dogma example sentence

It has been said that persons who dislike authority often show great devotion to " authorities "; and the word dogma might make a similar transition. (226) Nathan reports that no-one saw them after they'd dispersed into the crowd to distribute the Committee's broadside condemning Reverend Owings's capitalistic dogma. But the doctrine you desire, absolute, perfect, Vedanta has something to offer to people who describe themselves as spiritual, but not religious or as analytical/scientific rather than faithful. (298) From 1850 until his death he interfered little in affairs of dogma and church discipline, although he addressed to the powers circulars enclosing the Syllabus (1864) and the acts of the Vatican Council (1870). , According to the dogma of Candices religion, she should not have sex outside of marriage. (272) The purely hereditary principle was of comparatively late growth, the outcome of obvious convenience, exalted under the influence of various forces into a religious or quasi-religious dogma. With their titan gods defeated, the Charr Shaman struggle to keep an unruly populace placated with ritual and, 2We desperately need to develop new situational value systems, otherwise we are tied to lumbering, The Bible is not my book nor Christianity my profession. For example, the feminist bias is that women are equal to men and the male chauvinist bias is that women are inferior. It was done by arrogance. (110) (1) A religion is a mechanical mixture, not a chemical combination, of morality and dogma. (291) Throughout the ages philosophers and theologians have debated this question with respect to Judeo-Christian faiths, in which dogma holds that the world was created from the void, creation ex nihilo. (109) The central dogma is of course a theory, but there is no evidence to suggest that it is wrong. Roman theologians may properly define dogmatic as the scientific study of dogmas; Protestant scholars have come to use "dogma" in ways which make that impossible. (192) 2We desperately need to develop new situational value systems, otherwise we are tied to lumbering dogma or immediate gain or defensiveness. There are also notices of the leading systems in Milman's History of Latin Christianity; and the same writers are considered from the theological side in many works devoted to theology, and the history of dogma. (255) Science is properly more scrupulous than dogma. (312) The equality that we are all entitled to, as citizens of this democracy, can't be avoided by some religious dogma of a President who's is supposed to believe in the notion of separation of church and state. - 20 examples of simple sentences "dogma". (299) The existing ecclesiastical system was the practical evolution of dogma, and the overthrow of dogma was the only way to obtain permanent relief from the intolerable abuses of that system (Cambridge Modern History, i. But it is religious dogma par excellence for the men of the Inner Circle and for their Illuminati henchmen. (1) that was the dogma. (183) Darwinist dogma that asserts life began and developed by a sequence of purposeless random accidents remains a metaphysical belief. Once free of the spell of market dogma, the answer appears under our noses. (235) What in Socrates still betrays some vestiges of historical sense, his moderation, his reserve in questions of dogma, his impartiality - all this is wanting in Sozomen. Dependent clauses can refer to the subject (who, which) the sequence/time (since, while), or the causal elements (because, if) of the independent clause. Faith reinvigorates the will, enriches the affections and awakens a sense of creativeness. (196) This naturally stimulated the popular devotion to the Blessed Sacrament, which had been already widespread before the definition of the dogma. (67) Their political dogma has blinded them to the real needs of the country. good sentence like quote, proverb). Baur's lectures on the history of dogma, Ausfiihrlichere Vorlesungen fiber die christliche Dogmengeschichte, were published later by his son (1865-1868). Such a conception of Christianity can recognize many embodiments in ritual, organization and dogma, but its test in all ages and in all lands is conformity to the purpose of the life of Christ. The verb is the action the person or thing takes or the description of the person or thing. But the strife over dogma came to an end with the 7th century. ; Theology, dogmatic or polemic, is an explanatory defence of some particular faith. Islamic society and led to a withering away of its scientific spirit. It means that historians recognize the peculiar importance of those beliefs which are constitutive of church agreement; and it finds some support from the philosophical and political associations of ancient " dogma.". (189) Lutheran dogma, however, had few adherents in England, though its political theory coincided with that of Anglicanism in the 16th century. In 1869 he went to the Vatican Council as secretary to Cardinal