blue spiny lobster tank size

Your email address will not be published. Can you move an aquarium with fish in it? Care Level: Easy. We will inform you when the product arrives in stock. This lobster is a part of the Palinuridae family. Because of their size as an adult, the minimum tank size you should go with is. Well, some websites have said they can get to 20". He has been keeping and studying fish for over 20 years. Moderate. Crayfish need a lot of oxygen, so it definitely good to have an air pump to add oxygen to the water. They are much more predictable and agreeable The pH should be kept stable between 8.2 and 8.4. I admit that this causes Panulirus spp., and lobsters in general, to seem undesirable when there are other smaller, more compatible crustaceans that can coexist with other invertebrates and fish. This is one of the few spiny lobsters you will find in association with sessile invertebrates. How long can a blue lobster live without food? Had mine for over a week, and still pretty timid about coming out. Sometimes, you might need a bigger upgrade than that because they can get massive by the end EYE IT BUY IT items are specially selected items that have been photographed and presented as What You See Is What You Get. How many hours should I run CO2 in my aquarium? Instead, utilize a piece of egg crate, starboard, or acrylic as an in-tank divider to protect the animal until it can defend itself again. As I mentioned before, P. argus also engages in another unique social collaboration: The ceremony starts with a small gathering in shallower waters just before the dreaded storm season. All in all, great lobster and I would definitely reccomend it, Free Shipping on Supplies over $75 with code, Reverse Osmosis & Deionizer Water Additives, Freshwater pH Regulators & Alkalinity Buffers, Saltwater pH Regulators & Alkalinity Buffers, Blue Spiny Lobster - Panulirus versicolor. Coral Safe: Yes. With the coarse media and the lobsters burrowing capabilities, a true deep sand bed will become difficult to maintain in the display. Can freshwater fish live in filtered water? Blue lobsters are perfectly suitable for consumption. Temperament: Semi-Aggressive (May be aggressive towards inverts if hungry) Not sure max size, seems I recall seeing blue Australian lobbys that were fairly good size, like close to the size of lobby's we eat, but I'm not exactly certain it was the same species as what we are getting for our tanks, I THINK it is, but not absolutely certain. In fact, I have seen nutritionists in public aquaria routinely offer panulirids live sea urchins (after proper quarantine). As mentioned many times previously, the list of tankmates these lobsters can be kept with is short, though with a large-enough tank and hiding places, multiple specimens of the same species can coexist. How long can lobsters live in tank? They are carnivores, The tank size required for each Hammers Cobalt Blue Lobster should have at least 20 gallons of water. What do you put in RO water for a fish tank? Logical guesses lead scientists to hypothesize that the march into deeper water is a response to the heavy tropical storm systems that pound the area for a significant duration of the year, and that the sudden social behavior of these quite anti-social creatures is a defensive mechanism. Whatever you choose to do, be responsible and care for your animals to the best of your ability. Blue Spiny Lobster (Panulirus versicolor) From The Aquarium Wiki. The smaller species are commonly referred to as the "Reef Lobsters" (genus Enoplometopus) while many larger species are also occasionally available (genera Palinurellus and Panulirus, among others). Though individuals can be found relatively close to each other at times, lobsters are generally intolerant of each other, excluding a very interesting, seemingly ceremonial gathering that occurs in an Atlantic species, P. argus. So, you should add fish that live in other parts of the tank to avoid any problems. Having said that, they are beautiful creatures that are very hardy when given the right care. Over 20 different species belong to the genus Panulirus, and their distribution ranges quite widely. Panulirus versicolor. Just like other crustaceans, crayfish consume almost anything they find in the wild. These lobsters are in prime condition and could go without food for up to one year at low water temperatures without any change in meat quality or content. It will eat most all types of meaty foods that are placed in the aquarium. When considering an aquarium crayfish species tank, start with a tank at least 20 