pytorch quantization example

Is it possible to do a quantization of .pb in pytorch and get a quantized .pb directly? Directly add the TensorQuantizer module to the inputs of an operation in the model graph. Now, I want use it in Raspberry Pi3. First create a copy of from, In this article, we talked about quantization, a common technique to optimize a model for inference, and also the tools provided in PyTorch to quantize a model and debug quantization errors to recover the accuracy of the model. Then, enable calibration in each quantizer and feed training data in to the model. #from .utils import load_state_dict_from_url, all = [ Editors Note: Jerry is a speaker for ODSC East 2022. Keep Module name "Linear" instead of "QuantLinear" so that it can be easily dropped into preexisting model and load pretrained weights. conv2d = nn.Conv2d(in_channels, v, kernel_size=3, padding=1) For efficient inference, we want to select a fixed range for each quantizer. Well have a more comprehensive walkthrough of the tools you can use in PyTorch Quantization. Fossies Dox: pytorch-1.13..tar.gz ("unofficial" and yet experimental doxygen-generated source code documentation) . It has three features: Well show a simple example comparing the quantization loss for weight of resnet50 model with FX Graph Mode Numeric Suite below. Gives the following error, Cifar_VGG object has no attribute conv2d, I think the fusion is not defined correctly for your model, please read the fusion section of the tutorial again and see if you can find the problem, Now I am getting the following error The main steps for post training quantization are: 1) fusing of modules (e.g., conv; bn; relu => conv_bn_relu) 2) Observing tensor values to quantize tensors 3) Actual replacing of modules from float to quantized. How to perform quantization of a model in PyTorch? Like I said in my previous comment: However, if your network is not quantized and/or you dont want to install Caffe2 on your Raspberry Pi, you could use try to use Glow to profile your model, quantize it, and then save what we call an ahead-of-time compiled bundle, which is just a binary to copy to your Raspberry Pi3 to run (see docs here and here ). model = Cifar_VGG(make_layers(cfgs[cfg], batch_norm=batch_norm), **kwargs) The first step is to add quantizer modules to the neural network graph. Quantization Aware Training: During training, we insert fake quantization operators into the model to simulate the quantization behavior and convert the model to a quantized model after training based on the model with fake quantize operators. If you dont know what the scales/offsets should be (likely the case), one option would be to use Glows profiling and quantization to quantize automatically. Glow primarily targets neural network accelerators, though it does have a CPU backend and supports automatic profiling + quantization. Lets see each use-case with examples below. About: PyTorch provides Tensor computation (like NumPy) with strong GPU acceleration and Deep Neural Networks (in Python) built on a tape-based autograd system. This should yield 76.1% top-1 accuracy, which is close the the pre-trained model accuracy of 76.2%. # Note: when comparing weights in models with Conv-BN for PTQ, we need to compare, # Extract conv and linear weights from corresponding parts of two models, and save, # calculate SQNR between each pair of weights, # massage the data into a format easy to graph and print, # plot the SQNR between fp32 and int8 weights for each layer. running_var, bool training, float momentum, float eps) -> (Tensor, Tensor, Tensor) on tensor type QuantizedCPUTensorId; available functions are CPUTensorId, CUDATensorId, MkldnnCPUTensorId, VariableTensorId. Quantization is a common technique that people use to make their model run faster, with lower memory footprint and lower power consumption for inference without the need to change the model architecture. MSE and entropy should both get over 76%. We can use Numeric Suite in PyTorch to find the impact of quantization on the activation and weight of the model. thanks! However, if we want to fuse some specific ReLUs, the ReLUmodules have to be explicitly separated. We can view quantization as a compression for the model, and it is not a lossless compression, since the lower precision data type may have less dynamic range and resolution. e.g. With the current API, we'll have to specialize the function for each quantization scheme, for example, if we want to quantize a Tensor, we'll have quantize_per_tensor and quantize_per_channel.Similarly for q_scale and q_zero_point, we should have a single quantize function which takes a Quantizer as argument. This is harder to apply than post-training quantization since it requires retraining the model, but typically gives better accuracy. Thnx. If this might fit your needs, you can always follow this tutorial to get ONNX or Caffe2 from your PyTorch model, which you can then import to Glow. Examples. Learn on the go with our new app., As far as I know, to accelerate the model on mobile systems such as Rpi3(B/B+) I should use the QNNPACK lib which allows make the low-precision inference using operators with int8 data type. We can try different calibrations without recollecting the histograms, and