how many platies should be kept together

However, you will not need a heater if the surrounding temperatures are warm enough for your fish, or if your fish require cold water temperatures. Luckily, Angelfish accept a wide range of water conditions and will adapt to most conditions without special care. I was looking at a few different aquascaping kits with long scissors and tweezers and such. My conclusion has me even more confused as the nitrites are testing the same in the 10-gallon tank showing 0, however; in the tank that is cycling with no fish thats the one with the MAJOR difference 0 nitrites with the second kit and off the charts w/ the first. Interested? And p.s. what would be a good length of time to quarantine a marimo ball? It will still happen, it just takes longer. It doesnt hold waste. Is there a way that I can reduce the nitrates in my tap water to keep my fish happy? But I believe from another country. The second thing relates to ammonia toxicity. Are you testing in natural daylight? These bottom-dwelling catfish are very peaceful towards their tankmates, but should not be kept in groups with their own species. Algae and bacteria have a much different look. This allows them to kick up some substrate for sifting. So if yew dont mind Ill keep ya updated. Do you have a filter with biomedia? Just this morning a fully cycled active sponge filter went in to replace the old one, supposedly Nitrifying bacteria will double in population approximately every 24 hrs from that filter. 30 long? You have been a big help and I feel as if Ive known you for a long time. Dont forget to rinse it with fresh water first! I can only conclude that 1) his fins, the new regrowth, are just still in a very delicate state and highly sensitive/reactive to *any* toxins and 2) the effects of Prime may actually start wearing off even before the 24 hour mark. Is there anything else you would suggest I do? I generally do it during my weekly water change. They are affordable and can contain sponge (buy it in bulk and cut to size) and ceramic rings for bio filtration) sponge is squeezed in the tank water you siphon out to clean it. Reading under indoor lighting can make the results look off, which can really make this process seem harder than it is. In a healthy tank, ammonia should always be at zero. Those pebbles are sort of porous I guess? And am I correct in saying that I should wait 24-48 hours after adding any prime? Thank god my mom was here because I was freaking out screaming but my mom was able to grab the first thing she saw which was two red plastic cups to try and scoop her up! When added to water, it breaks down into ammonium. I answered the changing question in a different comment to you. I think it . Thank you for your reply, it is great appreciate. I am also thinking, because they are scaleless, that the additions to the tank may be affecting them more than the other fish.You said you thought the water quality is okay, but did you test it? I dont know if it was bruising or maybe turning colors due to gill issues or what not. Hi Anonymous, I wouldnt recommend a Dwarf Petricola with a large Blood Parrot. Dont worry if you dont see nitrites yet. We have two goldfish with 6 platies, 2 bristlenose plecos, 3 kuhli loaches, and 2 mystery snails. For a really amazing display, try keeping these fish in a tank with blue LED lighting. Haha. Im currently in Week 3 of a Fish in cycle (relocating Goldfish from an overcrowded tank, so figured they were no worse off with fish-in cycle than they were before). Hi, Ive been 12 days, I still do not see nitrites, is it normal? And also, once it is cycled regardless of how I get it there could I put two females together with maybe 2 danios or something? I personally use Salifert, but I dont see why other brands would be any less accurate. Nitrate: Constantly rising. Thats what I did tonight. I think the submission form was messing up. I only suggest every day as it allows beginners to be a little more sloppy since they are not yet in a routine. pH. I finally did it, about 7 weeks to see nitrates following your prime method. When should I be changing the rings and sponge? The only other difference between the readings is in the 10 gallon where the first kit shows 0 nitrates and the second is showing 5. pH They may survive for a time in very lightly brackish water but it can cause health issues in the long-term. Performing a fish-in cycle with Seachem Prime, Performing fish-in cycling with water changes, Step 5: The first beneficial bacteria appears, Step 7: The second beneficial bacteria appear, Step 8: Continue testing and performing water changes. I have a 35 gallon tank with: So I am asking for help as to identify these fish. Sometimes I will see about .25 ammo and thats when I will do a water change however mainly Im seeing 0 ammo, nitrites, and nitrates. When she's not writing about fish you can find her hiking, swimming, and doing yoga. Once you have confirmed these basics are correctly listed, I can give you better advice on how to proceed. If your dose is 5 ml, then in an emergency, for 2.5 ppm, you would put in 15 ml, three times the amount (or 12.5 ml if you want to be exact). Just be mindful that a water change will lower the ammonia, nitrite and nitrate levels. I believe its fish protein. Aquarium Source is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to It should be done in my opinion only if theres a big problem with the quality of the water. On day 1 my pH was 7.1 so I didnt check it for several days. Thanks so much Ian. I just want to clarify For the prime cycling, do you test daily and add the appropriate amount of prime everyday UNTIL the ammonia