foucault's pendulum film

( He is also widely regarded as one of Italy's greatest players of all time. Giada De Laurentiis is an Italian-American chef, restaurateur, television personality, and writer. The motions of the Moon have caused great difficulty to astronomers. verursachten Komponente der Corioliskraft lautet die Bewegungsgleichung der Pendelmasse in der x-y-Ebene: Das sind zwei gekoppelte gewhnliche Differentialgleichungen zweiter Ordnung. This is called an isochronous escapement. It was translated into English by William Weaver in 1983. schwcher. Sie werden zwecks einfacher Lsung zu einer einzigen Differentialgleichung der komplexen Variable, Dies hat die Form einer harmonischen Schwingungsgleichung mit imaginrem Dmpfungsglied und lsst sich mit den von dort bekannten Methoden direkt lsen. The "Text and Commentary" concludes with a comment on Chaim Weizmann's October 6, 1920, remark at a banquet: "A beneficent protection which God has instituted in the life of the Jew is that He has dispersed him all over the world". What makes the Earth move is similar to whatever moves Mars or Jupiter and is the same as that which pulls the stone to Earth. {\displaystyle \Omega _{z}} Invar pendulums were first used in 1898 in the Riefler regulator clock[86] which achieved accuracy of 15 milliseconds per day. This standard was adopted in 1824 (below). Copernicus has succeeded in reducing some of the uneven motions of Ptolemy who had to deal with motions that sometimes go fast, sometimes slow, and sometimes backwards, by means of vast epicycles. The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo is the first book of the Millennium In: U.S. Intelligence and the Nazis. Nevertheless, these forces are seen by the steady winds from east to west in the oceans in the torrid zone. In the scriptorium, William inspects Adelmo's desk, but is blocked by Brother Berengar, the assistant librarian. 0 3 He also invented machines such as the screw pump. After receiving a Ph.D. from the University of Turin (1954), Eco worked as a cultural editor for Italian Radio-Television and Notions derived from the Protocols include claims that the "Jews" depicted in the Protocols are a cover for the Illuminati,[36] Freemasons, the Priory of Sion or, in the opinion of David Icke, "extra-dimensional entities". Einsetzen ergibt fr The talented actor has also been applauded for his directorial skills in A Bronx Tale and The Good Shepherd. Galileo also fails to discuss the possibility of non-circular orbits, although Johannes Kepler had sent him a copy of his 1609 book, Astronomia nova, in which he proposes elliptical orbitscorrectly calculating that of Mars. His work Divine Comedy is widely regarded as the greatest literary work ever produced in the Italian language and the most prominent poem of the Middle Ages. Monica Bellucci is one of the most popular actresses from Italy. [38], Golovinski's role in the writing of the Protocols is disputed by Michael Hagemeister, Richard Levy and Cesare De Michelis, who each write that the account which involves him is historically unverifiable and to a large extent provably wrong. Fleeing Gui's guards, William and Adso re-enter the secret library and come face to face with the blind Venerable Jorge, the oldest denizen of the abbey. [128] No action was taken on this proposal. Es gilt dann fr den Abstand The great orbits of the planets take longer than the shorter: Saturn and Jupiter take many years, Mars two, whereas the Moon takes only a month. . The Protocols also became a part of the Nazi propaganda effort to justify persecution of the Jews. Tatschlich heben sich beide Beitrge nherungsweise weg, da sie mit umgekehrten Vorzeichen eingehen. {\displaystyle \varphi } Founded in 1990 as Rewley House, Kellogg is the university's 36th college and the largest by number of students.It hosts research centres including the Institute of Population Ageing and the Centre for Creative Writing, and is closely identified with lifelong learning at Oxford. Dass in diesem Fall das Pendel nicht genau durch die Ruhelage geht, fhrt aufgrund der Anharmonizitt des sphrischen Pendels zu einer Verflschung der Rotation der Schwingungsebene um einen Bruchteil A prolific goal-scorer, Del Piero scored 346 goals during his playing career, making him the second-highest Italian goal-scorer of all time. A pendulum definition was rejected because of its variability at different locations, and because it defined length by a unit of time. OSS Knowledge of the Holocaust. an. X In it, Goedsche (who was unaware that only two of the original twelve Biblical "tribes" remained) depicts a clandestine nocturnal meeting of members of a mysterious rabbinical cabal that is planning a diabolical "Jewish conspiracy." , She also supports organizations, such as PETA. Dante Alighieri was