He took the initiative in carrying out the plan. When Hilton came on, Bradman attempted to seize the initiative and hit him out of the attack, but missed his first two balls. An initiative drive has begun to make authorities enforce our existing They must be able to forecast sales, come up with new store initiatives, organize special in-store events and maintain awareness of buying and seasonal trends. initiative in a sentence An announcement of a major new policy initiative is expected to be forthcoming at this year's annual convention. The child who, because of his or her successful passage through earlier stages, is trusting, autonomous, and full of initiative, will quickly learn to be industrious. In 1904 the formation of a municipally supported gallery of modern art (mainly due to the initiative and generosity of Mr Hugh Lane) was signalized by an exhibition including the pictures intended to constitute the nucleus of the gallery. In May 1948, at the initiative of V. For conspicuous gallantry and initiative. They consequently forfeited many of the advantages of the initiative. The Strategic Defense Initiative, or Star Wars, became a shibboleth for Reagan, the believer in Armageddon. China initiated collaborations with foreign oil companies in 1979, but this. The Disney Channel Friends for Change combines these with pledges and initiatives to get kids involved. Chain reaction Companies in Nottinghamshire are benefiting from an initiative which helps them to promote better environmental performance to their suppliers. initiative terrorist information awareness. The Monza labor exchange then took the initiative of proclaiming a general strike throughout Italy (September 15th) as a protest against the government for daring to maintain order. From the start the project was established as a collaborative initiative within each cluster. Spike returned to Sunnydale permanently, first as an Initiative prisoner and then later working with Buffy and her friends. In 1907 the legislature proposed an amendment providing for the application of initiative and referendum to statutory laws and constitutional amendments; two years later the legislature passed a substitute resolution, which omits the clause regarding amendments of the constitution, and which, if passed by the legislature of 2922 will be put to popular vote at the general election of 1912. The green initiative to push the green industry forward is helping to advance solar power to be far more efficient than the first photovoltaics used to produce energy a decade ago. Abbreviations and acronyms are shortened forms of words or phrases. The initiative has purchased part of the former railway line in 1994, including the station of Dahlerau and the place where the incident took place. In this, as in every other Gustavus matter, Gustavus himself took the initiative. This helps get kids involved in green initiatives quickly, ensuring that they will long be in the habit of reducing their carbon footprints by the time they are adults. Originality and initiative are what I ask for my country. The consort Web site provides free access to the full-text CONSORT statement, supporting documentation and explanatory notes, and links to further initiatives. Expert Answers: Initiative Sentence Examples Like it or not, we need to take the initiative and set the record straight. In addition to the meal delivery program, one such program is The Rural Initiative, which tackles the challenges of distance and reduced resources in rural areas to better serve seniors in need. 2. One initiative being explored recently with the Association of British Insurers is the promotion of a smoke detector campaign. His interests in theoretical plant virus epidemiology were re-awakened by links with Mike Thresh and have subsequently developed into major research initiatives. The Diabetes Charitable Trust Fund is a major source of funding for diabetes initiatives. Initiative is a self-management skill, and purposeful self-management can help you set goals independently and direct the trajectory of your career. In theory these agreements may result from the spontaneous and pacific initiative of the contracting parties, but in reality their object has almost always been to terminate more or less acute conflicts and remedy more or less disturbed situations. So what we have initiated starting this month is a red light. But, what is the difference between an acronym and initialism? 2022 LoveToKnow Media. If he bore in silence the odium that fell upon him owing to the break-up of the collection of the Louvre, it was because he knew that it would be fatal to allow it to be known that the first initiative in the matter had come from the king. There are two main aspects of the K-12 Initiatives department. For such an initiative there must be adequate reason; it must be prepared for in the previous process, and it must be necessary to further progress. The Initiative and its network has found volunteer mentors for over 1,400 16-21 year olds leaving care. It was through his initiative, too, that the convention of KlosterSeven was signed (loth of September 1757), and on the 4th of May 1758 he concluded a still more promising treaty with France, whereby, in consideration of Denmark's holding an army-corps of 24,000 men in Holstein till the end of the war, to secure Hamburg, Lubeck and the Gottorp part of Holstein from invasion, France, and ultimately Austria also, engaged to bring about an exchange between the king of Denmark and the cesarevitch, as regards Holstein. He has been particularly proactive in taking forward fire safety initiatives in the community. Learn how to use initiative's in a sentence and make better sentences with `initiative's` by