punisher kills the marvel universe wiki

Once the Guardians and the Ravagers came up with a battle plan and traveled to Xandar, Groot was ready for action and walked along with his team. As punishment, Castle was tortured, with Cooley drilling a hole into his foot while the Punisher furiously promised to murder all of them. He is then transferred to Ryker's Island and interrogated by police detectives Molly von Richthofen (Julie Nathanson) and Martin Soap (Michael Gough). Staying true to his word, Castle headed out into Central Park, having donned his Skull Vest and armed himself with multiple weapons for his showdown with Billy Russo. With Castle still remaining strong throughout all of the brutal torture, Cooley was forced to rethink his plan as he threatened to unleash the same torture methods onto Castle's adopted dog, Max. - Ask Marvel, One Word - Marvel Studios' Black Widow Cast & Director, E60 Presents Moneymaker- Behind the Black Widow - Trailer, Marvel Studios Trailers, Featurettes, and More! Castle bidding his farewell to David Lieberman, As they waited outside the house in the van, Castle and Lieberman sat awkwardly, with Lieberman noting that he had been thinking all about this moment throughout all of those meetings with Homeland Security, but now he had just become nervous at actually returning home, while he questioned if he was being an asshole, which Castle jokingly confirmed. Getting up, Castle told Madani about Arthur Walsh, explaining that he was the man who sexually abused Russo when he was a child at Ray of Hope, with Madani making it clear that she already knew the story. [24], Castle realizes Amy Bendix is outside the door. After being ridiculed of looking like a hipster, Castle looked at his newspaper about the murder of five people and a suicide from Linello's, being reported by Karen Page from the New York Bulletin. 2, James Gunn reveals Groot is not quite a teenager in the mid-credits scene, Ms. Punisher being shot repeatedly by Billy Russo. However, Castle accused Daredevil of treating the city like a playground where criminals should be treated like mere bullies, arguing that his method was more effective.[31]. While Bendix shuffled the cards, she asked Castle if he was an assassin for Homeland Security, which Castle denied, while also noting that the name Punisher was not one he chose for himself, before he failed at Bendix's game again, much to Castle's considerable frustration. Madani insisted and Castle finally answered and asked her how she found him. They immediately helped to turn the tide of the confrontation with the Outriders, during which She then threatens to kill her and exact revenge upon her. [5], Groot stands alongside the assembled heroes. Four years later, Nebula found the Sanctuary II and nearly killed Thanos. He then ran around after figuring out how to walk. Das Leben von Peter beginnt sich zu ndern, als der neue Bsewicht Electro auftaucht, sein alter Freund Harry Osborn zurckkehrt und Peter neue Details ber seine Vergangenheit herausfindetganzer Artikel, Peter Parker alias Spider-Man verdankt seine Superkrfte einem Spinnenbiss, bei dem sich die fremde DNA auf seine eigene bertragen hat. Castle commented on the theory that it was impossible to hear the bullet that kills you being fired, leading to him asking Daredevil if he heard the bullet being shot into his helmet. Castle had then noted that he knew Barrett had previously sold guns to the Russians, which Barrett tried to dismiss, although Castle then explained that he needed to meet up with Konchevsky, while Barrett confirmed that he actually knew Konchevsky. Rogers then attempted to gain information on Thanos' current whereabouts by interrogating Stark, who had fought him. Groot, Rocket Raccoon and Peter Quill were forced to sleep in a large room with most of the other inmates; however, Groot was so comfortable there that he slept through an incident where Gamora was nearly assassinated by Drax the Destroyer, only to be saved by Quill.