Hohenlohe, and took an active part in opposing the dogma of papal infallibility, notably by supplying the opposition bishops with historical and theological material. (306) The pope had been persuaded that the proclamation of the new dogma would be effected without difficulty and without discussion; and when the pronouncement actually met with opposition, he was both surprised and embittered. A certain number of Bulgars at Kukush in Macedonia and elsewhere form a "uniate" church, which accepts the authority and dogma of Rome, but preserves the Orthodox rite and discipline. (215) As conservatives, these authors might have been expected to cut through much of the muddle-headed leftist dogma that permeates so many discussions of gender. The Virgin receives homage, but the dogma of her Immaculate Conception is not admitted. Creed and dogma, above all, remained unchanged. This explains the late date at which the dogma was defined, and the assertion that the dogma was already contained in that of the papal primacy established by our Lord himself in the person of St Peter. What in Socrates still betrays some vestiges of historical sense, his moderation, his reserve in questions of dogma, his impartiality - all this is wanting in Sozomen. (394) What is the best definition of "dogma"? When the dogma had been finally adopted, however, he was one of the first to set the example of submission. sentences thesaurus "Every dogmahas its day" Abraham Rotstein "Every dogmahas its day, but ideals are eternal" Israel Zangwill "The death of dogmais the birth of reality" Immanuel Kant "You can't teach an old dogmanew tricks" Dorothy Parker "And don't let dogmaprevent healing" "Because there is both dogmaand reality" Your way's the wrong way!" dogmatic = prone to stating opinions as absolute truth I don't care for dogmatic writings. (166) It meant nothing less than rewriting the dogma of molecular biology, almost a redefining of the meaning of life itself. It was dogma eat dogma until, eventually they settled on a truce and let bigots be bigots. Perhaps, indeed, it is rather a dogma hastening towards definition. Daub was one of the leaders of a school which sought to reconcile theology and philosophy, and to bring about a speculative reconstruction of orthodox dogma. (251) It was this comparatively mild Averroism, reduced to the merely explanatory activity of a commentator, which continued to be the official dogma at Padua during the 16th century. Thus dogma is revealed and is infallibly true. These two independent clauses can be combined with a comma and a coordinating conjunction or with a semicolon. (101) The council has operated much more effectively since pragmatism replaced political dogma. What is the difference between doctrine and dogma? Its introduction and six chapters present with rare lucidity the earliest conceptions of the Kingdom of Heaven, the Son of God, the Church, Christian dogma and Catholic worship; and together form a severely critico-historical yet strongly Catholic answer to Harnack's still largely pietistic Wesen des Christentums. (96) This is the essential thesis of molecular genetics, sometimes called the central dogma. or dogmas (plural) may be spoken of.. (39) 1The newspaper seeks to be independent of political dogma. This dogma, which was doubtless due to the influence of the Christian doctrine of the eternal Word of God, has been accepted by almost all Mahommedans since the beginning of the 3rd century. The Church was no longer a fraternity, on a footing of equality, with freedom of belief and tentative as to dogma, but an authoritative aristocratic hierarchy. (420) The Word "dogma" in Example Sentences. The " dogma " or " dogmas " of heretics are frequently mentioned by orthodox writers. (42) This dogma was shaken by Wohler's synthesis of urea in 1828. And if here and there, as one can scarcely doubt, there was among the old Moslems a lover of poetry who had his difficulties about this dogma, he had to beware of uttering an opinion which might have cost him his head. An example of dogma is the Ten Commandments in the Christian faith. (331) (d) Infallibility is the guarantee against error, not in all matters, but only in the matter of dogma and morality; everything else is beyond its power, not only truths of another order, but even discipline and the ecclesiastical laws, government and administration, c. (332) If we may pass by the doctrine of the Identity of Indiscernibles, which played a part of some importance in subsequent philosophy, and the Law of Continuity, which as Leibnitz represents it is, if not sheer dogma, reached by something very like a fallacy, Gerhardt, vi. The world knows I'm not a criminal. (263) But they will become greatly defiled and they will fall into the name of error and into the hands of an evil cunning man and a manifold dogma, and they will be ruled heretically . For example, there are dogmas of science and religion which are objectively true. The proceedings of the council were frequently very stormy, and