reading initiative's sentence examples.. And Dai Peters, the Cassava initiative's director, noted that a mealybug that damages Brazilian cassavas has leapfrogged the globe to infect Thai fields, too. Defining Initiative When you show initiative, you do things without being told; you find out what you need to know; you keep going when things get tough; and you spot and take advantage of opportunities that others pass by. Most of us have seen initiative in action. Entirely on her own initiative, and moved by admiration for the fine achievements of "her brave Irish" during the war, the queen announced her intention of paying a long visit to Dublin; and there, accordingly, she went for the month of April 1900, staying in the Viceregal Lodge, receiving many of the leaders of Irish society, inspecting some 50,000 school children from all parts of Ireland, and taking many a drive amid the charming scenery of the neighbourhood of Dublin. The king himself (see EDWARD VII. The Pacification of Birks had been wrung from the king; and the Scots, seeing that he was preparing for the " Second Bishops' War," took the initiative, and pressed into England so vigorously that Charles had again to yield everything. 20 examples: This can make study findings appear redundant as the health service rushes on English It was a sound initiative. Broadcasting marketing initiatives has formerly driven the 10-year development of training at the CAI. On his sole initiative, without consulting his ministers or the council of the empire, he sent instructions to Hafiz Pasha, commanding the Ottoman troops concentrated at Bir on the Euphrates, to advance into Syria. It takes place about 30 years after the end of the first game, as the Global Defense Initiative and the Brotherhood of Nod go to war again. The largest racial disparity was found in San Francisco, where police were five times more likely to stop and search African Americans. First, the Division needs to extend its initiative in Developmental Biology into cellular neurobiology, with particular emphasis on stem cell research. A new initiative against To, Klain's initiative can be traced most of the work of the three. He has, through his secretary of state, immediate direction of all negotiations with such countries, and an unfettered initiative in all foreign affairs. Anyone who is interested in green living will welcome many of these initiatives. How do you use the word initiative? He also realized - as was shown by the triumphant re-election of Mr Kruger to the presidency of the Transvaal in February 1898 - that the Pretoria government would never on its own initiative redress the grievances of the "Uitlanders.". Beijing, China has an AIDS Initiative office location run by a small team of foundation staff. Members of the General Assembly lack initiative, and are too subservient in the face of American power. Elbert Hubbard. Out of that business, Clelia started Surya Brasil with a dedicated commitment to socially and environmentally responsible initiatives by creating body care products that were healthy and natural. We know how the Vatican council had to separate without approaching the question of canonical reform; but this general desire for a recasting of the ecclesiastical code was taken up again on the initiative of Rome. Voluntary or community groups are running initiatives to create engaging learning opportunities for adults who need to improve their skills. Taking on a new hobby or and It was a time of rapid expansion, marked by great missionary fervour, and may be called the Circuit Period, for even after the circuits were grouped into districts in 1821 they did not lose their privilege of missionary initiative. The campaign site will launch in Q3 and be supported by direct mail and possibly email marketing initiatives to current and prospective customers. If you feel your portfolio is weak, spend some time creating your own sample projects; video game developers admire this kind of initiative and the demonstration of creativity is appreciated. Buffy's relationship with Riley strained her friendships as she became involved and then later hunted by the Initiative. Watch video clips that show how to use initiative in a sentence. But, what is the difference between an acronym and initialism? South Dakota was the first American state to adopt the initiative and referendum. With any of the harmful effects of video games, getting the person to seek help or taking the initiative to find help for them is a good way to get the road to recovery started. Sign up to make the most of YourDictionary. As a matter of fact, Zekki intended to use the day of the 23rd for closing up his columns and narrowing his front; and, Prince Alexander's intentions being the same, the day would have been uneventful but for the initiatives of subordinates on both sides. The initiative was designed to encourage renewal of revitalization areas. There is also a European initiative to promote an annual day in the European calendar for people to check their smoke detector batteries. enterprise Describe their character and behavior, but also include examples of when they showed initiative, went beyond their job description, or demonstrated that they are a person of good character. 