Disable the VMC protocol sender in the general settings if its enabled, Enable the VMC protocol receiver in the general settings, Change the port number from 39539 to 39540, Under the VMC receiver, enable all the Track options except for face features at the top, You should now be able to move your avatar normally, except the face is frozen other than expressions, Load your model into Waidayo by naming it default.vrm and putting it into the Waidayo apps folder on the phone like, Make sure that the port is set to the same number as in VSeeFace (39540), Your models face should start moving, including some special things like puffed cheeks, tongue or smiling only on one side, Drag the model file from the files section in Unity to the hierarchy section. A value significantly below 0.95 indicates that, most likely, some mixup occurred during recording (e.g. If the voice is only on the right channel, it will not be detected. Sometimes they lock onto some object in the background, which vaguely resembles a face. It says its used for VR, but it is also used by desktop applications. This format allows various Unity functionality such as custom animations, shaders and various other components like dynamic bones, constraints and even window captures to be added to VRM models. There should be a way to whitelist the folder somehow to keep this from happening if you encounter this type of issue. Cookie Notice It hasn't fixed it for me. As VSeeFace is a free program, integrating an SDK that requires the payment of licensing fees is not an option. Your system might be missing the Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable library. Make sure VSeeFace has a framerate capped at 60fps. It reportedly can cause this type of issue. Once enabled, it should start applying the motion tracking data from the Neuron to the avatar in VSeeFace. Unity should import it automatically. Old versions can be found in the release archive here. Simply enable it and it should work. At the same time, if you are wearing glsases, avoid positioning light sources in a way that will cause reflections on your glasses when seen from the angle of the camera. Adding a SpoutReceiver could for example be used to export a desktop capture from OBS to VSeeFace and display it on a screen. StreamLabs does not support the Spout2 OBS plugin, so because of that and various other reasons, including lower system load, I recommend switching to OBS. You can also check out this article about how to keep your private information private as a streamer and VTuber. As for data stored on the local PC, there are a few log files to help with debugging, that will be overwritten after restarting VSeeFace twice, and the configuration files. If the VMC protocol sender is enabled, VSeeFace will send blendshape and bone animation data to the specified IP address and port. You can hide and show the button using the space key. If the phone is using mobile data it wont work. Track face features will apply blendshapes, eye bone and jaw bone rotations according to VSeeFaces tracking. If you entered the correct information, it will show an image of the camera feed with overlaid tracking points, so do not run it while streaming your desktop. VSeeFace tracking not working! This can cause issues when the mouth shape is set through texture shifting with a material blendshape, as the different offsets get added together with varying weights. If you have any issues, questions or feedback, please come to the #vseeface channel of @Virtual_Deats discord server. If you use Spout2 instead, this should not be necessary. Please note you might not see a change in CPU usage, even if you reduce the tracking quality, if the tracking still runs slower than the webcams frame rate. Starting with v1.13.34, if all of the following custom VRM blend shape clips are present on a model, they will be used for audio based lip sync in addition to the regular. VRM conversion is a two step process. AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE Sometimes even things that are not very face-like at all might get picked up. Having an expression detection setup loaded can increase the startup time of VSeeFace even if expression detection is disabled or set to simple mode. The Hand and Finger Tracking with Only Webcam is now available on any apps supporting. If the image looks very grainy or dark, the tracking may be lost easily or shake a lot. If you have the fixed hips option enabled in the advanced option, try turning it off. Generally, rendering a single character should not be very hard on the GPU, but model optimization may still make a difference. If the tracking points accurately track your face, the tracking should work in VSeeFace as well. Perfect sync blendshape information and tracking data can be received from the iFacialMocap and FaceMotion3D applications. It is also possible to set a custom default camera position from the general settings. The tracking rate is the TR value given in the lower right corner. You can find it here and here. Starting with version 1.13.27, the virtual camera will always provide a clean (no UI) image, even while the UI of VSeeFace is not hidden using the small button in the lower right corner. VSeeFace can send, receive and combine tracking data using the VMC protocol, which also allows support for tracking through Virtual Motion Capture, Tracking World, Waidayo and more. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Previous causes have included: If no window with a graphical user interface appears, please confirm that you have downloaded VSeeFace and not OpenSeeFace, which is just a backend library. There are a lot of tutorial videos out there. Usually it is better left on! I redownloaded vseeface several times already but still no fix :l (I am not using a leap motion, so the arms never moved, but the torso and head still were able to). Line breaks can be written as \n. In iOS, look for iFacialMocap in the app list and ensure that it has the. I had a similar probem when I was testing out different vtubing software. In some cases it has been found that enabling this option and disabling it again mostly eliminates the slowdown as well, so give that a try if you encounter this issue. When the VRChat OSC sender option in the advanced settings is enabled in VSeeFace, it will send the following avatar parameters: To make use of these parameters, the avatar has to be specifically set up for it. It seems that the regular send key command doesnt work, but adding a delay to prolong the key press helps. When tracking begins, try blinking first if that doesn't do it, try mirroring where your avatar is looking when facetracking starts so when you look at the screen or monitor it looks back at you. The version number of VSeeFace is part of its title bar, so after updating, you might also have to update the settings on your game capture. VSFAvatar is based on Unity asset bundles, which cannot contain code. It can be used to overall shift the eyebrow position, but if moved all the way, it leaves little room for them to move. If the camera outputs a strange green/yellow pattern, please do this as well. If any of the other options are enabled, camera based tracking will be enabled and the selected parts of it will be applied to the avatar. By turning on this option, this slowdown can be mostly prevented. Scroll down to this part: Select "VTube Studio" in the tracking app dropdown menu and put in the IP/port you got from VTube Studio (that's your iPhone's IP). The explicit check for allowed components exists to prevent weird errors caused by such situations. It shouldnt establish any other online connections. Blinking and Mouth movement not working I am using Vseeface to import the tracking data into this like the tutorial shows, but for some reason it doesn't track blinks or mouth movement at all? A README file with various important information is included in the SDK, but you can also read it here. It automatically disables itself when closing VSeeFace to reduce its performance impact, so it has to be manually re-enabled the next time it is used. (icon by twitter: @mewdokas). Certain iPhone apps like Waidayo can send perfect sync blendshape information over the VMC protocol, which VSeeFace can receive, allowing you to use iPhone based face tracking. Limitations: The virtual camera, Spout2 and Leap Motion support probably wont work. Perfect sync is supported through iFacialMocap/FaceMotion3D/VTube Studio/MeowFace. After a successful installation, the button will change to an uninstall button that allows you to remove the virtual camera from your system. The rest of the data will be used to verify the accuracy. Another issue could be that Windows is putting the webcams USB port to sleep. To use HANA Tool to add perfect sync blendshapes to a VRoid model, you need to install Unity, create a new project and add the UniVRM package and then the VRM version of the HANA Tool package to your project. You can Suvidriels MeowFace, which can send the tracking data to VSeeFace using VTube Studios protocol. After the latest update, the camera stopped functioning, and i had to click : go back to previous version of windows. For help with common issues, please refer to the troubleshooting section. You can also edit your model in Unity. In another case, setting VSeeFace to realtime priority seems to have helped. It should be basically as bright as possible. You can start and stop the tracker process on PC B and VSeeFace on PC A independently. The screenshots are saved to a folder called VSeeFace inside your Pictures folder. VSeeFace is beta software. In this video, I will be covering how to set up the Leap Motion with VSeeFace. To combine VR tracking with VSeeFaces tracking, you can either use Tracking World or the pixivFANBOX version of Virtual Motion Capture to send VR tracking data over VMC protocol to VSeeFace. I checked the camera itself and it tracks my face fine, but with the model it will pick up the tracking points and then the tracking points just freeze. Probably not anytime soon. Currently UniVRM 0.89 is supported. I would still recommend using OBS, as that is the main supported software and allows using e.g. You need to have a DirectX compatible GPU, a 64 bit CPU and a way to run Windows programs. Downgrading to OBS 26.1.1 or similar older versions may help in this case. If tracking doesnt work, you can actually test what the camera sees by running the run.bat in the VSeeFace_Data\StreamingAssets\Binary folder. None of which solved the problem. Effect settings can be controlled with components from the VSeeFace SDK, so if you are using a VSFAvatar model, you can create animations linked to hotkeyed blendshapes to animate and manipulate the effect settings. The virtual camera can be used to use VSeeFace for teleconferences, Discord calls and similar. Right click it, select Extract All and press next. This is a subreddit for you to discuss and share content about them! It can also be used in situations where using a game capture is not possible or very slow, due to specific laptop hardware setups. I've been streaming for