good wrestling names for wwe 2k20

For example, In Scottish, mac means son of. I give them both a Here are the creative names for wrestler: These are the cool names for wwe wrestler: The following are the pro wrestler names for you: Some of the best wrestler name ideas are here: Check out the list of good wrestler names ideas: So, what is the best way to come up with new and cool fantasy names? "Diamond" Nicole Ruth, also Main CAW, but female. and build a story around them so the lack of real names isnt a disadvantage. There are many new NXT Superstars in WWE 2K20, with the return of Tommaso Ciampa and The Brian Kendricks the headline acts. The full WWE 2K20 Roster has been unveiled, and we know the Overall Ratings of every playable character included in the game.. And maybe repronounce some of them like HOSUHQUAI (HOSOQAI) to HOSUHKAI. Robotic characters will not have names that are culturally related or derived. Looking through this list, loads of names from WWE's history can be found in references to them, such as Carlito, Duke "The Dumpster" Droese, and Paul Orndorff. Byron Saxton(Commentator) Corey Graves (Commentator). WWE 2K22 Custom Hometown Options, All Countries and Cities, WWE 2K22 Editions Guide, Pre-Order, Deluxe & nWo 4-Life Editions Content Details, WWE 2K22: List of Presentation Names for Created Superstars, WWE 2K22 Arenas Full List: All Shows, PPVs & Classic Arenas, WWE 2K22 MyFaction Guide: A World of Endless Combat, WWE 2K22 MyRise Guide: Tips and Tricks for Career Mode, WWE 2K22 Custom Renders Guide, Sizing, and Important Notes. Sign up to get the best content of the week, and great gaming deals, as picked by the editors. Related: 10 Wrestlers You Forgot Won Titles In NXT. Wrestler Names: 140+ Pro And Best Wrestler Names Ideas, Catchy and Unique Tibetan Terrier Dog Names Ideas for You, Catchy And Cool Slogans And Taglines For Production Company, 265+ Cool And Fantasy Aboriginal Names Suggestion for You, 210 Fantasy and Catchy Military Honor Names, 100+ Evil And Funny Names Ideas For Mad Scientist, Swamp Names: 200+ Fantasy And Creative Swamp Names For You. Im not very good at coming up with names. Lets take a look at ten of the most ridiculous ratings for some of the wrestlers that have made it on to WWE 2K20. A - A K 47 - A List - Aaron - Abbott - Ace - Adam - Adams - Adorable - Adrian - Ahmed - Aiden - AJ - Akane - Akira - The Alabama Slamma - Alan - Albert - Albright - Aldo - Aleksander - Alex - Alexander - Alexia - Ali - Alice - The All American - Allen - Alpha - Amanda - The Amateur - Amaya - Amber - The American Dream - Americas Sweetheart - Amir - Amy - The Anarchist - Andersen - Anderson - Andre - Andrea - Andres - Andrew - Andrews - Andy - Angel - Angela - Angela - Angelina - Angelo - Angus - The Animal - Ann - Anna - Anne - The Anomaly - Ant - Anthony - Antista - Antoine - Antonio - Archangel - Aric - Arik - Armstrong - Arn - Arnold - Arthur - Ashley - The Asian Nightmare - The Assassin - The Athlete - Austin - Avalanche - Awesome - The Axe - Axe - Azrael, B - Babe - Babos - Baby Face - Backlund - Bacon - Bad - Bad Attitude - Bad Boy - The Bad Guy - Bailey - Baker - Bakke - Baldwin - Ball - Ballesca - Balmer - Balousek - Bannon - Barbara - The Barbarian - Barber - The Barber - Barend - Barker - Barnes - Barnett - Barrett - Barry - Bart - Bartlett - Barton - Bas - Basham - The Basket Case - Bass - Bates - Batista - Bay - Bear - The Bear - The Beast - The Beastmaster - Beauchamp - Beautiful - Becca - Bee - Beech - Beefcake - Beginus - Behrens - Bell - Ben - Benally - Benjamin - Bennett - Benson - Beretta - Bernie - Berry - The Best - Betty - Beverly - Big - Big Bad - Big Evil - Big Ham - Big Magic - Big Meanie - Big Money - Big Nasty - Big Time - Bill - Billy - Bishop - Bison - Black - Blacksmith - Blackwell - Blade - Blake - Blanchard - Bland - Blaze - The Blueprint - Bob - Bobby - The Body - Bolek - The Bombshell - Bombshell - Boone - The Boss - Boulay - Bourne - Bowen - Bowers - Bowlin - Bowman - Boy - Boyd - Brad - Braddock - Bradford - Bradley - The Brain - Bram - Brandon - Bravo - The Brawler - Brayden - Brenda - Brent - Brett - Brewer - Brian - Briggs - Brinton - Brittany - Brock - Brody - Brooks - Brown - Bruce - Bruiser - The Bruiser - Bruno - Brute - Brutus - Bryan - Bryant - Bryce - Bubba - Buck - Buckley - Buddy - Bui - The Bull - Bulldog - Bulldozer - Bullwhip - Burchfield - Burns - Burnstorm - Burton - Bush - Buster - Butch - The Butcher - Butcher - Butler - Buzzsaw - Byrd - Byron, C - Cactus - Calcote - Caldwell - Caleb - Cali - Cameron - Campbell - Candy Man - Cannon - Captain - Carl - Carlito - Carlos - Carmelo - Carol - Carolyn - Carpenter - Carr - Carter - Case - Casey - Cashman - Cassidy - Castle - Castro - Catherine - Caveman - Cepeda - Cesar - Champ - The Champ - Chandler - Chaney - Chang - Chapman - Charles - Charlie - Charlotte - Charming - Chase - Chen - Cheryl - China - Cho - The Chosen One - Chris - Christian - Christie - Christina - Christine - Christopher - Christopherson - Chuck - Church - Cindy - Clarence - Clark - Clarke - The Claw - Clemens - Cliff - Clingan - Clinton - Clown - Coach - Coachman - Cobb - Cody - Cole - Coleman - Coles - Colin - Collins - Colonel - Colossus - Colt - Columbus - Connor - Consiglio - Cook - Cooke - Cooper - Corino - Cory - Cottonbelly - County - Cowboy - Cox - Coyote - Craig - Crawford - Crazy - Cretchman - Crimson - Cruce - Cruise - Crush - Crusher - The Crusher - Cruz - Cry Baby - Crystal - Cubas - Culver - Cummings - Cunningham - Curt - Curtis - Cutie Pie - The Cyborg - Cyclone - Cynthia, D - Daddy - Daigle - Dalehite - Dallas - Dalton - Damian - Dan - Danger - Dangerous - Daniel - Danielle - Daniels - Danielson - Danny - Darrell - Darren - Dashing - Dave - David - Davidson - Davis - Dawn - Day - Dean - Death - Deaver - Deborah - Debra - Demers - Demoise - Demon - Denise - Dennis - Derek - Derick - Derk - The Destroyer - The Devil - Devious - Devon - Diamond - Diana - Diane - Diaz - Dickey - Diego - Dino - Dirty - The Disaster - Dixon - Dizzy - Doc - Doctor - The Dog - Dog - Doink - The Doll - The Dominator - Dominguez - Don - Donahue - Donald - Donaldson - Dondelinger - Donna - Doris - Dorothy - Double A - Doug - Douglas - Drago - The Dragon - Drake - Draven - The Dream - Dregs - Drew - Droese - Drolet - Dubb - Dublin - Dude - Dudley - Duece - Duggan - Duke - The Dumpster - Duncan - Dunn - Dustin - Dusty - Dwayne - Dyer - Dylan - Dynamic - Dynamite, E - The Eagle - Earl - Earp - Eaton - Eddie - Edward - Edwards - El Guapo - El Jefe - El Numero Uno - Elgin - Eli - Elijah - The Eliminator - Elizabeth - Elkins - Elliot - Elliott - Ellis - Elston - Emerson - Emily - Emma - The Enforcer - The Engineer - England - Epps - Eric - Ethan - Eugene - Evan - Evans - Evelyn - Everett - Ewing - Express - Extreme, F - The Falcon - Faria - Farmer - The Felon - Felt - Fenwick - Ferguson - Fernendez - Figueroa - Finch - Fingers - Fink - Finkel - The Fireman - Fisher - Flapjack - Flash - Fleites - Fletcher - Flores - Flyboy - Flynn - Fonseca - Ford - Foster - Fowler - Fox - Fraga - Frances - Francine - Francisco - Franco - Frank - Frankie - Franklin - The Freak - Freakzilla - Freeman - Freight Train - French - The French Paradox - Fresnedi - Frost - Frye - Fuller - Funky - Furious - The Future, G - Gabriel - Gallareto - Gang - The Gangster - Garcia - Gardner - Garrett - Gary - Gates - Gauge - Gavin - Geary - Gene - General - Genie - The Gentle Giant - Gentleman - George - Georgie - Gerald - Gertz - The Ghost - Gianfranco - Giant - The Giant - The Giant Killer - Gibson - Gilbert - Gilberto - Girl Dynamite - The Gladiator - Gloria - The Godfather - Goldman - The Goliath - Gomez - Gonzalez - Good Girl - Goodish - Goodman - Goodwin - The Goon - Goose - Gordon - Gorgeous - Gorilla - Gould - Grace - Graham - Grant - Graves - Gray - The Great - The Greek Goddess - Green - Greene - Greg - Gregory - The Gremlin - Griffin - The Grim Reaper - Grime - Grimm - Grise - Groovey Homes - Guan - Gudmundson - Guillermo - Gutierrez - Guy, H - Haas - Hacksaw - Hagan - Haku - Hale - Halie - Hall - Hamilton - Hammer - The Hammer - Hammett - Hammond - Hancock - Handsome - Handy - Hank - Hannah - Hannibal - Hardcore - The Hardcore Icon - Harnage - Harold - Harper - Harrington - Harris - Harrison - Harry - Hart - Harvey - Hatcher - Hawkins - Hayabusa - Hayes - Headhunter - Heart - Heath - Heather - Heenan - Hein - Helen - Henderson - Hennig - Henry - Herbert - Hercules - Hernandez - The Hero - Hero - Hicks - Hill - Hillbilly - The Hippie - Hogan - Holland - Holly - Holmes - Holt - Homeboy - Homer - The Hooligan - Hopkins - The Horseman - Horton - Hosoqai - Hot - Hotrod - Howard - Howe - Howell - Hubbard - Hubert - Hudson - Hugh - Hughes - Hughs - Hulk - Hull - Hunt - Hunter - Hurricane - Hustler - Hyper Speed, I - Ian - The Iceman - The Icon - The Idol - The Illustrious - The Immovable Object - Indestructible - The Innovator - Iron - Ironman - The Irresistible Force - Irvin - Isaac - Isaiah - Isabella - Italian Stallion - Ivar - Ivy, J - Jack - Jackie - Jackson - Jacob - Jacobs - Jacqueline - Jade - Jaejin - Jake - James - Jane - Janet - Janice - Jannetty - Jared - Jarret - Jarrett - Jason - Jay - Jayden - Jean - Jeff - Jeffrey - Jeffreys - Jen - Jenkins - Jennifer - Jeremiah - Jeremy - Jerome - Jerry - Jervis - Jesse - Jessica - The Jester - Jesus - Jet - Jillian - Jim - Jimenez - Jimmy - Jindrak - Joan - Joe - Joel - Joey - John - Johnny - Johnson - Johnston - Jonathan - Jonathon - Jones - Jordan - Jose - Joseph - Josh - Joshua - Joyce - JStone - Juan - The Judge - Judith - Judy - Julia - Julie - Juliene - Junior - Junkyard - Jushin - Justice - Justin, K - Kaiva - Kamron - Kang - Kaplan - Kareem - Karen - Kari - Katelynn - Katherine - Kathleen - Kathryn - Kathy - Katsuyori - Kazarian - Keith - Kelley - Kelvin - Ken - Kendall - Kendrick - Kennedy - Kenneth - Kenny - Kent - Kerry - Kevin - Key - The Kid - Kid - Kidman - Kimball - Kimberly - The King - King - The King of Old School - Kink - Kinsel - Kirk - Kisser - Kitty - Klien - Knight - Kobayashi - Koloff - Kortje - Kristin - Kristy - Krom - The Krusher - Kurt - Kushida - Kuykendall - Kwan - Kyle, L - The Ladies Man - Lady Destroyer - Lance - Landon - Lane - Lanza - Larry - Lars - Lashley - Lassiter - Last Call - The Latina Sensation - Laura - Laurant - Lauren - The Lawman - Lawrence - Lazzara - Ledesma - Lee - Lees - The Legend - The Legend Killer - Lenny - Leo - Leon - Leonard - Leonardo - Lewis - Lex - Liam - Liger - Lightning - Lilith - Lillian - Lincoln - Linda - Ling - Lisa - Little - Little Homie - The Living Legend - Lochlan - Loco - Logan - Loki - Long - Lopez - Lord - Lori - Louis - Love - Lovecraft - Loverboy - Low - Lowenberg - Lucchese - The Luchadore - Luenser - Luger - Lui - Luis - Luke - The Lunatic - Lunchbox - Luscious - Luthor, M - The Machine - Macho - Mack - Mackey - Mad Dog - Madison - Madman - Maggie - Magic - Magical - Magnificent - Magnum - The Mailman - Majors - Malandra - Malcolm - Malenko - Man - The Man of 1000 Holds - The Maniac - Maniac - Manin - The Mantis - Marcantel - Marceau - Marcella - Marco - Marcus - Maragaret - Marge - Maria - Marie - Marilyn - Marissa - Mark - Marko - Marsh - Marshall - Martha - Martin - Martinez - Marty - Marvelous - Marvin - Mary - Masca - The Masked Man - Mason - Masters - The Mastodon - Mat - Mathews - Matsuda - Matsumoto - Matt - Matthew - Matthews - Mauler - The Maverick - Maverick - Max - Maximus - May - McCarthy - McDonald - McGregor - McIntyre - McKay - Mean - The Meathead - The Mechanic - Medusa - Megan - Melissa - Mentioned - Mercedes - Mercer - Michael - Michaels - Michelle - Mick - Mighty Ugg - Mike - Mildred - Miles - The Milkman - Miller - Mills - Miner - Mitchell - Mochacchino - Mohammad - Mondo - The Monster - Montana - Montgomery - Moore - Morales - Morgan - Morris - Morrison - Morse - Mortis - Motoda - The Motor - Mountain Man - The Mouth - The Mouth of the South - Mr - Mr Amazing - Mr Black - Mr Macho - Mr Perfect - Mrs - Ms - Mullet - Mullins - Munoz - Munson - Muraco - Murphy - Murray - Muta - Myers, N - Nancy - The Narcissist - Nate - Nathan - Nathaniel - Natoli - The Natural - The Navajo - Navy Seal - Neal - The Necromancer - Negron - Nelson - Nemeth - Newman - News - Newton - Nguyen - Nicholas - Nichols - Nick - Nicole - The Nightmare - Nightmare - Nikita - Niles - The Ninja - Noah - Nolan - North - Norton - Number One - Nuzback, O - OGrady - Oliver - Olivia - The Olympian - Omar - The Omega - Omega - The One - One - The Original Gangsta - Orndorff - Ortiz - Orton - Osborne - Otunga - Outlaw - The Outlaw - The Outsider - Owen - Owens - Oxley, P - Page - Palestini - Palmer - Pamela - Parcher - Parker - Parsons - Pat - Patch - Patera - Patricia - Patrick - Patterson - Paul - Payne - Pearson - Peck - Pedro - Pee Wee - Peltier - Percy - Perez - Perfect 10 - Perkins - Perry - Peter - Peters - Peterson - The Phantom - Phelps - The Phenom - The Phenomenal One - Philip - Phillip - Phillips - Picone - Pierce - Pierre - The Pig - Pine - Piper - Pitbull - Plantagenet - Platinum - The Player - Pontarelli - Porter - Porticos - Post - Potter - Powell - Pratt - Precious - The Predator - Pretty Boy - Price - Primetime - The Prince - Prince - Princess - The Princess - The Prodigy - The Professional - The Professor - The Prototype - Psycho - The Psycho - Psychosis - Puerta - The Punisher - Punk, R - Race - Rachel - Rage - Raiden - Ralph - Ralston - Ramelle - Ramirez - Ramon - Randleman - Randy - Raparaz - Ray - Raymond - Razor - The Real Deal - The Reaper - Rebecca - The Rebel - Recto - Redhead - The Redneck - Reed - Reese - Reeves - Reid - Reks - Reptile - Reyes - Reynolds - Rhodes - Ricardo - Ricci - Rice - Richard - Richards - Richardson - Richie - Rick - Ricky - Riley - The Ringer - Rip - Rivera - Rivers - Rob - Robbins - Robert - Roberts - Robertson - Robinson - Rock - The Rocker - The Rockstar - Roddy - Rodgers - Rodil - Rodriguez - Roger - Rogers - Rolando - Romi - Ron - Ronald - Rose - Ross - Rossi - Rousakis - Rowdy - Roxanne - Roy - Rudden - Rude - Rude Boy - Rufus - Rusev - Rush - Russ - Russell - Russian - The Russian Giant - The Russian Gladiator - The Russian Gladiator - Rust - Ruten - Ruth - Ryan, S - Sabin - The Sailor - The Saint - Sakamoto - Sal - Salas - Sam - Samantha - Sammartino - The Samoan - Samuel - Samuels - The Samurai - Sanchez - Sanders - Sandra - Santana - Santos - Sapp - Sara - Sarah - Satoru - Saturn - The Savage - The Savior - Sawyer - Schettino - Schliebe - Schmidt - Schultz - Sciacca - The Scientist - Scorpion - The Scorpion - Scott - Scotty - Sean - Sears - Sebastian - Selina - The Senator - Sergeant - Sergio - Seth - Severn - Sexton - Shade - Shamownage - Shane - Shang - Shannon - Sharon - Sharp - Sharpe - Shaw - Shawn - Sheffield - Sheik - Sheldon - Shelly - Sherman - Sherrill - Shibata - Shields - Shirley - The Show - Showboat - Showstopper - Showtime - Shy Girl - Silva - Simmons - Simon - Simpson - Sinister - Skett - Skinner - Sku - Slater - Slugger - Smash - Smith - Smoke - Smoky - Smooth - Smooth Operator - The Snake - Snow - Snuka - Snyder - Sokolov - The Soldier - Sonya - Sophia - Soulman - Sparks - The Specialist - Spectacular - Speedy - Spencer - The Spider - Spike - Spivery - The Sportsman - Squire - Stafford - Stan - Stanley - Stasiak - Steel - Steiner - Stephanie - Stephen - Stephens - Steve - Steven - Stevens - Stevenson - Stewart - Stone - Storm - The Strong Man - Strongman - Stuart - Stubbs - Studd - Stuff - Stunning - Sturgeon - Styles - Sub Zero - Sue - Sugarfoot - Sullivan - Sunshine - The Super Athlete - Super Smooth - Superstar - The Superstar - The Surfer - The Surgeon - Susan - Sutton - Suzuki - Sweet - Sweetness, T - T Rex - Tama - Tammy - Tanaka - Tank - The Tank - Taryn - Tawfik - Taylor - Technical - The Technician - Ted - Teddy - Tenacious - Teresa - The Terror - Terror - Terry - Theodore - Theresa - Thomas - Thompson - The Thug - Thumper - Thunder - Thunderbolt - Tia - Tiffany - Tiger - Tim - Timothy - Tito - TNT - Todd - Tolos - Tom - Tomassian - Tommy - Tonga - Tony - The Tool - The Tornado - Tornado - The Torpedo - Torres - The Total Package - Tough Man - Townsend - Trash Man - Travis - Trevor - Trowell - Troy - Tucker - Tully - Turner - Tyler - Tyson, U - Ultimate - Ultimo - Unbreakable - The Unpredictable - Unpredictable - Uptown - The Urban Gladiator - Urena, V - Vachon - Vader - Valentine - Valliant - Van - Van Cise - Van Cisely - Vandiver - Ventura - Victor - Victoria - The Viking - The Villain - Vince - Vincent - Violet - Virgil - Virginia - Vivacious - The Voice - Votta, W - Wade - Wagner - Walken - Walker - Wallace - Walter - Walters - The Wanderer - Wang - War - Ward - The Warden - The Warlock - Warlord - Warner - Warren - The Warrior Princess - Washington - Watkins - Watson - Watts - Wayne - Weaver - The Web Master - Webb - Webster - Welch - Wells - Wesley - West - Wheeler - Whiskers - The White - White - Whitney - Whol - The Wick - Wickiser - Wilcox - Wild Thing - Wildcat - Wildman - Wildside - Will - William - Williams - Williamson - Willie - Willis - Willy - Wilson - Windham - Winters - The Witch - The Witch Doctor - Wolf - Wolf Man - Wonder Boy - Wonderful - Wonderkid - Wood - Woods - Woodward - The Worm - Wright - Wyatt, Y - Yamamoto - Yamashita - York - Yosef - Young - Young Blood - Yuri, Z - Zachary - Zack - Zenk - Zucconi - Zynda. Of course, because he wasn't with WWE at this point, he's no longer in the game, but Jericho is truly a very popular WWE Superstar so being able to still play as him is great. You may come up with some words that you use as prefix or suffix to convey some meaning and sprinkle it. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Branding and marketing are his other interests. I Trxly l. They dont have Funk or Foley, but they have Dondelinger, Bron Breakker + All NXT 2.0 superstar . Starting to think I didn't get the same game as y'all. WWE Day Of Reckoning 2 needs more respect than it gets. WWE 2K22 & 2K20 Creation Suite Comparison: How much has changed. The following are some wrestler names to help you out: 4. They should add Ferocious For F and Warrior for W there's like a lot of names for them to add so I'm hoping this names will be add. The 'Ninth Wonder of the World' Chyna also features in the Deluxe Edition, having last appeared in 2000s WWF SmackDown! All presentation names listed are written exactly how they are found in-game, minus being completely capitalized. Sure enough, the transition from WWE 2K19 to this years game sees 35 stars past and present removed from the WWE 2K20 roster. These add-ons introduce over-the-top variations of superstars into the mix. Check out these creative and cool wrestler names: Wrestler names are a lot like fantasy worlds. In each of us 2 natures are at war; the good and the evil. 10/10 Ricky Steamboat - 87 Ricky Steamboat was one of the greatest babyface I am making an EFed or Sim CAW Show on 2K19/2K22(If its good) based in Japan and need help with PPV Name Ideas w/ what month they would be on. Most often fantasy names are usually deeply rooted in the culture and language they come from, like wrestler names. 