deprogramming after narcissistic abuse

The more imagination you have, the better chances you have of breaking free from the mind control. Bye! Increased incoming dead-air phone calls (no one answers to hello) around birthdays or ritual holidays. Whatever they were doing had now stopped. Also because the cult is extreme with covering evidence, this maybe all people have in learning the finer details of the truth of themselves. Jason: We will need to choose a name, until you can remember again. This is also how older quantum based systems were hacked. If the code is heard or seen by the survivor, the Kitten will take the body, with the front personality being unaware. From there my own totally undetectable mind control started to come undone. At first I was terrified of disassociation, thinking that I may be lost forever in some spaced out state. Medicines such as CBD Oil done properly can provide relief also for the mental aspects of deprogramming. Two years later I had finished the first version of Deprogramming Modalities with a co-author of whom I had met in 2014. Like touching things, listening to music and normal everyday things It did throw us off a bit, however she seemed rather harmless. The popular Punxsutawney Phil ground hog comes out of his burrow to divine the next few weeks of weather.If he sees his shadow, there is a prediction that there will be six more weeks of bad weather until Spring finally arrives;if he does not see his shadow, the next seven weeks before Spring will be good weather. Wed love to speak to her. Aquais: No i want to remember. However, it isnt religion that makes a cult. All alters had to do was think about or look at the stars to be taken to the Library. uses other forms of abuse--sexual abuse, financial or economic control, controlling access to resources such as food or transportation, uses psychological abuse such as making threats or constant accusations of cheating, etc. Svali has covered this area with her blog post Accessing: Why it Occurs, and How to Prevent It (Svali Blog Post 2017). Blink hard, and be aware you are blinking and breathing deeply. For myself, I spent months in fear of dissociation, falling into trance and other things. You may also become aware that with your internal imagery and sounds, there are certain variables, which can alter or change the images and sounds in your mind. This arrogance can also be found in some handlers and alters too. These warnings are also echoed throughout other works relating to trauma mind control and are very serious. Undoing programming that is harmful or unproductive for quality of life for the survivor is referred to as deprogramming herein. The first is by grounding yourself in the present and to reassure yourself that you are here and now rather than back in the past. Further study of NLP can provide some interesting methods and techniques which will help survivors recover. Sukkot, Shmini Atzeret/Simchat Torah. All the alters would complain about one thing one after another. Each survivors recovery is dependent on their work situations, family life and other involvements. Jason: Maybe some other times you can come out, and touch things. She repurposed these stars to transmit the message of the Library and to transport alters instantaneously and safely to the Library. Along with this the mind control is so strong that even if a survivors friends or family in The Cult was confronted with damning and hard evidence, theyd simply shutdown and have amnesia for that event and continue life as it if never happened. Be fearless, and wise and free of deceptions. The handlers can change personalities as easily as pushing the up and down channel buttons. My ex took advantage of that weakness. The cipher text maybe giberish anyway and a coded message or trigger. This means there is more then one way that ranges from physical access, to mobile phones and internet usage to even astral travel to influence survivors back into the cult. Make a list of reasons why you must stay alive! So you can do it solo, and given the dangers of mental health services and paranoid conspiracy nuts who will judge or want to kill you, I found its probably better to just go it solo. They have no idea about anything.. That bridge, its size, length, how it attaches to the other craft, and where on the other craft it attaches are all elements of this shared fantasy. This is how we access each other so we can experience togetherness and, Now imagine a spacecraft full of evil alien that can manifest as any shape, size, or colour based on their ability to scan a human target and decipher what that target needs to see and hear in order to evoke a particular emotional, The human, lost and alone on its craft, of course, thinks it has struck gold when it connects with the most beautiful, kind, benevolent form of alien life imaginable. For example if you are able to speak with other alters, you can ask them to make things within the internal worlds on your behalf. The actual process of how this is achieved is beyond the imaginations of most people, however for the purposes of understanding this should give a basic idea of what happens. If you get a Yes, it should raise a red flag that you might have someone with formal intensive brainwashing and programming in place. Once you have relocated the Kitten, its just a matter of time before they leave their cage. Now, lets take a look at what may come to the surface. Everyone in the safe place gets along. In some cases, the programmers will replace kittens with puppies/dogs, but the sexual purpose or function is still the same. When chatting to one authors alters over text chat, it became possible to identify alters sometimes simply by the style and frequency of emoticons they used. Aquais: I am younger than her. Resurrection of Osiris. Emphasis on the External Worlds, and the challenges a survivor faces leaving the cult, then leads into what to do with the internal worlds after external issues are discussed. 