[3]. Romanoff discovers that she cannot harm Dreykov due to a pheromone lock he installed in every Widow. However, Russo managed to retreat onto the Carousel itself, giving the Punisher time to bandage up his leg before returning to the fight. When Ego attacked, Nebula saved Gamora from falling to her death with the sisters climbing back up to the fight before being trapped and suffocated in organic matter. Castle sitting with Billy Russo to catch up. Tivan found himself interested in Groot, and asked for permission in displaying his corpse as an exhibit, much to Rocket's dismay, which nearly caused another outburst. Quill, unaware that it was an alternate version, attempted to hug her, only for Gamora to knee him and warn him not to touch her. However, he did not confront Castle. Russo proceeded to place a gun to Castle's head, leading to Rawlins to pull out his handgun, ordering Russo to step away and not take away his revenge, stating that Castle owed him an eye. Castle then suspected that Lewis Wilson from Hoyle's support group was the bomber on the radio and had Micro look up his address. Groot then listened as Thor gave a speech to King Yakan of the Indigarrians and then single-handledly defeated Habooska and his army, accidentally destroying the Sacred Temple in the process. He started making the portrait, but realized he needed glitter. As Nebula hung hundreds of feet above Xandar's surface, with her hand trapped onto a spike, Gamora tried to convince her to fight against Ronan the Accuser, claiming Ronan was crazy. [38], Punisher prepares himself for Anvil's assault. Arming himself with his belt, he quickly subdued two of them and questioned why they were following her. Spideys Erzfeind endlich mit eigenem Film! Unwilling to allow this to happen though, Castle responded by punching Micro out to stop him. Castle said they are putting their plan to contact Madani on hold because of the current situation. Once the four were taken away by the Nova Corps, they all arrived in their holding cells. [7], Castle recovering from the violent ambush. Being told that he is not the only ghost in town, Castle was questioned by the caller about the disk that was left in his home. "[8] MTV.com cited it as an example of a failed comic book film, complaining that the film omitted aspects of the character that made him compelling, and would have served better following closer to the plot of the source material. Castle ignored him until Clint told him that he had a film involving a 12-year-old girl. Continuing to fight as hard as he could, Punisher then subdued two other Russians by punching one while also swinging the barbel at another's head. Castle had ordered Barrett to go to these Russians and tell Konchevsky that he had something he needed from Chicago, although Barrett initially refused to go anywhere near the Russians. Having never held a gun before, Castle was trained by Schoonover himself on how to effectively use a firearm in a military situation. Rhodes and Bruce Banner were skeptical of this, but Nebula said that while Thanos was many things, a liar wasn't one of them. Thanos soon united the Infinity Stones within the Infinity Gauntlet and snapped his fingers, which began wiping out half of the universe's population. Being inspired on how they would die fighting for the galaxy, Groot stood beside them and looked at Rocket, who finally stood up. Castle and the girl then drove off into the night, determined to learn the truth behind the attack.[15]. Box Office While Jack attempted to get on his feet, the Punisher, still believing it to be Russo, slashed at his legs to cause him more pain. Castle then allowed Page to go to the New York City Police Department while he stayed hidden. Castle had questioned if Hoyle really believed that Russo had lost his memories, with Hoyle noting that Castle had cracked his skull during their showdown, so it was hardly surprising. Punisher preparing to murder William Rawlins. Date of Birth Castle headed to a body shop where Mazur's gang is torturing two men. Castle getting an idea to contact Turk Barrett, Castle and Bendix then sat back down to play their card game once again, which Castle still lost despite Bendix explaining how the game worked. After Billy Russo murdered several prostitutes and framed Castle for the crime, he was in disbelief and shock that he took innocent lives, leading to him losing his drive as the Punisher. More than five However, before the money would be collected from Frank Castle's Van, the bomb which Castle had left exploded, killing Rafe and destroying the cash. With Castle on the run, the Blacksmith began murdering anyone connected to the Central Park massacre, including Samantha Reyes and Gregory Tepper and blaming it on the Punisher. Castle interrogating Rachel about all of her lies, Later that day, Castle interrogated Rachel, demanding to know why she was being hunted and refusing to believe her cover story as a college student. Castle is arrested and taken to the hospital, Going into great detail, Castle told Daredevil how his daughter had begged him to read her a book the night before, but he had been too tired and tragically the next day she was gunned down and died in his arms. Micro and Castle talked about how they each met their wives. The task force participated in the operation, specializing in nightly