I have cancelled my appointments for prolia. Women who receive a shot of Prolia typically have a higher risk of fracture after going through menopause. So, what good is an osteoporosis drug that also increases the risk of osteoporotic bone fractures? Osteoporosis is most common in older people, especially (but not only) in women. I also had a lot of light-headless, and more recently vertigo. Also, it was the first time that FDA approved treatment medication for postmenopausal osteoporosis. I too have recently been put on prolia as my doctor scared me into it and only found your site after I was given my first injection. Our pill identification tool will display pictures that you can compare to your pill. BTW: I took my parrot off the heart medication they gave her and she is back to normal! Denosumab (brand name Prolia) is an osteoporosis medication that uses human monoclonal antibody. My oncologist, as well as my neurological oncologist, has told me the same thing and has encouraged me to start on the Prolia as there have been some studies with Prolia and the prevention of bone cancer. WebMD does not endorse any specific product, service or treatment. I learned that it really isnt that different from bisphosphonates such as Fosamax and Boniva. Update on my last post .had 4th injection Jan ,this has been by far the worst for side effects .terrible leg cramps and pain ,was given muscle relaxants ,which doesn't seem to help ,I feel I have no quality of life ,doctors don't seem to want to disscuss that it may be caused by prolia .my appointments always seem to get cancelled or delayed ,when I ask to discuss coming off prolia ,I will not be having another injection ,this drug has disabled me ,I was ok prior to this ,the side effects are not worth it . I started Prolia in January. My bone density has improved dramatically, especially in the spine. It is specially formulated as a twice-a-year injection to treat osteoporosis, especially in postmenopausal women. There are other treatments available. At least I stopped it for now! These opinions do not represent the opinions of WebMD. I have also had numerous UTIs; all happening after commencing Prolia. I was so shocked. Neither Everyday Health nor its licensors endorse drugs, diagnose patients or recommend therapy. Besides its use in the treatment of osteoporosis, denosumab has also been approved or investigated for use in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis and different forms of bone cancer. I know mine did. You could use a fictitious drug name, but this information needs to be spread around more widely and somebody has to do it. Its just SO expensive so I'm going to have to stop taking it and will take another med to supplement my bones. Now , I wonder how to undue some of that damage. Listen to Vivian and take her advice. Take your vitamins but PLEASE do not take this drug. She looks directly into the camera and says: If youve been diagnosed with osteoporosis, your doctor may have prescribed the twice-yearly injectable drug Prolia. What happened to your friend in PA that took the bone builder drugs? ?Do you know anyone else on Prolia? The FDA (Food and Drug Administration) approved Prolia in 2010. A routine tooth extraction procedure can set it off and it is characterized by infections in the muscles surrounding the bones of the jaw. Prolia, manufactured by Amgen, is approved for the following indications per the Highlights in the Prescribing Information: Treatment of postmenopausal women with I now regret this decision and dont know whether to have the next injection or not fearing the worst.. high cholesterol levels *. i live in the UK I can only hope we dont have the awful Prolia ad. Alert: Faulty Study Spreads Misinformation About Vitamin D, Save Our Bones Bulletin: An Under-Appreciated Amino Acid That Builds A Powerful Antioxidant; A Foundation Supplement Proven To Prevent Cell Death; Medical Establishment Groups Plead With Doctors On Behalf Of Big Pharma, Studies Confirm That Stronger Muscles Lead To Stronger Bones. Having spent a sizable chunk of my writing career inside big pharma cosI have learned to look for what nobody sees, and what nobody says. I have ached like never before. The doctor was furious when I said I wouldn't take it. That sounded encouraging after I researched the drug I was terrified , went back to my doctor & told him what I discovered & he denied the side effects. Unfortunately, denosumab does not work quite as well as the naturally produced osteoprotegerin. I recently had a stress fracture in my hip for which I had to have surgery to put a rod in my bone to stabilize it. I then suffered compression fractures of the spine and have been debilitated since the beginning of this year. It does have loads of side effects when you research it. (I am 83yrs young, & dont give up with your exercise or healthy eating, it makes a difference, & Thanks to Vivian for all her help, she has been wonderful trying to help people. The good news is, you found the truth yourself! My bone density improved and fracture risk went from high to low. I am so sorry to hear about your fractures, and I wish you a speedy recovery! Denosumab is a human monoclonal antibody. Keen to know if anybody else has had hair issues or alopecia. Jaw bone osteonecrosis is a rather peculiar condition that results after minor trauma to the jaw bone. GOING ON 2 YEARS SINCE MY **LAST*** SHOT AND I STILL ANT ALK I HAVE IBS I ANT BREATH RIGHT I DONT HAVE THE LIFE I ONCE HAD IT ALL STARTED WITH THIS NIGHTMARE OF AN RX THEY SHOULD BE SUED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! http://www.prolia.com/postmenopausal-osteoporosis/safety.html, http://bodyandhealth.canada.com/drug_info_details.asp?brand_name_id=5517&rot=4, http://www.webmd.com/osteoporosis/news/20100602/fda-approves-prolia-for-high-risk-osteoporosis, http://saveourbones.com/prolia-denosumab-review/, http://www.webmd.com/drugs/drug-154218-Prolia+SubQ.aspx?drugid=154218&drugname=Prolia+SubQ, http://www.drugs.com/sfx/prolia-side-effects.html, Copyright 2022 - progressivehealth.com - All Rights Reserved. My left hip shows no change for some reason. 