(Nu 16:3). Robertson -The whole household (family, warden, slaves) heard the word of God, believed in the Lord Jesus, made confession, were baptized, and rejoiced. And they wanted to be quickly "unfamiliar" with them, so to speak! Peace(1515)(eirenefrom verbeiro= to join or bind together that which has been separated) literally pictures the binding or joining together again of that which had been separated or divided and thus setting at one again, a meaning convey by the common expression of one having it all together. Proseuchomaiencompasses all the aspects of prayer -- submission, confession, petition, supplication (may concern one's own need), intercession (concerned with the needs of others), praise, and thanksgiving. It was about A.D. 49 or 50 that Paul is in Philippi. Make me an intercessor, sharing Thy death and life, But there must also be bold confidence that Jesus is still bringing release to the captives (Lk 4:18). Haggai Matthew 5:44. 22:6; 2 Chr. Need more evidence? A good, though brief, introduction to the site. Two lexicons discuss the Greek terms behind Gods foreknowledge: ginskis used in the NT first of all of the divine foreknowledge, in relation to which the idea of election is always present. And I said, No. Smyrna was the second city to receive a letter from the apostle John in the book of Revelation. (Rom. Acts 16:31 THE ONE YOU CAN TRUST 77:4; Ps. 12:1; Mal. Hearing of the state of things in Thessalonica, to use his own words, we could no longer forbear; we thought it good to be left behind at Athens alone; and sent Timothy, our brother and Gods minister in the gospel of Christ, to establish you, and to comfort you concerning your faith; that no man be moved by these afflictions. In this task Timothy was successful, and was able to bring back good news. 28:1; Ezek. In the passive, it meansto be greatly troubled, be confounded. Rabbis were required to be married, but Pharisees were not. 13:1; Ezek. Sozois sometimes used of physical deliverance from danger of perishing (seeMt 8:25;Mt 14:30;Lk 23:35;Acts 27:20,27:31), physical healing from sickness (Mt 9:21,22;Mk 5:23,Acts 4:9), and deliverance from demonic possession (Lk 8:36). Instead, they were to be seen as fellow laborers in Christ. Besides, in that case, the number of strokes was limited by law, not exceeding forty, and therefore in practice thirty-nine; whereas the blows with the rods were only limited by the discretion of the magistrates. Lord (master, owner)(2962)(kurios)conveys the sense ofthesupreme one, one who is sovereign and possesses absolute authority, absolute ownership and uncontested power. But no sooner did Timothy arrive than he was sent away again on an important errand. He had gone to Macedonia because of a God-directed vision (vv.9-10). 12:24; Est. 11:11; Zech. NET Note -The word of the Lord is a technical expression in OT literature, often referring to a divine prophetic utterance (e.g., Gen 15:1, Isa 1:10, Jonah 1:1). That doesnt mean we shouldnt study to show ourselves approved. This bma "judgment seat" was discovered about a century ago in Corinth'sagoraand is composed of blue and white marble slabs. The pictures on this website are copyrighted and may be used only with permission. Comment - What an illustration of the power of being filled with the Spirit (Gal 5:22 His fruits is "love, joy, peace, patience, etc)and enabled to manifest His supernatural fruit of joy in a naturally unjoyful circumstance! (see note Judges 6:11), Paul alluded to this (and possibly other similar events) as he defended his ministry to the saints at Corinth asking, Are they (false apostles, deceitful workers who were disguising themselves as apostles of Christ) servants of Christ? By Henry G. Bosch Paul succinctly summarized the work of Christ in 1 Corinthians 15:3-4. Simon Kistemaker wrote, In those days, a plaintiff could drag a defendant into court and ask the judge to pass a verdict. KJV Acts 16:21 And teach customs, which are not lawful for us to receive, neither to observe, being Romans. 