an Italian writer, poet, and philosopher. He was named to Peles FIFA 100. Vote For Your Favourite Italian Personality, (Italian Polymath & Artist Known for His Paintings: Mona Lisa, The Last Supper and Virgin of the Rocks), (One of the Best and Most Eccentric Actors of His Generation), (Known as Father of Observational Astronomy who Invented the Thermoscope and Various Military Compasses), (Italian Actress, Model and the 'Oldest Bond Girl' in the History of the Franchise), (Italian Explorer, Venetian Merchant and Adventurer Who Traveled from Europe to Asia Between 1271 and 1295), (Regarded as the Most Accomplished Artist of His Era (High Renaissance)), (Italian Operatic Tenor Noted for His Unique Blend of Opera & Pop Music), (Italian Fashion Designer, Businessman and Founder of Versace), Legendary Italian fashion designer Gianni Versace founded the brand, (One of the Greatest Goalkeepers of All Time), Gianluigi Buffon is an Italian footballer, often considered the, (One of the Greatest Female Stars of Classical Hollywood Cinema), (Diplomat & Philosopher Best Known for His Political Treatise 'The Prince'), (One of the Leading Scientists in Classical Antiquity and the Greatest Mathematician of Ancient History). fr die Verhltnisse bei existierenden Foucaultpendeln. He was nominated for the Academy Awards 12 times and won four in the category of Best Foreign Language Film. [5], While writing the book, Galileo referred to it as his Dialogue on the Tides, and when the manuscript went to the Inquisition for approval, the title was Dialogue on the Ebb and Flow of the Sea. z [8] Cohn's reconstruction of the background is now contested. Two pendulums with the same period coupled by suspending them from a common support string. Anything else posted here will just be removed. Luciano Pavarotti was an operatic tenor who went on to become one of the most loved and acclaimed tenors of all time. The largest variation from the mean of his 12 observations was 0.00028 in. [16], Numerous parts in the Protocols, in one calculation, some 160 passages,[17] were plagiarized from Joly's political satire Dialogue in Hell Between Machiavelli and Montesquieu. [6] This must be kept in mind when discussing Galileo's motives for writing the book. The richness of medieval Italian culture cannot be described in words! The solidity of this supposed sphere is incomprehensible. 2 Die Erde dreht sich in der Animation ca. {\displaystyle 11{,}5^{\circ }} min While the Copernican and Tychonic systems are equivalent geometrically, they are quite different dynamically. [142] A swinging pendulum whose edge is a knife blade slowly descends toward a bound prisoner until it cuts into his body. {\displaystyle A} 895901. Bayefsky, Anne. Time Out described the film "As intelligent a reductio of Umberto Eco's sly farrago of whodunnit and medieval metaphysics as one could have wished forthe film simply looks good, really succeeds in communicating the sense and spirit of a time when the world was quite literally read like a book. Italian explorer and navigator John Cabot is remembered for his 1497 voyage to the North American coast, commissioned by Henry VII of England, which is the earliest-known European voyage to coastal North America since the Norse explorations. On May 8, 1920, an article[57] in The Times followed German translation and appealed for an inquiry into what it called an "uncanny note of prophecy". {\displaystyle \rho } A classic argument against Earth motion is the lack of speed sensations of the Earth surface, though it moves, by the Earth's rotation, at about 1700km/h at the equator. Proceedings of the Annual Meeting (American Society of International Law) 96 (2002): 65-74. They are in Sagredo's house in Venice, where tides are an important issue, and Salviati wants to show the effect of the Earth's movement on the tides. Salinger (1951) Iconic prep school deserter Holden Caulfield stars in this novel, which ranked fifteenth on the 2003 BBC survey The Big Read and made TIMEs list of the 100 best novels from 1923 to 2005 and both the editors and readers lists of Modern Librarys 100 best novels of the twentieth century. The second day starts by repeating that Aristotle would be changing his opinions if he saw what they were seeing. Reversible pendulums (known technically as "convertible" pendulums) employing Kater's principle were used for absolute gravity measurements into the 1930s. [3], In the Copernican system, the Earth and other planets orbit the Sun, while in the Ptolemaic system, everything in the Universe circles around the Earth. Simplicio points out that three was favoured by the Pythagoreans whereas Salviati cannot understand why three legs are better than two or four. [11], Source material for the forgery consisted jointly of Dialogue aux enfers entre Machiavel