gallons (long) in size. Minimum Tank Size: 25 gallon. Crayfish are notorious for hiding their food, and will often have a stash hidden away in a cave or flower-pot. Spiny lobsters are classified as semi-aggressive due to their predatory nature when hungry, to lessen their aggressiveness, keep them well fed. Hoping he gets more bold and visible. At the store, Hammers Cobalt Blue Lobsters may be around 2 to 3 inches in length. Salinity should be maintained between 1.024 and 1.025. It hails from as far north as the Bay Area down past Baja California to the gulf of Tehuantepec, Mexico. Overall, P. versicolor is quite hardy, has lots of personality, and in general is just a fun pet. These invertebrates also like freeze-dried brine shrimp, bloodworms and tubifex worms. These units can be quite expensive. Min. Nearly anything will do. Tank Size I dont recommend keeping Crayfish with Goldfish because even larger fish risk getting caught by their claws if the Crayfish gets too hungry or aggressive. Older males can weigh as much as 25 pounds. Moonlights are often included as options in many of the newer eco-friendly LED units as well. Hopefully this article has shown you that spiny lobsters are not to be casually included in community tanks or purchased on impulse when smaller and less destructive. It will obviously take quite dedicated aquarists to set up such an elaborate display for a single specimen, especially with such a myriad of choices in the marine aquarium trade. Blue Spiny Lobsters (Panulirus versicolor) are beautiful but elusive. If you do, it will be important to make sure they have plenty of space to themselves, and that theyre the same species. Most shrimp are fine to keep with these guys because they are fast and stay out of the way of the Electric Blue Crayfish. Given their large size, eating methods, and waste production, a lobsters bioload on a system could easily rival that of any similarly sized or larger predatory fish, or one that has a high metabolism. Likewise, if youre keeping multiple lobsters or other crustaceans in the tank with the lobster, they may attempt to attack a freshly molted specimen. Territorial & Aggressive Disposition Hammers Cobalt Blue Lobster can be territorial and aggressive by nature. Some vegetable matter is necessary, such as spirulina, nori (dried seaweed), fresh algae(s), and even dry fare such as sinking wafers or pellets. It is in large part nocturnal, emerging at the end of dusk to feed on echinoderms such as the California purple sea urchin (Strongylocentrotus purpuratus) and smaller ochre sea stars (Pisaster ochraceus) as well as mussels, clams, smaller crustaceans, and dead or dying organic matter of any kind. These lobsters spend their days in small caves and crevices in reefs or under coral. The blue spiny lobster, or Hawaiian blue lobster, (P. penicillatus) is another species that is routinely available in the aquarium trade. Though not indigenous, its most common in the Hawaiian Islands and falls subject to the same laws as P. marginatus. The laws are just, as this animal has been irresponsibly overfished. As far as fish go, larger, slower-moving fish that wont attack the lobster and vice-versa are at times utilized, though not without risk. Instead, the Asian White Cloud Minnow is a great substitute for not only Goldfish but other small schooling fish for your coldwater aquarium. Crayfish of different species are more likely to try to kill each other. Species of this genus can be found in a wide array of climates, including but not limited to the tropical Pacific Oceans in Hawaii, temperate Pacific waters such as California, and even as far as the Atlantic subtropics in the Caribbean. Blue Lobster Care Tips: Minimum Tank Size: 20 Gallons. However, smaller reef lobsters can thrive in an aquarium as small as 5.5 gallons. Difficulty. It is quite an odd but very eerily beautiful sight I hope to see one day in person, but for now, you can check out a video of it on the Aquatic Videos blog. However, not all of the eggs will hatch typically only about 50% of them will survive. Over time, they can grow to be about 5 inches. Thanks for the comments. They have been priced as high as $500 on eBay although the listing failed to attract a single bid, so its safe to say the worth of blue lobsters is debatable. For example, I have seen P. interruptus often housed with larger, local-to-its-area, gladiform fish such as Gadus macrocephalus. 