2. The public roads and other works of the province are excellent, and, like those of the rest of the Basque provinces, entirely kept up by local initiative and taxes. Take the initiative to invest time, effort and resources on upgrading yourself. The police have been cooperative, but we had to take the initiative. It's difficult to see take the initiative in a sentence . So also are the ability to think independently and take the initiative. Schumer is lost if the incumbent takes the initiative to identify him. How to use "initiative" in a sentence. What is The Global Women's Health Initiative? In 2005, the founders of PrAna formed the Natural Power Initiative. The earliest important undertaking with a view of improving the 'waterway was due to the initiative of Frederick the Great, who recommended the diversion of the river into a new and straight channel in the swampy tract of land known as the Oderbruch, near Ciistrin. Robert Frost. initiative. The campaign led a Citizens' Awareness and Attitude Survey and a Lung Health Screening Test suggesting that 35 percent of Kolkata's school-going children, 36 per cent of Bangalore's school-going children and 27 per cent of Below is a list of past and present stars participating in the. The Initiative also includes an Internet incubator Fund to stimulate the creation of new regional Incubators that will support and nurture new e-businesses. (74) we The Force remains fully supportive of the Bikesafe initiative, with over 60 riders participating in the events during 2005. This popular green initiative reaches kids the way that only Disney can. This assembly elaborated 102 canons, which did not become part of the Western law till much later, on the initiative of Pope John VIII. It comes down to how you pronounce an abbreviation that is going to make it an initialism, an acronym or both. "This reaffirms what we've been hearing all along from Nevadans of all political stripes that we need a clean energy strategy for the state," Nevadans for a Clean Energy Future spokesman Kyle Roerink said late Tuesday. Compressed dry guncotton is easily detonated by an initiative detonator such as mercuric fulminate. However, her commitment to Italian ecclesiastical initiatives remained tentative. 1. Don't take the Initiative to attack. His life at Rugby was marked by great energy and bold initiative. Fannie Mae has partnered with lenders to create the HomeStay Initiative. During the period 1958 to 1961, an initiative called "The Great Leap Forward" was intended to increase the production of grain and other agricultural products. The awards aim to highlight best practice in the use of race equality initiatives, and to celebrate excellence. The essence of the fatalistic doctrine is that it assigns no place at all to the initiative of the individual, or to rational sequence of events. Join over 10,000 subscribers of our newsletter to receive updates about new features, exclusive offers, as well as a weekly vocab word and idiom in your inbox! By signing in, you agree to our Terms and Conditions This powerful upstart was the natural enemy of the nobility, who suffered much at his hands, though it is very difficult to determine whether the initiative in these prosecutions proceeded from him or his master. They underlined the significance of this exercise and expressed their full support to the initiative. Other marketing of forest recreation is carried out by means of local initiatives and targeted advertising. A Middle East peace initiative. The Profitboss encourages unconventional ways of making profit, encouraging his people to be creative and take initiative.sentence dictionary. The latter has involved various initiatives, including the piloting of psychometric testing. Robert Frost. An amendment which was adopted (177,615 for; 147,290 against) in November 1908, and came in effect on the 4th of December 1908, provides for initiative and referendum applying to statutory law and to constitutional amendments, but emergency measures, and appropriations for the state government, for state institutions, and for public schools are exempt from referendum. The proposal plans to include lessons learnt from this. 25. she knew she had to take the Initiative and maintain an aggressive game throughout. In 1909 the state legislature provided for a commission form of government which took effect in April 1910; a council of five, elected by the city at large, has only legislative powers; the mayor appoints members of a utilities commission, a park commission and a board of public works, and all officers except the city auditor and treasurer; and the charter provides for the initiative, the referendum and the recall. Because of Bens initiative to start a recycling program, the beach is much cleaner today. Serving to initiate; inceptive; initiatory; introductory; preliminary. Listen to the usage of initiative in context. use "initiative" in a sentence An announcement of a major new policy initiative is expected to be forthcoming at this year's annual convention. The Girondins addressed themselves to provincials who had lost the power of initiative. It is expected that a Presidential Decree will launch officially the work of a tripartite committee to implement this initiative. This is described as a long drawn-out dream of bitter memories - a vivid consciousness of failure without volition, or the power of initiative - a dream of lost opportunities and futile regrets, of ambitions thwarted and hopes denied, of neglected duties, abused powers and impotent hate; a dream ending ultimately in the oblivion of utter annihilation. The word usage examples above have been gathered from various sources to reflect current and historical usage. A (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Service has always been great here, the servers, People don't know the needs because they don't ask or, It's a way to check whether they blindly follow instructions by retyping errors and all, or if they. The Consumer Federation of America (CFA) launched the initiative 66 Ways to Save Money to help inform consumers about money matters. Besides transferring private bill legislation to Dublin on the Scottish plan, to which no one in Ireland objected, it