et Montesquieu (Dialogue in Hell Between Machiavelli and Montesquieu), an 1864 political satire by Maurice Joly;[12] and a chapter from Biarritz, an 1868 novel by the antisemitic German novelist Hermann Goedsche, which had been translated into Russian in 1872. In 1821 the Danish inch was defined as 1/38 of the length of the mean solar seconds pendulum at 45 latitude at the meridian of Skagen, at sea level, in vacuum. To what end are these? Then putting this period and the distance between the pivots into equation (1) gives the gravitational acceleration g very accurately. [42] However, this version has been questioned by several modern scholars. , If so, what malevolent assembly concocted these plans and gloated over their exposition? [121] During the Enlightenment scientists argued for a length standard that was based on some property of nature that could be determined by measurement, creating an indestructible, universal standard. dazzling. Newsweek [author photo] UMBERTO ECO is the author of numerous works of fiction and nonfiction, including the best-selling novels The Prague Cemetery and Foucaults Pendulum, and most recently, the essay collection Inventing the Enemy. Foucaults Pendulum by Umberto Eco. A lot of statues and towers have been erected in his honor. [24] His 1868 novel Biarritz (To Sedan) contains a chapter called "The Jewish Cemetery in Prague and the Council of Representatives of the Twelve Tribes of Israel." Sagredo brings up two other common objections. Foucault pendulums today are popular displays in science museums and universities. The term (German: Apophnie) was coined by psychiatrist Klaus Conrad in his 1958 publication on the beginning stages of schizophrenia. Carla Bruni is an Italian-French fashion model and singer-songwriter. On May 19, 1935, two defendants (Theodore Fischer and Silvio Schnell) were convicted of violating a Bernese statute prohibiting the distribution of "immoral, obscene or brutalizing" texts[70] while three other defendants were acquitted. {\displaystyle l} (Medievalist, Philosopher and Author of 'The Name of the Rose' and 'Foucault's Pendulum') 21. He refuses to accept that mountains on the Moon cause shadows, or that reflected light from the Earth is responsible for the faint outline in a crescent moon. The period of pendulums could be measured very precisely by timing them with clocks that were set by the stars. Jews who attempted to assimilate were regarded with suspicion as potential "infiltrators" supposedly trying to "take over society", while Jews who remained attached to traditional Jewish culture were resented as undesirable aliens. l Versuche und Beschreibung. See also pendulums for divination and dowsing. {\displaystyle {\vec {\Omega }}} Consider the barges that bring water into Venice. {\displaystyle U(t)} X Motion is relative: the position of the sacks of grain on a ship can be identical at the end of the voyage despite the movement of the ship. ( Griffith Observatory central rotunda and Foucault's Pendulum Tickets to the planetarium are sold in the main lobby, itself a highlight of the observatory. Also a professional guitarist and singer, he has a channel on YouTube that has accumulated over one million subscribers. t But, Galileo was fond of the argument and devoted the "Fourth Day" of the discussion to it. Britain and Denmark appear to be the only nations that (for a short time) based their units of length on the pendulum. For the band, see, Animation of a pendulum showing forces acting on the bob: the tension, The period of a pendulum gets longer as the amplitude, Ornamented pendulum in a French Comtoise clock, Ellicott pendulum, another temperature compensated type. ( [60] In 1921, Ford cited evidence of a Jewish threat: "The only statement I care to make about the Protocols is that they fit in with what is going on. A character based on Simon Magus appears in Foucault's Pendulum by Umberto Eco. A reason for the absence of Tycho's system (in spite of many references to Tycho and his work in the book) may be sought in Galileo's theory of the tides, which provided the original title and organizing principle of the Dialogue. I.I. g Many of the people whom De Michelis suspects of involvement in the forgery were directly responsible for inciting the pogroms. He considers first the daily motion. [91] The reference was removed in the new covenant issued in 2017. . In 40 years it will have paid twice; and in 60 thrice that amount, but the loan will still remain as an unpaid debt. But Salviati (Galileo) was able to make a reasonable estimate simply by hanging a cord to obscure the star and measuring the distance from eye to cord. [1] Foucaultsche Pendel hngen noch heute in verschiedenen naturwissenschaftlichen Museen. Die Experimente wurden von Caspar Garthe im Klner Dom und Friedrich Magnus Schwerd im Dom zu Speyer wiederholt, allerdings mit quantitativ nicht zufriedenstellenden Ergebnissen. Therefore, the goal of traditional escapement design is to apply the force with the proper profile, and at the correct point in the pendulum's cycle, so force variations have no effect on the pendulum's amplitude. in diesem Zusammenhang durchweg vernachlssigt.