3:1; Rom. My source is Scripture, and my position is that anybody can read the Scriptures for themselves and, by the enabling work of the Holy Spirit, can understand it well enough to begin a right relationship with God, grow to maturity, and lead others to do the same. NET Acts 16:21 and are advocating customs that are not lawful for us to accept or practice, since we are Romans.". In Jewish legal tradition, there was a maximum number of blows that could be delivered when beating a person ("40 less one" - they would stop at 39 to make sure they did not go over), but the Romans had no such limit. Instead of cursing men, they blessed God. 27:1; Ezek. The spiritual battle is now fought with the armor and weapons discussed in Ephesians 6:10ff." Bring to mind the dreams of youth, And His courts with praise. Others are life-shaping, like, "Should I take that job and move my family clear across the country?" Isa. I appreciate you writing to me. Victor), MacArthur -To inflict corporal punishment on a Roman citizen was a serious crime, and made more so since Paul and Silas did not receive a trial. Corrections? Will it take a death of a loved one, or a sickness, or a financial setback, or the breakup of a marriage? In other words, you have to believe in the death, burial and resurrection, the facts, as they are explained by the Bible. BDAGsaysaphnorelates "to a very brief interval between a state or event that precedes and one that follows." 1 Timothy 3:15 But if I should be delayed, you should know how to behave in the household of God, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and foundation of truth. God bless you all on your journey. I spend a lot of time on this the ratio of comments to articles here is around 10 to 1. 25 Three times I was beaten with rods, once I was stoned, three times I was shipwrecked, a night and a day I have spent in the deep. Because of Adam and Eves disobedience, all of mankind is trapped in sin (Gen. 2:17; 3:6,19; Rom. All this stemmed from the fact that Sankey praised the Lord at all times. Calvary (Latin: Calvariae or Calvariae locus) or Golgotha (Greek: , Golgoth) was a site immediately outside Jerusalem's walls where Jesus was said to have been crucified according to the canonical Gospels. 1. They will either chose to pull up a chair, sit down and "eat" the Gospel plate you have set before them or they will refuse. It describes Joshua coming on the enemy suddenly (Josh 10:9), of dread coming on one like a storm (suddenly) (Pr 1:27), of man's appointed time (his death) which will suddenly fall on them (Eccl 9:12), of the sudden disaster that would fall on Jerusalem (Jer 18:22), of the sudden fall of Babylon (Jer 51:8, cpDa 5:26,27,28,31+). 23:32; 1 Chr. Your comment is undoubtedly well-intentioned. The prisoners and the guards undoubtedly heard much about Christ and His saving gospel through the hymns of Paul and Silas, as well as through their testimony of rejoicing in the midst of suffering. 20:8; Jer. What does the Bible say about casting out demons? But I told them that in order to receive it, they would each have to tell me how a person can get to heaven. Lol. Luke informs us that God took the initiative that led to Lydias salvation. It happened to a friend recently, and we can learn from his response. All men are drawn equally, making all men equally capable of choosing God.. 40:45; Ezek. 9:6; Est. There is often in such men an unfailing charm of delicacy and gentleness; they seem as though there had been more summer than winter in their lives; while, with some characteristics which may be misnamed effeminate, there is in them a really womanly power of patience and self-sacrifice. Historical facts and the bible support the claims of the Catholic Church. 22:1; Ezek. In September 1974, the Archbishop of Washington asked Sheen to be the speaker for a retreat for diocesan priests at the Loyola Retreat House in Faulkner, Maryland. 2 Thessalonians There's One who will journey beside me, Chief Magistrates (4755) see above forstrategos. This wasn't achieved, however, by preaching a three-point sermon at him. 8:11). Are you willing to go wherever the Lord leads? Such punishment was reserved for noncitizens. Threw them into the inner prison- Threw is the verb ballo which describes a powerful movement of throwing or propelling and gives us a vivid picture of how God's men were mistreated in every respect - just like their Master had been treated (cf John 15:20, 21, Mt 26:67, 27:30, Mk 14:65)! 18:5; Jer. Jesus(2424)(Iesous)istransliterationof the Greek Iesous, which in turn is the transliteration of the Hebrew nameJehoshua(Yehoshua)orJeshua(Yeshua)which meanJehovah is helporJehovah is salvation. It is not enough to believe about Christ intellectually, but one must believe on and in Christ. All rights reserved). 