was proposed to hand over the internal expenditure of Ireland to a financial council consisting half of nominated and half of elected members, and to give an Irish assembly the initiative in public Irish bills. The first attempts to utilize the explosive power of nitroglycerin were made by Nobel in 1863; they were only partially successful until the plan, first applied by General Pictot in 1854, of developing the force of gunpowder in the most rapid manner and to the maximum extent, through initiative detonation, was applied by Nobel to nitroglycerin. tive. In any case, the seizure of the initiative at a moment when the Serbian I. The ability to assess and initiate things independently. How to use Initiative in a sentence as a noun. Others were pulled from our literature database. His own administration had been wrecked, through no initiative of his, by the dissensions over the fiscal question. Acronym vs. Initialism vs. The scheme is a new initiative from national energy charity NEA. This initiative is a tool to prevent birth defects and improve the mother's health. Yet another aspect of the initiative was designed to assist those who owe more on their homes than the homes are worth, due to falling home values. On November 8, 2022, Missouri voters considered Amendment 3 (the Amendment), a ballot initiative aimed at amending Missouris constitution legalizing The king of Saxony, as grand-duke, took the initiative in all legislative matters; but the administration was practically controlled by the French. Particularly those initiatives which involve trade unions, their health and safety representatives and workers. For about half an hour great crowds of riders, hidden by dense clouds of dust, drifted aimlessly about the plain, till at length the charge of a single squadron of the Oldenburg Dragoons (who had joined in on their own initiative) delivered on the outer French flank, brought the whole mass into motion north-eastward, and, both sides sounding the rally,Ithe engagement gradually ceased. In November 1906 the people of the state voted (17,248 for; 2162 against) in favour of the provision of a system of advisory initiative and advisory referendum; and in March 1907 the general assembly passed an act providing initiative and referendum in the municipal affairs in the city of Wilmington. The obligatory Referendum obtains in the case of all laws, and of decrees relating to an expenditure of over half a million francs, while 12,000 citizens have the right of initiative in the case of legislative projects, and 15,000 may demand the revision of the cantonal constitution. English The council also serves as an advisory body for the public in cultural matters. Microsoft is about to launch a major initiative on pen tablet computers with a new operating system. But allowance must be made for the mere advantage of initiative which belonged to any party that organized the government - the differences between Hamilton and Jefferson, in this question of neutrality, being almost purely factitious. What Is the Difference Between an Abbreviation and an Acronym. The continued use of thermosetting matrix composite materials is under threat from new environmental initiatives. By his initiative Italian naval industry, almost non-existent in 1873, made rapid progress. One initiative that has already been implemented as part of the decibel legacy is the Creative Advisors Scheme. In 1902 thirteen amendments were adopted, including provisions for the initiative, the referendum and the recall. From the theological standpoint every individual is predestined either by his natural birthright to evil or by Divine Grace to good, and the absolute foreknowledge and omnipotence of God excludes even the possibility of any initiative on the part of the individual by means of which he might influence God's timeless choice. All these initiative are having a major effect on the way directors view business probity. His power of initiative in poetry was very small, and the range of poetic ground which he could cover strictly limited. He created an initiative to help support the advancement of the Internet through government funding. Besides the indent business there is, of course, purely merchant business by Manchester exporters, who buy on their own initiative at what they consider to be opportune times or on recommendations from their houses or correspondents abroad. The process was even hastened; for the emperor's stern discipline crushed out all independence of initiative and silenced all honest criticism. Programs such as the American Dream Downpayment Initiative, the HOME program and the Good Neighbor Next Door program provide special funding assistance to first time homeowners. I procrastinated a lot and she took the initiative by sending me SMS on my Birthday. Daniel Koren and his company are fervent supporters of the Kimberley Process and other initiatives designed to eliminate the trade of conflict and blood diamonds. Making a living through your music often requires a lot of innovation, initiative, and plain hard work. In June 1906 five laws and five amendments to the constitution, proposed by initiative petitions, and one law on which the referendum was ordered by petition, were submitted to a popular vote. Work is already underway in relation to Secured by Design initiatives. How do the jenkins guys break their repo so casually and find themselves struggling to recover it?i believe this is the robustness mentioned here: "The changeset graph is in some sense more "robust" in that it's just there and doesn't change on its own initiative"mercurial seems loathe to alter history - which is pretty sane and common sensical seeming to me, git does it as part of how it is 'supposed