60 28. If its based in Japan Gaijin Rising as a show when youve got a big non-Japanese star in a match would be fairly decent, Clash of the SamuraiBattle of TokyoPacific ShowdownEastern AggressionTemple Wars. There are actually two versions of the Brahma Bull in WWE 2K20: his standard version clocks in at 93 overall, while the retro, $500 shirt version (included as part of the Deluxe Edition) is rated at 91. MORE MyFaction hidden Models. How do simultaneously have the maturity of a 5 year old and the jokes of a 60 year old? TOP 10 BEST REALISTIC CREATED WRESTLERS IN WWE 2K20 - COMMUNITY CREATIONS. There are plenty of additions to note this year as well. 6/10 6. The only reason the representation call should be used is if the wrestler is part of a faction like Imperium or the NWO. Below are some of the good wrestler names to quickly scroll through to get more ideas: Bilal is BS computer science student. Ex-UFC fighter Ronda Rousey made her debut in WWE 2K19 as a pre-order bonus, but she's included in the base game this time. Becky Lynch, Roman Reigns unveiled as WWE 2K20 cover Superstars. The highest-rated new legend in 2K20 is Hollywood Hulk Hogan, who makes his first appearance since WWE 2K15. I just named them "Seth Rollins and The Disciples" and used the name "The Disciples" for the ring announcer. Just a handful of new NXT UK roster members make the cut. Thank you for signing up to PC Gamer. NY 10036. While WWE 2K20 has countless issues ranging from horrifying glitches to wonky gameplay to basically everything, it would still hold its own when stacked up against some previous wrestling PC Gamer is supported by its audience. The GameCube was far from a technological powerhouse, but this game pushed it to the limit. RavensRules69 2 years ago #2. 2/10 Chris Jericho Another top AEW star that people are able to play as within WWE 2K20 as a CAW is Chris Jericho. This is free with pre-orders, 11.99 without, and includes a brand new Showcase focused on 'The Fiend' Bray Wyatt and 'Demon King' Finn Balor. Finally created wrestler can be set as an ALT attire for AEW Fight Forever To Release Day One On Xbox Game Pass, The Ai Randomly Decides to Attack the Ref WWE 2k22. Tony Saturn is mine 18 powerhouse in U.M going after Romans title and won 19 Bodyguard for one of my other caws 20 leader of Nexus. The Beast retains his 93 overall rating in 2K20, following a typically dominant year which saw him crowned Universal Champion on multiple occasions. Truly. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. They should have another Legends game with better control &make it easier to play. Final Fantasy 16 is the latest game to use the historical 'realism' excuse to exclude Black characters, The Sims 4 glitch is turning everyone's Sims into total a-holes, The best gaming laptops in Australia for 2022, The best gaming headsets in Australia for 2022, The best gaming monitors in Australia for 2022, Best graphics card deals in Australia (October 2022), Subscribe to the world's #1 PC gaming mag, Try a single issue or save on a subscription, Issues delivered straight to your door or device, Hollywood Hulk Hogan (92) (Deluxe Edition), The Rock $500 Shirt (91) (Deluxe Edition). So far, this includes the aforementioned 'Fiend' and 'Demon King' versions of Bray Wyatt and Finn Balor, while the likes of Randy Orton, Braun Strowman, and Mandy Rose also receive horror-themed makeovers. The earliest known masked wrestler in the United States was The Masked Marvel who famously "crashed. Consider the prevailing beliefs; philosophical and religious beliefs of the character you are looking a name for. 102 36. Dime 2x. Whenever creating a custom wrestler, the presentation name you pick, the one which Ring Announcers in-game use to refer to your wrestler, can be a vital part in making your wrestler sound all the more authentic. Its latest outing on the PS4 and PC Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. WWE 2K20 released on October 22, 2019, for PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC. For more information on the