raids for the purpose of kidnapping, interrogating, and then executing high value targets of the United States of America, with the squad quickly becoming known as the American Taliban. However, the Punisher then grabbed the dropped barbel and furiously pinned Kazan up against the wall by his throat, as he then demanded to know who it was who had hired Fiona's Crew to take the photographs, although Kazan insisted that he would get killed if he told him, while the Punisher warned that he would kill him if he did not. Seeing that he'd been shot in the buttocks during the fight, Castle asked for Rachel's help to remove the bullet and stitch the wound, much to her disgust. However, when Batzer asked how Castle pleaded, Castle stared straight into Reyes' eyes and pleaded not guilty so he could destroy Reyes' own career in the courtroom by exposing all of her lies and dealings with his family's deaths. Castle took his advantage and took a single shot right in the direction of Orange's head. Vostokoff attempts to take out the ship's engine. As Romanoff unknowingly drives off with the antidote, she is attacked by Taskmaster, who is after the Red Dust. After slaughtering the criminals there, he learns that it is owned by the Gnucci crime family, led by Ma Gnucci (Saffron Henderson), because Carlo Duka (John Cygan), the shop's owner, is a Gnucci lieutenant; the Punisher drops him in a car compactor where Duka is subsequently crushed. Taking a rest from beating the wall, Castle spotted Lance, Paulie, and Leo returned to the construction site and chase Chavez into the building. Quinn had then admitted that she should throw Castle out, but noted that she did not feel the need to, calling these decisions stupid. Nutzung von Community-Inhalten gem. With the broken shard of the mirror now imbedded into Russo's gut, the Punisher got back onto his feet while he looked his former friend directly in the eye before pushing him away, allowing Russo to pull the shard out as his blood poured out of the open wound. As Quinn had expressed her confusion, Castle just explained that his past could embarrass powerful people, without mentioning Homeland Security directly, which had resulted in him using the name "Pete Castiglione," as Castle also denied being a criminal. With the Punisher now on the Carousel, he was then suddenly hit by multiple flashbacks of his wife and two children playing on that same Carousel on the day that they were all massacred in front of him. In 2024, Nebula and the Guardians were met by Korg, who wanted to accompany Thor. Rocket said that he did not care how mean it was, as Drax's thirst for revenge was no excuse for getting them all killed. Giving Castle the only weapon he could provide him with, a shiv, he informed that he would take to Dutton's location by Olsky and would have only seven minutes to get the information he needed from Dutton, kill him, and escape. With the distraction in place, Castle jumped on the roof of the truck carrying the weapons and stole it. Castle knocked Daredevil out and collected Grotto while he was out while attaching a gun to Daredevil's hand. Once Leo had got up from the ground, Castle used his sledgehammer to knock him out and land on the concrete mixer. As more Irishmen arrived, Punisher and Daredevil used their combined strength to subdue them all; however, when Castle would attempt to use a gun or hammer to kill his enemies, Daredevil then knocked the weapons out of his hand and insisted that they do not kill anyone during their fight. [5], The citizens of Earth knew of Nebula's existence because of her years acting as an Avenger and her participation in the Battle of Earth. Bendix had knocked on the door, as Clive looked through a peephole in the door and had immediately refused to allow Castle in. In 2018, Groot traveled with the Guardians of the Galaxy in space for the insurgency of a distress call sent out by the Asgardians. Chaney still refused to answer and told Castle to go to hell, so Castle resorted to beating his face in with the butt of the gun until Chaney finally broke and told him that he could find the Blacksmith at Pier 81. [7], Castle watches the torture of Ahmad Zubair. Castle striking Paulie with his sledgehammer. One agent found and aimed their rifle at Bennett by mistake, only for Castle to appear from the darkness and knock the man out. Punisher fights and is subdued by Daredevil, Once he subdued Daredevil again, Castle took aim at Jimmy the Bear with his sniper rifle, preparing to execute the entire gang in mere moments. The Punisher then left Russo's corpse behind, allowing Brett Mahoney to discover it with Hoyle and Madani, who both denied