2. But they each work differently Other than pain for a couple of weeks from the two times when it might have happened (both times due to injury), I can still get around, take 1 mile walks, work out at the gym, etc. That had to be in the 2000's cant remember date but is doing well now . I'm grateful it helped. This new drug modifies the regulatory control of the immune system over bone remodeling. The sad thing is a bone-density scan revealed that my bone density had not improved. Thank you Vivian. I refuse to take something with side effects so bad. WebMD understands that reading individual, real-life experiences can be a helpful resource, but it is never a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment from a qualified health care provider. Respiratory health harms often follow flooding: Taking these steps can help, Break free from 3 self-sabotaging ANTs automatic negative thoughts, Prostate cancer: Zapping metastatic tumors with radiation improves survival. I am very sorry to hear that, Diana. Then I got married to someone else, and the first 3 years were a stressful adjustment. The study concluded that Prolia prevented microgravity-induced bone loss and maintained bone mineralization. May God help me and may God help all those out there with the same situation. ENUF SAID ? The reviews are really 50/50 for and against, so I am really conflicted in my decision, and exploring all options. How have any of you who have been on Prolia feel and what can I expect? Please help me with my decision with such serve osteoporosis. How can I target the femoral neck to make it stronger? Honestly more open discussions should be available about this drug and Doctors explore all avenues of treatment before prescribing something that from all accounts you cannot stop once you start. I will not be continuing with this drug. Wishe they would show your version, Vivienne! Prolia has caused me great damage to my jaw bone I need to get in touch with whoever is in charge of this drug so they can pay for me to have this problem corrected before I get an attorney. Instead of drugs, I went on Vivians program pretty religiously for 2 years. In turn, all the side effects are left in your body forever and 20 yrs from now cause major major organ problems.this is all fact! The information contained herein is not intended to cover all possible uses, directions, precautions, warnings, drug interactions, allergic reactions, or adverse effects. Have been taking Prolia monthly (120mg) for treatment of lung metastasis from osteosarcoma. I Very much REGRET getting this shot. Greetings to you! Given the importance of the immune system, denosumab can cause severe damage in different parts of the body. I am being told to take Prolia my scores are -2.5 hip .2.5 spine I am 53 had ovaries out and mastectomy when I ws 46- My scores were worse when I was 46 I as on actonel for 3 months years ago- I just want to be stable I was on estrogen and progesterone for 8 years and have been off since October Do i try Prolix or go back to estrogen- HELP. For example, the population that was studied might be different from the one you belong to, so the results might not be applicable to you. Bone is a living tissue and is renewed all the time. She even climbs joyfully into a hay wagon, talking and laughing with others. I've done it for 2 years and just had a new bone scan which had really improved. Vivian Every study has limitations, and we should keep them We have to be attentive, careful and patient and never lose hope. here. It is amazing how a multi Billion dollar advertisement fool the consumer by adding whip cream and cherry on top. I am due to get my second shot on August 26th and struggling to know what is the right thing to do. My bone density based on Dexa results definitely showed significant improvement. I now feel better than I have felt in years. ?What is your bone density now? We are expats and have been living aboard for the past 6 yrs. My doctor wanted a two week period between the end of my last Forteo shot and the first Prolia shot. Only had one shot and it will be my last. We can do this! If you have been told by your doctor that you need to take the drug and you are still concerned I recommend you ask for a second opinion (or as many as you need) from another specialist. This new drug modifies the regulatory control Because many people are living longer these days, one of the biggest responsibilities of modern medicine is to provide care and treatment for those diseases that become more common with increasing age. It has specificity for the human receptor activator of nuclear factor kappa-B ligand (RANKL), offering a sterile, preservative-free treatment for osteoporosis. Why You Should Rethink That Drink Before Dinner, New Clues Why Mosquitoes Find You Irresistible, Popular Heartburn Meds Can Have Health Risks, FDA approves Prolia for High Risk Osteoporosis, Balancing the Benefits and Risks of Osteoporosis Treatment, WebMD Infertility & Reproduction Community, WebMD Skin Problems & Treatments Community, Injected Drug May Help Fight Osteoporosis in Women. I do not touch alcohol. Blythe turns and keeps walking, and the scene cuts to one of the vendor stalls, where shes tucking some fresh tomatoes into her shopping bag. There is evidence to suggest that denosumab not only inhibits bone breakdown but also interferes with the entire process of bone remodeling. Mild side effects in people I could be wrong. So the next question is, when will *you* get there? stopped taking fosomax since I heard ot can cause bone loss in jaw..joanne from sept 8, 2016 are we related? Any use of this site constitutes your agreement to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy and Conditions of Use linked below. Seriously, all you need is Vit D, Calcium, Vit K, Magnesiumand collagen is very beneficial. Mild side effects that have been reported with Prolia include: pain in bones * and muscles, including back, arm, and leg pain. Glad youre here! My message here is the following: Always research any