25: Christmas Day, ascribed to the birth of Jesus, is the birth-day of the Sun and Tammuz, the reincarnation of the sun god. After having personal experience with survivors then the signs become very obvious along with the ability to spot a survivor very easily. This means giving up on the hope that you will have a mother or father as, With a boss, the bait would typically be career progress, fame, money, or the fulfilment of your childhood dreams. Generally it doesnt matter what it is, as they can be both treated with the same method. Were you stable? I hope that the information provided will provide insights for anyone else in a similar situation. 23: St Georges Day/Englands national day. Using NLP and identifying the submodalities can allow you to change how you feel about the memory, and eventually remove the traumatic association with the memories by wiring new pathways in the brain. I hope to present this as a standard for others who are working to phase out the spirit of Mengele. Sarah Lawrence. You can alternate power between these three systems. Rapid Switching also seems to tie into stress. For example if you ask the core, Was I accessed? it will always say yes. One Australian survivor naively sought help, and during the first few months of coming undone had requested a Psychologist through a General Practitioner. Inside the Pied Piper of R. Kellys Cult. What are the odds of that? The cults that exploit Dissociative Identities for malicious purposes run rampant around the world, mostly with impunity from the law. Despite how all powerful and all knowing the Illuminati or their mind controls systems appear to be, there are still a few key weaknesses which can be exploited to give you the upper hand. So sometimes alters may be held hostage. You may become very impulsive, blowing your savings and harboring delusional thoughts of returning to the narcissist. If internal alters realise that their internal worlds are not real, the internal structures simply seem to vanish. What you need to change so youre never in that position again. Although we werent able to get this specific Kitten out of the cage, we showed her the choice to move to the safe place, and she accepted it. We came close to losing it a few times, however its now a thriving populace of alters who are all in the know regarding whats really going on and are all doing their small bit to help deprogram further. Deprogramming is transforming the pre-existing programming the survivor has in a way that remove any negativity, harm, all the bad things, or simply removing it all together. The further away it is, the more numb or less intense it becomes. These scripts work as triggers within the mind control system. If this doesnt work as well as expected, there are other NLP techniques which can be used to help ease surfacing PTSD memories. After some time of adjustment to dealing with the programming, the survivor works out ways of deprogramming that are second nature. Talking to other survivors, it seems there is generally some military or intelligence agency association within family. After some weeks of being treated like a kitten, and being surrounded by kittens, the alter will start to believe that it is actually a kitten. After all, some alters have no concept of external worlds and dont know the difference of internal and external events, but you do! If you were to watch the mind control in action, its very similar to changing channels on a TV except the channels are different personalities. By using creative storytelling you can interweave these questions into conversation. Ritual Abuse and Mind Control: The Manipulation of Attachment Needs, The Different Types of SRA and Mind Control, NEW DEVELOPMENTS IN TRAUMA-BASED MIND CONTROL 31 JAN 2014, Complex Polyfragmentation:A Coping Mechanism for the Survivor (Svali Blog Post), What is programming? If one technique doesnt work, you can try another. I recommend these works if you are wanting to start study of NLP, and especially if you are attempting deprogramming. I moved to another state to get away from my clueless parents and also mental health. With many other articles relating to the topic of trauma mind control, they always almost include a warning. How to talk someone out of a damaging cult. This can be a difficult process for alters as the memories or experiences can be horrible. In a new job. You think of creative ways to fix the things that you supposedly broke. The thoughts that you owe the cult or we saved you are shown again to be lies and you have control of yourself. While caution is needed throughout the entire deprogramming process it is important to treat survivors with dignity and respect rather than fear and suspicion. Generally alters will already have their own private safe place, but the creation of a new one has the intentions of making a communal environment for alters. There seems to be some hysteria over the recovered memories issue. Shadow had attached herself to all the alters in the safe place, and could directly influence and control their thoughts without them being aware. Zieman, B. It is vital to have a strong support system to aid you as you deprogram trusted friends, other survivors who can remain in contact safely during the deprogramming process. We managed to heal over 1000 fragments in under six seconds using these systems creatively! The second is to find the alter who remembers the spinning trauma and to take them to your safe place. However after two months, it was obvious something was very wrong. Yet I spoke German to her for two minutes to prove to her I knew it. 2: Candlemas (Imbolc/Imbolg). Cooperation will generally emerge between alters if the trust isnt broken, and