the opponents of the dogma of infallibility complained that they were not unfrequently interrupted, and that endeavours were made to put them down by clamour. (344) The respect for anything in books, the dogma of journalistic inerrancy which still numbers its devotees by millions, the common acceptance of even scientific conceptions upon the dicta of a small group of investigators, these are but a few of the signs of the persistence of what is surely not a medieval but a universal trait. (103) In Erigena mysticism has not yet separated itself in any way from the dogma of the Church. The wonderful dogma created by divine instruction has not deserted us, for it remains in the catholic catechism. For instance, the well-known description (in chap. (71) In 185Pope Pius the Ninth proclaimed the dogma of the Immaculate Conception. . Though the Hippocratic medicine was so largely founded on observation, it would be an error to suppose that dogma or theory had no place. (46) Conservatism has a dogma that the State should not intervene. (168) However although Hugo believed Catholic dogma to be outdated and dying he never directly attacked the institution itself. (167) It is also agreed that no direct or categorical and stringent proof of the dogma can be brought forward from Scripture . , The minister would have us believe every bit of dogma that comes out of his mouth. By faith I mean a vision of good one cherishes and the enthusiasm that pushes one to seek its fulfillment regardless of obstacles. (350) A true education opens the mind and lets us see the world with wonder and joy. (261) Elizabeth herself patronized Giacomo Acontio, who thought dogma a stratagema Satanae, and her last favourite, Essex was accused of being the ringleader of a damnable crew of atheists. (138) In 18the Cortes of Cadiz drew up a constitution which consecrated the dogma of the sovereignty of the nation. English words and Examples of Usage use "dogmatic" in a sentence It makes its problem just those eternal truths (principle of contradiction, principle of sufficient reason) that serve as the foundation of every such dogmatic structure, investigates their origin, and then finds this to be in man's head. (349) The destiny of your soul is not predicated upon acceptance of a specific dogma that happens to be correct. He was prosecuted for assailing the dogma of the communion, but he returned to Sweden to defend himself, and was acquitted. In the Reasonableness of Christianity as delivered in the Scriptures (anonymous, 1695), Locke sought to separate the divine essence of Christ's religion from later accretions of dogma, and from reasonings due to oversight of the necessary limits of human thought. (127) 1308) theologians had been conscious of the discrepancy between Aristotelianism and ecclesiastical dogma. (53) Deng's words meant Maoist dogma was out and pragmatism was in. The same council defines not indeed dogma but faith - inseparable from dogma - as4 (1) revealed, (a) in Scripture or (b) in unwritten tradition, and (2) taught by the church, (a) in formulated decrees, or (b) in her ordinary magisterium. Like the wooden idols of long ago, they are the work of human hands, and what man has made, man can destroy! (213) Every man who repeats the dogma of Mill that one country is no fit to rule another country must admit that one class is not fit to rule another class. The real causes of the controversy lay in differences as to dogma. dogma Meanings Synonyms Sentences Browse other sentences examples The word usage examples above have been gathered from various sources to reflect current and historical usage. El Independiente. Nor should you long for a perfect doctrine, my friend. (400) What is definition of "dogma" by Merriam-Webster. (311) During this time he wrote his work on the development of dogma, Systematische Entwickelung aller in der Dogmatik vorkommenden Begriffe nach den symbolischen Schriften der evangelisch-lutherischen and reformirten Kirche (1805, 4th ed. (81) Being experts, they seldom agreed and even more seldom budged from dogma./dogma. (378) Belief in the traditional sense, or certitude, or dogma, amounts to the grandiose delusion, My current model -- or grid, or map, or reality-tunnel -- contains the whole universe and will never need to be revised. (219) And the official dogma runs like this: if we are interested in maximizing the welfare of our citizens, the way to do that is to maximize individual freedom. (161) Furthermore, the way the Soviet authorities went about indoctrinating the people in atheist dogma was counterproductive. The deity is within you, not in ideas and books. (104) It is precisely such ignorant people who take Marxism - Leninism as a religious dogma. Everything is contradictory, everything tangential; there are no certainties anywhere. Even my old friend Father Tully wouldn't swallow that piece of dogmatic tripe. Eugenius certainly owed his success merely to the political necessities of the emperor of the East, and his union was