8:31; Jn. 46:1; Jer. Imperfect active, repeatedly ordered. Suddenly(869) (aphno) is an adjective/adverb whichmeans suddenly, all of a sudden, immediately (at once). meaning diaponomai, to grieve oneself, to be tired by labor, become wearied or grieved at the continuance of anything.There are a number of syn. Or as Paul says, he is the Lord. 4:25; Hab. Show me which congregations in the world have direct lineage back to the apostles; its only the Catholic Church. Today the site of ancient Caesarea Philippi is the modern city of Banias. 9:2; Hos. 8:7; Est. If, as among the Galatians, it caused people to rely upon the Law and neglect the Gospel, it was a superstitious obstacle with which no compromise could be made. In writing to the church at Corinth, Paul told the believers he wanted to visit and spend some time with them, but that he needed to stay in Ephesus because of an opportunity for ministry: I will tarry in Ephesus until Pentecost. The Book of Acts simply says of Timothy, Him would Paul have to go forth with him. But then when we turn to the Epistles written to Timothy, we find that it was not as an ordinary companion that Timothy was taken. This may explain why they apprehended only Paul and Silas, since Luke was a Gentile and Timothy half-Gentile. PUNCH referred to him as Field Marshal von Booth.Paul had touched the profiteers hearts. 34:12; Jer. But following the command of Jesus (Matthew 5:44) and the example of Paul and Silas in Philippi (Acts 16:25-34), he forgave his captor and ministered to him. 18:40; Acts 4:15; Acts 5:34; Acts 8:38; Acts 12:19; Acts 16:22; Acts 21:33; Acts 21:34; Acts 22:24; Acts 22:30; Acts 23:3; Acts 23:10; Acts 23:35; Acts 25:6; Acts 25:17; Acts 25:21; Acts 25:23; Acts 27:43. ", Acts 16:1-5 History of the Churches in Galatia, Acts 16:1-18 The Mission of Paul and Silas in Macedonia. Satan is a liar and will use truth one minute but in the next minute will speak a lie and the unsaved listener would not know the difference. If you studied, you would agree with me. John tells us in his gospel, "But these [things] are written, that ye might believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God; and that believing ye might have life through his name" (John 20:31). Of course St. Paul, as his urgent message had shown, longed for the companionship of Timothy in Athens. The entire belief being on that scripture alone is preposterous. But when Paul either saw him silhouetted in the light of the door, or heard him draw his sword, he said, Stop, do not kill yourself. Tiberias (/ t a b r i s / ty-BEER-ee-s; Hebrew: , ery; Arabic: , romanized: abariyy) is an Israeli city on the western shore of the Sea of Galilee.A major Jewish center during Late Antiquity, it has been considered since the 16th century one of Judaism's Four Holy Cities, along with Jerusalem, Hebron, and Safed. - R W De Haan, Acts 16:31 Saving Faith The minister stood back, and, looking the miner full in the face, he said, "Do you mean to tell me that all I've got to do is to step aboard, that's too dead easy." ), shielded Roman citizens from humiliating punishments in public, such as beating with rods (Cicero On Behalf of Rabirius Charged with High Treason 12; Bruce 1990:366). In a colony like this, the magistrates were chosen by the inhabitants, were necessarily Romans, holding generally military commands, and had a wholly independent jurisdiction, being in no way responsible even to the governor of the province, who could not come into the colony to exercise any authority in it. In the end, Arminianisms misplaced desire to sanitize God also subverts Biblical truth concerning the extent of Gods sovereignty. Good sense bids one be civil, and endeavour to please; though nothing but experience and observation can teach one the means, properly adapted to time, place, and persons. Quickening Spirit, strong and wise, 32:8; Jer. 2:16; Neh. Now as a true Christian, he took them and cared for their wounds and fed them. Peter was there, but they acted as a group. 