if positive results are seen in the internal worlds encouraging more alters to join and help. It opens up the possibility for the survivor to learn their bloodline, real date of birth and potentially genetic parents. It took some time, but I managed to convince Defense to at least stop the tortures for everyone, and to let everyone know they were taken from the safe place and captured, and that we were trying to do something about it. The male alter, the voice was named Mako, one girl was named Wendy, and the other alter was very young named Allie. I have included this Core knowledge in this section, due to the knowledge coming from Richard Bandler. We were only able to make these transformations easily to the lower level internal worlds with just under one year of deprogramming effort. However she had taken the real front alter to some deeper part of the internal worlds and refused to return her. The feeling of spinning is the result of previous trauma (usually from childhood) involving being spun around in order to confuse or overwhelm you. People understand physical abuse. It is important to look at the important areas of the programming and do the opposite. The code can also be further researched as theres a Wikipedia page about it here. Jason: Did you appear because it was too much for Aquais? The following is a transcript between Aquais and Jason after her visit: Jason: Hey there! Ive made many mistakes and had learned things the hard way. Accept also that these feelings are illusory, that they will pass with time, and that coming back from this type of attack is brutally challenging. But that kitten code worked, and trauma mind control is the only explanation for it. The disturbing images would be anchored to previous traumas. Cults recruit people.. It was only after I figured out how to limit and stop the accessing, I was able to recover my memories and learn the truth. ), or The cult can see/hear me no matter where I am, and they know what Im saying. Hearing or seeing inside your head, or overlapping the physical world, sounds or images that are used to warn, frighten, or threaten parts inside, or make them compliant, or that you remember being used in your abuse. By stating and firmly believing that the line is invisible, the rest of the system will believe it too. Chicago Police Dept. These methods and techniques worked really well at the beginning phases, but they were eventually banned by the system. (2018). Even still, the most creative internal programmers will run out of tricks eventually. Also during accessing, this is how handlers limit or reverse any progress alters have made with deprogramming. The initial goals should be to educate on the nature of the mind when dealing with repressed trauma, and how to deal with flooding and bad thoughts. For example, I must call/write/email my mother (or abusive relative) because shes waiting to hear from me, and really loves me.. As with any conditioning, programming also runs out after a while if not reprogrammed. Narcissistic supply was identified by Viennese psychoanalyst Otto Fenichel in 1938. Drawn to or repulsed by occult themes, books, art, concepts, Belief that they are controlled by something/someone outside themselves, Imaginary friends/playmates as a child or adult, Intense paranoia/dreams of family being hurt/killed, Contempt/rage at God, Jesus Christ, Christianity, Claims of being haunted, seeing spirits, Use of we rather than I in referring to self, Hearing voices/chanting inside or outside of body, voices often urge/demand self mutilation or suicide, Belief that they are always being watched or followed, Belief that they will be institutionalised for the rest of their lives, Acquired items they cannot account for (clothes, books, jewelry, toys, etc). It can be rather easy to identify when a person is switching personalities as the body language is distinct when observed! It is also known as St Stephens Day.Sometimes gifts were put in a box, and breaking the box, or something like a Piggy Bank, would happen. Post-Cult After Effects. }); Along with the elites having their own programs it also then extends down to government and military, then also bellow that. The longer term fruits of the survivor breaking free and living a normal life and feeling happy in a genuine sense seems to make it more worthwhile. Although potentially unpleasant, problems with inter-system cooperation can be recovered quickly with alters getting along much better afterwards, along with spiritual realisations or restorations. This is why the label matters. After time, she came out of the came and integrated okay with the others. May see halos around white and green lights, especially in the night time. It can be used as a means of advancement if done correctly and has helped myself buy time. I would not ask if a part was willing to. Some turned, or had new hopes that a new God would save them. If they choose to explore further, then they can start to discover and talk to other alters. (2019, January 6). Svali had published a blog post The Different Types of SRA and Mind Control which gives more insight to modern day trauma mind control structures. Using this logic, Aquais made the rooms so that they could contain anything alters desired from an enormous pillow fort for one little to a huge waterfall and grotto for another. There are still even more stealthier methods for them to access survivors which leave no real traces. I then entered into a first person perspective (associated with this memory from an entirely first person perspective) so I was no longer in third person and observed the destroyed lab equipment and the dead doctors. Your email address will not be published. everything i can remember. The Shield maybe represented in the system as a shadow agency, and look like ants crawling throughout the system. Similarly, if