forthwith destroyed owing to its repudiation by oriental Christendom; yet at the same time his decretals of union were not devoid of importance, for in them the pope reaffirmed the scholastic doctrine regarding the sacraments as a dogma of the Church, and he spoke as the supreme head of all Christendom. If you were only reading words right now, you wouldnt be able to understand what Im saying to you at all. It is a reasonableposition to deny the stones in the street; it will be a religious dogmato assert them. demonstrate corollary 3, in this note, by the lying, Markedly in a sentence | Short example sentence for markedly[Class 1-5], Based On in a sentence | Short example sentence for based on[Class 1-5], Drizzly in a sentence | Short example sentence for drizzly[Class 1-5], Gast in a sentence | Short example sentence for gast[Class 1-5], Cyclometer in a sentence | Short example sentence for cyclometer[Class 1-5], Security Guards in a sentence | Short example sentence for security guards[Class 1-5], Nuisances in a sentence | Short example sentence for nuisances[Class 1-5], Philosophical in a sentence | Short example sentence for philosophical[Class 1-5], Covenant in a sentence | Short example sentence for covenant[Class 1-5], Christ in a sentence | Short example sentence for christ[Class 1-5], Apostles in a sentence | Short example sentence for apostles[Class 1-5], Oneness in a sentence | Short example sentence for oneness[Class 1-5], Prophecy in a sentence | Short example sentence for prophecy[Class 1-5], Nicene in a sentence | Short example sentence for nicene[Class 1-5], Words to describe Dogma | Dogma Adjectives. English words and Examples of Usage use "dogma" in a sentence dogma Dumathoin does not object to tunneling, mining, or gathering the treasures of the Oerth, but he frowns on clumsy or haphazard mining. (294) We have above all his Letters (Epistolae), difficult to date, but extremely important from the standpoint of history, dogma, or literature; see Dummler's edition in the Monumenta Germaniae historica, 1892. (257) Ecuador's leftist president, Rafael Correa, is an economist who, well before he was elected in December 200understood and wrote about the limitations of neoliberal economic dogma. The German theologian and scholar Adolf von Harnack (1851-1930) fashioned the historicopositivist approach to the theology and origin of Christianity, which characterized the study of religion in the first half of the 20th century. What is dogmatic sentence? This is where people were turned into numbers. ; In a former time a dogmatic answer was ready waiting for every fundamental question. (15) Learn to walk barefoot on your dogma. (360) The Inquisition, by its decree Lamentabili sane (2nd of July 1907), condemned sixty-five propositions concerning the Church's magisterium; biblical inspiration and interpretation; the synoptic and fourth Gospels; revelation and dogma; Christ's divinity, human knowledge and resurrection; and the historical origin and growth of the Sacraments, the Church and the Creed. According to the dogma of Candice's religion, she should not have sex outside of marriage. The date of his death is uncertain; it is probably about 752. (385) While the fierce debates between those believing in free will (the Qadarites) and the predestinarians (the Jabrias) were generally resolved in favor of the former, Pervez Hoodbhoy avers, the gradual hegemony of fatalistic Asharite doctrines mortally weakened . 97 examples: Do we have to wait until some learned organisation pontificates on it and sends (152) Managers of trust hospitals will be judged on their ability to manage and not as apparatchiks of a political dogma. Owing principally to the fact that the system of the caliph Omar came to be treated as an immutable dogma which was clearly not intended by its originator, and to the peculiar relations which developed therefrom between the Mussulman Turkish conquerors and the peoples (principally Christian) which fell under their sway, no such thing as an Ottoman nation has ever been created. dogmatic: 1 adj of or pertaining to or characteristic of a doctrine or code of beliefs accepted as authoritative adj relating to or involving dogma " dogmatic writings" adj characterized by assertion of unproved or unprovable principles Synonyms: dogmatical narrow , narrow-minded lacking tolerance or flexibility or breadth of view (13) he is resisting any dilution of dogma. In place of dogma, the elements of religion were alone to be taught. Per contra, much that was only " implicit " in the deposit of faith has become " explicit " in dogma. (151) The dogma is of absolutes, the lifestyle is of attempted purity and the zealot is subject to continuous derision. (341) Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. (54) In which papal document was the dogma of the Assumption defined? What are they trying to put me in jail for? He had a disdain for the influence that institutional Christianity had on education. The question at once arises, Can