to be used' which frankly sounds as mad as travelling back in time to shoot your grandfather. Without pressure, you may choose answers that may be wrong because you don't have enough initiative to really think about the question. The doctrine of Evolution, instead of increasing the difficulty of conceiving the possibility of miracle, decreases it; for it presents to us the universe as an uncompleted process, and one in which there is no absolute continuity on the phenomenal side; for life and mind are inexplicable by their physical antecedents, and there is not only room for, but need of, the divine initiative, a creative as well as conservative co-operation of God with nature. Its focus on the environment, reducing carbon footprints and protecting endangered wildlife has made Patagonia one of the retail industry's leaders in eco-friendly initiatives. He selected for the first year from Romans 1:16: "Ich schme mich des Evangeliums von Jesus Christus nicht". A federal court order barred the initiative's implementation, but Rummery said community groups " were energized by it and started a drive to get people naturalized .". and Nurses are spearheading an initiative to promote the use of arts in healthcare. If there is a problem, time is of the essence for launching an early intervention initiative to help deflect some or even most of the symptoms. Britain, it was true, acting on the initiative of George Canning, had seized the Danish fleet, thus forestalling an action which Napoleon certainly contemplated; but on the other hand Denmark now allied herself with him; and while in Lombardy he heard of the triumphant entry of his troops into Lisbon - an event which seemed to prelude his domination in the Iberian Peninsula and thereafter in the Mediterranean. The project visits households in socially deprived areas ensuring they have an equal opportunity to participate in recycling initiatives. In 1786, on the initiative of the archbishop, the legal difficulties in England were removed by the act for the consecration of bishops abroad; and, on being satisfied as to the orthodoxy of the church in America and the nature of certain liturgical changes in contemplation, the two English archbishops proceeded, on the 14th of February 1787, to consecrate William White and Samuel Prevoost to the sees of Pennsylvania and New York (see Protestant Episcopal Church). Initiatives include lobbying against animal abuse in filmmaking and TV production, urging governments to consider animals in their disaster planning and working to eliminate reckless hunting practices. Both of these initiatives would involve automated checks from ports of entry back to the country of passport issuance. The global compact The Global Compact is an initiative of UN Secretary General Kofi Annan. That he was slow, and perhaps too tender-hearted, in handling armed masses for action may be admitted, and though admirable for defensive war and a safe strategist, he showed himself unfitted to take the highly essential initiative, both because of temperament and his habitual exaggeration of obstacles and opposing numbers. Applicants will have to submit their SAT, ACT and TAKS test results or take the Texas State Initiative tests to determine student placement. This is obviously preferable to you having to take the initiative to ask them! Many states across America are starting grain initiatives. How To Use Initiative In A Sentence? ; In 2014 a narrowly-approved ballot initiative imposed a limit of two terms on the mayor and city commissioners, preventing 10000+ similar Compact. The initiative has received Trust-wide support, with active involvement from the Chief Executive, Divisional Managers and lead clinicians. Am rather worn out from mentoring, frankly, and have openly declared that I'm not taking on new mentorships. The initiative of Abbe and Schott, which was greatly aided by the resources for scientific investigation available at the Physikalische Reichsanstalt (Imperial Physical Laboratory), led to such important developments that similar work was undertaken in France by the firm of Mantois, the successors of Feil, and somewhat later by Chance in England. innovative in a sentence - Use innovative in a sentence and its meaning 1. He's an innovative assistant with a Mad Scientist reputation. 2. Q . Who's doing the most innovative makeup nowadays? click for more sentences of innovative Bills are introduced by the grand-duke, but the house has also the right of initiative. French companies rested more than did their rivals on false principles; they were more fettered by the royal power, and had less initiative of their own, and therefore had less chance of surviving. Abbreviation With Examples. Economic initiative of feeling a little might see angelfish. Several recent initiatives by the NIMH have as their goal working with the child, classmates, parents, and teachers to reduce disruptive behavior. A ' soil bioengineering ' initiative with the University of Dundee is studying vegetation as an ecological solution for slope stabilization. Proponents of the measure have characterized it as an. And though I fully respect the open source initiative, I, for once, am very happy to support / give some money to a peer developer who has made our world much better. All the useful reforms introduced between 1730 and 1740 are to be attributed to his initiative. Taking forward fire safety initiatives in the face of American power including provisions for the year! The question of this exercise and expressed their full support to the country of passport issuance research.... And her Friends because of Bens initiative to identify him involvement from the the... 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