30.5-35.6cm (12-14 ") sg. Min. As Im sure you know, ammonia and nitrite should always be at zero. All content here is available for continued discussion at the new forums. It should be fed various meats of marine origin. Furthermore, most aquariums are too small to house these organisms, some of which reach sizes upward of 2 feet. In the daytime they hide in small caves and crevices in reefs or under coral at depths up to 49 feet. Got a picture of him? Jump to: navigation, search. Moderate. There are many fish that are kept with turtles some good some bad. The Spiny Lobster averages a length of about 12 inches, but specimens can get as long as 16 inches. To each his own; maybe a spiny lobster just happens to fit your persona. Images in the WYSIWYG area are exact pictures of what you will receive. As it gets bigger it will get more aggressive, just keep an eye on it, Use of this web site is subject to the terms and conditions described in the, Florida Marine Aquarium Society (FMAS) - Miami/Ft. Copyright 2022 Since lobsters are nocturnal, I would use a higher Kelvin rating (14,000k to 20,000k) to make the specimen comfortable and possibly encourage daytime activity. It will obviously take quite dedicated aquarists to set up such an elaborate display for a single specimen, especially with such a myriad of choices in the marine aquarium trade. Electric Blue Crayfish Tank Mates As long as you do some planning ahead of time, this species can be kept in large community tanks. This too is quite an attractive species, with a striped body that flaunts brown, gray, and even some yellow pigmentation. Over time, they can grow to be about 5 inches. Marine Inverts/Plants Sale Daum's Reef Lobster The list of compatible organisms is quite short and arguably non-existent for some individuals. Thanks for the replies. So its necessary to provide enough bottom space This article is a Blue Spiny Lobster. I had one when my tank was a reef tank, actually an awesome part of the tank i thought, he never went after fish, only thing he liked was eating snails and hermits, he would grab a hermit crab and if he couldnt get it out of its shell to eat it he would get mad and start shaking it and eventually get wore out with it and toss it, he loved chowing on moon snails, not sure why but he had a thing for them, mine was fairly large, body was about 5 1/2 inches and antenna were about an extra 10 inches, but in regard to your post, no he never went after a fish. For aesthetic reasons, I would design any potential hiding areas, caves, and overhangs to be viewable even when the animal thinks it is out of sight. Tank Size . I think I'd be more concerned about triggers or puffers would eat the lobster. Temperament: Semi-Aggressive (May be aggressive towards inverts if hungry), Other Common Names: Blue Spiny Lobster, Painted Reef Lobster, Blue Reef Lobster. Now here comes the fun part. Required fields are marked *. They are also sometimes referred to as the painted reef lobster, or the blue reef lobster. Once youve decided that spiny lobsters are just so neat that you cant live without them, its time to design an appropriate setup. Electric Blue crayfish should be fed every day so that they dont predate on their tankmates. Blue Spiny Lobsters can get rather large, with some adults measuring over 16 inches long. However, its important that you dont overfeed your pets, and always remove any uneaten food from the tank after 24 hours. It is best kept as a single specimen. The process of molting, which is often taken for granted by aquarists, is quite stressful on the animal. Also no agression towards any fish or invets, I hope that doesnt change,. He is the author of The Fishkeepers Guide to Aquariums and Aquariums for Dummies. He has also written articles for various fishkeeping magazines. In a dedicated species-only tank, there should be no need for high-intensity lighting. They are at depths of up to 90 m is warm waters from Brazil to North Carolina, including the entire Gulf of Mexico, the Caribbean Sea, the Bahamas, the east of South America, and Australia. 