see which one gets the best accuracy. Here are some pointers for the code: Python related: Prepare: we insert some observers to the model to observe the statistics of a Tensor, for example, min/max values of the Tensor, Calibration: We run the model with some representative sample data, this will allow the observers to record the Tensor statistics, Convert: Based on the calibrated model, we can figure out the quantization parameters for the mapping function and convert the floating point operators to quantized operators, Compare the accumulative quantization loss for activation, Compare the per operator quantization loss for activation. First set static member of TensorQuantizer to use Pytorch's own fake quantization functions from pytorch_quantization import nn as quant_nn quant_nn.TensorQuantizer.use_fb_fake_quant = True Fake quantized model can now be exported to ONNX as other models, follow the instructions in torch.onnx . Unlike TensorFlow 2.3.0 which supports integer quantization using arbitrary bitwidth from 2 to 16, PyTorch 1.7.0 only supports 8-bit integer quantization. 99.9% clips too many values for resnet50 and will get slightly lower accuracy. pytorch-quantization-demo A simple network quantization demo using pytorch from scratch. Finally we need patch the forward function in both BasicBlock and Bottleneck, class Conv2d in my example. inserting extra quantization/dequantization nodes here. Like bazel quantization tools ? In order to do quantization in PyTorch, we need to be able to represent quantized data in Tensors. progress=progress) predict_net.pb or predcit_net.pbtxt? layers = [] For example, fine-tuning for 15 epochs with cosine annealing starting with a learning rate of 0.001 can get over 76.7%. Which file should I change? The workflow could be as easy as loading a pre-trained floating point model and apply a quantization aware training wrapper. Quantization-aware training (QAT) is the quantization method that typically results in the highest accuracy. layers += [conv2d, nn.ReLU(inplace=True)] The main steps for post training quantization are: 1) fusing of modules (e.g., conv; bn; relu => conv_bn_relu) 2) Observing tensor values to quantize tensors 3) Actual replacing of modules from float to quantized. To quantize a module, we need to quantize the input and weights if present. Hi, 1024 samples (2 batches of 512) should be sufficient to estimate the distribution of activations. A: [64, M, 128, M, 256, 256, M, 512, 512, M, 512, 512, M], OK, maybe I have to read some source code about it, Yes. of 7 runs, 10 loops each), 8.65 ms 133 s per loop (mean std. Please look at the flow of operation for quantization here: }, def _vgg(arch, cfg, batch_norm, pretrained, progress, **kwargs): torch.quantization.quantize_dynamic() function here ( see documentation ) which takes the model, then a list of the submodules which we want to have quantized if they appear, then the datatype we are targeting. Dynamic Quantization: This very the easiest method of quantization, by using this model we can convert the activation to int8 before the computation. After we quantize the model, we may find that we got a great speedup, but the accuracy could suffer because we quantized too many operators. An alias "QuantLinear" is defined below. Subscribe to our weekly newsletter here and receive the latest news every Thursday. Is there a way to quantize Image Generator type model? dev. First, create ImageNet dataloaders as done in the training script. Help me deal with this, please. Maybe there are some tutorials about it? After calibration is done, quantizers will have amax set, which represents the absolute maximum input value representable in the quantized space. We can see the condensed amaxes by printing each TensorQuantizer module. The first step is to add quantizer modules to the neural network graph. These are usually based on actual values you expect to flow through your graph. Now we need. You can follow the instructions here on how to gather a profile of a model and then quantize the model. The following outline is provided as an overview of and topical guide to machine learning. Note that it may not perform as well as QNNPACK ; we are more focused on accelerator backends right now. In general, we have the following process (Post Training Quantization): Currently, PyTorch offers two different ways of quantization: Eager Mode Quantization and FX Graph Mode Quantization. Go to file. if v == M: Eta_C December 11, 2019, 2:03am #4 I know how to use PyTorch quantization tools. import torch.quantization quantized_model = torch.quantization.quantize_dynamic( model, {torch.nn.Linear}, dtype=torch.qint8 ) In this code sample: model is the PyTorch module targeted by the optimization. I want to know how does PyTorch implement it. - in order to use quantization you need to know the quantization parameters to use for each operator. I want to know how does PyTorch implement quantization, so that I can optimize my framework (simpler, faster and more customizable). Our passion is bringing thousands of the best and brightest data scientists together under one roof for an incredible learning and networking experience. Reduction in memory bandwidth requirements. If you are interested in using QNNPACK and Caffe2 on your Raspberry Pi then you could try asking the question in a separate category. 