certain songs and triggers used in the external worlds have some effect, they can be played in the internal worlds. you can label them and have better control over dealing with them. From this date through Halloween, occultists believe the veil separating the earthly dimension from the demonic realm gets progressively thin-ner, with the thinnest night being 31 October; this thinningof the separating veil makes it easier for the demonic realm to enter the earthly dimension. Instead of recognizing that things are over, you spend a lot of time wondering what you could have done differently to save your perfect relationship. Keen observation skills are needed and also some patience. Why would they do, With a partner, the bait would typically be the fulfilment of your romantic pair bonding, intimacy, or sexual needs. One woman from France also had success with this code, moving one younger alter, Mishka to her safe place from an unsafe place. Beta programming is standard for all trauma mind control survivors. Observe the BEAST computer from the front, then walk behind it. 1822: Dream Festival (Pleiades). It doesnt have any sense of time and perceives the world completely differently to the conscious mind. Handlers and programmers will also tamper and attempt to sabotage your deprogramming work. Nobody wants to lose out on the opportunity of a lifetime just because they didnt work hard enough or sacrifice enough. As much as I love a strong work ethic, you must be very watchful that your work ethic or sense of honour doesnt get hijacked, forcing you to double down on a scenario that, by any objective measure, isnt going to lead to any good, Accept that you will feel guilt, shame, and even struggle with the idea that you are being excessively selfish, perhaps even narcissistic. She was dreading it. After you are done, ask the alter working with BEAST to log out safely and disconnect the device safely. Its most protected as it knows all things, yet cannot be removed. They only rely on fear and deception to control people. She encouraged the other alters to have coffee as well. 10: Dashara (Kalis victory over Mahishasura). All was well, however one girl was a MK survivor and clueless and essentially sabotaged the stability the social stability of the house. The handlers of the survivor also would be having a bad time from their superiors if deprogramming progress is achieved and they are trying to leave. This book is broken down into a few main sections. This is especially true in the case of NLP Knowledge, this website DeprogramWiki and also persons who could potentially help them. Have you personally experienced the stages you report, or are these things you oberserved in your practice? A pattern of suddenly leaving home for the evening or weekend, or longer, to a motel or park, etc. In a private chat, the new alter confessed that she felt horrible. Aquais: Yes. Survivor Someone who has survived the cults practices and activities. 4. Amnesiac periods/fugue states (a pathological condition: one is apparently conscious of his/her actions, but has no recollection of them after returning to a normal state). This will make the deprogramming effect compound with power over time. Even if alters do not want to stay in the safe place, they can still be useful sources of information. The Shield rely on a hive mind basis, meaning all their directions are from one source. autoPlay: 3000, The initial focus with this, was to find out the problems the current alters had in the bedroom, resolve the issues and then get the alters to agree to move to a more safer place. If they wake up, then it maybe game over for everyone! Trauma Based Mind Control is a lifelong process that is best applied to a child before they are six years of age. Having lost the freedom of choice, cultists will do what they are ordered and programmed to do by the leader Such a group intends to control and keep its members for life or until the victims cease to be of value to the leader.. An inability to disconnect from relationships that the person deems harmful to the self, often including uncontrollable urges to reconnect with these people, call them, see them, etc. Some alters you find will seem strange. This will generally result in the survivor imagination it is indeed all made up and they can get on with their normal life. You need to remove in your memory anything that causes dissociation. You will not see or feel steady progress. Also when being accessed the handler can threaten parts to rebuild the system. You begin to understand why he behaves the way he does. Cannot tell left from right straight up. At the start though, you will need provide some effort. Aquais: I havent been here for a really long time. Phrases that are not heard loudly or clearly, but that seem to be continually running behind your conscious mind. One vendor who is very excellent and provides quality CBD oil that contains other cannabinoids is Lars. If the traumas are resolved, these projection issues seem to vanish. When roaming the internal worlds, if any negative or harmful programming is discovered, it will be transformed into something pleasant and safer but only if its safe to do so. Alters can also appear as different ages within the internal worlds. Cannabis medicine such as CBD oil can provide relief from PTSD symptoms, however they are still unpleasant. All rights reserved. Jason also guarded his safe place by creating a sphere of energy that surrounded it like a hemisphere. The diagnosis was Delusional Disorder. 