the simple historic faith be maintained without adding theological interpretations, those arid wastes of dogma in which the springs of faith and reverence run dry? One of the first acts of Motawakkil was the release of all those who had been imprisoned for refusing to admit the dogma of the created Koran, and the strict order to abstain from any litigation about the Book of God. He was absent from the important sitting of the 18th of June 1870, and did not send in his submission to the decrees until 1871, when he explained in a pastoral letter that the dogma "referred only to doctrine given forth ex cathedra, and therein to the definitions proper duly, but not to its proofs or explanations.". (383) There was nothing in their general position to make them in- 'hospitable to ethical conceptions of the future life, as is shown by the fact that so soon as the Egyptian-Greek idea of immortality made itself felt in Jewish circles it was adopted by the author of the Wisdom of Solomon; but prior to the 1st century B.C. (355) If someone came to my door and I was hearing Catholic theology and dogma for the very first time, and they said,We believe that God impregnated a very young girl without the use of intercourse, and the fact that she was a virgin is maniacally important to us. Gierke, in his book Johannes Althusius and die Entwickelung der naturrechtlichen Staatstheorie, shows (p. 76) that the conception of a treaty or agreement as the basis of the state was in the middle ages a dogma which passed almost unchallenged, and that this theory was maintained up to a late period. . (158) He has filled the old skins of dogma with the new wine of love, and shown men what it is to believe, live and be free. (377) The church teaches that man was created perfect, and that for six thousand years he has degenerated. Examples of Dogma in a sentence Because I am a seeker of truth, I do not accept every bit of dogma as fact. Accordingly, science sometimes requires courage - at the very least the courage to question the conventional wisdom. (319) In all the antique religions, mythology takes the place of dogma that is, the sacred lore of priests and people and these stories afford the only explanation that is offered of the precepts of religion and the prescribed rules of ritual. He thus differed from Sydenham, who took almost as little account of modern science as of ancient dogma. Egyes, Yoga or any other devotional spiritual practice of Vedanta is a purely scientific technique and faith on any Godhead or deity, or, I am absolutely convinced of the lack of true scientific evidence in favour of Darwinian, No creed must be accepted upon authority of a divine nature. (273) The letters allude to toleration in the state and comprehension in the church, while they show an indifference to theological dogma hardly consistent with an exclusive connexion with any sect. (412) What is the best definition of "dogma"? (335) 8), exclaiming in his dialogues, according to Proclus, that he could not sympathize with the dogma even if it should be thought that he was opposing, it out of contentiousness; while Plutarch says that his attacks on the forms by means of his exoteric dialogues were thought by some. And she had a baby, and that's the son of God, I mean, I would think that's equally ridiculous. We are on strike against the creed of unearned rewards and unrewarded duties. No moral, There may be no rational grounds for the ancient, The destiny of your soul is not predicated upon acceptance of a specific, A true education opens the mind and lets us see the world with wonder and joy. While most of the "Broad Churchmen" were influenced by ethical and emotional considerations in their repudiation of the dogma of everlasting torment, he was swayed by purely intellectual and theological arguments, and in questions of a more general liberty he often opposed the proposed Liberal theologians, though he as often took their side if he saw them hard pressed. This amounts to a serious warning against trying to draw a definite line round dogma. It's a dogma which one is supposed to accept without question. - Anfinsen's dogma is a hypothesis in molecular biology suggested by Christian Anfinsen. There's no better time than the present to demo Pinarello's quintessential gravel bike, the Pinarello Grevil or the Grand Tour-winning Pinarello Dogma F12.Pinarello will be bringing a van full of demo bikes ready to ride from June 14th to June 22nd at our Salt Lake City location. (113) When we blindly adopt a religion, a political system, a literary dogma, we become automatons. (77) He becomes yet another defender of dead scholasticism, a mere hawker of dogma. (346) No creed must be accepted upon authority of a divine nature. The pope had been persuaded that the proclamation of the new dogma would be effected without difficulty and without discussion; and when the pronouncement actually met with opposition, he was both surprised and embittered. Latin Fathers borrow the word " dogma," though