24 Useful Open Datasets for Natural Language Processing, Comparing Features of 4 Popular Machine Learning Platforms, Deep learning with fastaiDogs and cats classification, The Rationale for Training Domain-Specific BERTs [OMNI-BERT, Part One], Natural Language Processing with disaster Tweets, from import get_default_qconfig, # `prepare_fx` inserts observers in the model based on the configuration in `qconfig_dict`, # calibration runs the model with some sample data, which allows observers to record the statistics of, # `convert_fx` converts a calibrated model to a quantized model, this includes inserting. predict_net) is using operators such as Int8Conv, Int8FC, etc. Fine-tuning for more epochs with learning rate annealing can improve accuracy further. I will take the time to read the source code carefully. The first two methods are very useful if its needed to automatically replace the original modules (nodes in the graph) with their quantized versions. My quantization method is different from PyTorch. The base code is a copy of nn.Linear, see detailed comment of original arguments there. It follows that the only additional change from the previous example of quantizing pooling modules is that wed need to accomodate the quantization of weights in the Linear module. Note that it may not perform as well as QNNPACK; we are more focused on accelerator backends right now. Finally the init_quantizer method is called that initializes the TensorQuantizer module which would quantize the inputs. How do we obtain a quantized model from a floating point model? So it looks like your model is only in float right now. B: [64, 64, M, 128, 128, M, 256, 256, M, 512, 512, M, 512, 512, M], With all of the above changes, the quantized Linear module would look like following: It is also possible to directly quantize graph inputs without creating wrappers as explained above. C++ kernels: so that quantizing node after the Convolution node is fused with the Convolution node, and the Convolution node is completely quantized with INT8 input and output. Then how do we find the operators that are most sensitive to quantization and skip quantizing these operators in order to recover the accuracy? After the initialization, the forward function needs to be defined in our wrapper module that would actually quantize the inputs using the _input_quantizer that was initialized in the __init__ function forwarding the inputs to the base module using super call. Again, this is not QNNPACK; Glow does not use it. By default, weight ranges are per channel while activation ranges are per tensor. We have some limtited support for python via PyTorch through the ONNXIFI interface you can find info here. This category is for Glow, which is a different PyTorch backend from Caffe2 (which "natively integrates QNNPACK"). Read more data science articles on, including tutorials and guides from beginner to advanced levels! Create quantized wrapper for modules that have inputs as well as weights. How to merge batch_norm layer with conv layer? Create the wrapper by subclassing the original module (pooling.MaxPool2d) along with the utilities module (_utils.QuantInputMixin). The new fused operator has two inputs. Post-training static quantization: The third method could be useful when its required to manually add the quantization to the model graph at very specific places (more manual, more control). The code for it is given below: The quantization and dequantization functions can be looked at via the colab notebook linked above. in_channels = v return model, def cifar_rvgg11_bn(pretrained=False, progress=True, **kwargs): How can I make low-precision inference using QNNPACK? This step adds the actual input/weight TensorQuantizer to the module and eventually the model. D: [64, 64, M, 128, 128, M, 256, 256, 256, M, 512, 512, 512, M, 512, 512, 512, M], for m in self.modules(): Once you have those things done you can quantize the model. Example of some op from my predict_net.pbtxt: Do I have to make changes here or not? Reading source code on how its implemented is a good way. In this case, I will also . PyTorch Dynamic Quantization. However, if your network is not quantized and/or you dont want to install Caffe2 on your Raspberry Pi, you could use try to use Glow to profile your model, quantize it, and then save what we call an ahead-of-time compiled bundle, which is just a binary to copy to your Raspberry Pi3 to run (see docs here and here). This is the code for my tutorial about network quantization written in Chinese. Module ( pooling.MaxPool2d ) along with the utilities module ( pooling.MaxPool2d ) along with the module! Is close the the pre-trained model accuracy of 76.2 % and then quantize the inputs of an operation in highest. The accuracy source code documentation ) how its implemented is a speaker for East... Raspberry Pi3 tutorials and guides from beginner to advanced levels quantization since it requires retraining the.. ; unofficial & quot ; QuantLinear & quot ; QuantLinear & quot ; is below. Initializes the TensorQuantizer module which would quantize the inputs ranges are per tensor fossies:. 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