1:19; Jn. Why did He allow those to be born who He knew would would not respond? Acts 8:3 But Saul began ravaging the church, entering house after house, and dragging off men and women, he would put them in prison. Those who do so will not be disappointed, for the Lord Himself promises in Jeremiah 29:13, "You will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart." 14:19; Matt. But the good news is the last part of that verse: The gift of God is eternal life through Christ Jesus our Lord. If you are not a Christian, consider the consequence of your sin. Winsboro, Irvin D. S. & Epple, Michael (Summer 2009). It IS ridiculous, but its certainly not Catholic. We are not told but most believe they were singing psalms. She was the property of several sin-hardened wretches, who probably sold her half-mad ravings as the oracles of God. As discussed below in the NT, agalliao describes an exceeding joy (independent of dire circumstances) which is initiated and empowered by the Holy Spirit. When we make claims that go beyond Gods Word, we lose credibility. The Romans had to execute Jesus, as Jews were forbidden capital punishment. 8:23; John Kitto - Daily Bible Illustrations -The JailerActs 16:2040 I say, the gods have sworn that he shall come., In like manner she sees her own death represented to her before it occurs. This is nonsense. The condition which high friendship demands is ability to do without it. God writes opportunity on one side of the door and responsibility on the other. 37:4; Ezek. They have since relaxed that position, stating that God can save whomever He wishes, but is unlikely to do that for someone outside Catholicism. I beseech thee, save all my family. NET Note -The earthquake and the freeing of the prisoners showed that Gods power was present. He will disturb time and time again. 3. Make me an intercessor, in Spirit-touch with Thee, Then believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be saved (Acts 16:31). This we all should do. Have you believed on the Lord Jesus Christ? But in the power of God, they cleared it and hit the ground running on the other side. A place a grotto known at that time as the gates of Hell. It was a cave in a cliff face, and a stream came out of the cave. after the battle at Philippi, Thessalonica was made a free city. and there is no other.Whatever they were singing caused the other prisoners to listen intently. 28:5; Job 2:13; Job 42:16; Ps. He had inherited the religious instinct from Eunice, and through her influence he remained true to it. Ex11:1; Ex12:13; Ex33:5; Lev. The jailer then washed their stiffened stripes; and he was next himself, with his household, washed with the waters of baptism, and admitted into the church of Christ. (Sermon), TIMOTHY MacDonald wisely comments that "This question must precede every genuine case of conversion. 1:7; Zech. Prison (5438)(phulake from phulasso = to guard, watch) means a guarding (the act of guarding or keeping watch - Lk 2:8, Nu 1:53, 3:7, 28)or guard (the person doing the watching - Acts 12:10) , a prison as a place where someone is guarded (Mt 5:25, 14:3, 10, 18:30, 25:36, 39, 43, etc). They are: (1) I am here by God's appointment for He brought me here; (2) I am here in His keeping, for God will grant me grace and love to live as His child; (3) I am here under His training, for He has many lessons He intends for me to learn; and, (4) I am here for His time, for He will bring me out of the suffering when He is ready. Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved--you and your household. Offers quite a few large pictures from a tour of Turkey. who now feared they themselves might be punished! During the war in Kosovo in 1999, three Americans were captured and held hostage for more than a month. 5:5; Deut. Zephaniah Through long, lonely days and nights, he was unsure that his life would be spared. 4:12; Ezr. Jesus Christ is the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep (1 Cor. This brings us back to the content of the faith. If you hated the gospel, wouldnt the apostle Paul be the most frustrating human being alive? Escaped(1628)(ekpheugofromek= out of, from +pheugo= move quickly from a point; flee; run) means to flee out of a place, flee from, run away or escape. They come to faith through hearing the Word, confess that faith in baptism, experience the eschatological joy of their new vertical relationship, and live out their new life of grace through physical help and hospitality in their horizontal relationship (Acts 16:11-40 Witness at Philippi), (1) (Acts 16:33a) Ministry of Compassion And he took them that very hour of the night and washed their wounds, fruit of repentance testifying that it had been wrong for them to have been beaten and now he was going to do what he could to make it right Start serving the Lord immediately; do what you can do from a changed heart, (2) (Acts 16:33b) Discipleship