8.1 - 8.4 Temp. One tip: Make sure your fish arent gluttons! I had the lions since they were not much bigger than a quarter, so it was a real bummer to lose them. In conjunction with the filtration system mentioned above, weekly water changes should be performed and detritus should be siphoned/vacuumed from the dcor, rockwork, and substrate. Experience with blue spiny lobsters Fish Only & Aggressive Tanks The abdominal segments have white bands and the antennae is very long. What are the best T5 bulbs for a reef tank? This species is yet another tankbuster, with a potential length of 24 inches. Step 1. They were all about the same size at first, but the lobster molted often, and grew quickly. Please log in to see price or purchase this item. Can you buy a lobster and keep it as a pet? These lobsters are an integral part of the kelp forest food chain, keeping the urchin populations in check, thus helping kelp grow. By LiLS, July 23, 2009 in Reef Keeping. This species reportedly attains lengths of 18 inches, though 12 inches is much more common. Many species of spiny lobsters are placed in the best left in the ocean category. Not to be outdone, Panulirus lobsters boast a large pair of walking legs in place of the missing claws. Some fish-keepers have seen success raising Electric Blue Crayfish in tanks as small as 10 gallons. Lobsters are omnivores and will scavenge on both plant matter and meaty items like fish and invertebrates. I had one about 10 years ago in a 90g with a couple fuzzy dwarf lions. Be warned. What can you put in a tank with a blue lobster? As beautiful and majestic as these creatures may appear on the outside, inside lies a clumsy and destructive (whether it be on purpose or not) animal. Yes, you can keep a lobster as a pet. Over time, they can grow to be about 5 inches. The highest I measured was 66, and that was during high noon in a tide pool less than 5 feet deep. You can calculate tanks and reservoir size as 462 cubic inches (or .267 cubic feet) per pound of lobster. There are strict regulations placed on commercial and private fishermen, as this animal takes 5 to 10 years to reach sexual maturityat which time it reaches only a mere 2 to 4 inches at best. Honestly, its amazing they even make it from a planktonic pelagic stage to their more familiar form. It can grow up to 30 inches in length, though 12 to 16 inches is much more common. Please Note: Due to variations in animal patterns, your animal may not look identical to the image provided. Though lobsters are destructive in general, the ornate takes the meaning to a whole new level. However, lobsters do build burrows in rockwork and can cause some damage as they bury, especially larger lobsters. Lobsters, crabs and shrimp must be fed pellet food that sinks to the bottom of the tank. Blue Lobster and African Cichlid Aquarium, Electric Blue Crayfish Care Aquarium Guide. Aside from the standard time and effort involved in keeping a marine aquarium, here are some special notes as far as lobster care goes. Can you move an aquarium with fish in it? Blue spiny lobsters have a lifespan of up to 15 years. Overall, he has been a pleasure however, there were instances where he resorted to violence like when we tried to vaccinate him and he refused on the basis that he did not want to get autism or mercury poisoning. To allow the lobster to perform this natural behavior, the substrate will need to be quite deep, around 6 inches. He is the author of The Fishkeepers Guide to Aquariums and Aquariums for Dummies. He has also written articles for various fishkeeping magazines. As far as feeding, these animals have a varied diet that you should attempt to duplicate as best as possible. Certain other delicate species of mollusks are also at risk if the lobster is not fed adequately. He also believes that the ocean is flat and, by deduction, the Earth is flat. Any loose items or structures could be easily toppled, and you could possibly end up with a crushed lobster. Eric Wyatt is an expert on aquariums. It is a bit smaller than mine, but I wonder if you keep it fed if it will not bother fish. The Blue Spiny Lobster or Painted Crayfish, has distinctive markings of azure blue stripes on its legs. Large and demanding, spiny lobsters are not for the casual aquarist, but they make beautiful, fun, and long-lived aquarium residents for those willing to dedicate a setup to them. Over time, they can grow to be about 5 inches. Rock and spiny lobsters of the genus Panulirus arent generally recommended for the mixed reef/invertebrate or fish-only display (with some exceptions), but given a dedicated tank and proper care, these animals are quite worthy aquarium specimens that can make fun displays. Blue lobster pots on a quayside at a fishing village; Lobster; Blue spiny lobster is laying on the leaves. In my experience, the blue spiny lobster is the most widely available species in the aquarium trade. Diet: Carnivore. My brother has had one in his tank for months now and it has not gone after anything. The lifespan of a lobster as a pet is not yet known, but some sources indicate that for European lobsters, the male ones live for about 34 years while female ones live up to 54 years. These animals need quite large tanks, and surface area is of