reaches 2 ppm and THEN do 50% water change? I also have a tank cycling that I want to put my girl betta in, right now shes in a 1 gallon waiting for that to cycle. I know it can be a long process but as you can see Ive never had a spike of numbers to even think anything is happening. Only a small is found inside the tank itself. Just wanted to pop in and say thank you for this step by step!! Your response has calmed me down a bit. Im a little jealous of how close you are to an Amazon fulfillment center my orders never come that quick. Some hybrids show unique traits that set them apart from pure breds in very obvious ways, while others may show only minute differences that can only be spotted by the sharpest eye. Stress is one of the biggest reasons aquarium fish die too soon. Feeding a *tiny* bit once a day. Yahoo!! Or the treated tank water? Keeping water fresh is best, some readers here have found daily or twice daily water changes to really help. Hello! Fish are doing great, no disease or signs of stress. Into week five and nitrites just appearing but was ill informed at pet store. However, you have had such a rocky start and we have been unable to pinpoint where things have gone wrong. But then I brought guppies and they did good job. I condition my tap water with seachem prime. Firstly, welcome to the hobby! This pleco isnt very big, so I am confused, but the issue with the sides of the second dollar that died makes me wonder! Not only are they easy to care for, but their unique personalities can add a touch of playfulness to your aquarium. A little more than two weeks ago I finally got a zero read on nitrite. So far, everyone is alive and some of the fish even had babies. Anyway, Ive added ammonia and the tank is showing some nitrites. use a measuring pipette, it will make it easier to precisely dose. Purists scoff at these mixed pool fish and those that breed them, but the hybrids are often attractive, if not for their coloration for their reasonable price tag. I used Betta water conditioner instead of prime because i jumped an entire bottle of TSS in there. Im thinking of feeding them lightly every other day for a while, thats what Ive been doing so far and they seem OK with it. Thus, they usually come with a higher price tag. There isnt any new ragginess on him thankfully, but we just did a water test and the results are curious ammonia was 0.25 (with a hint of yellow) and nitrite was 0. The only think I think is wrong is the pH is about 7.5 ok? Males can get slightly larger and reach sizes of about 3.5 inches. As long as you conditioned your water before adding it, it should be business as usual and your chemicals should once again begin to rise, although it may take a few days to be noticeable depending on the size of your tank and the number of fish. I am confused about the fish in cycling. Now that nitrite has entered the equation, you need to make sure you are dosing with enough Prime to protect your fish from both ammonia and nitrites. Ammonia 0-0.25 When buying a water heater, make sure it is suitable for a 55 gallons aquarium. Or should I be doing water changes daily? My 10 gallon that has been cycling for a LONG time is reading 0 ammo- 0 nitrites and 0 nitrates. I went to a local fish store (not Petsmart or one of the big box) and they tested my water in the two tanks that have been cycling with the fish for 3 weeks and also got readings on 0 everything! Thanks for the information! Hang in there, things will get easier! Baby tetras are light-sensitive and they need a dark environment in order to thrive. Its not uncommon for tapwater to have detectable nitrate levels. I tried, and it failed in the end. Your tapwater actually contains nitrates. Keep experimenting until you find the right amount of tape required, its a trial and error thing. Its frustrating and you may find you have another 2 weeks or even longer before it looks like its wrapping up. If the filter is too small, run a second, more appropriate sized filter at the same time. Right now I am cycling a 10-gallon tank should I follow your fishless cycle directions or should I do it with the fish? To me, it doesnt sound like your tank has cycled. Nitrates are used by plants and many all-in-one fertilizers accommodate this. I shouldnt add zeolite until the fish cycle has happened, right? If you can, I highly recommend finding a small local fish store in your area they will give much better advice and because they use similar water to you (likely from the same source) they will be best positioned to comment on any troubles you are experiencing. If it has been properly stored and within its expiry date, it wont harm your tank. As for evaporation, top it off as you see fit. He seemed to get better before getting worse. Nitrates 20 PH 7.2. As far as I know, Seachem is the only test kit manufacture that tests ammonium and ammonia separately. Last night, no dead fish, but the silver dollars were hiding, as were the synos, altho I finally could see the 2 of them. Stage 3 A second type of beneficial bacteria eat the nitrites and convert them to nitrates, which are harmless in small amounts and are removed from your aquarium each time you perform a water change. But in all honesty, if you are performing a weekly water change and not overfeeding I would be surprised if this reaches problem levels. Why is my ammonia the same after a water change? You do a water change based on the test results, there isnt a set schedule here and will vary from tank to tank. Larger tanks are best for groups with more than one male. Nitrate 20. She still has the little bruise/mark on her head but her behavior is back to normal no more laying around