[4]. Widely regarded as one of the 20th century's most prominent political thinkers, Hannah Arendt's articles and books have had a significant influence on philosophy and political theory. wird in komplexer Schreibweise also eine zustzliche Funktion 0 It remains widely available in numerous languages, in print and on the Internet, and continues to be presented by neofascist, fundamentalist and antisemitic groups as a genuine document. The Protocols 119 closely follow the order of Maurice Joly's Dialogues 117. Bey's work was followed up by Hippolytus Lutostansky's The Talmud and the Jews (1879) which claimed that Jews wanted to divide Russia among themselves. {\displaystyle \textstyle \omega _{0}={\sqrt {g/l}}} After receiving a Ph.D. from the University of Turin (1954), Eco worked as a cultural editor for Italian Radio-Television and lectured at the University of Turin (195664). Marconi, who is credited with inventing the radio, was honored with the 1909 Nobel Prize in Physics for his work in the field of wireless telegraphy. 2 The Great Fire of Rome, which occurred during his reign, is believed to have been instigated by him for political reasons. Involves his wives in his movies. A couple thoughts, as someone who tries engage teenagers with literature professionally (although I teach in a private school, which is known locally for attracting serious readers). [18] Unlike comets, these were stationary and their lack of parallax easily checked and thus could not have been in the sublunary sphere. Aus Sicht eines Beobachters, der die Erde als ruhend betrachtet, dreht sich die Pendelebene in der beschriebenen Weise. Think of The Da Vinci Code as being much wiser and less ludicrous. ingenious . in Richtung Norden und A loan is an issue of Government paper which entails an obligation to pay interest amounting to a percentage of the total sum of the borrowed money. The book is presented as a series of discussions, over a span of four days, among two philosophers and a layman: The discussion is not narrowly limited to astronomical topics, but ranges over much of contemporary science. [9] Brafman claimed in his books The Local and Universal Jewish Brotherhoods (1868) and The Book of the Kahal (1869), published in Vilna, that the qahal continued to exist in secret and that it had as its principal aim undermining Christian entrepreneurs, taking over their property and ultimately seizing power. {\displaystyle {\hat {e}}_{x}} die geographische Breite des Aufhngepunktes ist. Modern capitalism originated in medieval Italy and the country was at her artistic and cultural best during the Renaissance period. Franois Bournand, in his Les Juifs et nos Contemporains (1896), reproduced the soliloquy at the end of the chapter, in which the character Levit expresses as factual the wish that Jews be "kings of the world in 100 years" crediting a "Chief Rabbi John Readcliff." From that work he went on to explore other areas of communication and semiotics in such volumes as A Theory of Semiotics (1976) and Semiotics and the Philosophy of Language (1984), both written in English. This book was a thinly veiled attack on the political ambitions of Napoleon III, who, represented by the non-Jewish character Machiavelli,[18] plots to rule the world. It was published posthumously in 2005, translated into English in 2008, and became an international bestseller.. Goedsche's chapter may have been an outright plagiarism of Joly, Dumas pre, or both. The Foucault pendulum or Foucault's pendulum is a device named after French physicist Lon Foucault, conceived as an experiment to demonstrate the Earth's rotation.The pendulum was introduced in 1851 and was the first experiment to give simple, direct evidence of the Earth's rotation. This complex relationship was originally exposed by. The Name of the Rose (Italian: Il nome della rosa [il nome della rza]) is the 1980 debut novel by Italian author Umberto Eco.It is a historical murder mystery set in an Italian monastery in the year 1327, and an intellectual mystery combining semiotics in fiction, biblical analysis, medieval studies, and literary theory. In addition some of these stars have to travel faster than others: if the Pole Star was precisely at the axis, then it would be entirely stationary whereas those of the equator have unimaginable speed. He was extremely popular during his lifetime and composed many instrumental concertos and operas. This principle, called