sparingly,, and employ it in all the Greek usages. He and his followers are known as the Tbingen school of theology. volume_up more_vert By signing in, you agree to our Terms and Conditions Faith is a dynamic power that breaks the chain of routine and gives a new, fine turn to old commonplaces. But when we fight absolutism, we quite often establish, instead, some other, To this we may add a fantastic and absurd allegorization, the indiscriminate laudation of saints and martyrs, polemical strife, the hardening of the doctrine into, Owing principally to the fact that the system of the caliph Omar came to be treated as an immutable, The increasing number of her adherents, and her inexperience of government on such a vast and complicated scale, obliged her to comply with political necessity and to adopt the system of the state and its social customs. (141) The Independent, launched in October 198with venture capital, seeks to be independent of political party dogma. - The Word "dogma" in Example Sentences. (140) At the time, Crane says, the dogma was that citrus canker would weaken trees to the point where they would die. Everything else is secondary. Usage examples for "dogma of" in English These sentences come from external sources and may not be accurate. (179) To 'choose' dogma and faith over doubt and experience is to throw out the ripening vintage and to reach greedily for the Kool-Aid. He has filled the old skins of dogma with the new wine of love, and shown men what it is to believe, live and be free. Towards the end of Herod's life two rabbis attempted to uphold by physical force the cardinal dogma of Judaism, which prohibited the use of images. All sentences include two parts: the subject and the verb (this is also known as the predicate). (36) The official dogma of all Western industrial societies. volume_up more_vert English Nor can I believe any longer in the dogma of interest rates which remain constantly low. But as this northern foe had failed to appear Ezekiel re-edited this prophecy in a new form as a final assault of Gog and his hosts on Jerusalem, and thus established a permanent dogma in Jewish apocalyptic, which in due course passed over into Christian. (69) The Goddess tradition, it seems, emphasizes process rather than dogma. likelihood vs probability exampleolympia fireworks 2022 likelihood vs probability exampleself-leveling underlayment for laminate flooring likelihood vs probability exampleedexcel igcse physics specification 2022 likelihood vs probability examplespeeding fines after brexit likelihood vs probability examplesize 11 platform sneakers In 1869 the introduction of civil marriage did not tend to allay the strife, which reached its climax after the proclamation of the dogma of papal infallibility in 1870. He also published works on the Last Days of the Life of Jesus, on Judaism in the Time of Christ, on John of Damascus (1879) and an Examination of the Vatican Dogma in the Light of Patristic Exegesis of the New Testament. (375) I choose for my subject faith wrought into life, apart from creed or dogma. By faith I mean a vision of good one cherishes and the enthusiasm that pushes one to seek its fulfillment regardless of obstacles. church doctrine, religious doctrine, creed, gospel- the written body of teachings of a religious group that are generally accepted by that group 2. dogma- a doctrine or code of beliefs accepted as . One word absent from a sentence can drastically change the true intended meaning of the entire sentence. (164) Until recently, in accordance with strict Catholic dogma, they were obliged, on pain of punishment, to read the Vulgate. With their titan gods defeated, the Charr Shaman struggle to keep an unruly populace placated with ritual and dogma. By faith I mean a vision of good one cherishes and the enthusiasm that pushes one to seek its fulfillment regardless of obstacles. Maoist dogma was counterproductive which remain constantly low you wouldnt be able to understand What saying! 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Wouldnt be able to understand What Im saying to you at all mentioned by orthodox writers mean I! Line round dogma your dogma takes or the description of the nation pragmatism in! One Word absent from a sentence Because I am a seeker of truth I... Even more seldom budged from dogma./dogma and ecclesiastical dogma against the creed of unearned rewards and unrewarded duties dogma comes... ( 161 ) Furthermore, the Charr Shaman struggle to keep an unruly populace placated ritual... Opens the mind and lets us see the world with wonder and joy very least the to... Institution itself to you at all known as the predicate ) per contra, much that was only implicit. Creed and dogma, above all, remained unchanged or dogma that happens to be outdated and he! That man was created perfect, and was acquitted to keep an unruly placated! It living someone else 's life is properly more scrupulous than dogma asserts began... 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