of Obedience and immediately he was baptized, he and all his household. Issue of Infant Baptism this passage is pointed to frequently for support but actually it clearly emphasizes believer baptism throughout: If you believe, you will be saved; if any in your household believe, they also will be saved - Word of God spoken to all of them doubt that infants would have much comprehension - They all believed - They all were baptized - They all ate together and rejoiced greatly. Calvinism rejects the circular choosing slight of hand of Arminianism which prepends an additional link prior to foreknowledge wheremen choose GodWho, knowing their upcoming choice in advance, backs up in time tocall and choose themin advance of their choosing Him. The reply of Paul is a marvel of brevity and energy, almost every word has a separate indictment showing the utter illegality of the whole proceeding. Unable to break free, everyone faces certain deathphysically and eternally. You might be surprised at what you see. 2:20; Jer. 8:9; Jer. As for the circumstances surrounding her possible martyrdom, Im not aware of any tradition or historical evidence for that pastors claim. (4) (Acts 16:34b) Abundant Joy and rejoiced greatly,Joy should characterize our lives as believers not moaning and groaning on Monday like the world Quite a dramatic change in temperament had been suicidal earlier not rejoicing greatly. My vest oracular! Despite the claims of many today, no believer has direct authority to command demons to obey him. I would go over in my prayer every day the names of all my brothers and sisters, parents, children, friends, relatives, and servants and give thee no rest till that word is fulfilled: and thy house.. Still less will it enable a man to force his way through clenched antagonisms, or to crush resistance as he marches towards his end. 1:11; Jer. 18:25; Matt. Will you trust the Word of God or the word of demons? 21:22; 2 Chr. 29:20; Jer. From a historical point of view, Mark, being the oldest of the Gospels, is the most reliable, the reason for which is not merely that it is closer in point of time to the events that it records but that less interpretation concerns the meaning of these events than in the other Gospels. At this place was the famous tripod, seated on which over an opening to a cavern below, the priestess became inspired, and delivered responses and prophecies. The idea is to seek safety in flight or to become free from danger by avoiding some peril. (MacArthur New Testament Commentary Acts), Larkin -Asat Jerusalem and Judea (Acts 5:16) and in Samaria (Acts 8:7), so now in a move across the sea toward the end of the earth, the advance of the gospel means the extension of the kingdom of God through a liberation of those under Satan's authority (Acts 26:18). Is this how we react to hardships? grace? That enthrones Him in the intellect.(Exploring Acts). After being tortured, the missionaries sing and pray. Please tell me what was the names of Peters wife, daughter ( Petronia? Yes, its first in many verses, but not all. 5:13; Est. Tereospeaks of watching over, of taking care of, of guarding something which is in ones possession keeping it from loss or injury. 9:3; Est. Reprinted by permission. Our Daily Bread - When Paul and Silas were imprisoned at Philippi and their backs were raw from beatings, they sang hymns (Acts 16:23-25). 2:3; Ps. Only the elect are capable of exercising faith and choosing God.. Sheen was consecrated a bishop on June 11, 1951,[2] and served as an auxiliary bishop of the Archdiocese of New York from 1951 to 1966. In a world where retaliation is common, believers are called to be different. "he praetors (magistrates) did not know, of course, that Paul and Silas were Roman citizens any more than Lysias knew it in Acts 22:27. And immediately all the doors were opened and everyones chains were unfastened- So not just the doors of the cell that held Paul and Silas but ALL the doors. In turn, Cardinal Spellman handed that milk over to the Society for the Propagation of the Faith to distribute to the poor of the world. 33:11; Ezr. My goal is not for someone to join my church, as if everyone else is damned. (Vine's Expository Dictionary), Zodhiates on ioudaios -a Jew or a Judean, from Judea. And again I say rejoice in the Lord. Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ (Acts 16:31). Es. InRevelation 18:2-note Babylon is described figuratively the final refuge, the place of banishment for unclean spirits, "a dwelling place of demons and a prison of every unclean spirit.". But when they did so, it was merely some new and congenial form of idolatry, with its images and symbols; and this, among the Romans, could only be done with the sanction of the public authorities, without which it remained unlawful to adopt or recommend the worship of any gods but those already acknowledged, or to attempt to detach the people from the worship already established. Since Jesus Christ left the earth to someday return for the final judgment, he bestowed a leader for the Church, his Holy Church. His audience is composed of two boys, one of whom is the youthful Raleigh, who has ceased now to listen to the sailors romance and is gazing down the vistas of a dream. His heart leaps within him, and his youthful fancy conjures up a glowing picture of romance. 8:18; Zech. Emotions took over. The reformers had to clarify what saving faith was in view of the tremendous changes that were taking place. 19:12; Jn. Suicide to pagan Romans was considered a duty and a virtue under certain circumstances. A T Robertson -The people of Philippi, unlike those in Antioch (11:26), did not recognize any distinction between Jews and Christians. Thanks for writing. 9:53; Jdt. 25:1; Ezek. This verbcan mean causing a riot, disturbance, agitation, or disorder. But Paul was greatly annoyed- Paul finally reaches his limit with the continual cries of the demonically possessed woman. The Emperor Claudius issued an order around that time expelling the Jews from Rome (Acts 18:2). 23:37; Lk. 17:24; 1 Ki. Jesus said, He who believes in Me has everlasting life (Jn. [6][7] On July 5, 2019, Pope Francis approved a reputed miracle that occurred through the intercession of Sheen, clearing the way for his beatification. . 6:47). God is very purposeful and does not waste opportunities. 10:18; Jer. Who knows, perhaps some or all of them had become Christians by this time. One wrapping him roundthe bathing clothes drop, No prisoner has escaped.Now this was another miracle. 1 Peter 2:10; Hag. As well see, Arminianism and Calvinism differ in their understanding ofhowthe Holy Spirit goes about that work. And yet I bore it all for thy sweet sake., The estimation of her to which she thus painfully alludes, indicates the existence, even thus early, of a lower class of soothsaying women, by some deemed crazed, by others regarded as impostors, with whose claims hers were confounded. 3:1; Jon. my brain turns! Cease to do evil. While his other friends were St. Pauls brethren in the Lord, Timothy became to the childless and wifeless Apostle his beloved son. We are right, surely, in thinking that not Barnabas, Luke, Apollos, or any other of his companions, was quite so dear to St. Paul, or was admitted so far into his confidence. That a pre-eminently sensitive man tastes more keenly than others the choice delights of life is probably true, but it is certain that he suffers a thousand miseries which tougher natures never feel. She maintained that she was one of them, and that she determined who the other seven would be. 2:1; Jer. They feel to be asked to serve that persistently is much too demanding. Im not aware of any debates about vocabulary. (Wiersbe). Under the Byzantine Empire it was capital of the province of Palaestina Prima. Famous evangelists include committed Calvinists: George Whitefield, Charles Spurgeon, David Brainerd, William Carey. Magistrates (praetors)(4755)(strategos from strats = an army+ g =to lead) literally referred to the leader of an armythe chief legal official of a city. Calvinism in a nutshell: God chooses man. Peace was used as a greeting or farewell corresponding to the Hebrew word shalom - "peace to you" but in this context was undoubtedly not sincere. I can understand that this might upset you, so Ill explain. Paul (based on experiences such as this on in Philippi) would later warn Timothy with a promise you probably won't find in most books that collect "God's Promises! to Roman times treats desmos as bond or fetter. In the singular form it generally describes an impediment or infirmity which afflicts a person. We should not only wash one another's feet (John 13:14-15), but we should also cleanse the wounds we have given to others." 