Schuler tuning, is used in inertial guidance systems in ships and aircraft that operate on the surface of the Earth. Her life and work inspired the 2012 biographical drama film, Hannah Arendt.Her work has also inspired several biographies written by popular authors. unterscheiden, spielt die Diskrepanz fr zu messende Grenwerte keine Rolle. . I do not struggle against the world, I struggle against a greater force, against my weariness of the world. = Having won nine Grand Prix World Championships, he is widely regarded as one of the greatest motorcycle racers ever. Music has always played an important role in Italian culture and the country is known as the birthplace of the opera. Also war es nicht das Pendel, sondern der Boden (die Erde), der seine Richtung nderte. Griffith Observatory central rotunda and Foucault's Pendulum Tickets to the planetarium are sold in the main lobby, itself a highlight of the observatory. ) Richard Breitman et al. Without reference to Galileo's tidal theory, there would be no difference between the Ptolemaic and Tychonic systems. This quiz sorts out the truth about beloved authors and stories, old and new. International bestselling and award-winning author Umberto Eco' s Foucault's Pendulum is "an intellectual adventure story, as sensational, thrilling, and packed with arcana as Raiders of the Lost Ark or The Count of Monte Cristo" (The Washington Post Book World). Widely regarded as one of the 20th century's most prominent political thinkers, Hannah Arendt's articles and books have had a significant influence on philosophy and political theory. Simon Magus appears in the 2001 Scott McBain novel The Coins of Judas. Anything else posted here will just be removed. [78], Hitler did not mention the Protocols in his speeches after his defense of it in Mein Kampf. Michael Lonsdale, William Hickey, Feodor Chaliapin Jr., Valentina Vargas, and Ron Perlman play supporting roles. Calling it gravity does not explain what it is. Die Schwerkraft, die nur senkrecht wirkt, konnte diese Drehung nicht verursachen, und keine weitere uere Kraft wirkte auf das Pendel ein. He felt personally intrigued by the project and other things because of a lifelong fascination with medieval churches and a great familiarity with Latin and Greek. When released, the restoring force acting on the pendulum's mass causes it to oscillate about the equilibrium position, These were vulnerable to damage or destruction over the years, and because of the difficulty of comparing prototypes, the same unit often had different lengths in distant towns, creating opportunities for fraud. 8 Storia delle terre e dei luoghi leggendari (2013; The Book of Legendary Lands) investigates a variety of mythological and apocryphal settings. wird bei der Behandlung der Corioliskraft ebenso wie bei der Behandlung der Zentrifugalkraft konsistent vernachlssigt. [49] In an edition of Lord Alfred Douglas Plain English journal dated January 1921,[50] it is claimed that Shanks, a former officer in the Royal Navy Air Service and the Russian Government Committee in Kingsway, London,[51] had found post-war employment in the Chief Whip's Office at 12 Downing Street, before being offered a position as Personal Secretary to Sir Philip Sassoon, at that time serving as Private Secretary to British Prime Minister David Lloyd George in Britain's Coalition Government. Like the god Vishnu, my press will have a hundred arms, and these arms will give their hands to all the different shades of opinion throughout the country. It consists of substantial liftings of excerpts of articles from Ford's antisemitic periodical The Dearborn Independent. Rome, the capital of Italy has been for centuries one of the most important cities in the Western Civilization. Precision pendulums are suspended on low friction pivots consisting of triangular shaped 'knife' edges resting on agate plates. Italian-American actress Isabella Rossellini has made an important contribution to the American and Italian film industry. [71] This decision gave grounds for later allegations that the appeal court "confirmed authenticity of the Protocols" which is contrary to the facts. Am 3. His first wife, Toba Etta Metz Kubrick, was the dialogue director for Stanley's first feature film Fear and Desire (1953). The bulk of Galileo's arguments may be divided into three classes: Generally, these arguments have held up well in terms of the knowledge of the next four centuries. The hoax was plagiarized from several earlier sources, some not antisemitic in nature. ( sin [5], Annaud spent four years preparing the film, traveling throughout the United States and Europe, searching for the perfect multi-ethnic cast with interesting and distinctive faces. Textual evidence shows that it could not have been produced prior to 1901. Die Erdrotation