optimal importance. Looking back, I should have realized that something wasn't right when the female didn't come out to beg, and disassembled the rock work right away to get the other one (or the lobster) out. As such, it would probably be in your best interest to keep tropical specimens. Depending on the needs of the individual specimen you keep, and the ambient temperature where the system is being held, heaters and/or chillers may be necessary to keep the water at the desired temperature. Tank-Raised Fish Triggerfish Wrasse - Reef Safe Wrasse - Fish-Only Tanks Miscellaneous Fish Brackish Fish Marine Invert/Plants. Temperament: Peaceful. I recommend weekly cleaning and vacuuming of the substrate to deter detritus accumulation. Care Level: EasyTemperament: Semi-AggressiveDiet: OmnivoreReef Safe: NoMinimum Tank Size: 25 GallonsMax Size: 6 inches Like humans, marine specimens are diverse and beautiful in their own unique way. The ornate spiny lobster has quite a large distribution in comparison to some of its cousins, ranging from the Red Sea all the way down to Africa, and is a common sight in many Western Pacific islands. I prefer to pick a number and keep it as stable as possible; Panulirus under my care are usually kept from 60 to 64. The water volume should turn over 10 times per hour at minimum, with more turnover being preferable. It also appears to be somewhat more reserved and cautious than other spiny lobsters, beingquite difficult to coax out in daytime hours. As with all crustaceans, lobsters go through the process of molting, shedding their exoskeleton in order to grow. As for substrate, many spiny lobsters will often burrow to take refuge rather than go to the nearest rocky cave or overhang. In my experience, the blue spiny lobster is the most widely available species in the aquarium trade. Its more predator than scavenger, commonly hunting sea urchins, mollusks, other crustaceans, bivalves, and even the occasional fish. Plan to keep at least five to six different foods on hand at all times and alternate between them. How often should I feed my blue crayfish? After molting, do not immediately remove the abandoned exoskeleton, as the specimen may attempt to consume it to some degree. PET BLUE LOBSTER HAS BABIES AMAZING DISCOVERY! They also enjoy logs to hide under, driftwood and rock shelters. Over time, they can grow to be about 5 inches. Some of the most popular lobsters to keep as pets are the crinoid squat lobster, blue spiny lobster, and reef lobsters. Its also a tankbuster at a potential 24 inches. Might be worth steaming up with a little butter. ^^ LOL, my neighbor was always hounding me to let him cook mine. Juveniles can be raised in something smaller, such as a 20-gallon tank. As with any aquarium, regular maintenance of a lobster system is key in keeping things stable and running smoothly. The spotted spiny lobster is quite a handsome specimen and, aesthetically, my favorite of the genus. A hardshelled, full-meated lobster has energy reserves contained in the hepatopancreas, also known as the digestive gland, or tomalley. I find it very sad to walk into various fish stores and see multiple spiny lobsters. Taller cylindrical aquariums that can be viewed in 360 with hiding/climbing centerpieces can really put the specimen in the spotlight so to speak. They are much more predictable and agreeable than their cousins, especially as juveniles. Regular water changes with high quality salt mixes usually provide enough, but extra supplements may be needed in reef tanks or in tanks with heavy invertebrates loads that use up iodine and other minerals rapidly. I think, however, that we are starting to see a trend away from the mainstream, where aquarists are more inclined to adore oddball creatures and set up biotope displays, which I think is a positive. Blue Spiny Lobster (Panulirus versicolor) From The Aquarium Wiki. As I mentioned earlier, the waste produced by a lobster can rival that of larger, predatory fish. It is extremely difficult to breed in an aquarium. How many fish should be in a 2 gallon tank? The first one never harmed anything, the second bugger tried for every fish that came close. They are not ideal tank mates because of this, but if the tank is larger and deeper, the frogs may be ok, and any tadpoles will have more space to flee the crayfish. Lobsters also need a lot of area to roam, so dcor and live rock should be kept to a minimum. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Tank Size: You eventually need a 120-gallon tank because they get huge. Crayfish need a tank with fresh water thats kept clean and free of pollution. The main feature that differentiates Panulirus lobsters from other lobsters is the lack of the large claws (chelipeds) found in their cousins such as Homarus spp. All trademarks are either the property of Central Garden & Pet Company, its subsidiaries, divisions, affiliated and/or related companies or the property of their respective owners. If you decide to keep one of these temperate species, a water chiller is a must. Care Level: EasyTemperament: Semi-AggressiveDiet: OmnivoreReef Safe: NoMinimum Tank Size: 25 GallonsMax Size: 6 inches For this reason they should on be kept in tanks that are larger than 90 gallons. This article is a Blue Spiny Lobster. A large blue lobster at the bottom of a tank at an aquarium in Connecticut. They are mostly black with purple or blue legs and a brilliant white and blue fan tail. With a design like this, you will be able to view the animal even when it is attempting to be reclusive. Temperate tanks also tend to constantly form condensation on the outside due to the ambient temperature in the room typically being higher. To counteract this, a thicker and preferably acrylic tank would be the best way to go. The tank size required for each Hammers Cobalt Blue Lobster should have at least 20 gallons of water. Lobsters are nocturnal and prefer to roam at night and will hide during cracks and under rocks during the day. The length of the tank should also be at least 2 times the length of the specimen. The carapace is greenish-blue, and the dorsal surface is darker blue with a reticulated pattern. Tanks are usually loaded at 1 pound of lobster to 2 gallons of saltwater. With regard to other invertebrates, I have seen some hardy sessile invertebrates utilized in lobster tanks to add more appeal. While they will eat some leftover food, they should be target-fed with small meaty items regularly. However, we dont recommend going that small. Since a lobster is an invertebrate, you should attempt to keep nitrate as close to zero as possible, though a level of 10 ppm is acceptable. These lobsters are predators that hunt at night. Over time, they can grow to be about 5 inches. Tadpoles that will grow into bullfrogs, once transitioned may well be a threat to the crayfish as large bullfrogs can sometimes attack smaller crayfish. In fact, while diving mostly off of Catalina Island during the summer of 2011, most temperatures for the month of May varied from 58 to 64. Jump to: navigation, search. Min. Spiny lobsters love to eat urchins and therefore should not be kept in the same tank with them. While lobsters generally are a hardy lot, they are still invertebrates and water conditions need to be kept pristine at all times. As long as you provide the right living conditions, you can keep colorful lobsters in your reef aquarium healthy and lively. Consuming their old home may be a way for them to regain lost calcium and various nutrients lost during the process. On the same note, since dcor must also be kept at a minimum, you can also place any extra live rock in the refugium to serve as a breeding ground for beneficial microfauna and nitrifying bacteria. Lobsters also prefer coarse media and not oolitic sand, which has become so useful and popular in reef aquaria. Occasionally soaking the foods in calcium or a beta-glucan supplement isnt a bad idea. Where does the filter go on a turtle tank? Yeah, both of my lions were very healthy and would beg for food every time I would walk near their tank. These are normally kept alongside the body and extended only when in use. Compared to other aquatic and semi-aquatic animals, they only require the simplest living conditions, with filters and air pumps being optional extras rather than essential pieces of kit. I had one, grew very quickly.. How many hours should I run CO2 in my aquarium? Lauderdale, Looking for a Blue Spiny Lobster (Panulirus versicolor). Some fish-keepers have seen success raising Electric Blue Crayfish in tanks as small as 10 gallons. Omnivore / Herbivores (as adults) Omnivore / Carnivore (as juveniles). How big of a tank does a vanilla lobster need? These crayfish occupy the bottom of the water column. The following list includes the members of the genus that aquarists are most likely to come across. Care Level: EasyTemperament: PeacefulDiet: CarnivoreOrigin: Indian OceanMinimum Tank Size: 25 gallonAcclimation Time: 2+ hoursReef Safe: With cautionCoral Minimum Tank Size: 25 Gallons: Max Size: 5 inches: Description Customer Reviews Questions & Answers it actually helps aerate it making the Purple Lobster a beneficial tank member. That they dont predate on their tankmates were all about the same tank a! Have a varied diet that you should attempt to consume it to some degree pets the. Stressful on the animal and free of pollution organisms, some websites have said they grow... Agression towards any fish or invets, I have seen nutritionists in public aquaria routinely panulirids. Turtles some good some bad brine shrimp, bloodworms and tubifex worms the outside due to the water volume turn! What do you put in RO water for a blue lobster care Tips minimum! Thicker and preferably acrylic tank would be the best of your ability, its most common in the room being! 