that the Punisher was actually the one who had finished Russo off. The film is a sequel to Captain America: Civil War and a prequel to Avengers: Infinity War. Enraged that Clive had tried to shoot him, Castle then struck him into the face with the gun, before reloading it and breaking both of Clive's arms by hitting him with the shotgun with some considerable force. Synchronizing their GPS's, Rhodes activated his, but Nebula was unable to, as the probing of her alternate self's memories caused her cybernetics to malfunction. It showed his new haircut. Micro revealed that it is a fail-safe system if the countdown reaches zero, then it would trigger explosives in the building that would kill them. Castle put the unconscious Olin in his van to interrogate her later, but she suddenly woke up and managed to grab Castle's gun, shooting him in the arm. Knowing that he was serious, Barrett explained that Konchevsky worked from Kazan's Gym, noting they were not good people, but the Gym would be a good target. As Ray Schoonover was taken away, Castle and all the others were looked at, with Castle himself washed the enemy blood from his face and spat out almost a bucket load of his blood while trying to keep himself calm. Castle sees Billy Russo's escape on the news, Instead of answering her questions, Castle simply told Bendix to take Madani's bedroom, while he would be sleeping on the couch. Before leaving, Ayesha questioned Quill about his ancestry and hinted that his father was of a unique species, thus prompting him to wonder who his father really was.[2]. As Castle questioned who had paid for the food and clothes, Bendix then revealed that she had used Dinah Madani's credit card, while Castle questioned if she had really stolen from the woman who had let them stay inside of her apartment. When Daredevil regained consciousness, Castle informed him that there was only one bullet in the gun and that he was wearing body armor, so the only way to stop him would be to shoot him in the head. The two tress hit the ground, breaking Groot's pot. [14], Castle getting released by the DHS agents. He seems to have a liking for disco and funk, commenting that he enjoyed singing along to Shining Star by Earth Wind & Fire so much that he nearly drove the rest of his unit crazy with it. Once Murdock finished his statement, Castle asked Judge Cynthia Batzer if he could make a statement, and proceeded to tell the jury that he would commit the murders all over again, promising that he was not crazy and did not need Nelson and Murdock's help and that he would never be sent to a mental hospital for treatment. A CD of the soundtrack was not released until July 19, 2005 (Perseverance Records, PRD006). The group then noticed the Yondu Ravager Clan appeared, with the former having been called here by Drax. He asked Russo to evacuate Ori and leave Wilson for him to deal with. Castle tries to convince Hardin to hand him over to mercenaries or everybody in the station will die, however, Ken Ogden proposes to take vehicles to drive away from the station and call for assistance. While serving in Afghanistan alongside with Billy Russo, where the duo became friends, Castle and Russo joined the black-ops team, Cerberus Squad under the command of CIA Officer William Rawlins aimed at capturing, interrogating, and executing high-value targets. While he possesses human level intellect, Groot's robust and heavyweight physiology causes the organs of his acoustic generation to become stiff and inflexible, rendering the limits of his speech to the simple phrase, "I am Groot." After Rocket began to fight Drax, Quill calmed them down before they could kill each other. [39], Punisher quietly spying outside Kazan's gym. As Groot continued to dance, he was discovered by Drax, who landed behind him after his beating. Sitting down with Madani, Castle gave his name for the record, scoffing as Madani gave him their legal statements that he had to agree to before he would testify. k street while arming an assault rifle, for he was preparing for a gunfight. Castle and Micro watched as the Anvil agents stabbed the cans of petrol that they strapped onto Sarah and Zach's backs, threatening to burn them with flares if anything went wrong. Alias(es) Groot [9], Castle calmly interrogating the captured Micro. Having cleared out all of the Anvil agents, Castle then gotten back in contact with Dinah Madani, as he requested that she come alone to a secure location. Unwilling to allow the Punisher to be killed by the gang, Daredevil managed to take him out of the building before the Dogs of Hell could beat him to death until Castle awoke and escaped during the fight. In Marvel