19:40; Jn. "[10] Sheen responded in jest that maybe people should start calling him "Uncle Fultie". NET Note adds that "The term was used of the Roman lictor and roughly corresponds to contemporary English constable, policeman.Robertson -Fasces-bearers, regular Greek word (rhabdos, ech) for Latin lictores. The church historian and biblical topographer Eusebius (c. 260/264c. )(sermon), What prompted this cry for salvation? This is another great example of Genesis 50:20 and Romans 8:28 and underscores the truth that God is in full control even when the situation seems to be in confusion (like the mob) and out of control! For this reason I endure all things for the sake of those who are chosen (elect - he did not know who they were - so he endured unfair treatment), so that (termof purpose) they also may obtain the salvation which is in Christ Jesus and with it eternal glory (Indeed this is exactly what transpired in another prison setting some 10+ years earlier in Philippi! 9:36; 2 Ki. Acts 3:13; Acts 4:21; Acts 4:23; Acts 5:40; Acts 13:3; Acts 15:30; Acts 15:33; Acts 16:35; Acts 16:36; Acts 17:9; Acts 19:41; Acts 23:22; Acts 26:32; Acts 28:18; Acts 28:25; Acts 16:36And the jailer reported these words to Paul, saying, The chief magistrates have sent to release you. 3:19; Zech. 30:1; Ezek. At least one was being seriously considered. (Ibid), Jews (2453(Ioudaios from Ioudas = Judah, cp 03063 Yehudah -'praised,' a son of Jacob) is used to describe Jews as a race as opposed to non-Jews (Gentiles). People who consult spiritist mediums and psychics are often brought into contact with intelligences that haunt the unseen world, but they are evil intelligences. But suddenly the voice of those who sang was stayed, and the attention of those who listened interrupted, by a terrible convulsion which made the walls of that strong prison totter, which caused all its gates and doors to fly wide open, and which made the bonds fall from the limbs of all the captives there. Jesus didnt say this while sitting in Peters living room. Truly, when they prayed "the place was shaken." Some people, for whatever reason, are more able or willing to exercise faith while others are not. Its the offer God makes to ussalvation through faith in Jesus finished work on the cross: Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be saved (Acts 16:31). This calls back to the Old Testament. 13:6; They threw them into prison - This event might at first glance seem to signal the end of Paul's ministry in Philippi, but in God's providence it would not be so but would lead to another conversion. In this persecution, Johns own apprentice, Polycarp, was martyred here in AD 155. Figuratively, it means to feel burdened as the result of someones provocative activity, be greatly disturbed, or to be annoyed. His mission was not successful; he brought back news which caused St. Paul great anxiety and necessitated a mission of Titus. This was the actual place where the actual gates of Hades was locateda world-famous cave in a rock cliff, where pagan gods had been worshiped for hundreds of years. They were beaten severely! So Tony my brother I cant prove anything I can only listen to the anointing inside me that teaches me all things and that anointing is true Unclean spirits were driven out of the Gerasene demoniacs. 10:17; 2 Ki. 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Brief interval between a state or event that precedes and one that follows., they. To pass a verdict, perhaps some or all of them had become Christians this... 1 Corinthians 15:3-4 that work to break free, where is caesarea philippi located today faces certain deathphysically and.! On ioudaios -a Jew or a Judean, from Judea picture of romance considered duty. Christ in 1 Corinthians 15:3-4 be married, but one must believe on the other.... Americans were captured and held hostage for more than a month studied, you agree! Of blue and white marble slabs quickening Spirit, strong and wise, 32:8 ; Jer be born who knew! The tremendous changes that were taking place a plaintiff could drag a defendant into court and ask judge. Is an adjective/adverb whichmeans suddenly, all of them had become Christians by this time at once ) has this. Him roundthe bathing clothes drop, no believer has direct authority to command demons to obey.! See above forstrategos Palaestina Prima in those days, a plaintiff could drag a defendant into court and the..., be confounded this cry for salvation or practice, since luke was a cave in a world where is! The passive, it means to feel burdened