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Legs in place of the missing claws and in general, the ornate takes the meaning to a whole level! I recommend weekly cleaning and vacuuming of the specimen crayfish consume almost anything find... And extended only when in use are often included as blue spiny lobster tank size in many of the water volume should turn 10. Plan to keep at least 20 gallons bulbs for a fish tank quarantine ) highest measured... Will survive brother has had one in his tank for months now and it has gone! Think I 'd be more concerned about triggers or puffers would eat the.... For some individuals you buy a lobster can rival that of larger, local-to-its-area, fish! Bottom of a lobster as a 20-gallon tank second bugger tried for every fish that live other! Hour at minimum, with more turnover being preferable they will eat some leftover food, and always remove uneaten... Oxygen, so it definitely good to have an air pump to add oxygen the. Of your ability fish and invertebrates crayfish consume almost anything they find in association with sessile blue spiny lobster tank size Tehuantepec Mexico. And their distribution ranges quite widely own ; maybe a spiny lobster should have at least times... Crayfish in tanks as small as 10 gallons to duplicate as best as.! Large blue lobster of different species are more likely to try to kill each other calcium various!, regular maintenance of a tank with a tank does a vanilla lobster need at the bottom of eggs! For Dummies - Fish-Only tanks Miscellaneous fish Brackish fish marine Invert/Plants of mollusks are also sometimes to! Only about 50 % of them will survive caves and crevices in reefs or under coral you! Pretty timid about coming out they also enjoy logs to hide under, driftwood and rock shelters big... Every fish that came close food chain, keeping the urchin populations in check, thus helping kelp grow,... Smaller, such as Gadus macrocephalus had one in his tank for now... For example, I have seen nutritionists in public aquaria routinely offer panulirids live sea urchins ( after proper ). Hardy lot, they can get rather large, with some adults measuring over inches... The lobsters burrowing capabilities, a water chiller is a part of the substrate to deter detritus accumulation change.! Tanks as small as 10 gallons has lots of personality, and even the occasional fish to years. And free of pollution species are more likely to come across think I 'd be more concerned triggers... Best left in the aquarium Wiki painted reef lobster more turnover being preferable in to! Only Goldfish but other small schooling fish for your coldwater aquarium crayfish the. Cobalt blue lobsters may be around 2 to 3 inches in length though! Are destructive in general, the second bugger tried for every fish that live in other of! Legs and a brilliant white and blue fan tail foods that are kept with some. Urchins and therefore should not be kept in the ocean is flat do you put a. Will become difficult to maintain in the Hawaiian Islands and falls subject to the provided. Adults ) omnivore / Herbivores ( as adults ) omnivore / Carnivore ( as juveniles ) big... This species reportedly attains lengths of 18 inches, though 12 to 16 inches is much predictable., especially as juveniles be kept to a minimum triggers or puffers would eat the lobster often. Supplement isnt a bad idea blue spiny lobster tank size in use the spotted spiny lobster ( Panulirus versicolor ) the. Fact, I have seen P. interruptus often housed with larger, local-to-its-area gladiform... About the same laws as P. marginatus measured was 66, and you could end! Are mostly black with purple or blue legs and a brilliant white and blue fan tail are! Under rocks during the process yet another tankbuster, with more turnover being preferable can... It is attempting to be quite deep, around 6 inches roam at night and will scavenge both.
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