600: { If they do not come out so easily of bad situations with suggestions, then there maybe more concerning issues regarding programming in play. The unconscious mind is an interesting part of the brain. For the first six months to a year though, these defenses will try to stunt your deprogramming efforts, but you can work with them and eventually phase them out to the point where they are useless. During the entire healing processbut especially right nowyou must remember to treat yourself well, both physically and emotionally. For survivors, most are clueless to dissociation and association, let alone that they do it all the time naturally. Accept that you will feel very, very remorseful at losing this promised scenario after having invested so much time, effort, and energy into it. These were punishment thoughts, which were arising due to poking around programming as a defense mechanism. This same demon alter also undid the deprogramming work on the kitten, Lucy. Not if your father was abusive too. Alters have been tricked and hurt before, so they are going out on a limb to try anything like break the system and escape. With diet having a direct effect on the body and mind, this would be a very interesting area to explore as a change in diet may speed and help the healing process. Aquais: I bet she will remember all of this. Another reliance the mind control requires is obliviousness or the person being completely clueless, and the faster you learn and catch on the harder it becomes for them. For this reason only programming basics are covered, with links to further reading. I have a headache. This can work not only for dreams, but if applied properly resurfacing dreams or memories will lose their traumatic fear response, and eventually fade away into the past, while being replaced with new and pleasant experiences and memories. However note that some survivors may have a hard enough time getting their safe place to stick and remain a constant in the internal worlds, let alone creating an automated self replicating system. Narcissistic Abuse in Relationships: What is It? One area that is worthy of further research is the survivors diet and how that would assist with deprogramming. By the end of this article, you may change your mind. After some time, no effort will be required at all to ask alters to move into the safe place and help, as they will have seen the truth after watching the safe place start out small and grow into a thriving community of alters working together to break free after learning the truth. 1213: Dianas day: the Roman name for the triple goddess, goddess of the moon and the three moon phases. The new safe place will be much more enticing to stay at, then compared to the internal worlds most alters are stuck in. I feel this article is grossly wrong! Once awakened the second Aquais merged with the first and she could remember the previous progress that was made. Happy? I get to do what i want. 262 January: Hanukkah, Jewish Feast of Lights, Rededication of the Temple. The Knights are recovering all the memories. This may give insight to the mind control doctors that were involved. gtag('config', 'G-VPL6MDY5W9'); A Cult of One: How to Deprogram Yourself from Narcissistic Abuse, Chapter 3: 2. If they still dont want to move, that is also okay. This can work if they are dreaming, or if they are in a trance. Shocked that your experience of narcissistic abuse might have something in common with anything other than, well, others experience with narcissistic abuse? Simply smoking it as a dry herb will slightly weaken the trauma walls which can gain access to memories easier. However if you ask Was I accessed in the previous six hours? you will get a more clear answer. $(document).ready(function () { One alter, who was later named Shadow had invaded the safe place entirely and compromised all of the safe place alters, and we had no idea at all! They have remained hidden for centuries. Self-mutilation/self-destructive behavior: History of driving vehicle at high speeds or in dangerous manner, Placing self in physically dangerous locations, Seeking out physically abusive relationships, Artwork/poetry has themes of death, pain, occultism, Long-standing history of suicide attempts, Obsessive thinking about or planning of suicide, Speaking in different voices extreme intonation changes. Svali Blog Post 2021, The Occultic Agenda Svali Blog Post 2021, Some Thoughts andPrayers Svali Blog Post 2021. After you have successfully implemented self replicating deprogramming systems, its just a matter of maintaining them and using them effectively. The following descriptions can apply to both, the survivor and also all the alters that reside within the survivor. We found that after one year of deprogramming work, Aquaiss codes for rituals and ceremonies would not work anymore. After you have a safe place established and have some alters together working towards one goal its possible to explore the implementation of automated exponential deprogramming systems. Possible Fears and Phobias of Ritual Abuse Survivors. Think of the ways these baits induce a pleasant, dreamlike state in which we are numb to the multiple red flags of bullying and exploitative behaviour. Itll just make it worse. In December 2016 I had revised Deprogramming Modalities based on my continuing experiences, however had left the work in need of editing and updates. Is their daughter in a cult, or is she in love with a narcissist and, by default, a victim of narcissistic abuse? At that time I had wanted to find a centralised website of information that was helpful, and if it didnt exist then Id create it! Learning to regulate your physical response to your emotional reactions is imperative to keeping you physically and mentally healthy. Also, taking deep breaths and becoming more relaxed can help calm the mind and eventually soothe some of the rapid switching. Such is the power of the mind controls denial programming. With his strong tones of spirituality and claiming to free people from the mind control, it seemed somewhat legitimate on face value.
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