some time now and want to make my How quickly can you switch between 2d and 3d models on What is going on with this? For example, my camera will only give me 15 fps even when set to 30 fps unless I have bright daylight coming in through the window, in which case it may go up to 20 fps. Carmen the Human Minion I had my model all set up in vseeface and got everything ready with OBS and stuff. Please note that the tracking rate may already be lower than the webcam framerate entered on the starting screen. If you want to check how the tracking sees your camera image, which is often useful for figuring out tracking issues, first make sure that no other program, including VSeeFace, is using the camera. In one case, having a microphone with a 192kHz sample rate installed on the system could make lip sync fail, even when using a different microphone. Make sure that the gaze offset sliders are centered/in the middle. It is offered without any kind of warrenty, so use it at your own risk. To add a new language, first make a new entry in VSeeFace_Data\StreamingAssets\Strings\Languages.json with a new language code and the name of the language in that language. Also see the model issues section for more information on things to look out for. To do this, copy either the whole VSeeFace folder or the VSeeFace_Data\StreamingAssets\Binary\ folder to the second PC, which should have the camera attached. It is also possible to use VSeeFace with iFacialMocap through iFacialMocap2VMC. When no tracker process is running, the avatar in VSeeFace will simply not move. Check the Console tabs. If the issue persists, try right clicking the game capture in OBS and select Scale Filtering, then Bilinear. The port is currently always 21412. You're gonna stay with me forever, right? You can load this example project into Unity 2019.4.16f1 and load the included preview scene to preview your model with VSeeFace like lighting settings. please help i really want to get this working, thankyou!! For more information on this, please check the performance tuning section. CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) While there is an option to remove this cap, actually increasing the tracking framerate to 60 fps will only make a very tiny difference with regards to how nice things look, but it will double the CPU usage of the tracking process. Certain models with a high number of meshes in them can cause significant slowdown. Changing the window size will most likely lead to undesirable results, so it is recommended that the Allow window resizing option be disabled while using the virtual camera. This is based on 2 background, First, Perfect Sync's specification comes from reference models and blog posts by Hinzka. OBS supports ARGB video camera capture, but require some additional setup. After installing wine64, you can set one up using WINEARCH=win64 WINEPREFIX=~/.wine64 wine whatever, then unzip VSeeFace in ~/.wine64/drive_c/VSeeFace and run it with WINEARCH=win64 WINEPREFIX=~/.wine64 wine VSeeFace.exe. This process is a bit advanced and requires some general knowledge about the use of commandline programs and batch files. Hi there! Once this is done, press play in Unity to play the scene. and our It has also been reported that tools that limit the frame rates of games (e.g. The sky is the limit! VSeeFace does not support chroma keying. The synthetic gaze, which moves the eyes either according to head movement or so that they look at the camera, uses the VRMLookAtBoneApplyer or the VRMLookAtBlendShapeApplyer, depending on what exists on the model. Merging materials and atlassing textures in Blender, then converting the model back to VRM in Unity can easily reduce the number of draw calls from a few hundred to around ten. After installing the virtual camera in this way, it may be necessary to restart other programs like Discord before they recognize the virtual camera. But in at least one case, the following setting has apparently fixed this: Windows => Graphics Settings => Change default graphics settings => Disable Hardware-accelerated GPU scheduling. If you're really stuck you can go to Deat's discord server and someone can help you out. This should fix usually the issue. This is the pitch chart of me Emotes bounce off vtuber head and then bounce around screen? If you encounter issues using game captures, you can also try using the new Spout2 capture method, which will also keep menus from appearing on your capture. If the VSeeFace window remains black when starting and you have an AMD graphics card, please try disabling Radeon Image Sharpening either globally or for VSeeFace. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS AS IS Just make sure to close VSeeFace and any other programs that might be accessing the camera first. For the optional hand tracking, a Leap Motion device is required. Because I dont want to pay a high yearly fee for a code signing certificate. Lowering the webcam frame rate on the starting screen will only lower CPU usage if it is set below the current tracking rate. < > Showing 1-9 of 9 comments . If your model does have a jaw bone that you want to use, make sure it is correctly assigned instead. Try setting the camera settings on the VSeeFace starting screen to default settings. Of meshes in them can cause significant slowdown that allows you to discuss and content... This video, i will be used to verify the accuracy cause slowdown! The model file you use Spout2 instead, this should not be very hard on the image, can. 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