medication that your doctor prescribes before leaping. You sounded so upset so am", "Lioness: I know you told me before, but I have forgotten. I just finished my 2 years on forteo and get my first Prolia shot tomorrow. Did you end up stopping the treatment? Plus, I got very lax on the Save Our Bones program although I continued to eat more veggies than the average person. Certain population groups are also at higher risk for necrosis than others. Thank goodness I found your website & started reading up on the injection. So just the vit, minerals and dairy products . I also go to a Osteo class @ the senior center, & a dance class which includes a chair & also regular dance steps with small 2lbs or 3lbs hand weights. DO NOT TAKE DRUGS!!! My physician was ready to start me on alternative medication if my recent bone scan had not shown significant improvement. It isn't good to worry it lowers your immune system (if you are lucky enough to have one!). Treatment with Prolia makes bone stronger and less likely to break. Thank you for this information. My mother and grandfather both had osteoporosis so I was DESTINED to this. I need your help in making my decision. I started getting more sun. I keep you posted. I am 5'1" (and shrinking) and 115 lbs. I've read the warnings and it sounds like it may be trouble. Do not include any personal information or links in your review. My hair did not fall out. The doctors thought that I had experienced a mini stroke. Everyday Health is among the federally registered trademarks of Everyday Health, Inc. and may not be used by third parties without explicit permission. Omg don't know what to do. Never again. Naturally shoved the Prolia brochure under my nose. Hi, Im 53years old & was told by my doctor that both his parents take Prolia & it does wonders . My wrist on my left hand dropped rendering my hand lifeless- I was rushed to the emergency- room and 2 doctors immediately took care of -setting -me -up for CT Scan for my brain- EKG for my heart- and a ultra-sound for my Carotid arteries- the medical team were perplexed the Neurologist was speechless. Thanks for your advice. recommending reclast or prolia. This means that the body cannot recycle the calcium in old bones and also cannot replenish its store of the mineral. It's a safe forum where you can create or participate in support groups and discussions about health topics that interest you. Prolia was first sold in 2010 as an osteoporosis therapy. Amgen, the maker of Prolia, now has this warning in their own literature. Avoid Prolia if you dont want to be susceptible to severe infections that could require hospitalization.. I love thus parody and wish that was shown on TV. I couldn't believe my eyes. Dear Vivian, ?Wish we could email. I know ignoring this problem isnt good for me. Weigh the risks and benefits in your own mind and with your doctor before you decide about treatment for osteoporosis. This drug has bent my spine. In addition, it disrupts the formation of new bone. I recently had another DEXA scan. The severity of the identified side effects of this drug makes it even worse than bisphosphonates. What medication can save selected bones and rotten another? I am not sure about this drug! This is something that I wasnt expecting as side effects and learning how dangerous this medication is really worries me. But after doing some research I called & cancelled my appointment. My physicians are advising Reclast. If doctors did their research and also looked after their patients interest maybe there would be less osteoporosis, I ate well lots of greens, dairy ,fruit do not smoke and shocked at this diagnosis, This poison should not be on the market, also when I told the doctor about my experience she looked at me as if I made it up, most upsetting. I am only 60 and that would make me only 70. Health Alerts from Harvard Medical School. What Prolia is and how it works. I have had back pain for most of my life and my scoliosis is in the severe range. I forgot to say I have been trying to eat better and have been taking an Algae based calcium supplement during this 2-1/2 years. On the other side, there are osteoblasts and they promote the formation of new bone. The drug does nothing to increase bone mineral density. I also have (osteo) & scolious in my back, but I am not taking any drugs that I dont have too. Have you had any fractures or broken bones? There should be a lawsuit brought against this company! They can break easily. In addition, vitamins D (D3) and K (K2) are absolutely essential to bone health. Did you ever take the next injection? But the more I read about this drug and especially the risks after it is stopped, I dont think I will be taking it. The opinions expressed in WebMD Communities are solely those of the User, who may or may not have medical or scientific training. Fortunately, we have some good data to help answer these questions. Prolia (Denosumab) can be tricky to use because when / if it is stopped, zoledronate or alendronate or risedronate need to be used seamlessly after it to prevent the rebound negative effects of Prolia withdrawal on the skeleton. However, discontinuing Prolia without going on a "relay" drug for one year puts you at risk for vertebral fractures. I wish I could get my new DEXA scan but I have to wait until the COVID 19 is not so bad (I have NO immune system). I get a blood test in a month from now and another one a month before my next shot (shots every 6 months). After doing research, my Drs found out a side effect of Prolia is a broken bone in the same place I had mine. I have had pain in my thigh and hip for some time, not realizing it might be Prolia. I do hope as many people see this as possible, so the truth gets out there! I won't be having any more and hoping I don't get rebound spinal fractures. Scary. I began experiencing excruciating pain in my groin area while watching the July 4th parade and stopping at a yard sale on the way home. D3 ) and 115 lbs 60 and that would make me only 70 laughing with others n't take.... 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