looking like shes on her death bed. My tap water PH is testing between 6-6.5, which Im thinking may work in the fishs favor during cycling. (we actually do keep a bit of the falling-apart sponge squished in with the new sponge a few days after a change would love not to have to do that really!). To confirm, you are testing in natural daylight? Did I do more damage than good with the Nitrifix, considering it seemingly consumed the food of the nitrifying bacteria before they could get to it? 1 clown loach Hi Ian, The set closest to the head may feature short hairs as well. But I Have Fish in my tank? Reply. Seachem prime is my favorite dechlorinator due to how concentrated it is its lasts longer than others. Unless your tank has a disease outbreak or similar, there isnt anything wrong with sharing a filter. Even at low levels, these toxic substances can stress and severely irritate your fish. However, many fishkeepers appreciate being able to be more precise with their readings. I should use prime every 48 hours, increasing the dose after about two weeks when Nitrites become present. So at this point i have .50 ammonia and 0 nitrite. My ammonia levels have lowered over the 3 weeks (currently 0.25ppm), however the nitites and Nitrates are really high, above the acceptable level. I returned the dead fish to Petsmart, they gave me 4 more, I added a bio-starter, and the next batch of 4 died within 3 hours. You must have a very small aquarium if thats what youre doing. Tank Mates. Since it is a pond its a bit costly affair to use the water conditioners, but water change even the 10% means 700L in my case. Tank size, tankmates, etc? Because your tank is already cycled, you just want to limit the stress placed on the fish while your bacteria catches up to this extra amount. It should be done in a day or two. The pet shop convinced me to get temperate fish and so I came home with 4 platies and 2 snails. The idea here is that as the beneficial bacteria grow, the spacing between the water changes widens further and further. My tank is doing great, fish are healthy and have not lost any. There are over 120 identified species, ranging in size from just a couple of inches to over a foot in length. So just now I tested the 5.5-gallon tank (fishless cycling with pure ammonia) and something told me to use the API master test kit AND the 5 in 1 test strips. If it was me, I wouldnt introduce a new fish to a tank knowing that it could very well die. I will start my new tank tomorrow and follow your guide. Zebra danios are active fish that love darting around the aquarium. The good news is that you can pretty much swap on the fly, there shouldnt be any issues here. 7 weeks is a long time, and its your hard work that got you there. I mean, whats not to like? During this time, thinking the nitrogen cycle was almost complete with very low levels of nitrite, I did a total of 30% water change daily. These species, is a member of the Cichlidae Family and a common species in aquarium trade. I did notice my tank got a bit cloudy last night. Thank you again for taking your time! The water in a goldfish tank should be de-chlorinated or you should buy aquarium water from a pet store. That would be so awesome! And dont beat yourself up over it. Maybe brown alge. It will make rinsing and replacing sooo much easier. Firstly, Im sorry to hear that PetSmart suckered you too. Even still, its important to be vigilant about providing the best care possible. As for understanding, its your lucky day. All juveniles. So, on your nitrates, it doesnt mean your nitrates are at 10, it means they are between 10 and 16 (after this you would probably match it with 20). Everything you are doing is sound for a tank. The second beneficial bacteria (nitrite ->nitrate) has appeared and is quickly converting nitrites to nitrate, so quick that its keeping your nitrite reading at zero. We have put together a list of 13 tropical freshwater fish species that are perfect for both beginners and advanced fishkeepers alike. Dojo loaches are an awesome addition to a larger peaceful community tank. Lastly, I have approximately 2 inches of sand as my substrate. Prime converts ammonia to ammonium. Part of me feels like it needs a bit of rinse (not because it looks gunky, but just.. because) and part of me feels like we should let it continue sitting for another week or so to pick up more good bacteria. You are not necessarily harming the cycle with the constant water changes, but you are certainly slowing it down. They might not be the most colorful tetras but their bold black markings and curios fin and body shape make up for that. I just bought a 60 gallon tank on Saturday the 30th of March. Nitrates are trying to go to 40, so Im doing water changes to keep them under control. Dont worry about the rough start, most beginners find out about the cycle the hard way. Eric Dockett (author) from USA on July 17, 2020: @Josh - Sorry it took so long do respond. Tank lighting should have little effect on seachem stability. Of course, fish show different signs of stress (or even none) according to their sensitivity, but just because a fish doesnt die doesnt mean that its thriving. German engineered and aquascaper approved! Let that determine how often you change. I have so much respect for you as none of what you did here was easy. Another commenter used the analogy that fishkeeping isnt really about keeping fish, its about keeping water. Little effect on seachem stability date, it breaks down into ammonium temperate. Can really make this process seem harder than it is its lasts longer than others keeping fish, its keeping... 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