Studios' action-packed spy thriller Black Widow, Natasha Romanoff, aka Black Widow, confronts the darker parts of her ledger when a dangerous conspiracy with ties to her past arises. Eventually, Nebula managed to gain the upper hand by disarming Gamora and then using her batons to electrocute Gamora, nearly killing her. Castle is haunted by dreams of his own family. [9], Nebula realizes Thanos' plan has succeeded. Castle had then overheard Rex explaining that his Grandmother had sent him back into their Apartment without any breakfast, while Beth apologized for the awkwardness of the situation, although Castle had also apologized for attempting to leave without saying his goodbyes to her. Three months after Amy Bendix's departure, Castle completely went off the grid, having survived the Snap and breaking off all of his contacts. Once she had calmed down, Castle sat with Bendix as she described how she woke up every morning and could smell the hot sauce from the tacos she had brought to Fiona's crew before finding them dead, noting that blood also had a certain smell to it. Rocket stormed away angrily, but a Bounty Hunter stopped him. November 15, 1981[23] However, after Groot's failed attempt to understand what he was supposed to bring, Groot went over the Ravagers' room and brought Udonta's underwear. She then held his hand to comfort him.[3]. Once Castle had put his boots back on, he looked back at Quinn, who was asleep, as Castle touched his wedding ring and remembered his wife, before leaving the bedroom, intending to leave Michigan and to not see Quinn again. Castle continued to chase Russo which an overwhelmed Russo angrily ordered Jos to stop the car in the middle of Nebula grew to resent Gamora for never letting her win causing Thanos to torture her.[2]. Although Grotto was able to get out of the hospital with Page taking him downstairs and putting him in her car to be driven away, Castle had still managed to get onto the roof of the hospital and used a sniper rifle to attempt to take out his target, watching Grotto as he peered out of the car's window. Beth explained that the job at the bar was what kept all the lights on at their home and kept Rex dressed, before they noticed Rex was pouring excessive amounts of syrup on his pancakes, which they shared a laugh about. To reassure Quinn, Castle noted that he also had a bed at the Tides Motel and suggested that he could sleep alone there instead and bid her goodnight, although Quinn had then told him to join her in her car, as she drove them. However. Putting inside his laptop, Castle watched the disturbed contents of the disc and was angered by it as it shows a recording of an incident in Afghanistan where he was part of Operation Cerberus and showed the murder of Ahmad Zubair. Bendix had then also noted that Madani would be annoyed that they did not bother leaving town as she instructed, although Castle claimed that Madani would never even notice, also noting that Madani was never happy, which was a comment Bendix had also previously made. Castle made Page aware of his presence by putting a familiar song onto her radio and as Page and Schoonover drove down the road, Castle plowed into the side of the car with his own SUV, badly injuring Schoonover. Star-Lord and Gamora criticized the others for almost blowing them up, leading Groot to call them ungrateful, with Rocket agreeing with his statement. He is taken to Ryker's Island, as per his plan. However, Castle knew that his attacker was not a criminal and when he finally got the upper hand and managed to pull out his gun, as Castle shot Daredevil in the helmet. Upon arriving, Punisher kept himself hidden in the shadows until he witnessed the Carousel being activated, giving Punisher flashbacks of his family. [5] The film was originally slated for a US release in August 1989, as trailers were created by New World promoting the film. Affiliation Castle told Rawlins that he was a reminder of the crimes he committed and the punishment that came for them. Groot then jumped back onto Rocket's shoulder as the trio headed to the bridge. Thor and Quill briefly quarreled about who the leader was, prompting Nebula to suggest that the two fight for the title. As Jack failed to answer him, the Punisher simply shot him into the leg before he then questioned where Sarah and Zach Lieberman were, only for Jack to insist that he had not been given that information. Punisher and Billy Russo agree to their fight, As Castle tried to get Hoyle safe, he noted that nobody else needed to die, to which Russo vowed to hurt anyone Castle ever cared about to get to him.
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