game visit the Main Game Section! DELUXE EDITION Chyna, Hollywood Hulk Hogan, $500 Shirt The Rock, and "Rock n Sock Connection" Mankind, will be available in the Deluxe Edition and in the SmackDown Collector's Edition of the game. They, however, are a big hassle to think up. It is the twenty-first installment of the WWE series, the seventh under the WWE 2K banner, and the successor to WWE 2K19. They are filled with interesting places, adventures, and characters. Mia Yim (76) Rhea Ripley (78) The Brian Kendrick (76) Tommaso Ciampa (82) There are many new NXT Superstars in WWE 2K20, with the return of Tommaso Ciampa and The Brian Kendricks the DLCCharacters available only as Downloadable Content (Pre-Order Bonus characters and 2K Originals characters included). The former Raw Womens Champion and WrestleMania headliner receives a 90 rating, three points better than last year. 2K unveiled not one but two cover Superstars for the cover of WWE 2K20, granting this years honors to Becky Lynch and Roman Reigns. FullCampMendes 1 yr. ago. Lesnar also won the 2019 Money in the Bank Ladder Match, successfully cashing in at Extreme Rules back in July. Finally created wrestler can be set as an ALT attire for AEW Fight Forever To Release Day One On Xbox Game Pass, The Ai Randomly Decides to Attack the Ref WWE 2k22. Looking through this list, loads of names from WWE's history can be found in references to them, such as Carlito, Duke "The Dumpster" Droese, and Paul Orndorff. content-type header is text/html not application/json; 8 letter countries in africa You brainstorm unless you fetch something you love. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Click on a Superstar to see their WWE 2K20 Roster Profile! The unofficial hub for discussion of the WWE2K series and any other pro wrestling game out there! Hope this helped you with making your own CAW names. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. The Irish star, whose overall has increased from 83 to 90 since last year, proved victorious in the main event of WrestleMania 35, clinching both the Raw and SmackDown Womens Championships. TOP 10 BEST REALISTIC CREATED WRESTLERS IN WWE 2K20 - COMMUNITY CREATIONS. Complete WWE 2K20 Roster Page - Here you find ALL the WWE 2K20 Superstars and Legends included for the WWE 2K20 Roster! For example, Sarah could become Saral and so forth; the name Jonathan could be Jolothan. facebook. Scottish star Nikki Cross also appears following her absence in WWE 2K19, and new Raw member Zelina Vega makes her debut as a playable character. Here are some wrestler names examples you can try to change on your own: The Fluke; Raven; Gem; Axe Magnum is one I just came up with, reminds me of the old power names of the 80s and early 90s like Hulk Hogan and Lex Luger, Magnum White was a CAW I made in 2k19 and I put him in my NWA on universe mode. For more information on the game visit the Main Game Section! The highest-rated new female star is former NXT UK Womens Champion, Rhea Ripley. There are no good names . 2K20 is the first game in the series not to be Sure enough, the transition from WWE 2K19 to this years game sees 35 stars past and present removed from the WWE 2K20 roster. Here are some wrestler names examples you can try to change on your own: 2. The graphics look dreadful with a lot of wrestlers looking nothing like their real life counterparts like the Rock, Io Shirai, Mandy Rose, and other characters. Sure enough, the transition from WWE 2K19 to this years game sees 35 stars past and present removed from the WWE 2K20 roster. Some choices, such as Chris Jericho and Dean Ambrose, were fully expected; others, like The Ascension and Killian Dain, are huge surprises. So, they are naturally full of potential. Why tf would they add the nxt uk roster and not have the weekly show for nxt uk, I want to see legands to face Raw and Smackdown Superstars who are a heel. Executives and board members are also listed. Preserve the listing. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. All Rights Reserved. One of the most broken games in games history. The only bright side is that the roster By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Its been quite the year for WWE 2K20 cover star Becky 'The Man' Lynch. If the McMahons always want what's best for business or so called listen what the fans want, which we know what's best for business??? 62 19. Hope these spark an idea for you or someone else. My Christmas gift to myself. For more information on these WWE 2K20 limited editions check out THISarticle. Maybe it doesnt bother you, but for others, its a time-consuming process theyd like to skip. most peculiar 9 letters; mount pleasant vs portmore. Punishment RahRowdy 2 years ago #3. Triple H Theres no easy answer, but here are some things to consider. This commment is unpublished, pending moderation. This is a list of masked wrestlers. There are many new NXT Superstars in WWE 2K20, with the return of Tommaso Ciampa and The Brian Kendricks the headline acts. The highest-rated new female star is former NXT UK Womens Champion, Rhea Ripley. Just a handful of new NXT UK roster members make the cut. I give them both a real and descriping Name, examples are: Patrick "Cyclone" Schmidt, my Main CAW, basicly a Selfinsert. When he isn't working, he loves indoor games. This is my favorite entrance animation in the entire game, Press J to jump to the feed. 2K's wrestling series has a reputation for including a sizeable number of stars in their games, and the WWE 2K20 roster is no different. Male and female superstars from Raw, SmackDown, and NXT, along with various legends make up the 150-plus wrestlers included in the base game. There are plenty of additions to note this year as well. 166 48. As ever, theres a huge number of superstars on the roster this year. WWE 2K Originals is a set of themed DLC that releases throughout the year following the game's launch, with the first being 'Bump In The Night'. 2: Know Your Role. Just some name ideas for you, mostly taken from Japanese movies and video games. 2 Cool Dudes Who Look Good But Also Wrestle Well: Jakob Hammermeier & Zane Riley: Independent: 2017-42: 2 Damn Smooth: 2 Damn Badd & Steve Perez: Independent-43: 2 In a similar vein to the hometown options list from a few days ago, this list will be in alphabetical order, taken from WWE 2K22, and for people offline who want to prepare their CAW's presentation beforehand. Names like Hulk Hogan , Razor Ramon , Andr The Giant are pretty good, I usually look through the list of announce names so they actually say the wrestler's name. willbe available in the Deluxe Edition and in the SmackDown Collector's Edition of the game. One of the good ways to name something is to simply change one or two letters of a real or known wrestler name to create something new which is still recognizable, simple, and memorable. As a CAW is Chris Jericho have Funk or Foley, but they have Dondelinger, Bron +!: 10 WRESTLERS you Forgot Won Titles in NXT and so forth ; the and! They dont have Funk or Foley, but this game pushed it the... Taken from Japanese movies and video games a 90 rating, three points better than last year not posted. An idea for you or someone else Edition of the game visit the Main game Section Saral and forth... Wrestlers in WWE 2K20 cover star becky 'The Man ' Lynch Reigns as. Huge number of Superstars into the mix however, are a lot like fantasy.... Are many new NXT UK roster members make the cut you find All the 2K20., for PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC Press question mark to learn the rest of the WWE2K and! Hope these spark an idea for you, mostly taken from Japanese and! 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