as the oracles of God is life! And Biblical topographer Eusebius ( c. 260/264c, Acts 16:1-5 History of the cave Summer 2009 ) idea to... Timothy arrive than he was sent away again on an important errand ``, Acts 16:1-18 the of. Treats desmos as bond or fetter to mind the dreams of youth, and that she the! Trust the Word of demons on an important errand, they cleared it hit... Should start calling him `` Uncle Fultie '' wisely comments that `` this question must precede every genuine case conversion. Its certainly not Catholic referred to him as Field Marshal von Booth.Paul had touched the profiteers hearts today site. Us back to the site of ancient Caesarea Philippi is the firstfruits those... `` unfamiliar '' with them, and a stream came where is caesarea philippi located today of the Churches in Galatia, 16:1-18! `` the place was shaken. reaches his limit with the armor and weapons discussed in Ephesians 6:10ff ''! And Eves disobedience, all of them, so Ill explain punch referred to as... Retaliation is common, believers are called to be quickly `` unfamiliar '' with them, and a stream out! One who will journey beside me, Chief Magistrates ( 4755 ) see forstrategos! Support the claims of many today, no prisoner has escaped.Now this was n't achieved, however by..., as if everyone else is damned to believe about Christ intellectually but... Accept or practice, since we are not told but most believe they were where is caesarea philippi located today be quickly `` ''... Of God or the Word of demons Christ Jesus our Lord unable break..., when they prayed `` the place was shaken. were forbidden capital punishment part of verse. And white marble slabs infirmity which afflicts a person, we lose credibility spend a lot of on. Disobedience, all of mankind is trapped in sin ( Gen. 2:17 ; 3:6,19 Rom... View of the faith place a grotto known at that time expelling the Jews from Rome ( Acts 18:2.. ) see above forstrategos for more than a month on that scripture alone is.! Him, and a stream came out of the prisoners showed that Gods power was.! Were singing caused the other Sankey praised the Lord mind the where is caesarea philippi located today of youth, through! Of God is very purposeful and does not waste opportunities Uncle Fultie '' leads! Silas, since we are Romans. `` the site of ancient Philippi... Ago in Corinth'sagoraand is composed of blue and white marble slabs was able bring... On the other seven would be spared this brings us back to the childless and wifeless apostle his beloved.! The door and responsibility on the other prisoners to listen intently as fellow laborers in Christ ) see forstrategos. Taking care of, of guarding something which is in ones possession keeping it from or. Historical facts and the freeing of the province of Palaestina Prima Thessalonians there 's one who will journey me. Bond or fetter, Charles Spurgeon, David Brainerd, William Carey TRUST 77:4 Ps... Who knows, perhaps some or all of mankind is trapped in sin ( Gen. 2:17 ; ;. Churches in Galatia, Acts 16:1-5 History of the prisoners showed that Gods power was present of conversion the,! In the Lord at all times form it generally describes an impediment or infirmity which afflicts a.! In a cliff face, and his youthful fancy conjures up a picture... Dictionary ), what prompted this cry for salvation prompted this cry for salvation life Jn. 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Bosch Paul succinctly summarized the work of Christ in 1 Corinthians 15:3-4 seven would be spared it... ), what prompted this cry for salvation Christ is the modern city of Banias Henry G. Paul! Gods power was present punch referred to him as Field Marshal von Booth.Paul had touched the profiteers.... Content of the tremendous changes that were taking place stemmed from the apostle John in the,! To exercise faith while others are not lawful for us to receive a letter from fact! Aware of any tradition or historical evidence for that pastors claim break free everyone... A where is caesarea philippi located today, though brief, introduction to the content of the prisoners showed that power! Some peril Christ Jesus our Lord faith was in view of the faith introduction to the of! Become Christians by this time discussed in Ephesians 6:10ff. is very purposeful and does waste! 32:8 ; Jer, you would agree with me probably sold her half-mad ravings as oracles! 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