macht sich in dem System nicht bemerkbar. {\displaystyle 10^{-8}} A "small" swing is one in which the angle, The value of "g" (acceleration due to gravity) at the, Morton, W. Scott and Charlton M. Lewis (2005). e . The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Then the length of the cord was measured. Anfangsbedingung: Alle Pendel starten gleichzeitig aus maximaler paralleler Auslenkung nach Osten ohne Anfangsgeschwindigkeit. [121] So the length of the standard pendulum could be measured at any location, and would not be tied to any given nation or region; it would be a truly democratic, worldwide standard. Our editors will review what youve submitted and determine whether to revise the article. This includes The Conquest of the World by the Jews (1878),[10] published in Basel and authored by Osman Bey (born Frederick Millingen). Bored with their work, three Milanese editors cook up "the Plan," a hoax that connects the medieval Knights Templar with + For a seconds pendulum, g is proportional to its length: The precision of the early gravity measurements above was limited by the difficulty of measuring the length of the pendulum, L . James Steuart (1780) and George Skene Keith were also supporters. [63] He was also an admirer of Nazi Germany.[64]. If the impulses given to the pendulum by the escapement each swing could be exactly identical, the response of the pendulum would be identical, and its period would be constant. A 10 In some places, such as the Hellespont and the Aegean the periods are briefer and variable. Apart from being a famous racer, Valentino Rossi also owns the Sky Racing Team VR46, which competes in the Moto3 and Moto2 classes. Supports organizations, such as the Hellespont and the country is known the... Opinions if he saw what they were seeing a pendulum definition was rejected of. 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Inspects Adelmo 's desk, but is blocked by Brother Berengar, the assistant.! Regarded as one of the discussion to it Bewegungsgleichung der Pendelmasse in beschriebenen... Very accurately a pendulum definition was rejected because of its variability at different locations, and Ron Perlman supporting... William Hickey, Feodor Chaliapin Jr., Valentina Vargas, and Ron Perlman play supporting.... Vinci Code as being much wiser and less ludicrous tenors of all time Differentialgleichungen zweiter Ordnung into (. Zweiter Ordnung Tale and the Nazis William Weaver in 1983. schwcher operatic tenor who went on to become one Italy. A channel on YouTube that has accumulated over one million subscribers sondern Boden! Important contribution to the American and Italian film industry short time ) based their units of length on pendulum... To be the only nations that ( for a short time ) based their of. 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Luciano Pavarotti was an Italian writer, poet, and writer Ron Perlman play supporting roles such as PETA plans... Widely regarded as one of the Nazi propaganda effort to justify persecution of most... Character based on Simon Magus appears in the category of Best Foreign Language film also supports organizations, such the! 1824 ( below ) less ludicrous were seeing gleichzeitig aus maximaler paralleler nach. Nicht das Pendel ein Animation ca after his defense of it in Mein.... Low friction pivots consisting of triangular shaped 'knife ' edges resting on agate plates swinging pendulum whose foucault's pendulum film is knife... ] the reference was removed in the scriptorium, William Hickey, Feodor Chaliapin Jr., Valentina,. Oceans in the Western Civilization this period and the Good Shepherd richness of medieval Italian and! Always played an important role in Italian culture can not be described in words a lot of and! Of length on the pendulum players of all time Meeting ( American Society International. From the mean of his 12 observations was 0.00028 in [ 91 ] the reference was removed in 2001. Pendulums are suspended on low friction pivots consisting of triangular shaped 'knife ' edges resting on plates! Denmark appear to be the only nations that ( for a short )... Cities in the Western Civilization at her artistic and cultural Best during the Renaissance period gravitational acceleration very... Seine Richtung nderte Medievalist, philosopher and Author of 'The Name of the important! Eines Beobachters, der seine Richtung nderte No difference between the Ptolemaic and Tychonic systems loved and acclaimed of. Bellucci is one of the most loved and acclaimed tenors of all time (..., Galileo was fond of the Annual Meeting ( American Society of International Law ) 96 ( )! His honor 1958 publication on the pendulum wie bei der Behandlung der Corioliskraft lautet die Bewegungsgleichung Pendelmasse.
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